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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Thanks a lot, guys! :smile.:


@ Auggs: I definitely see your point about the plastic edge! I may have to compromise in this regard, however, as everything still needs to fit together with the rest of the aquila, so I am not free to do any major sculpting. That being said, I'll be using some Liquid GS to try and blend the edges where the different materials meet together.


@ Lord Haelim Lev: Nah, that doesn't sound silly at all, mate: In fact, I spent quite a bit of time making sure those legs looked suitably natural and conformed well to the base. It's a small thing, but it could really ruin the look of the entire model if done badly, so yeah...


The heat wave outside continues, and so does the work on the base. Progress is happening in tiny increments, however, so there isn't much worth showing today. Meanwhile, here's something I am really happy with right now: A WIP 30k World Eaters Chaplain:






The stock Kurtha Sedd model didn't do much for me, so I used the legs for my Sergeant Bardolf conversion, swapped in some new legs, took quite a bit of inspiration from Poom's chaplain and added a touch or two of my own. I really liked Fabricator General's take on the World Eaters' chaplains serving as "Chain Dogs", the grim overseers of the fighting pits, and I tried to make my chaplain reflect that concept.


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



EDIT: Many thanks to Commissar Molotov for reminding me of the source for the "Chain Dog" idea!

Edited by KrautScientist
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Cheers, gentlemen! :)


@ Andvarr A: Apart from the "Saw Maw" bit (which I find is just a bit OTT), I really love the name! So with many thanks to Fabricator General and yourself, he'll be named: Karrim Krieger, "Chain Dog" of the 4th assault company, Voice of the Nails


@ Commissar Molotov: Aha, excellent! Thanks for the reminder!



Angron's base is awesome too - for me, it's the best part of the model! 


While I am pretty happy with the base myself, I am not entirely sure how to feel about that comment... ;)

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Cheers, gentlemen! :)


@ Andvarr A: Apart from the "Saw Maw" bit (which I find is just a bit OTT), I really love the name! So with many thanks to Fabricator General and yourself, he'll be named: Karrim Krieger, "Chain Dog" of the 4th assault company, Voice of the Nails


@ Commissar Molotov: Aha, excellent! Thanks for the reminder!

Well great minds and all that...hahah





Angron's base is awesome too - for me, it's the best part of the model!

While I am pretty happy with the base myself, I am not entirely sure how to feel about that comment... ;)

I think, therefore, the boy needs a good fonging...

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World Eaters Chaplain? Never thought them to be a lot, well, religious... :/


"Good evening fellow `Eaters, today I´ll tell you the story of Noah and the Ark:

 `(...) And after a pair of every animal had entered the ark, Noah took his axe and KILLED THEM ALL!!!! RAAAAAAARGHH!!!` "

How is not religious to follow the Blood God? Go to see your chaplain right now, you need reeducation* ASAP.


*Power mauling.

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Okay i know its going to sound silly... but i really love the way the lower half of the body is just...laying there :drool:..like i know "it would be laying there" after what happened to the poor guy, but you've placed it in such a way that it just looks soo fluid and real! :thumbsup:


^ This. Thank you for taking the time/effort to chop the legs and make the 'pose' plausible. and in this case, just just passable, but really good. It's always a pet-peeve of mine when someone has a fallen/dead Marine or one be lifted off the ground, and the legs have little to no effort put into them to make them look correct. I know it can be daunting change, but it detracts so much from what is, many times, a great effort.

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Thanks, guys! :)


@ Elazar the Glorified: Cheers, mate! The crozius head is from a World Eaters Rampager meteor hammer -- an idea I stole from Poom's excellent WE Chaplain ;)


@ LordVelype: As far as I understand the lore, 30k Chaplains had nothing whatsoever to do with religion (well, apart from the Word Bearers, of course, but that was hardly official). Keep in mind that religion was considered a sin during the Great Crusade. The Chaplains were probably more like watchdogs to make sure the edict of Nikaea was followed and keep track of signs of deviancy (and look what an awesome job they did of it ;) ), or spiritual advisors to their brethren.

Like I said, I really loved Fabricator General's idea of the XII Legion Chaplains serving as Pit Lords, overseeing the fighting pits and ensuring the bonds of brotherhood between the brothers of the legion remain strong.


@ Subtle Discord: Agreed :)


So I was already really happy with my Chaplain conversion, but something about his very clean left wrist and forearm kept bothering me, so I ever-so-carefully cut off the hand, shaved off a slice of the forearm and spliced in one of the shackles from the AoS Bloodreavers that I have been using as decoration on many of my 30k World Eaters:






As always, let me know what you think! :)

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@ Teetengee: Well, if it sits precisely in the gap between the vambrace and gaunlet, as it's supposed to, then I think the alignment would work out. I also doubt the arm si longer than before, since I shaved off a slice of forearm in order to make room for the new element. And since it's glued together, there's really no tweaking the arm without basically ruining it -- sorry!

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Haha, well, calling the Dark Angels loyalists does seem a bit of a stretch to me ;)


But seriously, I've had that head in my bitzbox for years at this point (the body was turned into Cypher), and it's good to finally have found a proper use for it.


In other news, as soon as the heat let up a bit, I added outside to put most of the finishing touches on Angron's base. Take a look:




As suggested by Augustus b'Raass, Liquid GS was used both to further blend in the borders where plastic meets Miliput,...




...and to create additional texture on the aquila's very smooth plastic surface:




The Ultramarine's lower half also received some attention, as I added in the flex fitting between his armour joints, added some GS detail and also some gribbly bitz:








As always, let me know what you think! :)



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Tell you what, blink for a minute with this thread and you miss a whole load of AWESOMEZ.


The base is coming along real well on the big guy, the effort you are putting in will really make the difference :tu:


Loving the cape the on 30k Angron, as in, love it more than the original. Such movement achieved, when painted it will look part of the stock model. (In fairness, something which you are adept at achieving)


The Chaplain speaks for himself, crozius really looks the part and sufficiently brutal for the Legion, and the head imho is the best head out of all the Chaplains out there (I have my own which has been on several projects but I keep removing it and saving it for a better one :D)


Squad of Worldeaters so far, great conversions all but do you know what I like best, the slight movement of the Contemptor leg - doesn't look like he is overbalanced any more! The worst part of a stock model that has great potential.


Great work all round :tu:

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