Brother Aiwass Posted September 4, 2016 Share Posted September 4, 2016 I have some questions for you brother Kraut, if you don't mind; -How did you attached the big boy to the base? -How did you do the weathering on the lower half of the smurf officer? Looks very realistic and not overdone. Cheers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted September 4, 2016 Share Posted September 4, 2016 Ok... one very small critical comment. On the full display base, It does appear he is charging the dead marine.. so I kinda question did he die in another location and was flung by Angron to the spot he is in, or did something diffrent kill him. Now I expect this will be solved when paint is added, but I wanted to bring it up just so you have a think about it. All will be explained in due time...remember big beastie has just landed and has pulled the Sgt in half Warsmith Uveron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted September 4, 2016 Share Posted September 4, 2016 Absolutely out-:cussing-standing!!!! I know I have said it before, but he is truly your best work. I know you know this already, but still got to say it; loads of little effects like the axe blade, the new stone work under his foot, the red hue you have achieved. Simply excellent. And that is just the painting. Conversion, with all the effort you have put in, is equally awesome; I have really enjoyed watching you progress him (it). Looking forward to seeing the display base :tu: MASSIVE, RED KUDOS TO YOU SIR!! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 I know I said it in another thread, but that Angron is glorious Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thousand Eyes Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 Wonderful work, really shows the effort you put into it. The glow around the hoof is excellent, have you thought of adding some GS around the edge of it tie it down to the base? I do wonder how you are going to top this one. Andvarr A 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 (edited) Angron is excellent, great conversion and paint job. The heated stone looks really good, great idea, I'll have to remember it info ever get round to painting my bloodthirster. Looking forward to seeing the scenic base finished. Edited September 5, 2016 by The Hydra Andvarr A 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agraorth Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 My, my... If the rumors where true about a plastic Daemon Prince Angron release i will be really exigent about it seing what you have achievd with your conversion, really cool :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 5, 2016 Author Share Posted September 5, 2016 First of all, thank you all so much for the very enthusiastic feedback! I will admit that this does feel like one of my best models, if not the best one, which makes it all the more awesome that you guys seem to like it so much! Moreover, I can safely say that I probably would have cut quite a few more corners on the model (the base is a prime example of this), had it not been for the constant motivation - and provocation - from your feedback. So while I might have occasionally cursed you lot for not letting me off easy on this model, I am also profoundly grateful now, because all of the suggestions and ideas have ultimately led to a superior model from what I could have accomplished on my own! As for the questions: Ok... one very small critical comment. On the full display base, It does appear he is charging the dead marine.. so I kinda question did he die in another location and was flung by Angron to the spot he is in, or did something diffrent kill him. Now I expect this will be solved when paint is added, but I wanted to bring it up just so you have a think about it. Choosing the right angle for Angron was very much a matter of compromise, although what I like about the finished setup - and this doesn't really come out in the single photo I posted of it - is how, depending on which way you look at the ensemble, Angron's seems to be focusing on different things: Look at it from the side, and he seems to be looking straight at the kneeling Marine with the bolter. From the Marine's perspective, he seems to be focusing on the mauled Ultramarine in his right fist. And if you choose a viewpoint from between Angron and the kneeling Marine, why, he seems to be looking straight! Now I won't say that every part of this has been planned in advance, because I would be lying, but I do think the angle and setup work very well as is. As for who died when and where, I think I gave a quick description of the scene as I envisioned it somewhere on the last few pages...?! I have some questions for you brother Kraut, if you don't mind; -How did you attached the big boy to the base? -How did you do the weathering on the lower half of the smurf officer? Looks very realistic and not overdone. Cheers! How did I attach Angron? With superglue and lots of swearing, that's how ;) Seriously, it took ages until the glue finally took, but now it's a pretty solid connection. The main problem is that the area that actually attaches to the base is pretty tiny, and also surprisingly uneven (that small flame in the back always seems to be sticking up in the end, the same thing happened to me on my first Bloodthirster). Then again, I think the alternative (using the pillar of flame from the Bloodthirster kit) would have been a bit silly, so yeah... As for the weathering, that was actually really easy: After the blue had been painted, I went thtough the following four steps: paint the entire armour with a mix of two parts Lahmian Medium and one part brown wash (Army