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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Ha! I concede to the rationale that 8 models is a perfect contribution in the name of Khorne!!


I agree that there are some of your best models among them. THe Bloodthirster takes the ultimate prize though. Such an inspired paint job. You can be rightly proud of him


Sorry to end on a bit of a nitpick, but the obliterator seems to have some issues on the trim on the front his lower right leg: the red bleeds unto the brass trim here and there. Perhaps you could go back and pick those out with brass again?

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Cheers, gents! :)


@ DarVen: Actually, it's 1,000 points for just six models, if you want to be exact about it, as the lone Khorne Berzerker in the bottom left and the Traitor Guard icon bearer actually didn't count ;) Oh, and you're being coy: I am very confident that whatever you contribute to the ETL is going to blow us away!



Sorry to end on a bit of a nitpick, but the obliterator seems to have some issues on the trim on the front his lower right leg: the red bleeds unto the brass trim here and there. Perhaps you could go back and pick those out with brass again?


Hah! This from the guy who still hasn't properly finished the face on his Bloodthirster ;)


But seriously, you are absolutely right: A combination of the heat and the resin's somewhat rubbery texture seems to have made me a bit sloppy, so the Obliterator will see some additional cleanup work soon. Scout's honour! ;)

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Love the work you have been doing, all these conversions are amazing!


A particular favourite is the warpsmith, and he keeps popping up in my google image searches, sometimes for completely unrelated things (such as when searching for pictures of the good servants of the emperor).


Keep up the good work :)

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Hah! This from the guy who still hasn't properly finished the face on his Bloodthirster :wink:

Hehe yes, I'll be that guy! Actually one of the 'thirtster's wings broke off during transport in the last apocalypse game. He needs repairs, and once that's finished, I'll really really do the facial details. Scout's Khorne's honour. :tu:

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Cheers, guys! :)



Hah! This from the guy who still hasn't properly finished the face on his Bloodthirster :wink:

Hehe yes, I'll be that guy! Actually one of the 'thirtster's wings broke off during transport in the last apocalypse game. He needs repairs, and once that's finished, I'll really really do the facial details. Scout's Khorne's honour. :thumbsup:



Hah! Good man! Carry on! ;)

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Hey everyone, time for another update! With my part in this year's ETL now concluded, enjoying the weekend without having an ETL related deadline looming over my head did feel kind of nice, to be honest! However, it goes without saying that I couldn't quite keep my hands off the hobby tools, so I returned to my Angron conversion for another round of fine tuning. The changes and additions are geting smaller and smaller, which is a sign of the conversion rapidly approaching completion! Here's what the model looks like right now:




So, what did I do?


Some trophies and skulls were added to Angron's belt area, in order to bulk him out a little and to make his armour look less like the standard Bloodthirster set. I didn't want to go overboard with this however, so I just added a trophy here and a lenght of chain there:






You may also have spotted some tweaks to Angron's face: I added some small horns to his cheeks to approximate the spiky growths appearing there in the Alex Boyd artwork. As an added bonus, the spikes also give some tecture and definition to the GS'ed area on the sides of the head.






And I also added some skulls to his wings, as this kind of trophy is mentioned in ADB's depicition of Angron in "The Emperor's Gift":



Beyond these new tweaks, I don't really see much that I want to add or take away -- although I am always happy to hear your suggestions! I am considering another cable/tendril or two on the head, but I have run out of GS for now, so this will have to wait.


As for the model's paintjob, one important thing will be to figure out the right colour recipe for the skin: GW's Bloodthirster recipe is quite fantastic, of course, but I think I want to achieve a slightly brighter red on Angron, so I think I'll be tweaking the recipe a bit, replacing Khorne Red with Mephiston Red, for instance. Fortunately enough, I have just the perfet test model for the tweaked recipe: One of the old Bloodletters that I received as part of a bitz drop a while ago:




Granted, these guys have all kinds of problems from a modern perspective, but I remember liking them immensely back when they came out, and painting one for fun (and in order to figure out the right skin tones for Angron) should be a nice little throwback to those innocent times ;) The sword had been snipped off when I received the model, and even though it is in my possession, I decided to replace it with one of the modern Hellblades, as the old swords are arguably the models' weakest point (well, that and the anatomically dubious bare asses...).


