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What are you guys thoughts on this 2500 point army list?




Casterman Orth - 80 points


Legion praetor [paragon blade, iron halo, cyber familiar, digital lasers] 180 points


Legion centurion [master of signals, artificer armour, refractor shield] 105 points




20 man tactical squad [artificer armour and melta bombs on sergeant] 265 points


20 man tactical squad [artificer armour and melta bombs on sergeant] 265 points


Heavy support:


Sicaran battle tank [lascannons and armoured ceramite] 195 points


Sicaran battle tank [lascannons and armoured ceramite] 195 points


Sicaran battle tank [lascannons and armoured ceramite] 195 points




Apothecarion detachment x2 apothecaries 90 points


Contemptor-mortis dreadnought [two kheres assault cannons] 190 points


Contemptor-mortis dreadnought [two kheres assault cannons] 190 points


Lords of war:


Legion Fellblade super heavy tank [armoured ceramite] 550 points


Strategy: So Orth goes in the fell blade which holds my deployment zone along with the tacticals and contemptor mortis's, the apothecaries each join a tactical squad a long with the master of signals and praetor each joining seperate tactical squads. The sicarans outflank and cause trouble in the second turn, use the head of the gorgon right of war to do this and force them to come to me with superior long range fire power. In which I gun them down in front of my lines, using the sicarans to kill any armour or heavy armoured units e.g. Terminators and the fell blade to kill bigger targets like those damn Spartans, so is this any good?

I see what you are trying to do here, but I'm not sure its really executed well in this list. Here are my thoughts:

  • You only have 2 troops choices in a 2500 point army. Large blobs need Vexillas. You have a number of options here, like taking 1 blob and x2 rhinos with tacticals, or adding a support squad.
  • You're copy pasting a lot of units here. Sicarans are pretty good, as are contemptor mortis dreads, but they aren't good enough to bring 3 copies. Maybe if you face a lot of eldar or Tyranids. Otherwise you should diversify. Consider a Sicaran Venator in place of one of the regular ones. Fire support units like Thudd Guns can shore up some of your long range artillery holes.
  • You're also waisting a master of signal or praetor sticking them into the big blobs. As the list stands, I would drop both and use those points to get more troops. Otherwise you need to think about what you plan to do with those HQs besides walk up the board. If you want to continue using the big blobs, or just have a single one, then a Chaplain is a good consul choice
  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks, I will see what I can do when I move the points around, I was thinking tacticals in rhinos but I have found I need those blobs to stop horus and his pals getting to the Fellblade (my friend runs drop pod assault with 10 justerian and horus) and although they are overpriced judge roan and horus with a primus Medicae is not the easiest thing to shift

Factor in the thunder hammer and at a base unit size you're only paying something like 5pts more than a regular Terminator unit to get FNP on everyone that doesn't rely on another model's help. The blinding rule can occasionally save your arse as well, but don't count on it.

In regards to normal Terminators, the extra initiative is much more helpful if you're using them to assault. If you're using them to shoot and sit on an objective, Gorgonators  are actually pretty darn good for their points against anything that's not a Typhon (and waste a Typhon shot on a squad of 5 models isn't too bright an idea).

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

I was thinking of getting some iron hands, and have a couple of questions.


I really love the thought of 10 immortals with volkites in a raider x2 driving up or outflanking, popping out, unleashing hell and charging.

Am I missing something here? But coupled with head of the gorgon, sounds pretty cool. Raiders gain the bonus and they come stock fnp.


Or do you play them in bigger blobs walking across the battlefield?


How do you judge the iron father character as well, any good?


I can see orth is highly recommended, would you think he'd do well in a laser vindi, or an Achilles alpha perhaps?


I was thinking something like




15 Tac marines and apothecary

10tac marines and rhino

10 immortals, 2 grav 8 volkites, breacher charge, fist, art armour, in a phobos x2

5 gorgon Termies in a phobos, chainfists and combi weapons.

Vindi laser destroyer.

Sicaran with hb. (Orth)


This rounds to about 3k.using head of the gorgon.

I could always sacrifice the last two for an Achilles alpha for orth to pimp in.


As players of the iron tenth, what do you think?

Edited by Theredknight

you will have to try it, I don't have a lot of exp with immortals but there not OBJ secured, and at 3k there's not "big" guns like a ceberus, Thyphoon,  or a knight, and theirs not a lot of ground troops. but IH are really good at digging in. and if u use the scirions to keep ur opp's LOW under control this could work. my local 30k dried up so I just don't know. I want to help with technical things if I can. I don't see many 30k players without a LOW, so if ur not gonna have one u need a plan for one.


also whats ur local meta like?

any armys that most play so we can look at ho IH can exploit the common themes,?

Well there are about 8 different 30k armies here, so no single thing. Generally they play around 2500-3k and don't play a low At the moment. We do play some zm as well so I think they'd do well.


Why are immortals terrible? For 25pts more than a regular breacher squad you can swap out for volkites and get stock fnp? That in a zm game would win the day im sure!


I think the armoured assault with a few land raiders really takes advantage of the auto simulacra rule.

Well there are about 8 different 30k armies here, so no single thing. Generally they play around 2500-3k and don't play a low At the moment. We do play some zm as well so I think they'd do well.


Why are immortals terrible? For 25pts more than a regular breacher squad you can swap out for volkites and get stock fnp? That in a zm game would win the day im sure!


I think the armoured assault with a few land raiders really takes advantage of the auto simulacra rule.



the woes of the Immortals are twofold. They compete for elite slots, and they lose objective secured, which breachers have. At 5 points for volkites, it's getting really expensive for the models. they have their uses though. 20 meltabomb attacks will knock the wind out of knights and other superheavies no problem. they are awesome in ZM.


They get mopped up pretty fast in cc and do not have a proper output.


I run a Spartan + Double Proteus spearhead and it works great. Throw in some Contemptors and sicarans for fire support and you are bringing some serious dakka on the table.

I should know...






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