Painter Strong Tone or Agrax Earthshade) use a tiny piece of blister sponge to carefully sponge Charadon Granite (or, failing that, Rhinox Hide or Skavenblight Dinge) onto the armour to create scratches and dirt use a brush and GW Leadbelcher to carfully stipple on some metallic scratches. Use the same colour to add metallic lines along prominent edges on the surface (pretty much like an edge highlight, really, only less tidy) use a mix of black wash and Vallejo Smokey Ink to create some oily stains and discolorations where applicable. It's really an organic process of adding more and more weathering in small increments until you're happy. You can always go back and repeat each of the steps, really. Keep in mind that some surfaces (especially the edges of the armour, toes etc.) are especially prone to wear and tear and focus your weathering accordingly. Wonderful work, really shows the effort you put into it. The glow around the hoof is excellent, have you thought of adding some GS around the edge of it tie it down to the base? I have, and I probably will, once I'm suitably fed up with how it looks like now -- seriously, that tiny flame at the back always sticks up *grumble* ;) I do wonder how you are going to top this one. To be perfectly honest, so am I... Here's a little something I made just now, using Photoshop and Pixlr: And here's that piece of artwork showing Angron by Alex Boyd that served as ine of my most important pieces of reference, once again: While my Angron is far from a perfect match, I do believe he looks like a plausible interpretation of the same character, wouldn't you agree? Again, thanks for all the kind words! :) Soric, DaBoiKyknos, Bryan Blaire and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 He's the greatest He's fantastic He's...well...ah the hell with it you know what I mean Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thousand Eyes Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 Always happy to comment and I hope it does give motivation the odd time. I know a few of us can tend to jump on the flaws we spot, few as they are, but it is more because it is a rare thing :) Comments help drive a thread on here forward, easy to see how they can die off if only the author is posting. It is why I rarely update my thread here as people tend to comment on my blog. As for where you can go from here well I don't think you need to go bigger to be honest, I think you are going to have to aim for something very fine and freehanded. Something you haven't done before for us to crawl over with a fine tooth comb and attempt to pick it apart while praising the parts we adore. ... That post was longer then I expected. My bad. KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 Ok... one very small critical comment. On the full display base, It does appear he is charging the dead marine.. so I kinda question did he die in another location and was flung by Angron to the spot he is in, or did something diffrent kill him. Now I expect this will be solved when paint is added, but I wanted to bring it up just so you have a think about it. Choosing the right angle for Angron was very much a matter of compromise, although what I like about the finished setup - and this doesn't really come out in the single photo I posted of it - is how, depending on which way you look at the ensemble, Angron's seems to be focusing on different things: Look at it from the side, and he seems to be looking straight at the kneeling Marine with the bolter. From the Marine's perspective, he seems to be focusing on the mauled Ultramarine in his right fist. And if you choose a viewpoint from between Angron and the kneeling Marine, why, he seems to be looking straight! Now I won't say that every part of this has been planned in advance, because I would be lying, but I do think the angle and setup work very well as is. As for who died when and where, I think I gave a quick description of the scene as I envisioned it somewhere on the last few pages...?! Fantastic, Photos are a poor medium at times for the 3 dimensions, and yes he does look like the same character! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaBoiKyknos Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 (edited) Somehow I don´t really understand all those bionics on the head (on the illustration as well as your model). Are those supposed to be Butchers Nails? I mean, wasn´t the whole ascend to demonhood initiated by Lorgar to free the Red Angel from the Butcher´s Nails? Edited September 5, 2016 by LordVelype Andvarr A 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 Somehow I don´t really understand all those bionics on the head (on the illustration as well as your model). Are those supposed to be Butchers Nails? I mean, wasn´t the whole ascend to demonhood initiated by Lorgar to free the Red Angel from the Butcher´s Nails? And in a cruel twist of fate, it never happened...because chaos Thousand Eyes 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagoth Ur Posted September 5, 2016 Share Posted September 5, 2016 Somehow I don´t really understand all those bionics on the head (on the illustration as well as your model). Are those supposed to be Butchers Nails? I mean, wasn´t the whole ascend to demonhood initiated by Lorgar to free the Red Angel from the Butcher´s Nails? As posited by Lorgar in ADB's Betrayer, the goal was specifically to prevent the nails from killing Angron. The main difference between Angron's nails and those of his sons was the fact that his actually were not only detrimental to his mental health but presented an actual, active threat to his life by means of "scrambled brain". Lorgar's