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Disciples of Nurgleth (All is dust, or was it?)


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This obscenity will not go unpunished!

You have defiled a Son of Heracles...righteous fury will be ours to smite your chaos filth back to the filth pit it crawled out of!

Revenge will be ours, revenge will be swift...keep looking over your shoulders scum...Other than that nice work!


Stinking treacherous flearidden plague munching scum ridden excuse for an Astartes...


Loving it.


Little in the known uinverse is more amusing that to watch a worshipper of the corpse chair try to resist a posession. Especially when his hands are tied...




This obscenity will not go unpunished!

You have defiled a Son of Heracles...righteous fury will be ours to smite your chaos filth back to the filth pit it crawled out of!

Revenge will be ours, revenge will be swift...keep looking over your shoulders scum...Other than that nice work!



The threats might be different, but the screams all sound the same....

Like the head. From where ?

I think its puppetwar with some scratches made with a knife smile.png

That is totally awesome. I'm definitely hacking up some PM's to die on my bases.

Scavenging the dead after the battle doesnt really count... unlike pathetic loyalists we wont be taken alive

Brother that's amazing what wings are they from?

I'm starting to feel inspiration from here brother msn-wink.gif

I may find more nurgleish thoughts floating in my head now

Sorry for late reply - they are from the plaguedrone demon kit

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Someone has taken lord of flies up a notch! Was just thinking how cool itd be if these (termies) were actually production model nurgle chosen, most epic

Thank you very much, wait till you see the raptors (prepare to wait a long time!)

Really, really cool conversions. I especially like how your terminators resemble a grotesque parody of the sanguinary guard msn-wink.gif

Mwa HA HA HA.... Thanks!

Damn. Amazing work for certain.

I've given my love for your stuff on your thread, but thanks means alot.

Those termies are the balls! Insanely awesome, I've been trying to find good insect wings for a daemon Prince, where'd thes come from?

Thanks! came from the demon plague drone kit!

Well been a bit quiet on here so here's what i've been up to:


1. procrastination - i really have been putting things off, most of the previous projects started in this thread have been put on hold due to hobby attention deficit disorder


2. 1000pt doubles tournament at Dark Sphere, London.  Teamed up with my buddy Mike's 'Golden Skulls' SM Chapter to take on the might of the universe. Any of the races could ally together but every team was subject to allies of convenience to avoid unintended buffs and out everyone on a level playing field. Lords of War were not allowed, and forgeworld limited to 200pts per player (So we couldn't use Mike's Typhon Seige tank or LR Achilles) Our force looked something like this:



Sorceror with Burning Brand and MON

6x Plague marine, plasma gun, rhino

6x Plague marine, plasma gun, rhino with havoc launcher



Obliterator, MON

Obliterator, MON


Space Marines (White Scars)

Biker captain 

Bikes and Gravs

Bikes and Gravs


Lascannon Devastators

3 Hyperios Air Defence Platforms 


Despite quite a solid list, we didn't place very highly at all. Our first game was against 'DORKS' - a tzeench and ork list by user Nurglez and pal on here. Close game, but fateweaver had too much just as planned to let us win. Our second game was against an unholy alliance of Blood Angels and Necrons. Very, very close, but we just coudn't kill all the wraiths that were in our face. Hyperios launchers tied up by assault marines and heldrakes exploding meant the croissants had free reign of the skies. Plague marines contested the central objectives but we still lost on first blood and linebreaker. Our third game we had to sit out due to an uneven number of teams at the tournament, so we decided to play each other using our lists playing relic. Best game i've had in a long, long time!  Our final game was against a hoard of orks with orks running more shootas and lootas than i can remember. Our tactic was sound, we allowed them to deploy first along the long edge spreading themselves all the way along, and in our deployment we put our entire force along the right flank and played right to left in their deployment zone like true Spartan 300. However, due to the organiser choosing escalation rules in effect for this final game, objectives gave the holder skyfire, interceptor, fleshbane and armourbane!  I can tell you now 30 shootas with these rules is not good for any heldrakes or in fact any of our units. Had the mission not had the (in my opionion, bullsh1t) ruleset, i do believe we would have won this game. Excellent day though, some amazing armies on parade and very well organised by Marc at DarkSphere. Special congratulations to BrotherCaptainArkhan on here who came first with pal (think he is on here too)  running 'Vikings and Mongols' list (SpaceWolves and White scars)  


A pict feed was recovered from the day from an unknown imperial source:




3. More procrastination. I had some time off work over christmas, but i just coudn't paint or model. Spent a lot of time with Arkhan dreaming up a loyalist chapter that i am very excited for, but its been put on hold until i get some more Disciples painted and can afford all the MK4 and sanguinary bits i will need...   HINT:  bellerophon...


