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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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My head math says 10 Red Butchers do 11 unsaved wounds to Gorgons... on the charge. In this case you might actually be better off with Immortals, taking half the attacls, hitting first (against a better save) and the same effective save but more wounds. And hope you do enough wounds between Breacher charge, over watch, fist on the sgt, 11 S4 attacks, and 3 lascutters?

All of that Before Angron and/or Khârn chew into the unit. Thankfully, Ferrus gives the unit Fearless and Autek Mor Preferred Enemy (infantry).

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Something that will help me is that my opponent is probably going to be running claws on his butchers. He did that before and it really tipped the scale in my favor.

In that case, you deserve to win.

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My head math says 10 Red Butchers do 11 unsaved wounds to Gorgons... on the charge. In this case you might actually be better off with Immortals, taking half the attacls, hitting first (against a better save) and the same effective save but more wounds. And hope you do enough wounds between Breacher charge, over watch, fist on the sgt, 11 S4 attacks, and 3 lascutters?

I'm afraid that's pretty far off. Did you forget to account for hatred?


On the charge, each Red Butcher is going to cause juuuuust short of 2 unsaved wounds (something like 1.972), not counting the Devoured, who causes ID. On top of which, Khârn gets to swing first and open up a few Gorgons.


The myriad issues you're going to face against a savvy WE player are that Angron can challenge Ferrus, Autek Mor and your hammerbearer, strike before all of them, and keep them from contributing to the Red Butcher combat. Meanwhile, the Butchers have a much better offensive output, double the wounds and a better invulnerable save.


I'd really suggest paying for power/chainfists. Its about the only way that combat isn't going to go south.

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Yeah Angron and butchers don't do that well against Mannus and termies.

Eh, how do you figure?


Red Butchers have a much better offensive output and a better invulnerable save than gorgons. Angron can prevent you from hiding your support ICs behind Ferrus and causes instant death to whatever he hits in that squad that isn't Ferrus.



^Unfortunately Forgebreaker doesn't have Blind until it falls into Perturabo's care.

It does have concussive and strike down, though.


I was talking about the Gorgon Terminator armor
Considering your sentence read "if Manus can get a hit in with his hammer," I hope you can understand the confusion ^_^
Experience sadly. I'm not sure if they where gorgon termies or not, but I rolled Angron and 5 butchers v manus a prator and five termies, I got schooled. Mostly because of Manus's concussive. I'll roll Angron with a large group of tacs from now on!


The opposing termies did have power fists though.

Edited by temneb
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Like I said, Angron won't let any characters ID his butchers, and butchers will do what Butchers do best. If you have power fists though, with Autek Mor's Prefered Enemy (he natively has it himself, his WLT gives it to another unit) you can turn that into a strait bodyguard trade. That's the best case scenario. Anyone with half a brain wont shoot at the gorgons while his Deathstar is within 6. I mean even then, he will fail on a 6...


The best way for an iron hand to deal with such a unit, it's to bring a plasma support squad with Prefered Enemy. Then mop up with Gorgons.

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My head math says 10 Red Butchers do 11 unsaved wounds to Gorgons... on the charge. In this case you might actually be better off with Immortals, taking half the attacls, hitting first (against a better save) and the same effective save but more wounds. And hope you do enough wounds between Breacher charge, over watch, fist on the sgt, 11 S4 attacks, and 3 lascutters?

I'm afraid that's pretty far off. Did you forget to account for hatred?


On the charge, each Red Butcher is going to cause juuuuust short of 2 unsaved wounds (something like 1.972), not counting the Devoured, who causes ID. On top of which, Khârn gets to swing first and open up a few Gorgons.


The myriad issues you're going to face against a savvy WE player are that Angron can challenge Ferrus, Autek Mor and your hammerbearer, strike before all of them, and keep them from contributing to the Red Butcher combat. Meanwhile, the Butchers have a much better offensive output, double the wounds and a better invulnerable save.


I'd really suggest paying for power/chainfists. Its about the only way that combat isn't going to go south.



Nope included hatred... but possibly forgot 10 attacks from have 2 axes. Like I said head math.

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Unfortunately Morr only gets PE if he is warlord and can't be warlord if Ferrus is there.  Is you are not using him for his Warlord trait I thing you can make a better Praetor for your army, he has 1 less attack than a regular Praetor and can't take Digital Weapons.  Having Morr in the unit will stop them running which can slow them down greatly.

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Unfortunately Morr only gets PE if he is warlord and can't be warlord if Ferrus is there.  Is you are not using him for his Warlord trait I thing you can make a better Praetor for your army, he has 1 less attack than a regular Praetor and can't take Digital Weapons.  Having Morr in the unit will stop them running which can slow them down greatly.


Well in my last game Shadrak Meduson got ID'd by a powerfist and now I have developed a sort of phobia I guess. We're mainly playing to have fun though!


I didn't realize how cheap the powerfists were for the Gorgons, I have shuffled points to them from the power weapons in my tac squads.