On a related note, if you have not yet checked out Biohazard's WIP Angron, I urge you to do so! While we are both using the same base model, we are taking inspirations from very different sources, so seeing the two models take shape side by side should be really interesting!


As always, let me know what you think! :)



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First of thank you for the shoutout :tu:


Secondly the additions you've made are really tying the whole model together now. The spikes on the cheeks are inspired. Nice touch. I like the small trophies on the wings etc as well.


As for the red recipe, the recipe I used on my Skarbrand/Thirster is actually the recipe I use on everything. I start with base of Meph red then a wash of Nuln oil (AP Dark tone) Some people use Agrax (AP Strong Tone) but I like the stronger contrast. I then highlight with evil Suns scarlet and on bigger models for instance the soul grinder and Skarbrand I go and add a purple wash (army painter purple tone) in the deepest recesses only. I felt this added a nice depth especially around the muscular areas of Skar. Hope this gives you some ideas.

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Thank you kindly, ladies and gentlemen! I really appreciate it! :smile.:


@ Biohazard: Cheers for the recipe, buddy! As it happens, it's really close to GW's Bloodthirster recipe, provided you swap the Khorne Red for Mephiston Red. Which I am going to do, as it provides a slightly brighter, stronger red than the recipe I've used on my first Bloodthirster.


Speaking of which, I believe I may have found the recipe for Angron's skin! Here's the test model (not quite finished, only the skin and face are 100% done):











Edited by KrautScientist
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The Bloodletter is looking great, and angry ron is coming along nicely, the cheek spines really help to tidy up the GS transition.



I still have 6 of those old letters so seriously thinking about converting them to give me a variety of heralds. Somewhere I got a part box of beastmen, might help replace those dodgy buns.

Edited by Mechanist
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I actually prefer this recipe over the one you used for your normal 'thirster! 


Also: 90s bloodletters for the win. I know the recent plastic ones resemble the original metal ones closer, but the 2nd generation metal ones look far more brutal. Excellent repair job too, with the modern sword. 

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone! :)


Concerning the merits of the old metal Bloodletters, they do have a couple of glaring issues that are pretty hard to ignore by today's standard: a certain anatomical wonkiness and that general clunkiness that is a hallmark of many vintage GW models. I remember them looking truly excellent as a ranked regiment (for WFB), though: like a wall of red muscle and spiky swords. And they were a hell of an improvement over the goofy first Bloodletter incarnation, with the comically serpentine body and the lanky arms *shudder*. In fact, one could say that the current plastics are a successful attempt at taking the idea of the first Bloodletters and actually making it work.


But those slightly clunky 90s metal Bloodletters will always have a place in my heart ;) What's more, painting this guy was an absolute blast! Here's the finished model:












I am also 100% sure now that this is going to be my skin recipe for Angron as well: The red is quite deep and luxurious, but also a bit brighter and has more pop than the red I have used on my Bloodthirster and Skulltaker. Here's a comparison picture that shows the difference really well:




With the exception of a single colour, these models share the exact same palette. And look how much of a difference it makes regarding their respective skin tones!



@ dogfender: The sword was dropped due to a number of reasons, really: I couldn't come up with a suitable donor sword from any GW kit and didn't want to have to create one from plasticard. I wanted to create an axe that resembled the one in Alex Boyd's illustration of Daemon Primarch Angron. And with the Black Sword actually getting shattered during the 1st Battle for Armageddon, I thought it would be okay to go for a different weapon ;)


I'd love to see those notes on making the Traitor Primarchs, though! Does anyone have access to those old Skullz magazines dogfender mentioned...?



Anyway, as always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ The Hydra: Yeah, that is something I have always loved about the (vintage) Khornate Daemon models: That they are so close visually to archetypal daemon images. You could argue that this also renders them somewhat generic, but I have always loved the resemblance with both mythological sources and classi fantasy daemons ("Legend", anyone? ;) )

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