KrautScientist Posted April 1, 2016 Author Share Posted April 1, 2016 @ JeffTibbetts: Yeah, I think it's something I am going to try. If I can make it a clean enough GS job, that is ;) In the meantime, I have started converting the Cataphractii Sergeant. I thought it would be cool if one model of the squad were to sport the classic "bunny ears" (or "Caedere Remissum"), and the sergeant was the obvious candidate. I also gave him a slightly daemonic looking pauldron as a test, although I think it works fairly well. Oh, and I recycled the leftover combi-bolter/melta from the Praetor for this model: I also did some more cleanup work on Lorimar. Some very minor final touches notwithstanding, the conversion is now finished: And here's the entire merry band of lovable rogues once again: As always, let me know what you think! :) Jimmy Carmine, Augustus b'Raass, Kizzdougs and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted April 1, 2016 Share Posted April 1, 2016 Oooh the sergeant looks cool! I love the bunny ears. "Caedere Remissum" comes up as 'giving slack' in google translate. Explanation? :) Lorimar looks like a boss, dude. Well done. Did you change ryour mind about the eye on the axe? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted April 1, 2016 Share Posted April 1, 2016 Looking good, but I would definitely fill in the chips and the eye on that axe to divorce it from the new one visually, even if it is supposed to develop into the 40k axe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 1, 2016 Author Share Posted April 1, 2016 Cheers, guys! :) "Caedere Remissum" is BL's/GW's/FW's wording, not mine, so your gess is as good as mine regarding the actual meaning. "Caedere" has already been used as a term meaning "Butchers" for those World Eaters who are already too far gone to fight according to tactics that actually make sense. Therefore I suspect "Caedere Remissum" should probably translated as "Butcher's Mark" or something similar. But again, this is just conjecture. I was just using the work GW's authors invented for it ;) As for the axe, I will try to fill in the chips, provided I manage to pull it off in a clean enough way. As for the eye, a fellow forumite on a big German forum came up with the idea to keep the eye, but to fill in the chaotic arrows around it, making it look like some kind of decorative jewel. I think I rather like that idea, as just removing everything would just create a huge flat area on the axe blade. We'll see how it goes ;) Teetengee and Augustus b'Raass 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skrall Posted April 1, 2016 Share Posted April 1, 2016 Might have to steal that idea for the heads/armour on cataphractii, it's pretty spot on. -skrall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted April 1, 2016 Share Posted April 1, 2016 sounds good for the axe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 Lots of fun of good stuff lately, I like the continuity between 30k and 40k in tour forces. Might I ask where the head on the champion is from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 2, 2016 Author Share Posted April 2, 2016 (edited) Cheers, guys! @ Skrall: Steal away! Adding bunny ears to Cataphractii bodies can be a bit tricky because it tends to get in the way of the shoulder pads and the posing -- even more than on 40k Terminators, so make sure to take this into account! @ ElDuderino: You mean the latest sergeant model, right? It's from the Bloodreavers that come with the Age of Sigmar starter box -- in fact, all the helmets you see in the squad are from those Bloodreaver models, along with some of the decorative bitz (the daggers and "handcuffs", for instance. EDIT: Here, let me bring over the latest couple of pictures over to this page for easier browsing: In the meantime, I have started converting the Cataphractii Sergeant. I thought it would be cool if one model of the squad were to sport the classic "bunny ears" (or "Caedere Remissum"), and the sergeant was the obvious candidate. I also gave him a slightly daemonic looking pauldron as a test, although I think it works fairly well. Oh, and I recycled the leftover combi-bolter/melta from the Praetor for this model: I also did some more cleanup work on Lorimar. Some very minor final touches notwithstanding, the conversion is now finished: And here's the entire merry band of lovable rogues once again: As always, let me know what you think! Edited April 2, 2016 by KrautScientist Soulcrusher6669 and Raztalin 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 Your lord is much improved and looking very impressive. I think the ears look very cool as well, though I feel that the helmet should be turned slightly more towards the outstretched arm - however slightly, even if you need to carve a little out to accomodate it. Very cool progress, though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thamier Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 as always truly awsome, a suggestion would be to add a bit of greenstuff details under the shoulderplate on his left arm. I dont know what they are called but those leather strap thingys that hang down so they go all the waynaround the arm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 2, 2016 Author Share Posted April 2, 2016 Thanks for the comments, gents! :) @ Mol: Yes, I see what you mean. As it happens, I have already shaved off quite a bit from that particular helmet, and it still doesn't fit 100%. I'll try to tweak