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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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He truly looks amazing and the face is an excellent representation of the artwork, the rest is pretty damn spot on too.

As for the fluff deamons tend to look like they expect to, while the nails are no longer mechanical as such and are pure warp essence they are still a part of him. the Big bad in the book daemon world is full of Bionic bits and even his legions of bloodletters and other khorne daemons end up inheriting similar traits from their master so end up looking part machine though they are pure daemon.

But even without that rule of cool man and big red is very cool.


And to relapse to the vernacular Scotsman in me...and yes accent is according


"That's pure brilliant by the way"

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Awesome Khayon, bro! I've always wanted to have a go at some of the characters from the Talon of Horus so I'm looking forward to seeing how he turns out :tu:

And khayon he shall.. tho I think Angron's is the peak of monstrosity for notables in the legion...how about you do something more...mechanical next time...like a decimator

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Cheers, guys! :)


Awesome TS> I haven't read ToH yet, so don't recognize him. But the resemblance seems to come across, reading the comments. I'm interested what you're going to do next year - as that CoC is dedicated to Slaanesh!


To be fair, there are some relatively simple touches that will instantly make a Thousand Sons sorcerer read as Khayon (the axe is a dead giveaway). But I am still very pleased with the conversion, nevertheless. I like to give sorcerers a somewhat gaunt, less physical look, even when they are Space Marines. And most importantly, this guy really feels like Khayon to me -- he should look great next to my Lheorvine Ukris conversion ;)


As for Slaanesh next year: The easiest approach would be to go for Telemachon Lyras, another character from Talon of Horus, and originally a member of the Emperor's Children. I am already collecting bitz... ;)

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@ Mechanist: Don't forget that you had a pretty huge part in the inception of this model, mate! Without following your example of forcing myself to work in several layers of GS with the necessary patience and without that neat trick for making GS cables with a comb, Angron might never have taken shape like that!

Ahh well, what goes around comes around without Gilgamesh and watching you develop and build him I would never have started whats turned out to be far beyond my original plans yet it is actually getting there. Ultimately if I hadn't witnessed Gilgamesh the 7 blessed would have been little more than a dream of what I might one day do instead of something I've actually begun and am still working on (when the kids go to bed and give me a damn evening).  


Khayon is looking very cool and as soon as I saw it I though it would look ace alongside Lheorvine Ukris.

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ Thousand Eyes: I really like your Khayon, but I think you could have given him a slightly more robed look, especially around the legs -- maybe it's not too late to add some kind of tabard...?


@ Mechanist: Cheers, mate! That's very much the spirit of the hobby for me, though: To be inspired by other people's work and to strive to inspire in turn :wink:



So yesterday I painted a modern plastic Bloodthirster using my - now pretty well established - daemon recipe:






And I am pretty pleased with this guy! The interesting part, however, is that I am currently working on an "older brother" of this particular Bloodletter design, because fellow World Eater AMaxmimus recently sent me some of the late 90s/early 00s' Bloodletters, and I immediately started repainting one of them:




The model was missing its two-handed axe, but a modern plastic Hellblade arguably improves the somewhat clunky base model. The left hand is still being kept separate to make for easier painting. The model is currently about two thirds finished, and I think this is going to end with a nice little comparison of three of the four incarnations of the Bloodletter:




On a somewhat related note. AMaximus also included this old chestnut in his bitz drop: a leftover vintage Bloodthirster head:






As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Cheers, guys! :)


Yeah, I guess I'll have to include one of the really old, serpentine Bloodletters at some point. I really don't like the models at all, though, so it's definitely not a priority project ;)


For now, the latest Bloodletter is just about finished (just need to do the bases for the two most recent completions):






As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, mate! :smile.:


Here's a little fun bonus: A picture of all the models I've managed to paint so far this year:




Only 22 models so far, but I am still pretty happy with my output :wink: As you can tell from the amount of red and bronze, it has been a very Khornate year so far, although there's also the beginning of a fairly promising pitslaves gang and a couple of Inquisitorial Henchmen that I am pretty fond of.

Edited by KrautScientist
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That's a sweet bunch, and the Bloodletters are looking great, I've often wondered about using the older models as heralds. That comparison right there definitely suggests it's not actually a bad Idea.

And once you get your plastic Angron painted up he could well have those pit slaves as allies on a Armies on parade board?

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@ Thousand Eyes: I really like your Khayon, but I think you could have given him a slightly more robed look, especially around the legs -- maybe it's not too late to add some kind of tabard...?








I think you are over estimating my skills to get robes on him to be honest. I wish I could though.


Also the middle one there I think is the best looking one, as for me it really matches my view of those daemons. I find the new ones too skinny and the oldest ones stuck in mono poses.

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I keep coming back to this thread to comment, but every time I think I know where to start, I dig a bit further back and find something even more awesome and end up with a wall o' text :)


Fortunately, your collected models of 2016 (must be something in that 8 x 2...) is a great excuse to finally post up a thumbs-up. You blog's a joy to read, and it's clear that you're still revelling in the sheer enjoyment of Khorne. The modelling and painting are exemplary, and the background information is always thoughtful and well-written. Cheers for being an inspiration!

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Great work on the output this year  - I don't mind the mostly Khornate nature of it at all! :)


One the third edition bloodletter, I'm sorry to have to say this, seeing as you're done and all, :sad.:  but.... I see what you tried to do there, but the head looks a bit like it´s defying gravity to me. The fact that he holds his hair and there's still plenty hair between the forehead and his hand, makes me wonder why gravity isn't doing it's job and pulling the head down. It looks like there´s a stick running from the neck through the top of the head, up into the top knot, with hair folding up around it. :wink:  Certainly possible, of course, but it´s not the first thing that comes into my mind when looking at the miniature. 

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