4. Played some Killteam... With my Girlfriend!   It's still not her cup of tea (massive stargate fan)  but i'm really impressed she tried. Managed two games until the greater cat demon of Slaanesh spoiled our plans:




5. put off painting some more. Spent more time with Arkhan exchanging ideas, talk of me also making a very undersupplied Aztec theme chapter (to use in Killteam and ZoneMortalis)


6. Finally sorted my life out and got to work on another plague marine squad and two obliterators. Basecoats done:





















Lessons Learned:


Oil washes require a thick gloss varnish - I have tea stained these models buy not applying enough gloss first. Pictures make models appear brighter. I'm not sure if to give the models a few quick sprays with heavily thinned white to bring back the highlight,  to re-edge highlight the models or just leave them be. This batch is certainly darker than the first, and will only get darker as i apply more inks and washes.  :(  ,Halp!


I really struggle with painting with a brush. I seemed to have picked up most hobby skills fairly quickly since starting, but traditional painting still eludes me. I have no idea how strong to make highlights or how much of each colour to lay down. 





Oh, and guess who got the new Forgeworld Calas Typhon model?  Guess who is going to corrupt it into the 40k Typhus counterpart?

Wow, I like what you have done with the models.  I have the FW kits too, and I can safely say that what you've done to blend in different types of legs is just wonderful - really meshes them together and doesn't make it look like mine - a sticking together of two separate kits that don't mesh so well.


Hoses, chem barrels, steam punk backpacks, under-forearm bolters (meant to steal this idea way back and totally forgot!), and the flamer / LC champ using possessed bits... all the ingredients for some great stuff indeed :)

They look great that's for certain. If you are going to lighten them before more washes then this is the right stage but the look great as they are. I'm guessing other washes are more to add definition and grime rather than an all over wash.


Either way, this is one of the best Nurgle forces I've ever seen.

God damn those are some huge resin barricades. They do make for cool terrain, need to get working on mine...


I think you've probably turned the corner on this force, it now looks like there's a really strong identity coming through. They're unmistakeably Death Guard in their colour scheme but they actually look mutated, twisted and corroded enough to actually be veterans of the Long War, with enough subtle differences that they're distinct enough to be identified as the slightly divergent warband that the Disciples seem to be.


There was (in my humble opinion) a bit of an issue with the early models in that they looked a little too washed out and the green was a little too subtle to stand out clearly. That problem no longer exists in these latest pics, the colour contrast is (in my opinion) perfect. I am a little confused tbh that you say these guys are darker than the first batch but it might just be a trick of the eye that gets resolved when I see them in person. It looks like the green's a lot stronger here which I think has made all the difference, it stands out enough to really throw the armour tone into contrast. I like the red as a spot colour although I'm wondering if you're going to 'organic' it up a bit with Tamiya Clear Red or the like?  I'm a bit curious as to how many more ink washes you're going to apply (and where they are going to be applied) as in my opinion, the base armour colour looks pretty much done to me. Could do with one final highlight but that's it.


I really like Kyphas as mentioned but I think he needs something in his paint scheme to differentiate him from his warriors. I'm not sure what though. I almost want to suggest making the belly a sort of bluish colour, like the colour of an old bruise, but that might be something that looks better in my head, not sure.


All in all really like the way they're going, hope to face them on the tabletop soon. Posing is looking great. The Obliterator with both weapons raised really really reminds me of old Doom for some reason...

wanted to add these in but was too tired the other night:


(make sure the bass is on)



"In the embrace of great Nurgle, I am no longer afraid, for with His pestilential favour I have become that which I once feared... Death."  - Kulvain Hestarius, Death Guard



"The greatest terror is the failure of the mortal shell. Decay, pestilence, and rot are constants in a galaxy populated with an uncountable number of living souls."  - Ninazu Thanatos, Sorcerer of the cabal of Seven



"And by his will i find you guilty!"

"You have to believe me Commissar! They don't die! We were all on full auto and it just kept on walking towards us!"


"Sir, Please! We even put a krak missile on its head and it just got back up! Sir, I'm telling you they are devil's Astartes!"


- The execution of Lance Corporal Matias Kowalski, sole survivor, routine training exercise Badajoz Company, 83rd Illydian Drop Regiment.

This is a great thread, I really like your work (never seen those Plague Knight models before, they're awesome!) - I especially like the background you've set out for them with the Seven Sorcerors; I've done something similar with my Nurgle army's background, based around the 'Seven Daemons': http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/280485-some-nurgle-related-background-text/


I look forward to seeing this army progress! B)

WOW!!!!! Some impressive PM They look Great!!!.

Thanks mate, I aim to please!

Wow, I like what you have done with the models. I have the FW kits too, and I can safely say that what you've done to blend in different types of legs is just wonderful - really meshes them together and doesn't make it look like mine - a sticking together of two separate kits that don't mesh so well.

Hoses, chem barrels, steam punk backpacks, under-forearm bolters (meant to steal this idea way back and totally forgot!), and the flamer / LC champ using possessed bits... all the ingredients for some great stuff indeed smile.png

Cooking Instructions: The legs are mainly MkIII but with lots of damage applied with a dremel, GS sculpt and water filter beads for pustules. Hoses are guitar wire. It's not difficult, just time consuming. Any left over greenstuff just goes straight on the heldrake.

