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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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One session left!!!!

Just the last bits to do on the weapons and bases to edge and I'll be calling these Raptors done (finally).

On to the dodgy photos.



I'll make sure to take some better, and in daylight, photos when they are fully done.

And that will be me done on painting till ETL 3 starts in May.

Thanks for your patients and for stopping by :thanks: :tu:

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Definitely an excellent and most unique squad of raptors, I'm looking forward to your ETL entries.

@darkmark. Curse you, I went a looking and just so happens my disappointment tally is rising! All the leaves. Gone! :'(

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@DSS7. The crescendo is coming ;)


@Darth Mustard. Prefer the babality. Funnier turning your opponent into a nappy wearing baby :tu:


@DarkMark. Thank you. The bases are quite plain on purpose due to the amount of colour on the models. It's also due to me doing my other Chaos minis on ash type bases so I'm kind of carrying that through. Some will have little details added here and there but nothing too major. That'll be saved for other, less colourful minis.


@helterskelter. Many thanks and I'm still toying with ideas. The first will be a Forgefiend that's for certain. Hopefully I can keep that to a month at most so I can see what else I can do.


@Semper. No pink! Wrong. There's Emperor's Children and Tentacle Pink on those. Maybe I'll have to highlight the black weapons areas with pink ;)

May do a separate ETL thread from this one. Maybe. Undecided really.

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Haha, I don't know if you should take pics of these in direct sunlight. They're so fluorescent, they may start fires!


But seriously, Forte, these guys are absolutely gorgeous. To see them at this point is worth every bit of wait.

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Very bright, of course the painting is extremely clean! I wonder what daylight would bring out for these guys! Keep that talent going!

Many thanks. Hopefully daylight won't show up too many brush slips.


So bright, so colourful, so heretical :P

As they should be ;)


Those raptors are awesome, man.


I keep spotting new details every time I see them!

So did I as I was painting them. Think that's what's made me take so long on them. And I added extra too. Like a nutter. Edited by forte
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Finally, finally, and finally again. The Raptors are done! And just in time for ETL III too :woot:

So here comes a wall of colour :biggrin.:


Obligatory squad pic. Not quite the Backstreet Boys but they'll sound much better.










So that's them put to bed and my time now put into prep work ready for the next three months of madness (go Chaos!).

Have to say, thank you for your support as I know this has been a long thing. And all for a small squad of 6 too. Till next time :thanks: :thumbsup:

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Loving the blue/turquoise and purple, mate! They look killer together! Not sure I am entirely sold on the additional greens and yellows appearing on some models, but that may just be me. Oh, and the painting on that mutated, bony claw is just sublime! Amazing stuff.

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Nice, so many colours and conversions! So, I suppose you will be joining the ETL III?

I will be joining the ETL III for sure. Have a few things prepared and so long as I can paint faster than I did with these I should be able to put a few points up too. 


Loving the blue/turquoise and purple, mate! They look killer together! Not sure I am entirely sold on the additional greens and yellows appearing on some models, but that may just be me. Oh, and the painting on that mutated, bony claw is just sublime! Amazing stuff.

Many thanks. Have to say you have Khorne nailed (pun not intended). I'm fully expecting mixed reactions to colour choices on my Slaanesh (the Noise Marines will make these too tame) so I must be on the right track. As for the claw. I'm really happy with that finish (it's my favourite part too) and am trying to think of other things I can do with washes and glazes for some more natural looking mutations.

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when is the ELT? i want to join you guys too, been building stuff so i have plenty to paint up

ETL III starts tomorrow. Look in the Chaos forum and you'll find it easily.


Look at all the pretty colours...


Very nice, love how you painted the fleshy parts.

Many thanks :thumbsup: 

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ill never be ready, too much stuff, guess ill have to paint what i have and build more at the same time, was hoping to have a nice batch build converted and basecoated all ready to paint up
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Those are some fantastic heretics, even if their nightclub-camo is a bit unorthodox.:laugh.:


My favourite part is probably the first guy's lightning claw - somehow the paint work makes it look even more vicious!

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@thamier. Give it a go. Even small point vows add up.


@Ace. Best camo ever. No one expects marines to be brightly coloured. As for the claw, I wasn't too sure but it has grown on me.


@DSS7. Many thanks and good luck to you too.

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