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Disciples of Nurgleth (All is dust, or was it?)


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Just thought I'd vent here... I bloody hate painting! Grr

i feel your pain

I'm not sure you do- I'm using iron oxide paint which is really thick (I don't think it can be thinned) and doesn't cover well. No matter how hard I try it just blobs, obscures detail and gets where you don't want it. It's designed for corroding garden furniture and special fx so I guess it's my own fault for putting it on 28mm minis. The worst part is that you can't even paint over it due to the texture.


Saying all that, I hate regular painting too! So frustrating!

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I bought a brand new pot of black paint from Tamiya yesterday and was using it on a model just now. Great consistency, great texture (I thought), 10/10, wow, such value, much paintings, will buy again, etc.


F***ing thing is gloss paint as it turns out. Aaaargh! Now I have Mr. Spandex Biker all nicely painted and ready to go. Could be useful if I ever do Emperor's Children...

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I bought a brand new pot of black paint from Tamiya yesterday and was using it on a model just now. Great consistency, great texture (I thought), 10/10, wow, such value, much paintings, will buy again, etc.


F***ing thing is gloss paint as it turns out. Aaaargh! Now I have Mr. Spandex Biker all nicely painted and ready to go. Could be useful if I ever do Emperor's Children...

Didn't laugh....honest :rolleyes:


I thought the Iron Oxide was designed to add textured rust after painting. Not designed to use as a paint but more as a texture.

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I bought a brand new pot of black paint from Tamiya yesterday and was using it on a model just now. Great consistency, great texture (I thought), 10/10, wow, such value, much paintings, will buy again, etc.

F***ing thing is gloss paint as it turns out. Aaaargh! Now I have Mr. Spandex Biker all nicely painted and ready to go. Could be useful if I ever do Emperor's Children...

Didn't laugh....honest rolleyes.gif

I thought the Iron Oxide was designed to add textured rust after painting. Not designed to use as a paint but more as a texture.

i did :D

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I bought a brand new pot of black paint from Tamiya yesterday and was using it on a model just now. Great consistency, great texture (I thought), 10/10, wow, such value, much paintings, will buy again, etc.

F***ing thing is gloss paint as it turns out. Aaaargh! Now I have Mr. Spandex Biker all nicely painted and ready to go. Could be useful if I ever do Emperor's Children...

Didn't laugh....honest rolleyes.gif

I thought the Iron Oxide was designed to add textured rust after painting. Not designed to use as a paint but more as a texture.

I'm using actual iron oxide paint - not GW offering... Actual rust effect paint used in the special effects trade. All the rust you see on my previous models is real.

however, its a pig to use. Wish i just painted rust like everyone else now. Dont want to switch either in case it breaks the uniformity.

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  • 3 months later...

So close to finishing my sorcerer lord, Kyphas Sadistra!




So still got to add blood and gore, finish the base and add weathering powders.


Any feedback greatly appreciated... I can almost taste the completion and it will be glorious (to say I've fully finished a model)!

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Any feedback greatly appreciated... I can almost taste the completion and it will be glorious (to say I've fully finished a model)!


Once one's complete, the rest will follow :)

Looks great and hope to see him get an entourage soon.


Nearly there with this guy - again blood and basing but fairly happy so far.




Hope to get two obliterators, two squads of plagues and mg lord all finished and based by the end of May.

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Transcript of Inquisitor Davian Morgustus at the hearing of Tophet.


"My Lords, I do not claim to know all the Disciples' recruitment procedures, I am merely expressing my findings in this sub-sector. On Phace, we found 52 'dens' - mainly abandoned factories but also some administratum buildings. The largest, a former shipyard at Dog Point, contained nearly eight thousand cultists all doped with a potent cocktail of drugs and stimulants, some of xenos origin including 'throb'. We believe the cultists were mid ritual, that the stimulants were to ensure the cultists could keep dancing without rest for days on end, weeks, months even.The compound was administered via the fire sprinkler system as a liquid the cultists would drink as it fell to quench their insatiable thirst brought on by the 'fidget' present in the mix.