it, like you suggested, but maybe it'll have to stay that way, as I have already ruined another helmet trying to make it fit ;) @ Thamier: You are definitely right about those shoulder straps, although I think I have an even more elegeant solution that doesn't require any GS: I have picked up another BaC Cataphractii Praetor from a fellow hobbyist which will probably be used for a true scale conversion somewhere along the line, and the straps are surplus to requirements on that model, so I will just be shaving them off from the second praetor and add them to 30k Lorimar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 Thanks for the info but man, i didn't want to get any more fantasy minis just for some bits... but that helm looks sooo sweet on a terminator hehe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noctus Cornix Posted April 3, 2016 Share Posted April 3, 2016 Awww... Those Cataphractii terminators look sick, man. I might have to steal a couple ideas off this for my Word Bearers. Keep it up, man. Can't wait to see them painted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 3, 2016 Author Share Posted April 3, 2016 Thanks a lot, guys! :) @ ElDuderino: Quite a few people seem to be using the Bloodreavers for conversions, so you should just keep your eyes open on ebay and/or the forums for anyone selling off/trading away any leftovers. That helmet you like so much in particular is basically an optional bit (you can use either this or another part on the same body to make either a unit champion or a regular Bloodreaver), so maybe somebody has it lying around? @ Noctus Cornix: Steal away, mate! Always a pleasure to be of service to our brothers from the XVII legion ;) GREY88 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 9, 2016 Author Share Posted April 9, 2016 So, another teeny tiny update on the new Cataphractii incarnation of Lord Captain Lorimar for today: Changes to the model happen in increasingly small increments, which is always indisputable proof of the conversion rapidly approaching completion ;) I have yet to make the planned additions to the axe, but as I have received the extra prator model I ordered earlier this week, I was able to shave off the additional leather straps I needed and add them to Lorimar. Take a look: I think this solution is ultimately far more elegant than having to rely on my - sub-par - GS skills ;) And here's a look at the model's back. Careful observers will spot the stylised Khornate rune adorning the crossguard of Lorimar's sword (I put it there to replace a wolf skull): As for the donor model for those leather straps, I have some plans for it, of course. Since those don't have anything to do with my World Eaters, though, I'll be putting them into spoiler tags: Emboldened by my experiences from cutting apart the Cataphractii Praetor, I want to use a second one to build another true scale Astartes, inspired by an idea from Commissar Molotov's Deathwatch thread. The model is still in its very early stages, but I think you can already see that this might be promising: The model will probably represent the Chapter Master of my DIY chapter, the Golden Legion. Here's the model next to my first true scale Marine: Even though the bolter pose works fairly well, it does seem too pedestrian a weapon for a chapter master. The finished model will probably be using the huge, ornate sword from the Deathwatch command squad (here's a very quick and dirty Photoshop mockup): As always, let me know what you think! :) Quixus, Soulcrusher6669, Kizzdougs and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted April 9, 2016 Share Posted April 9, 2016 If I didn't know this was cataphractii armour cut up and kitbashed to look like true scare, I'd say this is perfect artificer armour for any scale. Once finished you might want to make a mold of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Montuhotep Posted April 9, 2016 Share Posted April 9, 2016 Every time I see this thread at the top of the stack I automatically think: 'What wonders have got for me (to nick) now?' I hate to think how big your bits box is to keep whipping out all these conversions! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soric Posted April 9, 2016 Share Posted April 9, 2016 The heresy era Lorrimar conversion is looking great and cant wait to see him painted. I was also fooled into thinking that your new truescaled marine was not so truescaled. He looks more like a veteran sergeant to me but I'm sure if he had a cloak as well as some more bling then that would push the capatain/chapter master look a bit further. Great work overall Kraut. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted April 10, 2016 Share Posted April 10, 2016 Lorimar is great and all, but the other guy is spectacular. It's hard to say on the weapon though, the blade definitely looks good, but the pointing bolter is so striking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted April 10, 2016 Share Posted April 10, 2016 I was going to say something to the same effect as Teets, above. so I'll just say "QFT" and add: bolters are NOT pedestrian weapons. Even for chapter masters. Remember there was a Primarch who favoured it above all other weapons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 10, 2016 Author Share Posted April 10, 2016 (edited) Cheers for the feedback, guys! @ Quixus: Yeah, that Cataphractii Praetor is a perfect base for converting older armour marks and/or artificer armour for a true scale