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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Thanks a lot, everyone! :smile.:


@ Thousand Eyes: No, I just quickly tacked on a Stormcast Eternal breastplate to show it could be done, but decided to go with a bare-chested version after all. For a more armoured version, see Biohazard's thread :wink:


So here we are, a short while later, and I think we can basically call this guy finished:


Angron Thal'Kr, Lord of the Red Sands


















As always, let me know what you think! :)



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Thanks, guys! :)


@ JeffTibbetts: Cheers, mate! That is very nice of you to say! Want to hear something funny, though? The model only really started looking unmistakably like Angron the moment I painted on those facial tattoos ;)


@ Nelzon: Right, let's kill two birds with one chainaxe (teehee):


Here's Angron next to a standard 30k Marine:




Next to Forgeworld's armoured Angron:




And here's that group shot Travick requested:



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The Hydra: I've actually made my peace with the bunny ears obscuring some of the detail, as it's not exactly detail that's vital for the look and feel of the model -- and there's always the fact that BrotherJim has already ok'ed the head, so yeah ;)

Fair does, I read on your blog it was donated by Brother Jim after I posted that, it is a great model. Angron looks great.

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@ Andvarr A: Look, I am a pretty slow painter, but there's no way I am going to wait a year because I start on the final Angron model. Plus there's also no way for me to join any other faction than chaos for the ETL, either...

Didn't comment on your painting speeds, just said about the ETL

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