The forced mind interrogation of the 'enforcer' known as Surtur revealed that Dog Point had been in operation for five Phace years, and that the liquid medium was in fact the ground remains of previous cultists-  My Lords, Dog Point was akin to a giant grape press for wine. As the cultists danced constantly to the pounding beat, they wore out their own feet. When they collapsed, they were trampled by newer members into a pulp which was then used to hydrate and nourish, and ultimately keep the drug mix strong. We do not know if these cultists were aware of their actions. We also do not know if they were prisoners...or volunteers".

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  • 1 month later...



The Tabanidae:


"We always know when they will attack, we can hear them coming. It's so loud  'bzzzz bzz bzzz! bzzz!!!  I'm sick of that noise! The worst part is the wait, will it be us this time? We all know they are there out there, somewhere in the jungle, we just don't know when they will strike. Sometimes we will be waiting hours and sometimes just seconds, and then out of no-where, 'bzz bzz buzz' and we hear reports over the vox that another platoon has got it! We run over to help, but there's never anyone left to help. It would help if i knew what they look like - mad Henderson ( that guy in 8coy I was telling you about) says they are evil Astartes with wings! Can you believe that?! He's been here far too long. Its this place, does things to the brain. I say we get the whole regiment and smoke the fraggers out of their nest! Maybe there will even be some honey in it for us! Better than just standing round guarding the station waiting to die!"  - Confiscated letter, unknown guardsman, VVX0023.4











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Rentokil in the 41st millennium has a lot to answer for...


They look much better painted up, dude. Can we see a rear shot to see how you morphed the wings into the Terminator carapace? I'm liking the subtle colours on the wings, esp the green tying into their armour, makes it look much more like the wings are an organic extension of the Terminator armour itself. The bases are looking great too, how much left to do on them?


What's the next big step in the project - any danger of a certain big baddie from Spellcrow...? ;)

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Wow. Spot on look for Nurgle. And doing your modelling justice too. Just don't go overboard with the blood and gore.


Good taste in music too. Could have gone with Killa Bees too but Hornet works well too (and goes great with Curb Crawler. One of my all time favourites).

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Where is the Fly swatter ,  Hand me my melta gun, These look Awesome!!



Thanks Dude. I have a few ideas if I make more, but might save them if I ever do raptors.



The guy with the maul looks rather menacing! A most excellent trio



Glad you like them! Still a little way to go, but I'd say nearly complete now.


Rentokil in the 41st millennium has a lot to answer for...


They look much better painted up, dude. Can we see a rear shot to see how you morphed the wings into the Terminator carapace? I'm liking the subtle colours on the wings, esp the green tying into their armour, makes it look much more like the wings are an organic extension of the Terminator armour itself. The bases are looking great too, how much left to do on them?


What's the next big step in the project - any danger of a certain big baddie from Spellcrow...? ;)



Will get some pics up, back is still a bit messy where the wings had to be pinned in to get them to stick. Also, I should have incorporated the design before I started painting, rather than a spur or the moment idea at 85% completion. Backs definitely need a tidy. The wings are actually iridescent effect, but doesn't show in the photos - I used blue pink yellow and black and then dusted with a silver airbrushing to ty and get a sparkle. I may have dulled them a bit much with washes though. I tried black edging, but it didn't look right, at least the green looks like part of the armour.


I think finishing the cultists or drake might be next. Not sure, might pull something else out the bag and have some heresy stuff I'm working on ;).


Wow. Spot on look for Nurgle. And doing your modelling justice too. Just don't go overboard with the blood and gore.

Good taste in music too. Could have gone with Killa Bees too but Hornet works well too (and goes great with Curb Crawler. One of my all time favourites).



Cheers mate, will be subtle with the blood. Strangely, whenever I cut myself with the hobby knife I put that real blood on the models weapons- yet it looks less realistic than tamiya clear red mix!


I guess the music makes a difference to all the usual metal on here, but still appropriate :) - Glad to have found a kindred spirit on he boards

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Wow, these are just stunning! I love your palette, and how you keep it consistent across all models without making it exactly the same. Also, your Sorcerer King is tremendous!
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Whoa, how had I missed this thread? I remember seeing some of your work before and liking it but this is incredible. Those terminators are amazing - love the wings, love the bases, love the weathering and corrosion. The poses are great too - how hard was it to repose the TDA lord legs like that?


The sorcerer lord looks stunning. You're truly doing our pestilent Grandfather's work.


Also please tell me you're going to make the dead Sons of Heracles / Purifiers into an objective marker. ;)

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