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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I stand corrected! Indeed, I've never handled that particular model before. Like Firepower said, the pose problem is subtle. So perhaps Flint's mad painting skills will obscure the torso's tilt somewhat. Still looking foreard to the end result. :)
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Oh wow!


Thanks for all the kind words and advice, guys and girls. It's always so cool to see ^_^




@ Atia - Thanks girl! You are indeed correct. I needed something super dramatic and I had been saving that cape for something since the plastic WoC Chariots first came out!


@ Firepower - Pretty good? That's high praise indeed! :D The connection of his cape was surprisingly easy and doesn't look half bad. It's just tacked down with glue at the moment, but I'm going to smooth it out a bit with GS. Plus its mostly under his back pack. 


*sigh* I wish I could update this as often as my avvy. But non-digital life consumes my time pretty hard core most days. At least Emma will be here to stay for a bit!


@ Slips - That works.


@ Hushrong - His left or our left? The plastic pad is a Mk2 from the B@C set, the resin one is the honor of the Terran unification veterans. This one is particular is from the FW special edition Mr. Potatohead Praetor (as is Jubal's body). The cape is from the Warriors of Chaos plastic chariot set from WHFB.


@ SanguiniusReborn - Wow, thanks! I was going much more for drama than I was an actual usable table-top model, so I'm glad it worked out acceptably.


@ Ckpmax - I'm all about some topknots, man :D 


Oh! I hadn't thought about a tassel or anything for the Guan-dao, but I'm totally doing it now!


@ Kizzdougs - Ah yes, fresh gainz are defs in the near future. Both hobby and fitness $_$


@ Hydra - Thanks!


@ codyrstuart - Well, I am technically a schoolgirl (university girl?) and I squeal at stuff occasionally. I know what you mean. Glad to hear I inspire school girl glee. 


@ Heinrich - Of course, but the validation is always pleasant.


@ Barabbas - Thanks!


@ DSS7 - Ah excellent. I'll have him right out :D


@ MrBear - Good to hear! I think he ended up more Darth Vader than Laurence Fishburne, but I think it still works.


@ Kriegsmacht - No plans for anything in his left hand. He's my take on what Jubal might have looked like in the intro to the Templar audio drama, so I was thinking a flippant "we may proceed" hand wave.


@ IHF - Thanks man! Truth be told, I've been here, I've just mainly been hiding in the AoD and mod lounge :D


@ Larkyn - It looks pretty cool with a halberd. I'd stick to it!


@ Skimaskmohawk - Oh no worries. Thanks!


@ Mikhal - Thanks! Always glad to hear I inspire. 


@ Augustus - Ah, yeah. Unfortunately he's mostly one solid piece of resin so I'm kinda stuck with FW's interesting choice there.


@ Black_out - Hah, fair enough. 


@ Corsovitt - "Why do you chain your blade Templar? Are you afraid of dropping your sword?"


Same diff :D


@ Midnight Runner - Jubal is one of the Terran captains of the Vth (maybe the first captain? I feel like yes) who fights an honor duel with Sigismund in the opening chapter of Templar by John French. It's my favorite audio drama ever! Anywho, I love Jubal b/c he makes fun of Sigismund for chaining his sword. "To cage your blade is to cage yourself"


Then when he realizes he won't win the duel, he settles for severing the links of Sigismund's chain with his last blow instead.


So I like him, he's got moxxy!


@ Teetengee - Thanks!



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The only Jubal Khan I know of is the 40k Chapter Master of the Scars, I didn't know there was a Heresy guy. But I don't listen to audios, so I suppose I wouldn't know. I do believe the Scars distinctively lack a First Captain, though they do have Qin Xa, master of the Keshig, and multiple Noyan-Khans, ranked above Khans.


The bro looks good though. I'm not sure how I feel about the helm, but I'll reserve judgment until I see some paint on him.

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Hiya guys. Long time, no love. Finally got a break in my non-digital life's aspirations to be Dr. Flint one day. Listened to Templar (barely edging out The Long Night for my favs audio drama) for the fifteenth time and decided to get some work done.


Here's my WiP take on Jubal Khan, Lord of Summer Lightning and the Swift Death That Comes with Laughter. Also he made fun of Sigismund this one time :D



Still have to smooth the connections btwn his topknot/helm and the Guan-dao, but otherwise, I think he's mostly there. Feel free to yell helpful things at him.





The words out of my mouth when I saw this were:


"Holy :cuss:, that's awesome."

