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Cheers, guys!


@ Scribe of Khorne: There are quite a few viable options for rabble: The DV plastic cultists really look the part, or you could get a box of flagellants, Cadians each to kitbash some suitable models. Splicing in some more exotic bitz (undead, especially Crypt Ghouls, Bretonnian Men-at-arms) should work really well too! I am currently thinking of actually building some picketeers, in order to show rioters from the actual beginning of an uprising, where everything started as some kind of workers protest or something similar...

Yeah thats the trick, getting the weapons/tools into their hands. If there is a kit out there with auto-pistols or equivalent I just havent seen or thought of it yet. I've got plenty of bodies, from the DV set and was just going to start hacking things up, but that seems lacking in elegence. :p

  On 4/19/2014 at 1:07 AM, Scribe of Khorne said:

Yeah thats the trick, getting the weapons/tools into their hands. If there is a kit out there with auto-pistols or equivalent I just havent seen or thought of it yet. I've got plenty of bodies, from the DV set and was just going to start hacking things up, but that seems lacking in elegence. :tongue.:

Zinge Industries has several nice weapons


@ Scribe of Khorne: Well, hacking things up is an integral part of the hobby to me, so I don't really see it as lacking in elegance. What's great about those DV cultists is that they are really easy to convert, too! My first squad was built right out of the box (a head and weapon swap on the champ notwithstanding):




For my second squad, I just swapped around some heads and added a handful of external bitz for some variety:



You can also really influence these guys' look according to your wishes: Want mutant rabble? Add some crypt ghoul heads or Beastman parts. Want workers rabble? Just add some shovels from IG kits or convert some of the weapons into heavy duty tools:




The same goes for Zombies, Genestealer cultists,...


As for possible sources for autopistols: Another option would be to get your hands one some of the plastic starter models from Necromunda: Those shouldn't be too hard to find on ebay, and while the models haven't aged terribly well, they come with autoguns, stubbers,... -- you name it.

So, as luck would have it, an order I had placed with a bitz seller on ebay was delievered today, on the last day of my Easter vacation, and I couldn't help messing around with the bitz: This guy pretty much came together just like that, easy as pie:




I have to give credit where credit is due, though: The idea for replacing the blade on that Deathwing axe was nicked from AMaximus, and the brilliant use of Warp Talon toes on Chaos Termninator gauntlets was suggested by fellow hobbyist Lucutus. Oh, and the model above will probably be named Raas the Butcher, as a shout out to Augustus B'Raass, who was nice enough to feature a namesake of mine in the fluff for his spectacular Night Lords contemptor.

Anyway, let me know what you think!  :thumbsup:

  On 4/19/2014 at 1:07 AM, Scribe of Khorne said:

Yeah thats the trick, getting the weapons/tools into their hands. If there is a kit out there with auto-pistols or equivalent I just havent seen or thought of it yet. I've got plenty of bodies, from the DV set and was just going to start hacking things up, but that seems lacking in elegence. :p

Forge World sells some auto-pistols for the chaos renegades, but it is a pack of 10 arm sets with 3 auto-pistols, 6 autoguns,and 2 special weapons I think.

  On 4/23/2014 at 5:33 PM, KrautScientist said:




I have to give credit where credit is due, though: The idea for replacing the blade on that Deathwing axe was nicked from AMaximus, and the brilliant use of Warp Talon toes on Chaos Termninator gauntlets was suggested by fellow hobbyist Lucutus. Oh, and the model above will probably be named Raas the Butcher, as a shout out to Augustus B'Raass, who was nice enough to feature a namesake of mine in the fluff for his spectacular Night Lords contemptor.


Anyway, let me know what you think!  :thumbsup:

Wow! Raas is looking like a beast! I am most honoured that you name him after me. Seems appropriate that he'll be a Khorne character - as Augustus b'Raass has been the name of my Khorne Lords since I was 16.

  On 4/24/2014 at 1:47 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Why is everybody so obsessed with boobies lately? :woot:


Cheers, guys! ;)


I would leave you to your wet dreams and all, but I feel I need to keep some kind of stewardship of this thread after all ;)


@ Augustus B'Raass: The honour is well deserved, mate, both for the extremely inspirational models as well as sparking a rather interesting discussion. It goes without saying that Raas the Butcher's backstory will mention his extreme cruelty and need to dismember his victims ;)


@ Yogi: I think the rather slender build of the Eisenkern models may be to blame for that. That said, it's important to note that female Eisenkern troops are on the way:




Oh, and while this may be slightly off topic in a thread dedicated to chaos, maybe this WIP picture of a plastic Battle Sister I recently kitbashed will provide you with the boobs you so desire?



Hmm, let's see: The parts rundown goes pretty much like this:


- the head came from the gunner model from that one Sisters of Battle tank kit

- torso and legs: DE Kabalite warrior, similar to what you suspected :wink:

- sword hand and lower right arm: Bretonnian knights

- upper right arm and entire left arm: slightly shaved down arms from WFB Knights of the White Wolf.

- backpack: shaved down GK backpack (with vents from the Dark Vengeance Chosen).


The rest are bitz and bobs. Hope that explains it! A very similar recipe can be used to make rather convincing Sisters of Silence, btw.

Edited by KrautScientist

Yeah that sister is pretty nice. Clever conversion as its not too obvious. Always a good sign. 


And yeah the Mondragon stormtrooper kit's realistic proportions might be throwing me off or its thighs. But using the helmet on the scions as you said looks very nice.  Someone will probably end up casting a bunch of em to do it no doubt. 


Your trencher is also ace. Proper ace.


My only criticism (my own personal taste), regarding the chaos marauder heads you've got on the scions, I don't like em. Something just doesn't sit right with me about em. 


I also love your vox caster guy the most. He has mega character whether ordering pizzas on the middle of the battlefield or relaying coordinates. Fantastic.


Finally its really cool to see warzone figs painted up, did you paint the whole lot? Got a link?

Nice blog, Its in my favorites now. Cool run down about warzone. I never knew there were more then two factions. In my googling it seems someone decided to relaunch it.




Might be a nice source of ready made trenchers. http://shop.prodosgames.com/en/rulebook-starter-sets/81-imperial-starter.html

  On 4/24/2014 at 1:50 PM, forte said:


  On 4/24/2014 at 1:47 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Why is everybody so obsessed with boobies lately? :woot:



You can't talk, Forte, you Herald of Slaanesh, you... :wink:

  On 4/24/2014 at 1:50 PM, forte said:


  On 4/24/2014 at 1:47 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Why is everybody so obsessed with boobies lately? :woot:




  On 4/24/2014 at 2:44 PM, KrautScientist said:

Cheers, guys! :wink:


I would leave you to your wet dreams and all, but I feel I need to keep some kind of stewardship of this thread after all 


@ Augustus B'Raass: The honour is well deserved, mate, both for the extremely inspirational models as well as sparking a rather interesting discussion. It goes without saying that Raas the Butcher's backstory will mention his extreme cruelty and need to dismember his victims 


About Raas: I would so love to see the finished model and *SO* would love the fluff you will be writing for him. Go for it. I've already true-scaled a termie to serve as the base for the Night Lords  apothecary  known as Kraus

About the boobies: come on guys, you know you love 'm. Please just admit you missed the mandatory second one :sweat: :teehee: :whistling: :wink.: :wink:

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