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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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Depends. It's countered pretty hard by Deredeo's. The mass twin-linking leaves you better off than normal, but really, you're maybe getting 3 hits at best if you want to survive. And a Deredeo eats face at 1000pts level, due to its Autocannons and Aiolos. 


Having said that, 1000pts for many armies is rock paper scissors. A Mechanicum or Knight army turns up it's curtains for anyone not toting 6x Grav Weapons or Storm Eagles and basically win by not playing the game. 

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For terminators I'd say combi plasma. Any tough av13/14 tanks plasma can't do much damage to will have armored ceramite, making meltas not terribly useful. With plasma you can still take on light/medium vehicles, plus you have twice as many shots to deal with TEQs and MCs. 


I'd hate facing a fire raptor at 1k. :tongue.:

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You'd be a bit of a dick, until as Hesh says you bump into the guy with the Deredeo and his sadistic little smirk will be burnt onto your retinas for months.


Given the choice I'd take plasma. I know AC isn't universal but on the off chance it does appear then you'd be scuppered. And that's what chainfists are for anyway. Armourbane cares not for armour

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Good to know we can run a mass Infantry list well, I'll have to check my local heresy scene to see how competive they are. 


So I'm starting to warm up to Terror Assualt however I have a few questions:


1: Since the restrictions for Terror Assualt are so large do you ever feel like your lists are cookie cutter? Is there much room for variation in there or does every list feel really samey? 


2: What does everyone use for their heavy support choice? 


3: Has anyone every considered mechanicum allies? I believe the only restriction regarding allies is that you can't take Space Marine allies. 


Thanks all


It's funny, I intially came back to the Heresy thinking Night Lords but now I'm starting to head towards the Death Guard and Iron Warriors.:furious:

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1. Yes. But higher points games tend to have exponentially more variety.


2. Honestly, I've seen almost everything in this slot apart from Heavy Support Squads. Spartans should be taken as DT's for Terminators. Deredeo and Fire Raptor are both popular choices, though I'm partial to anything that can be taken in squadrons:

- Medusae!!!! Definitely my favourite.

- Predators with magna-meltas.

- Leviathans could be cool, but a lot of points.

- not so sure about Land Raiders, though you could put your Terror Squads in them...


3. Mechanicum Allies are perfect for Night Lords. Focus on the anti-tank options here, as Terror Assault really limits this aspect.

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Mechanicum are almost purpose built to ally to Night Lord Terror Assault lists.


What's the one thing you hear about every single TA list? "Needs more ranged anti-tank."


What do Mechanicum have by the dozen? Krios Venators



Edited by Flint13
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1. Yes. But higher points games tend to have exponentially more variety.

2. Honestly, I've seen almost everything in this slot apart from Heavy Support Squads. Spartans should be taken as DT's for Terminators. Deredeo and Fire Raptor are both popular choices, though I'm partial to anything that can be taken in squadrons:

- Medusae!!!! Definitely my favourite.

- Predators with magna-meltas.

- Leviathans could be cool, but a lot of points.

- not so sure about Land Raiders, though you could put your Terror Squads in them...

3. Mechanicum Allies are perfect for Night Lords. Focus on the anti-tank options here, as Terror Assault really limits this aspect.

This 100% nails it. You really start to see the restrictiveness at higher points when you really might need more than that one HS slot. Dedicated transports can alleviate some of it. But mech allies, as said above, can make a huge difference in regard to anti armor.


I'm still on the fence about terror assault. The benefits really are nice with the potential of up to 3 rounds of night fighting but the mandatory 3 terror squads are just so crippling.

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Ironically, those Terror Squads probably like crippling people... :)


I mentioned it in an army list thread - you just need to think outside the box. There's so much aside from Heavy Support that can do anti-tank, like Rapiers, dual-claw grav Contemptors in DDPs, chainfist Terminators in Dreadclaws, Xiphons, Primaris-lightnings with Kraken, Javelin missile boats, Landspeeders with grav, Jetbikes...


This means you can take something like a Deredeo as your single Heavy Support choice and not feel like you've wasted the slot. A lot of these models have Night Lords written all over them from a fluff perspective (and they are predominantly MkIV too, so they fit with the upgrade packs nicely).

Edited by Caillum
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It's going to be very, very interesting to see what new RoW we get with Retaliation. If anything I'd like to see something assault based since we've to some nice bonuses and brutal units once engaged, trick is getting engaged


As for HS I mix it up frequently between Sicarans (both varieties) Land Raiders, Fire Raptors, Scorpius

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If I had to nail down a single choice for that heavy support slot, I'd say it depends on what your ally choices are.


With Mechanicum allies (and those lovely Krios Venators) I think a Deredeo is the most solid choice. If you're trying to stay all Astartes, I feel like a Sicaran Venator fits the bill better.

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If I had to nail down a single choice for that heavy support slot, I'd say it depends on what your ally choices are.

With Mechanicum allies (and those lovely Krios Venators) I think a Deredeo is the most solid choice. If you're trying to stay all Astartes, I feel like a Sicaran Venator fits the bill better.

Or a Fire Raptor. Because dakka. Lol

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It's going to be very, very interesting to see what new RoW we get with Retaliation. If anything I'd like to see something assault based since we've to some nice bonuses and brutal units once engaged, trick is getting engaged


As for HS I mix it up frequently between Sicarans (both varieties) Land Raiders, Fire Raptors, Scorpius


Whatever we get I'm hoping for no 1 heavy slot restriction, it would be nice to field more heavy units as night lords for a change. 


I agree terror assault should be just 2 terror squads, however I think there's still plenty to play around with in terror assault. There's a lot of different varieties for anti tank support to use, from melta bomb bikes to static rapier batteries to drop pod contemptors, all leads to a different play style.  


Plus being able to take drop pods without using drop pod assault is rather nice. 

Edited by Lord Asvaldir
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Honestly, I've gotten to the point in playing Terror Assault that I don't quite notice the third squad so much.


THe first two are 10 man with volkites, the third I leave as five with melta bombs on the Headhunter, all three with pods. That means two full strength squads come down first turn, and the five bros of this squad come in when they come in. A nice mini-bonus but definitely not necessary for success and much cheaper than an entire additional 10 Volkite squad.

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No allied Space Marine Legion/Fortification/ other allied forces are allowed

That's not right, sorry:


"The controlling player may not take a Fortification or other Space Marine Legion allied detachment."


Only Space Marine Legion allies are prohibited - Mechanicum, Questoris Knights, Solar Auxilia and Imperialis Militia & Cults are all fine.

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