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I really do love this log; it is THE place to go for World Eatery goodness. I am really happy that you are tackling 30k World Eaters; I think they have such a striking overall appearance/theme. I am looking forward to seeing more conversions!

Thanks a lot, guys! :smile.:


@ Biohazard: Cheers, buddy! I am really happy with the new guy's pose, to be honest. Since I wanted to use a helmet on this model, I knew that all the personality would have to be in the pose, so I tried to make it as expressive and menacing as possible :smile.:


@ SalvationofReason: The bright head was used deliberately to draw attention to that part of the model -- glad to see that it seems to have worked :smile.:


So, only a short while later, I can show you the finished model. While working over a white basecoat is every bit as dreadful as I remembered from about fifteen years ago, it does make things quite a bit easier in the end. This time around, I also really felt like I knew what I was doing, so I guess my recipe must be pretty sound after all.


Anyway, without further ado:




"To the prim and proper XIIIth or the bleeding heart XVIIIth, the thought of Astartes killing Astartes is anathema.
But we have been doing this for decades, night after night, in the cages and on the hot dust.
The only difference is that there is no longer any need to hold back."

Legionary Sarn, Eigar Veteran Tactical squad, 4th assault company, XII Legion Astartes











It was clear that blood would have to enter the picture at some point, so I chose this model as a test piece for that as well, trying to create an effect that would subtly enhance the model without overpowering it.


The slightly tweaked recipe made for quicker work and allowed me to have a bit of fun, like adding another decal to the right shoulder pad:




Or including the pauldron of a fallen Armaturan Evocatus on the model's base...




And here are both test models together. As you can see, they are very similar in appearance:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



Edited by KrautScientist

That blood is spot on. Enough to evoke savagery but not enough to just look silly. If you can pull this off on the regular rank and file, you'll be on the right track indeed. It looks very convincingly random. Care to share your process? 

First of all, I hope you all had a very merry Christmas!


Thanks for the kind words about my second 30k World Eater! I really appreciate it!


@JeffTibbetts: If the blood looks random, that's because it is! I used a tootbrush to create some convincing patterns, slowly building up the effect and only adding a bit here and there with my paintbrush -- I'm glad to hear it seems to have worked :wink:


@ Atia: Cheers! Look below for a recipe :wink:


@ The Hydra: In fact, a more restrained use of blood effects actually makes for a nice "mini-narrative", where you ask yourself how that blood got there in the first place :wink:



Since you seem to like the white - and I also think I may have stumbled upon a rather effective recipe here - allow me to share a small step by step tutorial focusing on the white armour:


This is what you'll need:


  • GW Corax White spraypaint
  • a white of your choice (I use Vallejo Dead White, but GW Ceramite White will work just the same)
  • GW Lahmian Medium
  • a black and brown wash of your choice. I use Army Painter Strong Tone and Dark Tone, respectively, but GW Agrax Earthshade and GW Nuln Oil should also do the job
  • a suitable dark brown/dark grey/green-brown colour for the sponge weathering. I use the OOP GW Charadon Granite (which is wonderful). However, any very dark grey/black/dark brown should work similarly well.

Oh, and one more piece of advice: You'll make your life quite a bit easier if you leave the backpack and shoulder pads off and paint them separately. In fact, I even use a different undercoat for them (black for the pauldrons and black, then Leadbelcher for the backpack). You can also leave off the head in order to be able to get to all the little nooks and crannies. However, all the steps apply to both the head and body of the model.


So here we go:


Step 1: Spraypaint the entire model using GW Corax White spray. You get to decide how white you want your model to be during this step. For a cleaner white, use a thicker coat of spraypaint (or multiple passes of spraying). Make sure not to lay the colour on too thickly, though. This is what your model will look like afterwards:




Step 2: After everything has dried, check to see whether there are any areas that remain unpainted. If so, this is the moment to use some slightly diluted white to clean them up a bit. As soon as that is finished, you should give the entire model a drybrushing with the same white, in order to build up a bit of contrast on the raised parts of the armour. It goes without saying that this will be more effective if you went for a slightly thinner undercoat.


