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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Mol: To be perfectly honest, it was quite a nice surprise to see how he actually started resembling the artwork more and more once the paint came on! There are some structural differences between my model and the Alex Boyd illustration, some of them conscious choices, some due to a lack of artistic prowess. But with the paintjob now partially in place, I think the resemblance is really there.


@ Squigsquasher: The nails are brazen/bronze in the artwork, and while it does work really well in a painting, I think you need a bit of colour variation on an actual model, hence the decision to go for silver.


@ Maximvus: I think this should answer your question:















My normal approach would have been to paint the eyes bright blue, but seeing how I want Angron to be less of a regular part of my army, and more of a "special  guest star", so to speak, I chose a different colour this time around. The orange also works really well for the smouldering ember look, and that in turn supports the look of rage, wouldn't you agree?


On a general note, please excuse my spamming the thread with new pictures of every incremental update to the model, but I have to admit that I am just freaking in love with this guy right now! ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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*Subtle slowly pans his head to the left and then the right, a slightly disturbed look on his face*


The eyes... the eyes... they... follow you! Soooo nice.


The more I see this kit being used, like this, the more I think I might need to get one when it comes time to make a Daemon Prince. It's a great model to start but it's also an amazing foundation for projects, like this.


*Swoons a bit more over the pictures*


Soooo menacing. Feel free to show as many in-progress shots as you like. Not everyone cares to see so much granular detail, but trust me there are those like myself who really do want to see all the little steps along the way, even if it's not said all the time. So, as if I need to say it, but please, carry on. Do not stop! The Dark Gods demand it!


*Takes another glance*


So... much... win!

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Cheers for the positive feedback, everyone! I really appreciate it! :)


@ Maximvs: Haha, I sure hope he is! ;)


@ Isengrin: Thanks! I don't think he'll be getting any pupils, though, as I rather like the way it looks now -- plus I am also far too clumsy to paint convincing looking pupils at that size. As for the cables, as I explained further up in the thread, the ones that are still red now will stay that way to show how Angron's implants have turned into something hideously organic during his ascension. It also follows the look of the Alex Boyd artwork, at least to some degree.


@ Biohazard: Cheers, buddy! It may not show up all that well in the pictures, but there's bright yellow at the center of those eyes, so I don't think there's any chance to go much brighter unless I use pure white. Well, that and I doubt I can work up the courage to change anything about those eyes ;)


@ Subtle Discord: Thanks, mate! Coming from a perfectionist and master craftsman such as yourself, that is high praise indeed! I can only recommend the Bloodthirster kit, btw, as it's a ton of fun to paint (at least for the most part).


@ Venomlust: Cheers! ;)

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He's looking great, the nails have really come along with paint work the contrast between the oily silvers and the red work IMO and while some brass/bronze could be cool I think it might blend in a little more.

Keep it up I'm interested to see how the spine comes out.  



God damn it yet again I get carried away and post having mossed the last page then my comment appears after the thing I'm looking forward to seeing....


Dude looks amazing, bronze bits on nails details are ace, spine is ace, all of it is brilliant.

You going to hit that spine and the nails up with some blood effect? 

Edited by Mechanist
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Yeah dude green light from me! That helm is perfect, I love that he gets a custom helm, that crest is particularly nice paired with the DV chosen helm. Really helps to validate the MKV legs I used (giving you some more bronze to paint to tie them together.) and to show his veteran rank.


Angron is shaping up nicely *those eyes....!

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Wow, man. You're really outdoing yourself here in the best sense of the term. Gilgamesh is a legend, but this take on Angron is something else. That back is a great touch. The red is divine (no pun intended) and of course the Butcher's Nails are really wild. 


I would be remiss if I didn't mention that in some ways I wish you could take it even further from the Bloodthirster base, either in the wings or the legs or some other way. It doesn't detract from the model in any way, but when you have them both on the table it will just make Angron feel ever-so-slightly less special. That said, I'm not at all sure how you might do such a thing. The addition of the halo (such a cool and simple idea) combined with the incredible work on the face really pull your eye in anyway, so the the rest doesn't seem like a big deal. 


All in all, this is a wonderful centerpiece and really validates your fledgling steps into daemonic territory with this project. 

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Thanks a lot, guys!


@ Jefftibbetts: I definitely see where you're coming from regarding the option of customising the base model even further, and I will admit I've probably played it pretty safe with that part. But then, the pose was really how I wanted it, plus it did resemble the artwork well enough. And having the rather expansive head and neck conversion did feel like enough of an adventure already ;)


This is where Biohazard's Angron comes in, though, because he thoroughly reposed the Bloodthirster, and I love how different our versions are, in spite of using the same stock model!

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Very nice looking, all around.

I think the jim-zerker has an unreasonable quantity of gear, but it only bothers me logistically, not artistically, so don't change a think with that is my advice.

Angron is looking very good. Keep doing what you do. As for him looking different enough, I think he definitely looks like the more recent kits such as the venomlords where they can be built as generic of special characters. Somewhat less varied, but not any less so than the standard kits, so I wouldn't worry too much as long as you don't mind Angron being in a sense a unique bloodthirster (although to be honest, he basically is so....)

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Cheers, Teetengee!


Well, I was always going to base Angron on some kind of Bloodthirster model, because going for a sculpt/scratchbuilt more complicated than that would have seemed unreasonable to me. I also wanted to see whether I could make it work, and in all fairness, I think that so far I really have :wink: Had I started this project from scratch, I might have used Skarbrand as a base model, which would instantly have created a model looking far more different from my first Bloodthirster, but I did get that second Thirster as a gift, and buying yet another variant of the kit would just have been frivolous. But I am still very happy with the model, and I think the resemblance is something I can definitely live with!


Speaking of which, I had some time for painting today, so I went back to Angron and coloured in all the leather straps, piercings and general smaller doodads on the body, cleaned up the wing membranes, stuff like that. While this made for pretty dull work, I think I've never painted a model where the mere act of picking up the WIP model is giving me joy each and every time :wink:










This was basically painting by numbers, as I've done it all before on the first Bloodthirster, but it was still an important step in that it adds a lot of depth and detail to the model and serves as preparation for the more interesting (and challenging) parts to come!


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



Edited by KrautScientist
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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Uveron: Regarding the painting speed, it really feels like this ETL has been some kind of revelation for me, as I seem to have become about 500% faster than before -- I am as surprised as you are ;)


@ Guitlysparc: He'll be holding the upper half of an eviscerated Ultramarine -- just check back a couple of pages to see the hand in place (albeit unpainted).

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