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Great work on the base mate (and the chaplain!). Just waiting to see some progress in the bigger part of it, because:


1) I'll love to see more awesome stuff

2) More battered smurfs is always a good thing

3) This would mean the project is a step closer to completion

4) And I need to see that vignette finished!


Keep going with your awesome work.



Thanks, guys! :)


@ Midnight Runner: Well, don't blink then and keep commenting -- simple as that ;)

I definitely agree with you regarding the Contemptor: I went for a fairly subtle pose, and he's easily one of my favourite 30k models so far. That plastic Contemptor is a fantastic base for all kinds of conversion shenanigans, and if GW had only priced it at a more palatable point (say 20 Euros), I'd be getting five of them in a heartbeat ;)


@ Andvarr A: Mate, you haven't forgotten the huge red daemon to be added to the base, have you? Enough with the suggestions to keep adding more clutter to the base! Seriously! ;)


@ Maximvus: Well, in that case, have I got news for you! Because not only do I have an update on the base, but I could also use some help and feedback here:


So the left part of the base - the part Angron will be standing on - is actually finished at this point, and the black undercoat has nicely tied together all the different elements and materials:




So I started with the detailing of the right side of the aquila. Here's where the whole ensemble stands right now:




The first surprise was the fact that there's actually less space on there than I had expected. So I think what we're looking at here are two additional Ultramarines, tops.


The first of these came from the base of Forgeworld's Angron model, and while the model has merely been tacked in place for now, I am really happy with the pose and position, so I think he'll stay that way:




For the last Astartes, I wanted a model a little more alive and fighting than his two buddies, but I am very open to ideas about this guy: I tried a standing pose (which didn't really work out all that well) and have now switched to a kneeling pose (because the shattered aquila does provide a bit of cover right there, and it seems so very XIII legion to take cover and do things by the book, even in the face of an assaulting Daemon-Primarch). So the Ultramarine is kneeling there, taking a potshot at the charging Angron:




One thing that is important to point out is that while I wanted to give the whole affair a bit of a heroic last stand feel, I didn't want it to become too heroci, so I chose a simple bolter Marine instead of a blinged-out Captain. But even so, there are quite a few things to figure out: Should I replace the bolter with a bolt pistol (or something different)? What about the left arm? Should he be holding a meltabomb or clutching his arm to a wound on his stomach? Any other ideas? I'd be happy to hear them (as long as they don't involve additional Astartes, Terminators, Dreadnoughts or something similar, that is ;) ).


Oh, and I also added a slightly battered Ultramarines standard, as a foil to the spiked poles emerging from Angron's side of the base. Please ignore the yellow ball of putty -- it's just keeping the standard in place while it dries.




As always, let me know what you think! :)



...while it dries

Crap, I was going to suggest putting that standard in the kneeling Astartes' left arm. But you already glued it in place - which knowing you means you're set on it and won't be changing it. Then, for another idea, perhaps have the bolter (don't go bolt pistol on this guy) dude have a grenade in his left hand, as if he's priming it for when Angron is charging him (it's what I would do if I were an Ultramarine. If I'd be me, I'd probably lie down, :cuss myself and quiver in fear).

If these guys are in Angron's path how did they get injured/killed? Surely he'll be the one to injure and kill them not someone else. I'd have him in full health (for like the second or so before Angron gets to him).

I think those Ultras look great as they are. Superb idea (and execution) for a scenic display, brother. :tu:



Should I replace the bolter with a bolt pistol (or something different)? What about the left arm? Should he be holding a meltabomb or clutching his arm to a wound on his stomach? Any other ideas?


  1. The Bolter is fine imo.
  2. I like the missing left arm. I think just having a stump with dried blood would work fine. ^_^ 
  3. Nah. No need for a melta bomb, I reckon - See No 2. 
  4. Nope, no other ideas right now. :)

If these guys are in Angron's path how did they get injured/killed? Surely he'll be the one to injure and kill them not someone else. I'd have him in full health (for like the second or so before Angron gets to him).