Step 3: Now's the time to block in all the different colours that aren't white, i.e. the metallics, skin, trophies, pieces of cloth, pouches etc. This recipe won't focus on my colour choices for this part, although I might do a more detailed tutorial in the future. Anyway, this is what the model will look like at this point:




If you think it looks pretty terrible, you're absolutely right. Don't fret, as that'll change in a minute :wink:

One important thing, though: This is also the moment where you apply all the decals you want to go onto the armour, as we'll need to weather them along with the armour to make them look realistic. So if you want to use any of those red decals from Forgeworld, apply them now! This is also the last opportunity to clean up the white: Any errors that you don't correct now will have to be covered up by the weathering later, so take another look at the areas that might require a bit of cleanup now!


Step 4: Here's where it gets interesting: Mix a glaze using Lahmian Medium and your brown and black washes on your palette. No need for an exact recipe, although the Lahmian Medium should account for about 60% of the mixture, with the rest made up of the black and brown. You'll also want slightly more black and brown for a World Eater, while more brown will give you a pretty nice glaze for a Death Guard legionnaire. Once you have mixed the colours together, quickly and generously paint them onto the white armour, and do it in one go, so as not to produce any ugly borders. The glaze will shade the armour without drying on the even surfaces in a splotchy way (as a mere wash would), while also giving the whole armour a slightly muddy and off-white quality. Here's what the model will look like after this step:




Step 5: We're almost there. Now give the model some time to dry (!) before you tackle the next step. When everything is nice and dry, you put some Charadon Granite (or your alternate dark brown/dark grey) onto your palette and use a small piece of blister sponge to dip into it. Then you should sponge off most of the colour back onto the palette or onto a piece of kitchen towel. When there's just a bit of colour left, use the sponge to carefully add weathering to the surfaces of the armour. This is not an exact science, so you need to experiment a bit. You can also build up the effect in several layers. The sponge weathering will end up looking very organic, which is great, plus it's really useful for covering up errors and ugly areas. Just keep in mind that you will also have to use the effect on the blue parts of the armour (i.e. the shoulder pads and backpack), so they won't stick out by being too clean.


Anyway, I added multiple layers of spomge weathering until I was happy. And here's the mostly finished model:




As you can see, the shoulder pad and backpack are already in place. You can do this as soon as you no longer need access to every part of the armour. I also added a selective edge highlight to some raised parts of the armour, such as the helmet's faceplate, the elbows, the armour plate covering the model's stomach etc. Oh, and I brushed some Steel Legion Drab over the model's feet and greaves, in order to create a visual connection with the base. Of course you'll have to adjust this part, depending on the colour scheme you have chosen for your basing,


So yeah, hope this helps! In other news, as you can see, there'll be a new legionary soon :wink:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist

Love it. Great tutorial (also great almost-finished model!), Kraut. 


Could you clear up something for me, please? After the GW Lahmian Medium + AP Strong/Dark Tone Glaze, you go straight to the weathering? No more white on a sponge or something? I'm asking because the white on the 4th picture looks so much brighter than the third. Could be the lighting perhaps, but I'd rather be sure - as I plan on using your recipe :)



Cheers, mate! :)


And no, no more white on a sponge. Merely the aforementioned selective edge highlight here and there. I realise the third picture is rather misleading in that it was taken late in the evening, in less than ideal lighting. I just wanted to keep painting instead of waiting for better light, so the photo isn't as good as it should be. The white is just as bright as the white in the fourth picture, if not brighter, it just doesn't appear that way. Btw, that's one of the horsehair crests you sent me a while ago ;)


Anyway, hope this helps! :)

Like I promised, here's the finished third World Eater:




"You think we take our opponents' skulls to mock them, Evocatus? Hah, quite the opposite!
Even in death, your eyes will be allowed to glimpse the battlefield once more -- what greater honour could be bestowed upon a true warrior?"


Legionary Molax of the Triarii, XII Legion Astartes. Seconded to 4th assault company following the Battle of Armatura.








With this model, I wanted to experiment with a more gladiatorial look, which I believe turned out pretty convincing. I also spliced in some actual Khorne Berzerker parts to create the kind of "mongrel" plate that should have been a pretty regular occurence in the XII legion, considering its rather heads-on approach to warfare and the amount of losses taken during the outbreak of the Heresy and the subsequent Shadow War.