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Hi fellas 

I was wondering how people are running their HoTG lists: with outflanking rhinos or LR Proteus? I currently building an Iron Hands army for a tournament next summer - mostly against the hated Emperors Children, but also 2 AL players and a World Eater. As I'm not currently in a gaming group and the necessities of family life and work prohibit endless acquisitions, I am really trying to make a fluffy, yet strong list. As I haven't played a game for nearly 10 years, I included units that I've seen perform well on bat-reps and units described within this tactica thread.
If anyone could spare some feedback for the two following lists, it would be much appreciated. Both are at roughly 2500 points


List 1:
​HQ: Autek Mor, Cyber familiar

Elites: 7 Cataphractii terminators, 1 plasma blaster + CF, 2 x CF, 6 combi plas  
Troops:Legion Tactical squad, 10 legionaries, vexilla, artificer armour, power axe; Rhino: Dozer blade, multi melta, extra armour
Troops: Legion Tactical squad, 10 legionaries, vexilla, artificer armour, power axe; Rhino: Dozer blade, multi melta, extra armour
Troops:Legion support squad, 8 legionaries, 7 plasma guns, combi-plas + artificier armour
Dedicated transport (Cataphractii): Spartan, armoured ceramite, flare shield, dozer blade, auxillary drive
Dedicated transport (plasma squad): Land Raider Proteus, armoured ceramite, dozerblade, augery array 
Heavy Support: Sicaran Venator heavy bolters, dozer blade, armoured ceramite
Heavy Support: Whirlwind Scorpius
Heavy Support: Deredeo, Aiolos missile launcher, armoured ceramite
List 2:
HQ: Orth
Elites: 7 Cataphractii terminators, 1 plasma blaster + CF, 2 x CF, 6 combi plas  
Troops: Legion Tactical squad, 10 legionaries, vexilla, artificer armour;  Land Raider Proteus, armoured ceramite, dozerblade
Troops: Legion Tactical squad, 10 legionaries, vexilla, artificer armour;  Land Raider Proteus, armoured ceramite, dozerblade
Dedicated transport (Cataphractii): Spartan, armoured ceramite, flare shield, dozer blade, auxillary drive
Heavy Support: Sicaran venator heavy bolters, dozer blade, armoured ceramite
Heavy Support: Whirlwind Scorpius
Heavy support: Sicaran, armoured ceramite, lascannons, dozer blade
Lord of War: Ferrus
List one is a bit more flexible; more objective grabbers, solid anti-air, reliable anti infantry, reserve manipulation, whereas list 2 has a solid focus on lots of AV13/14 armor. List 2 feels more vulnerable - all of the eggs are within the spartan! Yet somehow, I "feel" it is more solid..
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Well I won first off, on my first turn my spartan got focus fired down and luckily didn't explode, Khârn and some rampagers came in on a drop pod and luckily couldn't charge on the first turn, and Angron and the butchers came in in a dreadclaw and got a charge in. Luckily the gorgons blinded some butchers and a few of themselves, but their fists helped knock em all down. Angron challenged Ferrus, and after a few turns Ferrus came out on top with 2 wounds thanks to concussing Angron. After the butchers got mopped up Khârn challenged Autek Mor, and luckily I was able to instant death Khârn in the first or second round of combat. By the end the rampagers had managed to finish off my gorgons but Ferrus played golf with them after being distracted by a ballsy sarge in a duel to delay his slaughter of angry mooks.


I dropped my immortals next to my opponents artillery and they glanced one to death with volkites on their first shooting phase, and took out another later and nearly wiped the unit. My land raiders outflanked and took out some more vehicles, and my techmarine was able to wipe 1.5 recon squads away with his beamer.


We only went off of kill-points and the final score was 5-3 I believe. I lost a spartan, all of my gorgons, and one land raider and some immortals. It was a lot of fun!

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1 ...Khârn and some rampagers came in on a drop pod and luckily couldn't charge on the first turn, and Angron and the butchers came in in a dreadclaw and got a charge in.

2 ...Luckily the gorgons blinded some butchers and a few of themselves, but their fists helped knock em all down.


Glad you came out on top, but I just wanted to check a couple of things, since these sentences stuck out as potential rules misinterpretations.


I could be wrong, but point 1 reads like both pods came down on the same turn, and that Angron & co. charged straight out of the Dreadclaw into combat? If this is the case, re-read the 'Drop Pod Assault' rule in the Anvilus Entry. Even though the Dreadclaw is an Assault Vehicle, the unit may still not charge on the turn it Deep Strikes. They can hide inside and Assault out of it the next turn, though.


Regarding the Gorgon's 'Blind' effect;  Although it says all models within 6" need to test, if you look up Blind, you just make a single test for the entire unit even if it is hit multiple times. The entire unit passes or fails as one.


Again, it could just be the way it's written, but I wouldn't want you to be victim to a too-early Assault.

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Yeah, I dont think you use blind properly.


Ah, it was an honest mistake, I don't think combat would have changed too much regardless, the blind doesn't really affect the butchers anyways since they always hit on a 3+ and vice versa for the blinded people. I was mainly using it to try and blind the rampagers and characters.


I told my friend about it and he says that neither of those mistakes would have made much of a difference.

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You live and learn. You'll go into the next game super prepped and ready to bring further glory to the Xth!


Next game I will be fighting the Tenth as the Death Guard, we've agreed to no vehicles only troops so its gonna be super foot-slogging fight, especially since I'm taking the reaping.

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