Marine, if you ask me. No molds, though, both because I don't even know how I would have to go about such a thing and because I'm not a fan of brazenly copying what is, for all intensts and purposes, somebody else's intellectual property. That said, the model is, for the most part, easy enough to convert to true scale, so whoever wants to give it a go shouldn't have too many difficulties with it. @ Paladin7221: That is very kind of you to say, mate! And for your information, it sometimes feels like I am living in a bitzbox -- spiky little pieces of plastic wherever I tread @ Soric: A cape and some extra bling are definitely in the cards for the chapter master @ Teetengee & Augs: Now I do of course realise that the bolter is the iconic Astartes weapon, but you know what? Confession time: I've never been that much of a fan. Maybe this is actually the real reason for my having chosen a legion that has almost completely discarded the bolter for a more CC oriented loadout? ;) But seriously, there are very few weapon loadouts that I find less interesting than a plain old bolter, even moreso if it's a Chapter Master we are talking about. There's also the fact that the Golden Legion have a huge penchant for using swords as part of their backstory (due to their history of having protected the Imperial martyr Sabasto, known as the "Sword Saint"). And Space Marines are also ungodly powerful in INQ28, completely dominating the games they appear in, which is why I want the chaper master to look less like he's in a middle of a fight and more like a very powerful and imposing NPC, if that makes any sense. Edited April 10, 2016 by KrautScientist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Eye Posted April 10, 2016 Share Posted April 10, 2016 Wow, that Chapter Master looks superb. I must have a go at making a True-Scale Marine at some point... As for his weapon, whilst I agree that a mere bolter is far too normal a weapon for him, I kinda think he should have something more fancy than just a sword. I'm thinking either a sod-off-huge greatsword (not ludicrously large/flashy/anime-esque, but just big enough to look massive even by Astartes standards- think Guts' pre-Dragonslayer sword) or some kind of gunblade type...thing (again, not too Final Fantasy but something that looks like a valuable chapter relic). Here's a few pics that could be helpful. (Yes, this is a real weapon.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 12, 2016 Author Share Posted April 12, 2016 @ Squigsquasher: Cheers, mate! As for the sword, hmm, I actually think that Deathwing sword should work really well as a suitably ornate weapon for a chapter master. Let's try that first before we break out the anime-esque weapons, alright? ;) In the meantime, here's the final model for the Cataphractii squad: the heavy weapons guy. This was arguably the hardest model to get right, mostly on account of the somewhat dopey looking leg pose. I also considered arming this guy with a Reaper autocannon for a while, but eventually went for the heavy flamer included with the kit due to, you know, that whole “Kill! Maim! Burn!” thing…So here’s the model: legs remain slightly awkward, but I tweaked the pose until I could live with it. Beyond that, it was mainly a question of adding some gladiatorial touches, such as the marauder shield on the flamer. I also chose a – pretty old – rebreather head, both because a flamer guy needs a rebreather and because I really like the head’s scarred look — it doesn’t photograph to well, unfortunately, due to the older plastic.When I posted my first Cataphractii conversions on Dakka, fellow hobbyist Anvildude suggested – only half-jokingly, I suspect – adding an “axefist” to one of the models. Much fun was had by everyone involved, trying to figure out how such a weapon would even work, but in the end, I am always up for a little fun, and I also didn’t want to repeat myself too much with this squad. So here it is, an axefist: here's the fully converted Cataphractii squad: am actually really happy with these guys, by and large: They are still recognisable as Cataphractii and Legiones Astartes warriors. They are brutal and vicious enough to read as World Eaters. Some subtle, Khornate influences are already in evidence, although they do not overpower the models. These guys are hopefully going to look great in white and blue! And they have the classic topknots — what’s not to like? ;)Oh, and here's another look at the squad with the Praetor: always, let me know what you think! :) Brother Dallo, poom, DimDim and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Eye Posted April 12, 2016 Share Posted April 12, 2016 Damn, these guys are gonna look fantastic once they're all painted up. I think my favourite is the one on the far right- he just looks plain scary. I've forgotten, are these guys going to be painted in pre-heresy colours or post-heresy red and brass? Either way they'll look superb. It's a shame the Forge World Cataphractii are so expensive and the plastic ones are only available in Betrayal at Calth, because I could quite fancy converting some for my EC army. Though with all the stuff I still need to finish, I need not to be thinking about starting anything new. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted April 12, 2016 Share Posted April 12, 2016 Can't wait to see these guys fully painted it's going to look epic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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