And here are all three test models I have painted so far:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
  On 12/30/2015 at 12:31 PM, KrautScientist said:


And here are all three test models I have painted so far:


Seriously though: please do a whole contingent of HH world eaters? Perhaps with some vehicles - or even some jetbikes! :smile.: That'd be awesome in your scheme.

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

+1 for jetbikes. Especially jetbikes with sharp pointy things on the front, Mad Max style.

Your three 'test' models look great together, even if the red on the most recent WE makes him look slightly out of place (no, not talking about the blood).

Cheers, guys! :)


No jetbikes, I'm afaid, because I frankly hate the design of the Forgeworld jetbikes -- they don't resemble any of the artwork that came before and are just too lomg and cumbersome for my taste. That said, it probably won't surprise you when I say that there will be more 30k World Eaters, of course. Just don't expect an army anytime soon, but rather something like a Killteam and some special characters, alright?


@ SalvationOfReason: While you're not wrong about the red, the model was also an attempt at introducing another spot colour, so there'll be elements in the same red appearing on quite a few on the future models, especially when it comes to things like tabards, loincloths, horsehair crests etc.

Would love to square off against a kill team of 30k eaters as well painted as these guys. You've really outdone yourself with these madmen and the simplicity of the way you've painted them, has definitely made me want to build a heresy era kill team all the more. Great work Kraut.

A kill team is how it starts. "Just a few models..."


We are patient in the AoD.


We'll totally keep a seat open for you on the heresy train K-Sci :D


Also, thanks for the World Eater speed paint tute. That looks like it'd be awesome to turn out a bunch of guys in short order without sacrificing quality.

First of all, happy new year everyone! And thanks again for the kind words! :smile.:


Regarding the Killteam/army issue, here's a couple of thoughts on the matter: What you must not forget is that I basically wasn't interested in doing any Heresy era models at all before Betrayal at Calth was launched: The thought of having to work with huge amounts of resin safely kept me away, and had GW not released the first plastic Heresy models, it would have stayed that way.


The other thing that surprised me was that painting the WE Heresy scheme has turned out to be such a cakewalk: I knew that if I were to do any Heresy models, it would have to be World Eaters after all, but the fear of pulling off that white scheme really scared me off. And now I have stumbled upon a recipe that makes it all so easy and pleasant -- I would never have expected that.


So things are looking good, and exploring an earlier iteration of my favourite 40k army will be a lot of fun. Just keep in mind that it will be a rather deliberate process, favouring characters over massed ranks. And don't expect any tanks anytime soon, because I just don't enjoy painting vehicles all that much. A Killteam seems like a sensible place to start, there will obviously be some of the characters I have already built. And that tweaked Contemptor. Beyond that, it's all up in the air. If it all spins off into an army project at some point, that's great. I wouldn't expect it, though, so please don't hold your breath :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist



I felt the same way. I don't particularly like working with resin and hate painting white! Your 30k models pull it off nicely and i love how gritty and grimy they feel. Keep up the good stuff.

I must say yours is one of the best representations of Lhoer I have seen, pretty much exactly how I imagined him. The AoS head is perfect.


I am liking your take on the 30k Worldeaters, they are my fave of the Legions. Your white is great, and just enough blood splatter to boot

  On 12/30/2015 at 5:37 PM, KrautScientist said:

No jetbikes, I'm afaid, because I frankly hate the design of the Forgeworld jetbikes -- they don't resemble any of the artwork that came before and are just too lomg and cumbersome for my taste. 

Haha well, I can dig that. The jetbikes kinda grew on me, but when they just came out, I remember my local store manager comparing them to lady toys, if you catch my drift... :pinch: :wacko.:

  On 1/1/2016 at 1:32 PM, KrautScientist said:

And don't expect any tanks anytime soon, because I just don't enjoy painting vehicles all that much. 

Although it's a shame because I love tanks, I'm stoked about you doing a kill team-esque squad of those cool Heresy World Eaters. Bring it on! :tu:

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