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Great work on the output this year - I don't mind the mostly Khornate nature of it at all! :)


One the third edition bloodletter, I'm sorry to have to say this, seeing as you're done and all, :sad.: but.... I see what you tried to do there, but the head looks a bit like it´s defying gravity to me. The fact that he holds his hair and there's still plenty hair between the forehead and his hand, makes me wonder why gravity isn't doing it's job and pulling the head down. It looks like there´s a stick running from the neck through the top of the head, up into the top knot, with hair folding up around it. :wink: Certainly possible, of course, but it´s not the first thing that comes into my mind when looking at the miniature.

Cant beleive I missed that with the head. What else have some eyes missed that others have seen???

Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Mechanist: Cheers, mate! There's absolutely nothing Khornate about those pit slave gladiators, though: They were built for INQ28 (or, possibly, Necromunda), but as an entirely non-chaotic faction.


@ Thousand Eyes: You could always try some metal foil, you know... ;)


@ Apologist: That's a really huge compliment, especially since I am a big fan of both your models and the fantastic background material surrounding them! Much obliged! ;)


@ Auggs: Yeah, you definitely have a point about that severed head: Tell you what, I actually found out too late how little room there actually was to wedge in a hand holding a head like that, so I had to make compromises there. Since this guy isn't the most important part of my collection by a long shot, let's just say the awkward physics match the model's inherent clunkiness and just move on, eh? ;)



Smart ass :tongue.:

What were you expecting? Hahahahah



... you post in KS's thread a lot ...



Hmm, I'm not sure whether or not I should feel offended by this... ;)


@ Lexington: Cheers, mate! :)


So yesterday evening, I returned home to discover the cutest little package in the world had arrived from the UK. Inside the package, I found a wonderfully sinister cultist of Khorne built and painted by none other than spectacularly talented Terrain-Overlord extraordinaire Neil101 of Opus Maius’ fame:








Now I was already aware that Neil had built this model for me a while ago, but the fact that he also chose to paint it in his trademark style was a wonderful surprise indeed! The result is something far more painterly and visceral than anything I could have come up with, and I am really in love with this guy right now. And that wasn’t all, because accompanying the Khornate champion came a wonderfully macabre “Bucket o’ Blood” (followers of Khorne never leave home without it!):




As is usually the case with Neil’s work, there’s a wonderfully macabre and demented nature to the whole affair, calling to mind both the infamous Yggdrassilliumme as well as the kind of characters you would see in the golden days of Realm of Chaos. And while I am already hard at work figuring out a suitable angle for this guy as a part of the Velsen Sector (he’ll be a member of the so-called “Duelists”, an insidious Khornate lodge operating in the sector), Neil was also kind enough to provide his own little vignette of background:




Coal black eyes kindled the embers of hate, as the headsman daubed his breastplate with the aged ichor of his enemies. His skull face plate chafed at the nape of his neck, the fitting too tight for comfort.


So much he had given, but the Blood God’s bucket had a hole. Never enough, always more.


The unsaturated hunger for power, for glory, always gnawed at his soul. Like the itch of his helm, the one he couldn’t scratch…reminding him that his work was never done. His bucket never full.



On a mostly unrelated note, I also posted my thoughts on the new model for Khârn the Betrayer on my blog today, in case anyone's interested.



And finally, in other news, this just happened:


Sorcery is falsehood! The way of duplicity and intrigue is the way of the coward! As a servant of He who hunts at the head of the pack, I will not stand by idly while the cowardly servants of thrice-damned Tzeentch assemble and claim all the glory in the name of their demented god. Therefore, I, KrautScientist, answer the Call of Chaos in the name of Khorne and vow to complete the following five units before December 15th 2016:


  • One Winged Daemon Prince of Khorne
  • One Chaos Spawn
  • One power armoured Chaos Lord with the Mark of Khorne
  • One Iron Warriors-Apothecary (counts-as Chaos Lord)

and, accounting for the fact that this is an event devoted to Tzeentch after all,


  • One Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer with the Mark of Tzeentch


If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Ultimate Deception and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Here are the "before pictures" of my vow:


The entire vow:




Winged Daemon Prince of Khorne:




Chaos Spawn:




Chaos Lord w/ Mark of Khorne:




Iron Warriors Apothecary/Chaos Lord:




Tzeentchian Sorcerer (Iskandar Khayon):




As usual, my work on these models will be chronicled in more detail in my ongoing WIP thread.


Wish me luck! :smile.:



As always, let me know what you think! :)

Cool, what a quality little parcel to open.


I like the models for the Call. I really like the Chaos Lord with the Mark of Khorne, although it seems his helm is obscuring some detail behind it. Maybe a different head would show off some of the detail.

Cheers, guys! :)


@ DarkVen: Well, if it's any consolation to you, everything with the exception of the Thousand Sons Sorcerer was converted a rather long time ago and has been sitting around unpainted ever since,  and the Khornate Lord was given to me by BrotherJim, I just converted a new head. So speed isn't exactly my strong suit after all ;)


@ The Hydra: I've actually made my peace with the bunny ears obscuring some of the detail, as it's not exactly detail that's vital for the look and feel of the model -- and there's always the fact that BrotherJim has already ok'ed the head, so yeah ;)

Again, thanks a lot, guys! :smile.:



I'm really diggin the bulk on that IW apoth... Mind a bitz run down? Khayon is neat... But I'm not sure he fits "my" image of him. Cool stuff regardless!


Whoa, I totally missed that request earlier, mate, so here's that bitz rundown you wanted. Off the top of my head:

  • torso piece from the Iron Warriors conversion set
  • legs from the Dark Vengeance Chosen champion (the one with the power maul)
  • right arm and shoulder pad from the vanilla CSM kit
  • left arm and backpack from the Space Marine command squad
  • axe from the WFB Chaos Warriors
  • left shoulder pad from the Chaos Bikers
  • a Kroot trophy (not visible from the front)
  • head from the Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii

There, I think that just about covers it :wink:


@ Auggs: I find these events help me to stay focused on making a dent in my considerable backlog of unpainted stuff, and that is something I've really turned into a bit of a mission this year. Of course the fact that my FLGS has gone belly up earlier this year helps as well, unfortunately, because it makes picking up new plastic crack a bit harder :wink:


Anyway, here's a better look at how the paintjob on plastic Angron is coming along: Still a lot of detail work left (I've only just started on the axes, for instance), but this should give you a pretty good idea of where the model is headed:
















And a closer look at the face:




As for the model's base, my idea was to make it resemble an actual arena floor (or the floor of the Conqueror's fighting pits), so I picked up some Sandy Paste from Vallejo to create a suitable texture. I also hid some discarded gladiator equipment in the sand:






As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist

He looks so angry! Loving the pose.


Had you not decided in the end to give him some other armour as well? I thought I remembered some more on him.

Edited by Thousand Eyes

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