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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Evening folks!


Just finished up the third of five of my death company. They're ever so slowly coming together. 


I'm kinda fond of this first shot. It looks oddly statuesque :D




Besides that, I'm just starting to put the basecoats on my Word Bearer for this month's march of legions. He's been interesting to paint so far. 




@ Salvation - S'my favorite thing about the Luna Wolves. Their color scheme is pleasantly reminiscent of oreo ice cream :D


@ Brother Talon - I'm thinking some overlapping grays, blacks and browns. Calth was a pretty unattractive, scorched ruin after the 17th came to town, correct?


@ BCK - Thanks! I'm not great at it yet, but glad to hear there's a (positive) difference!


@ Slipstreams - Oh that's a good idea! But which Word would it be, if a Word Bearer had to pick just one? Lorgar has so many.


@ Augustus - Ah, but you won't be able to see what I did there after I paint his camo!


@ Atia - *snort* you totes did that on purpose. Are you trying to summon Forte? It's like the Batsignal


@ Augustus x2- Oh I'm sure a few are incoming.


@ Forte - and there it is :P


@ Hydra - Both funnily enough. Imma paint him a really dark crimson with gray tiger stripes, then black, gray and brown stippling for his camo.


@ Wicced - You know, my very first thought actually was to do Barthusa Narek of the Word. He was pretty badass in Unremembered Empire. But I couldn't find exactly what a Brontus pattern sniper rifle looked like (I'm assuming the marine version of a .50 cal Barrett), so I went with a smaller, Stalker bolter. Then a little idea for fluff just kinda came with it.


No worries, I totes gave him a sand-down before primer hit.


@ Hydra x2 - Part of the reason I liked Narek in the books. His entire deal was an attempt to kill off Lorgar and keep the Word pure. That was awesome. Not a Loyalist Word Bearer (since he hated the Imperium too) but kinda an internecine evil feud. 


@ Hushrong - Yep! I really like that guy's artistic style. His vision of Torgaddon is my favs.


@ Kurama - Haha, thanks, but rapiers are for girls. Think beardy power axe to the face :D


@ Helter - Oh he's around, being deflashed and whatnot ^_^

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@ Atia - *snort* you totes did that on purpose. Are you trying to summon Forte? It's like the Batsignal

*hides her summon-Forte-flare-pistol* what? slaanesh? Forte? what's that :>





that flamer is AWESOME! *__*

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Good to see you making use outta those Ashen Circle Flamers!


As for the Word on the Bullet, it'd be different for each one. A clip of 30 being a 30 word long phrase/verse from scripture. You get the idea :p

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The way you paint that red around the eyes on the helmets reminds me of something but for the life of me, I can't remember what!

Judge Dredd?



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Death company is looking great, definitely no mistaking who and what they are.... Have you thought to do a little gloss with a hint of red to it, like bloodied spittle??


Saying tat it might look odd if localised in one area of a wee mini. Btw the red on the helm is cool, almost like a Black Templar Sword Brethren marker..

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No summoning needed (it's called notifications ;) ).


So when's the next group shot Flint? And I hope it's just my dodgy colour blindness but I can see cork through that paint.

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Those Death Company are really going to be a sweet unit Flint! They have a nice balance between brutality and the more knightly aspects of the Blood Angels.

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Amusingly, as I sat down to start painting my little son of Lorgar, I happened across a thought that had not occurred to me before. Most minis look best at table top quality when they are kinda eye catching. By their very nature, a well painted model that is camouflaged is many things, but eye catching is, by its very intention, not one of them.

So, entertained by that, I set about it.

Call Tul Haekon maybe 75% finished. Any constructive criticisms to make him a little prettier?



@ Atia - Pffft... see? I got your number tongue.png

Thanks, I kinda like his flamer too. The whole under arm assembly of those Ashen Circle weapons are so neat looking.

@ Recon - Thanks!

@ Slipstreams - Yep, gotta put those flamers and axe rakes to use somewhere.

That isn't a bad idea at all!

@ Dark Bjoern - Thanks!

@ BCK - Me too... I was honestly attempting an X with the first one, but that paints kinda awkward, so I tried a + on this one instead.

@ Slipstreams x2 - Considering my obsession with all things Darkhorse, I could see it.

@ Dantay - I'm playing around with bloody bits as we speak!

... I don't know what you're on about. No Templars here, Sir ph34r.png

@ Jackdaw - Thanks! That shoulder did come out kinda pretty, didn't it?

As for the rest of them, there are two left, a guy with a power sword and another with a chainglaive.

@ Forte - When I finish up these last two Death Company... and no, I'm just getting lazy in my dotage pinch.gif Rest assured I patched up that visible cork.

@ MrBear - Thanks! I think my stuff always looks better as a little unit, since they are typically colorful and the little mistakes aren't quite as loud. The Knightly/Brutal aspect was exactly what I was going for with my little Knights of Blood D=detachment. Thus the Savage Knighthood biggrin.png

@ Salvation - Yep! All five of my death company have a de-khorned World Eater helm. I had a ten pack of them I had been looking for an excuse to use for ages.

Less "I am the law" more "I am the Knight(mare)" biggrin.png

@ Augustus - Sure can! As soon as I finish up these last two DC.

Maybe a vehicle... I've got a few fun projects coming up, so I'll see what I can swing. laugh.png

@ Hushrong - Thanks! It makes me super happy that the first thing most folks think of to describe them with is "brutal."

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There's so much amazing in here! 94 pages of sensory overload & inspiration!


I'd say "keep up the fantastic work" but it's safe to say you already have, incredible!!! 



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i like the camouflage effect, looks good over armor and his gun, but i think his helmet is looking rather featureless/bland (it's kinda melting into the backround, which is great for camo, but i think he needs a focus point). i'd try painting the helmet a different color or giving it a second color. i know that might go against your camo scheme, but i think it will look much better.

just my two flayed skullsmsn-wink.gif

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Wicced's right, the camo effect is cool.


When you say prettier, do you mean more like a "realistic super-armoured  post-human pretending to be a tree" pretty




"I may be wearing camo, but I still like my shiny doodah's cos if you can see me you are already dead" kinda pretty?


The former, I am sure the likes of Hyenidae could help with... Otherwise maybe a few runes, or a combat knife blade first in the ground beside him as his back-up?


You're making me want to break out my recon marines and start painting them now!! 

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