ritual and the resulting ascension made Angron a daemon, which means that there is no organic mass that can be destroyed anymore. This is the irony of Angron's "deliverance", the nails will never be his death and yet he will always be their slave. Brother Aiwass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 6, 2016 Author Share Posted September 6, 2016 @ LordVelype: The easy answer would be that he still has the nails in the two canonical post-ascension appearances (both written by ADB) and in that one piece of "official" artwork, period. But I think the Observer really summed it up pretty well above. Also, let's not forget that Angron himself never even wanted to be rid of the nails, seeing them asn an integral part of who he was (plus they also "let him dream"). There's this really cool passage in "The Talon of Horus" (also, interestingly enough, written by ADB -- I sense a pattern emerging here... ;) ) where it says that the warp does not corrupt randomly, but writes your innermost desires and your true nature upon your flesh for all to see. Regarding Angron, I like to imagine that the nails were so inextricably linked to him as a person that they truly became a part of him upon his ascension, no longer a mere foreign implant, but a very part of his essence, and I really tried to bring that out in my conversion of him as well, with the warped, organic nature of the implants. As for Lorgar's motivations, we could probably write an entire novel about that: Even if we give him the benefit of the doubt about really wanting to save his brother out of brotherly concern (and I think we can -- it very much fits his character as seen so far), there's always the fact that he knew that he would ultimately need Angron as the conduit for starting the ruin storm, so his role as his brother's saviour is somewhat ambiguous at best -- I think that's really Lorgar's character in a nutshell: He really cares deeply for those close to him, but he is also willing to perform monstrous actions on them because it's ultimately all a part of the primordial truth governing the universe. DaBoiKyknos and Andvarr A 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted September 6, 2016 Share Posted September 6, 2016 That explains it more simply I guess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaBoiKyknos Posted September 6, 2016 Share Posted September 6, 2016 But as a demon of khorne, he surely doesn´t need the nails anymore to be super furious, does he? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 6, 2016 Author Share Posted September 6, 2016 Mate, what can we say: It's in the official background... Andvarr A 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaBoiKyknos Posted September 6, 2016 Share Posted September 6, 2016 Okay, let´s just say his kind of nostalgic about these things. Or the dude never wanted to cut his hair as a demon so he chose cables instead. The answer may lay somewhere in between or is nowhere to be found. I am kidding a little... Thanks for your answers, nonetheless! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sgt. Blank Posted September 6, 2016 Share Posted September 6, 2016 Plus the nails make Angron look unique - as evidenced by K. Sci's amazing miniature. DaBoiKyknos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 Mate, what can we say: It's in the official background... Don't re-fluff the fluff...unless you're GW Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nemac Vradon Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 That is pure brilliance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 He truly looks amazing and the face is an excellent representation of the artwork, the rest is pretty damn spot on too. As for the fluff deamons tend to look like they expect to, while the nails are no longer mechanical as such and are pure warp essence they are still a part of him. the Big bad in the book daemon world is full of Bionic bits and even his legions of bloodletters and other khorne daemons end up inheriting similar traits from their master so end up looking part machine though they are pure daemon. But even without that rule of cool man and big red is very cool. Andvarr A 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 8, 2016 Author Share Posted September 8, 2016 Again, thanks for the kind words, everyone! @ Mechanist: Don't forget that you had a pretty huge part in the inception of this model, mate! Without following your example of forcing myself to work in several layers of GS with the necessary patience and without that neat trick for making GS cables with a comb, Angron might never have taken shape like that! But there has to be a life after Angron, and while I'll be finishing the rest of the display base shortly (I hope), I also find my mind wandering towards the coming Call of Chaos: There are quite few stragglers left in my collection that I didn't paint for the ETL, so I should have some interesting stuff to paint for the upcoming event. But there's also the fact that this year's Call of Chaos is dedicated to Tzeentch -- easily the chaos god I am least interested in from a visual standpoint. But that somehow made it all the more tempting to include a little something Tzeentchian as part of my CoC vow, so I started working on a suitable model. Some of you might recognise this gentleman: As always, let me know what you think! :) SchultzChaos, Khornestar, Pearson73 and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagoth Ur Posted September 8, 2016 Share Posted September 8, 2016 Why, Khayon my man! Andvarr A 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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