I've got lots of ideas for other models when I eventually get round to them.

Dude, those Obliterators look nuts!

Just for you, i will sculpt one with some nuts. Prepare to wait a long time though!

They look great that's for certain. If you are going to lighten them before more washes then this is the right stage but the look great as they are. I'm guessing other washes are more to add definition and grime rather than an all over wash.

Either way, this is one of the best Nurgle forces I've ever seen.

I ended up giving the heads and torsos a light drybrush with pallid witchflesh to brighten. Pics one i've rusted the metals. Correct, other washes are for grime and brusing and as a chance to introduce more colour.

Get out, they aren't that good. I have a whole bunch of DG pics stolen from all over the interwebs I steal from. I'm sure you could do something pretty special?

Very nice! Not a big fan of Nurgle but these are great, awesome conversions.

Glad you could be corrupted

God damn those are some huge resin barricades. They do make for cool terrain, need to get working on mine...

I think you've probably turned the corner on this force, it now looks like there's a really strong identity coming through. They're unmistakeably Death Guard in their colour scheme but they actually look mutated, twisted and corroded enough to actually be veterans of the Long War, with enough subtle differences that they're distinct enough to be identified as the slightly divergent warband that the Disciples seem to be.

There was (in my humble opinion) a bit of an issue with the early models in that they looked a little too washed out and the green was a little too subtle to stand out clearly. That problem no longer exists in these latest pics, the colour contrast is (in my opinion) perfect. I am a little confused tbh that you say these guys are darker than the first batch but it might just be a trick of the eye that gets resolved when I see them in person. It looks like the green's a lot stronger here which I think has made all the difference, it stands out enough to really throw the armour tone into contrast. I like the red as a spot colour although I'm wondering if you're going to 'organic' it up a bit with Tamiya Clear Red or the like? I'm a bit curious as to how many more ink washes you're going to apply (and where they are going to be applied) as in my opinion, the base armour colour looks pretty much done to me. Could do with one final highlight but that's it.

I really like Kyphas as mentioned but I think he needs something in his paint scheme to differentiate him from his warriors. I'm not sure what though. I almost want to suggest making the belly a sort of bluish colour, like the colour of an old bruise, but that might be something that looks better in my head, not sure.

All in all really like the way they're going, hope to face them on the tabletop soon. Posing is looking great. The Obliterator with both weapons raised really really reminds me of old Doom for some reason...

I was hoping that they would be recognisable as former DG but a different sub faction. Glad its coming across that way.

I'm constantly learning and evolving my painting strategy - I noticed that washed out green too so changed by highlight colour from straken to camo green. I probably wont go back and change the original models green (the diversity will help distinguish squads and create natural nurgle variation). When i hold the models side by side, it's clear this batch have a darker hue caused by the inproper ink wash. It's not too bad now, but i was worried at first. They need to be light to show up the later grime and weathering. Res is just a base coat for the organic 'blood' parts, expect shades of brown, red, orange and purple wash to bring them 'alive'. I have tamiya red standing by, but i've never used it before. Ink washes are for brusing and to add interest and spot colour. Highlight was made with a drybrush :)

Kyphas is going to have a big pink skin belly with yellow, purple and blue brusing around the red sores. He should be rather peacock-esque when done. Besides, he has a beautiful dead son of tyr at his base for contrast...

Not sure what Doom character you mean (the big one in tower of babel?) , but thanks!

That's absolutely boss - love your stuff. Some great subtle work, can't wait to see it finished!

cheers mate

This is a great thread, I really like your work (never seen those Plague Knight models before, they're awesome!) - I especially like the background you've set out for them with the Seven Sorcerors; I've done something similar with my Nurgle army's background, based around the 'Seven Daemons': http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/280485-some-nurgle-related-background-text/

I look forward to seeing this army progress! cool.png

Thanks very much. I definitely feel our forces have overlap in their stories. Chaos is a fickle beast, perhaps the cabal of seven sorcerers are pawns of, or negotiating with the seven demons and we just didn't know it? Afterall, the Disciples are known to tolerate warp energies and demons far more than the other DG sub-factions. Full motives of the Seven will follow soon enough.

I loom forward to seeing your army progress!

AS always, thanks for the kind words and more importantly, the feedback, tips and critique you all provide. It helps me stay focused when I have around 10 other ideas/armies in my mind just waiting to be started at the drop of an expensive hat (Horus Heresy stuff, Death Korps of Krieg, Pegasus Knights Chapter, Blood Jaguars Chapter, Deathwing, Non playable characters, space wolf chess set) So please keep it coming! I don't know about golden demon standard, but i really do want to improve my painting to be on par with 'eavy metal team ~(they are really good, but they are not 'that' good, if you catch my drift) so any tips welcomed. I still have loads to learn, but don't be afraid to tell me something is not good enough, I'm a big boy and Nurgle protects.

Cheers, Rich

Sorry but credit where it's due. Yes I probably could do something DG wise but I haven't. You have. And really well too. The extra details you've added give them character and I hope to be able to give my models that same level of character you achieve.


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