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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Base is coming along great bud, is that gore just TcR or have you mixed some black in with it al la Lonewolfs old Tut? It's ridiculously effective either way. Look forward to seeing Big Red on there.

Will admit, that is a tasty big old splat of the finest claret you have there..you going to attach big beastie on the base or finish the whole dioramic scene before you do?

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


Regarding the blood, I was ridiculously careful not to overdo it, aiming for as much blood as necessary and as little as I could get away with ;) It's Tamiya Clear Red (although BftBG works exactly the same, as far as I know), and I did indeed start by mixing in a tiny blood of black paint for the first coat of blood, then adding pure Clear Red on top. I think the combination gives the bloody areas a bigger amount of depth and texture.


As for what's next: The focus is definitely on finishing Angron on his part of the base first -- just you wait until tomorrow... ;)

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


Regarding the blood, I was ridiculously careful not to overdo it, aiming for as much blood as necessary and as little as I could get away with ;) It's Tamiya Clear Red (although BftBG works exactly the same, as far as I know), and I did indeed start by mixing in a tiny blood of black paint for the first coat of blood, then adding pure Clear Red on top. I think the combination gives the bloody areas a bigger amount of depth and texture.


As for what's next: The focus is definitely on finishing Angron on his part of the base first -- just you wait until tomorrow... ;)


Oh for the love of....


...your doing that on purpose...making us wait....aren't you?

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@ Andvarr A: Haha, I'm not keeping you guys waiting on purpose, mate! Everything needed to dry first, and we'll need another round of photos, of course, to celebrate the occasion ;)


@ Auggs: Fair point! The parts I'll need to get right are the earth and rocky aquila, and I am fairly confident that I'll manage to come up with a perfect match -- keep your fingers crossed for me... ;)


From a purely strategic perspective, it would probably have made much more sense to paint the entire base first, then add Angron to the left part. But I really needed a milestone somewhere in there, and the right half will be quite a lot of work, so I went for a "finished" Angron model first and foremost.

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Couldn't agree more, buddy! :wink:


You know what, I'll just leave these here and head off to bed:

















Actually getting the model to stick to the base was, once again, an exercise in frustration. But as you can see, things worked out in the end :)


Here's a closer look at the base:




Since you last saw the base, I added two more "special effects": One is an additional spot of blood directly below the Ultramarine's torso (for obvious reasons). The other effect is something I had never tried before, and I am rather happy with the outcome: I wanted the stone in the direct vincinity of Angron's right foot (and the flames below it) to look as though it was heating up due to the Primarch's daemonic presence. The effect was achieved by carefully building up several layers of Bloodletter glaze:






And with the model and base now combined, our brave little smurf finally gets reunited with his lower half. Well, sort of...






I know I am probably boring you to tears by saying this, but I am still so incredibly happy with Angron's head and face...






To wind things up (for now, that is), here's a comparison shot showing Angron next to my "regular" Bloodthirster model:




Both models' skin colour actually differ far more in real life than is obvious from looking at the picture. However, I do think I've done a pretty good job of surpassing the base on the Bloodthirster and of making both models look pretty different, in spite of being built from the same stock model.


And here's a hint of things to come (not this weekend, though, so please don't ask ;) )




Phew, this has been quite a ride, indeed! As always, let me know what you think! :)



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Absolutely fantastic! The modelling and painting is top drawer but the narrative you've created on his base and the larger scenic base pretty much sums Angron up. Still clutching the remains of his dying last victim he's launching into a charge at his next. The stoic nature of the kneeling marine's imminent demise is quite striking too - And they shall know no fear!


The choice of Ultramarines was spot on - the blue works as a really dramatic contrasting spot colour.


A project to be especially proud of!

Edited by Elazar The Glorified
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Epic. I really can't think of much else to say. The base is brilliant and like Elazar I think the choice for Ultramarines was great one. I kinda feel a little sorry for that Captain/Sergeant though.


Poor bugger...


I can't wait to see the rest of the base when it's  finished :tu:, congrats mate it really is fantastic.



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I've got to agree with all the above statements, KrautScientist, you've done a phenomenal job with this piece. All the little details are executed so well, and the narrative scene that you put together is so evocative of the universe of 40K. Looking forward to the rest of the scene being complete, but Angron, damn that's freaky awesome!
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Ok... one very small critical comment.


On the full display base, It does appear he is charging the dead marine.. so I kinda question did he die in another location and was flung by Angron to the spot he is in, or did something diffrent kill him. Now I expect this will be solved when paint is added, but I wanted to bring it up just so you have a think about it. 

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