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I don't think Jubal is Terran. His artwork in BotS is really Chogorian (see my avatar)...and he has that rather atrocious faux-Oriental accent in Templar.


As for the model, it's a thing of beauty...absolutely love it as a huge WS fan here

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"Why do you do that, Templar? Are you afraid of dropping your sword?"

~Jubal Khan, Lord of Summer Lightning, The Deafening Silence Before the Thunder, The Swift Death that Comes with Laughter



@ Conn - There is indeed a Heresy guy! He is difficult to google search because of the 40k guy biggrin.png

Hows his helm look now?

@ Roland - Well, to be honest, Scar singular. But glad you like him!

@ Depth - Thanks! That's pretty steep praise.

@ Krieg - Here go.

@ b1soul - HAH! That's hilarious. His unification symbol doesn't make sense now sweat.gif I'm not sure why I was so positive he was Terran.

Glad you still like him though!

@ Hushrong - Sure thing.

@ KotR - Fair enough. Thanks for the kudos.

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That would explain it, Flint. The head does look better. After seeing it here, I've noticed examples of it elsewhere on the board, so I assume it's a new head option or I just haven't noticed it. Unpainted, the extra stuff looks . . . weird to me. Like '70s sideburns on a Marine helm weird.


But it seems to blend in nicely all painted. Still keep looking at the mouth grill and thinking it's the whole face though, like he's got one large helm sitting on top of a small one. :sweat:


Everything else looks good, though I wouldn't have done all three in orange-red. Spear would have looked good in some dark blue, and the cape could stand a little muddying.

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Technically it's really a good paint job, but he wouldn't look out of place in a Death Guard army, as much as I know he is a white scar.

Weathering of the white is spot on, like perfection, though I will second conn in that the Cape could be a bit more grubby

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You went full Blanchette on that spear, huh? biggrin.png

I dig the reds. Very smooth work there. The beige-ing of the white armor seems a touch heavy handed to me, but then I use that same cheat all the time, so who am I to talk (rhetorical question!)? laugh.png It does mute out the gold a bit, though, which is something of a pity given the quality of the gold itself.

Still gotta tighten up that free-hand work. Practice practice practice msn-wink.gif

And finally, the posing issue doesn't seem to be an issue at all. I don't even notice it, really.

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Evening guys and gal! Thanks for all the positive comments and helpful criticisms ^_^


@ Ckpmax - HAH! ... I was thinking Vidal Sassoon. Same as my hair dryer :D


You know, that makes me think of something. The Vth and VIIIth haven't really had any major engagements against each other, have they? It's kinda weird too, I always saw the White Scars as how the Night Lords could work if they were more targeted and less vicious. 


@ IHF - Thanks man! I was trying to see if I could make a few simple colors interesting with just weathering. Glad to hear it worked acceptably.


@ Conn - Yep! He's got one of the MKII Vth legion heads from FW. They're relatively new. 


The mental image of an Astartes wearing a larger helm over a smaller one is hilarious, and I thank you for that. 


His Guan Dao actually started with a light blue tassel, but I thought it looked to similar to the adjacent blade :(


@ Helter - I'll agree, the cape is about the only thing I think I'd like to try weathering a little bit more.


@ Firepower - Blanchitsu is the only martial art I know... well that and Gun Kata :D


Wow, I feel like if I get off that lightly, it must be halfway decent! Thanks for the advice ^_^


@ Midnight - Thanks! I feel like it was a pretty good first shot at a "warm" white


@ Skimask - See! White Scars are essentially loyalist Night Lords with a different culture!


@ Recon - Thanks!


@ Black_Out - Appreciate it. It was a lot of first tries for me.


@ Hydra - You think? I'm glad to hear it! I actually tried something a little new there too.


@ Atia, Augs, Larkyn + Krieg - Ok, so the white recipe. It's obvs witchcraft right? (b/c I'm the White Witch.. :D )


Actually it's stupid simple b/c I'm lazy. First, props to Brother Stobz who pointed me in the right direction for white with a warm basecoat. 

1.) White primer

2.) All over filter of AP strong tone, Agrax or the like

3.) Broad layer highlight of Ulthuan gray, leaving a little of the brown tone showing.

4.) Wash of AP soft tone over the armor plates

5.) Instead of another layer, the top half of each plate (where you'd normally put a broad edge highlight) got 50/50 ulthuan gray and white, watered down to the consistency of a wash. This works awesomely to brighten and highlight, but also gives a much more natural fade for the dirty weathering look.

6.) Matte varnish


Anywho, that's pretty much it. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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