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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Can leviathan be taken in the mastodon? I was under the impression it was contemptor and boxnaughts only.


And I had the same idea as you with the techmarine covenant. Ferrus + techmarines + Mor + Autosim + IWND + 2 void shields = up to 9 hull points coming back every turn :)

Edited by ShadowCore67
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Wolf_Pack is to morale in this sections, what I am to Morale in the 40k BA section sometimes :P


Stop making me look at myself and thinking the flesh is weak!


No Leviathan in Mastodon though :(


But Cortus are particularly nasty with this.

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Ok guys thank you for da help.


Then I have to look for what i can do with the poor points and my stupid Ideas :)


I planned and clicked a little bit, but unfortunately I have not enough Points :(


First we plan to build up to 2000 Pts. but then I will stuck heavy.



+++ New Roster (1780pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Age of Darkness) (1780pts) ++

+ Troops (390pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (195pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
··Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

Legion Tactical Squad (195pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
··Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

+ Elites (740pts) +

Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (245pts)
··Cortus Dreadnought [Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod]

Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (165pts)
··Cortus Dreadnought [Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]

Medusan Immortals (330pts) [9x Medusan Immortals, 9x Volkite Charger]
··Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]
··Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Single Breaching Charge]

+ Fast Attack (115pts) +

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (115pts)

+ Heavy Support (535pts) +

Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (140pts)
··Legion Vindicator Tank [Dozer Blade, Laser Destroyer Array, Twin-Linked Bolter]

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (395pts)
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [Loyalist, X: Iron Hands]


As you see there are just 220 Pts. over what do ya think, should I kick the Kheres Contemptor-Dreadnought?

The Ancillus is thought for the immortals Squad, which is really really heavy in Points :(

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Well you need a HQ First!


Either keep it cheap or go for Mor maybe? Though your current problem is that there is nowhere for a HQ to go as all of your transports are full.


The Cortus should have some Grav Guns in the fists.


Kheres Contemptor is great - but as it is going double, make it a Mortis instead, much more flexible for similar cost.


Play around with the points, one option would be to add in a Khayrbdis instead of a claw for a HQ, Immortals (plus even more immortals...) to ride in?

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Damn yes Charlo, i tried it from behind to check what I want and what I have ^^


So everytime my HQ is the Last thing I add :)


I could drop the two Cybot Pods, so that there will be only the Anvillus as an Alone Pod, do you think that could help out?

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Since you are playing small, you could go Company of Bitter Iron (scoring Immortals) or Pride of the legion to get more punch, turning those 10 man tacticals into vet squads with special weapons.


Since 2,000 is little in the heresy, I would think about what you want to acheive with your list. Once you have your goal, it's much easier to rule out costly distractions and focus on reaching that goal.

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I never thought of it, mainly because we use a flat 25% allocation for LoWs. It actually makes Force Orgs scale!

That's interesting. So with the stock force org charts, it's 25% per LoW slot (so with onslaught, 25%+25%).


How do you find that works out with larger games?

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I never thought of it, mainly because we use a flat 25% allocation for LoWs. It actually makes Force Orgs scale!

That's interesting. So with the stock force org charts, it's 25% per LoW slot (so with onslaught, 25%+25%).


How do you find that works out with larger games?



I'd imagine it's you just have as much LoW as you want - UP TO 25% of total points.


So in a 4k Game you could have a 600pt & 400pt LoW - no "slots" to speak of?

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So my local store is starting up a heresy campaign in January (I'm stoked!) and I was thinking of running 'a company of bitter iron' with a ton of av 14 (spartan, landraider, and proteus) filled with Gorgons, a cataphractii command squad, and volkite immortals backed up by an Atropos and some other bits to fill out to about 3000 points.


I realize the Atropos can't normally be taken by legions but my group has already said they don't mind if I bring it. Our campaign is heavily fluff driven (no named characters if they weren't present at the battle being portrayed) so I don't mind if I'm not thoroughly competive but I also don't want to lose every time. Do any of you experienced iron hands players have some words of wisdom? Is an av 14 spearhead even workable?

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They said work towards 3000 points but I think many of the games will have a couple players on each side so they will get fairly large. I'm shying away from HotG because there are a few Alpha legion players who like screwing with reserve rolls and I don't want my army stuck off the table
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I'm actually thinking about doing that! Two spartans, one full of Choomortals one full of Gorgons, come at me traitors!


I'm definitely planning on running a Forge Father meat grinder with the Gorgons but I have also been throwing around the idea of a darkfire praevian instead for small games. Is 3000 points enough to run both a Forge Father in a Gorgon spartan and a Forge Lord in a cataphractii command squad land raider? It doesn't leave me many points to play around with especially when the Atropos is taken into account, but the rule of cool is strong with this one

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War Machine Detachment: 1-2 Super-heavy vehicles of the same unit type, each with a Hull Points value of 8 or less, and each chosen either from the specific army list for the Primary Detachment, the Questoris Knights army list found in the Crusade Imperialis army list, or the optional Super-heavy list found on page 10. is detachment must be deployed within a 6" coherency if on the table at the start of the game or, if placed in Reserve, will be rolled for as a single unit and must enter the table within 6" of a single eligible location. However, after their deployment, these war engines are considered to be separate units in the game.


As per the latest rules above, it is a LoW choice.

Edited by Charlo
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The one exception to that rule is unfortunately the atrapos, since it specifically can only be taken by the knights list and the mechanicum. If you want the atrapos, you'd need to bring an allied knight detachment. There's a whole topic on why you can't take the atrapos in a legion list here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/326282-atropos-in-legion-lists/?do=findComment&comment=4532988

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My top picks for a knight would be the Acheron or the Lancer. The Archeron has that amazing ability to dislodge entrenched heatens, with it's cover ignoring Template of doom and AP 3, while the lancer is a great counter-measure against other knights and super heavies. They are great options as they can easily keep up with the rest of the armoured spearhead.


From a fluff and modeling standpoint, Styrix and Magaera are REALLY COOL.

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