I'd disagree, I think having him minus a limb shows the nature of warfare...besides...errant bolter shell? World water chain blade cut it off?


"It's war, huh, what is it good for..."



Ahh I love Auguss' suggestion of him holding the standard defiant in the face of a certain likely very messy doom.


I do like the idea of him holding his arm to a wound on his stomach though.

Like a grenade got blowed up on his belt...lucky shot style

Wow, that's amazing!


I'm at work right now and can't comment much, but for the standing marine -which is good armless- I think it could be improved with the left arm hanging dead, lifeless, for a stroke that had it shattered the shoulder joint (and the shoulderpad too, broken/cracked, but not fully destroyed, so you can still see 2/3 of the Legion Icon on it) with a few of blood trickles running down the arm to the dead hand, dripping in a small pool of fresh blood on the floor.

Cheers for the feedback, gents! :smile.:


I really like the standard where it is, mostly because it echoes those spily poles on Angron's side of the base. Plus a kneeling Astartes firing single-handedly while also clutching a banner might end up looking a bit to busy.


However, I still had a suitable grenade-hand from the Sternguard kit, so I mocked-up Auggie's idea and also tweaked the model's pose a bit, while I was at it,, and I really, really like the result so far. Take a look:








While the kneeling Marine was just...kind of there before, he now seems to have direction and agency, which I really like! What do you guys think?

Edited by KrautScientist

Must be the angle...but it looks like he's got his head down...


Hownever, would look epic when its all together...maybe a future diorama with a 'sploded grenade on the belt to created the 'orrible gaping wound

I like more the previous pose of the fighting marine, that way looks like he's going to shoot at Angron's knee (or groin!).


Hownever, would look epic when its all together...maybe a future diorama with a 'sploded grenade on the belt to created the 'orrible gaping wound


AFAIK best grenade AP is 4, except the meltabomb but this mean instagib, so no... :P

I like more the previous pose of the fighting marine, that way looks like he's going to shoot at Angron's knee (or groin!).



Hownever, would look epic when its all together...maybe a future diorama with a 'sploded grenade on the belt to created the 'orrible gaping wound

AFAIK best grenade AP is 4, except the meltabomb but this mean instagib, so no... :P

Hey rules be damned...at this point it's a diorama, it's telling a story, it's fluffy...so dramatic effect...

I think it looks great. I was gonna suggest a chainsword so that he looks like a sgt. That would make it look like Angron is chewing through a squad, but wouldn't be heroic enough to distract from him.

Like the new pose, it's got that holy crap I hope this works kind of effect. Knowing what the rest of the model looks like it'll certainly give an air of despiration to the ultrasmurfs. Edited by Celestial Guardian

I like all this astartes/bolter last stand thing...still, I think he's a bit too heroic as you said before...

It's a humble suggestion but shouldn't he aim higher(even more than the first version)? And so have his head look up? Maybe with the torso in the last position and an arm and the head up as the first or more?This should make him look like someone who tries to shoot at an avalanche of power, more than a real menace...

Edited by Filkarion

He looks great this way! I'm glad my suggestion worked out so well. I do think his pose could do with him actually pointing his bolter at Angron's face - which would mean waiting with finalizing/glueing the marine until Angry is finished...

I would raise the head and both arms a bit, or at least the grenade arm, (further back as right now it looks like he is readying the grenade rather than about to throw it).

@ Teetengee: Well, if it sits precisely in the gap between the vambrace and gaunlet, as it's supposed to, then I think the alignment would work out. I also doubt the arm si longer than before, since I shaved off a slice of forearm in order to make room for the new element. And since it's glued together, there's really no tweaking the arm without basically ruining it -- sorry!

Is it supposed to be a bracelet type thing? I thought it was supposed to be part of the vambrace, if not, then the angle is of course fine.
Edited by Teetengee

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