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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ JeffTibbetts:Thanks for the kind words, mate, but it has to be said that I did have a clear recipe to follow, at least where the skin was concerned. This arguably made the paintjob quite a bit easier, and also helped me come up with a result that I might not have been able to achieve on my own ;)


@ Augs: Huh, you're probably glad you got that story out of your system, right? ;)

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Cheers, for the comments, guys!


@ kzzdougs: Whoa, coming from you, that really means a lot! :)


@ Res Ipsa Loquitor: Sorry, mate, but it's going to stay that way.  Again, I think I explained why I ultimately went with this setup. I am quite aware that it won't please everybody ;)

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Okay, everyone: With all the successful painting recently, I think I have earned the right to just convert something for a change, right? ;) So here's a teeny tiny sneak peek for you. This is still a phenomenally early WIP, but I still wanted to share it with you. Take a look:









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Haha, seems like there's no fooling you guys :wink: Indeed, what we are looking at here is a conversion of Angron in his ascended Daemon Primarch form. I have wanted to do this conversion for quite a while no, especially since I received a second Bloodthirster a while ago and immediately set it aside for this, and I think it's finally time to go for it :wink:


To give credit where credit is due, I have to mention my two main sources for this project: One is the artwork of Daemon Primarch Angron by Alex Boyd:




While the art does provide quite a lot of inspiration, the painting style is also loose enough that several details end up looking fairly ambiguous -- which is excellent, because it allows for slightly different interpretations!


The other source I have been drawing lots of inspiration from is Reg's absolutely amazing Bloodthirster-based Angron. The conversion is so awesome that I cannot possibly hope to match it, but then the guy does already have about a dozen Angron conversions under his belt, while I am still learning :wink: At the same time, I also want to diverge from his model in a few areas, trying to put my own spin on things.


So with that prelude out of the way, let's take another look at the model, which is quite a bit further along now:
















As for Teetengee's question regarding his weapon, I have gone back and forth several times about whether to give him an axe or a sword (or both), but I have ultimately decided to use this option:




There are several reasons for going this route: I wasn't able to find a suitably impressive Black Blade, for one. And since Biohazard will definitely give his Angron conversion a sword, there was little use in trying to ne-up him. I also really, really liked how the axe in Alex Boyd's illustration above is basically a daemonic version of the huge axe that appears in much of the old Horus Heresy artwork of Angron (eagle wing ornament and all), and I definitely wanted to emulate that look! Plus this finally gave me a good excuse to play around with that huge axe a bit :wink:


Anyway, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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The image you linked is the same as the first one. 8D


I can't wait to see this finished; I loved the description of Angron's ascendance, so I'm excited to see how this shapes up to the inevitable Forgeworld model.

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Damn, that Angron art is terrifying (in all the right ways of course). It's those eyes. Reminds me a bit of that famous painting of Ivan the Terrible, except less "What have I done?" and more "KILL KILL CHOP CHOP STAB STAB".


And that conversion you're cooking up looks awesome! I'm loving those mutated butcher's nails and the wide-open mouth. If I had one suggestion, it's that even in his ascended form, Angron's Gorefather is a chainaxe (at least, I think so, going by what little I know about the World Eaters and the artwork you included) so you might want to convert the axe accordingly. Not that I think it greatly matters, but it would certainly make it less obviously the big Insensate Rage axe from the Bloodthirster kit.


In any case, regardless of how you go about it, it's bound to be awesome!

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ Isinfier: Ah, well spotted! I've edited the link accordingly.

Regarding the - inevitable - Forgeworld model, I think it's very likely that it'll render my own meagre version completely obsolete :wink: I also expect it to be far bigger. Anyway, all the more reason to start building my own Angron now and not in a year or so :wink:


@ Teetengee: Cheers, mate! :smile.:


@ Squigsquasher: Hmm, to be honest, I've always seen the design of that huge Bloodthirster axe as what an organic chainaxe would look like -- of course it no longer shares the functionality of a chainaxe, but I believe the look is still there. Which is why I'll be keeping it that way, in all likelihood.

Edited by KrautScientist
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Thanks, guys! I am actually rather happy with the way my Angron conversion is progressing. Here's a mockup that should give you a pretty good idea of the finished model's pose and setup:








As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Mate, it's scary how much we think alike. I have a Grey Knight I'll have in his left hand in a very similar pose to yours here. I've also reposed the legs slightly but have the same plate on his belt. Kudos on using the Thirster jaws. I've gone with jaws from the Beastmen Cygor model. I'll have to hurry up my progress with my own now. ;) look forward to seeing him with the wings added.
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