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Thanks a lot for the positive feedback, people! Seems I've managed to fix the issue -- or are you lot just humouring me now? ;)


Anyway, here are some better pictures, taken in daylight: Both the right arm and left hand have now been permanently glued on:










As for his backpack, that's basically a placeholder for now, but maybe one I might want to keep...? Anyway, here's a look at his back:




It's basically a standard CSM backpack with a piece of horse spine stuck on top -- a leftover from an earlier, ultimately discarded, build of my World Eaters Apothecary. I just stuck it on this guy out of the blue, but I kinda like the effect with the spine. I have to say I am not a huge fan of Kranon's original backpack -- it looks slightly too organic and Gigeresque to really fit the style of my army. And I like how the standard backpacks bulk out the model's silhouette -- but I am still very open to suggestions at this point, so shoot! ;)


All in all, this is turning to be quite a squad of Chosen, don't you think?




Which is funny, because I happen to have a lot of converted Chosen from the time before Dark Vengeance. Oh well...


As always, let me know what you think! :)

Not humoring you in the slightest. 


Before he had a "HUGZ!" look to him.


Now it looks like he ripped the head from an enemy and is using his sword to point out all the other easily rippable heads in close proximity to the rest his squad. 


The bros are looking like quite the coherent death squad. Good job!

I'd still get a knife out and tilt that right arm/wrist even further, almost vertical sword across the chest. :whistling:


Anyway, are you adding owt to the spine piece ? It just looks.....odd at the moment. A skull or something to top it off ?

They are looking pretty unified as a squad now though, so keep at it !

He feels too rigid to me, really.  The two fully outstretched arms just don't look natural.  The fact that he's looking straight ahead doesn't help.  If he was looking down one arm or the other, it would give the pose a sense of purpose.  It seems like you're going for the exultant-roar pose, but without being able to add any dynamism to his body like arching his back, tilting back his head, or a more aggressive pose of the legs, the only thing going in that direction are his arms.


As a more minor technical note, turning his sword at such an inward angle seems to push his elbow up into a very painful looking position.  The sort that elbows aren't suppose to take. :lol:

He feels too rigid to me, really.  The two fully outstretched arms just don't look natural.  The fact that he's looking straight ahead doesn't help.  If he was looking down one arm or the other, it would give the pose a sense of purpose.  It seems like you're going for the exultant-roar pose, but without being able to add any dynamism to his body like arching his back, tilting back his head, or a more aggressive pose of the legs, the only thing going in that direction are his arms.


As a more minor technical note, turning his sword at such an inward angle seems to push his elbow up into a very painful looking position.  The sort that elbows aren't suppose to take. :laugh.:

Nah he's just about to toss that head down the stairs in front of all the horrified Slaanesh cultists.



Krannon is a tricky one to convert, I based my original Urkrathos on him and found a good pose for his sword hand was to tilt it back and rest it on his pauldron almost. That way it still looks 'at rest' while different from the original. Needs a bit of cut and shutting though.


That head is awesome, pure and simple. Your conversions are always so characterful B)

Cheers for the (mostly) positive feedback, people! I think this probably indicates that the model looks better now?! :wink:


I'll be honest: There'll be no more changes to the model's pose. I realise that I could possibly do all kinds of amazing things, but I don't really want to ruin a piece I am basically happy with.


@ OSS: I decided against that pose because I didn't want the sword to obscure all that excellent detail on the chest armour -- but you're right, it would look more like the artwork.


@ Firepower: Hmm, I think we'll have to agree to disagree here: I don't think the pose is nearly as problematic as you describe. Plus that elbow of his is actually encased in a huge piece of elbow armour, which I think doesn't necessarily 100% mirror the actual angle of the elbow within it. It's hard to describe, but becomes more obvious when you see the arm in question up close.


I've actually tried to mimic the pose of the right arm with my own right arm -- and with an actual sword, no less. And my elbow naturally moved into a position very similar to that on the model. I didn't even have to try. Disclaimer: To my knowledge, it's an entirely unremarkable, anatomically normal elbow that has never been broken or even dislocated and has served me without a hitch for the last 33 years. ;)


The backpack may still be subject to change. I hear your demand for something to top off that spine, although I doubt it'll be a skull -- that may just end up looking a bit too tacky, even for a Chaos Lord :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist

I think it looks spot on Kraut. Was in love with it before the head swapping from the plasma pistol, but I like the head just as much.


Like the spine arching over his head as is also.


Bring on the paint man!


( yay my name got updated ^,,,^ )

that may just end up looking a bit too tacky, even for a Chaos Lord :wink:



Although I'll settle for that little Khorne symbol hanging from the horns of the normal CSM kit's Khorne helmet. :tu:

Hmm, I think there's a very real danger of the backpack ending up too tacky or drawing away attention from the rest of the model. I think I'll have to think about this a bit and see where the pieces land -- I may yet abandon the spine idea altogether. Anyway, we'll see.


Meanwhile, I've gotten myself into a tight spot: With all of the buzz about Augustus' new hobby event, I jumped right in! And what better way to profit from such an event than to 1) finally force yourself to finish a model that you really want to see finished and 2) finally force somebody else to finish a model of theirs that you really want so see finished, right? ;)


Towards that end, the esteemed Biohazard and I have entered a challenge to finally complete our respective World Eaters lords. Even though this only means one model to complete for either of us, it's still a biggie, because we've both spent ages finally coming up with the conversions for these guys.


Anyway, here's what you can expect (We can also consider this the first official Augustus' Arena Update on this thread):


I'll finally paint Lord Captain Lorimar, Master of the Hunt and Commander of the World Eaters' 4th assault company. This lovely chap:








The model will be finished until April 5th, at the latest. Actually, I hope I'll be quite a bit faster than that, but better safe than sorry, right?


As for Biohazard, I challenged him to complete Lord Malek Deimos, Master of the World Eaters' 18th company:




Because I really, really want to see this amazing model in colour.



So yeah, keep your fingers crossed for us ;)

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