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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Sweet! I might suggest softening the focus just a tiny touch to help it blend in with the rest of the image. It's tough with the lighting being different though. The background has much more diffuse lighting. Look at the angle of the sun on those rays. Way off to the left. Anyway, it's still way cool looking. I'm just a nitpicky guy.


When I worked at a movie theatre (for 13 years!) I would go crazy over the terrible photoshopping on movie posters. And those were highly trained professionals!

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@ Mechanist: Cheers, mate! There's absolutely nothing Khornate about those pit slave gladiators, though: They were built for INQ28 (or, possibly, Necromunda), but as an entirely non-chaotic faction.

I was thinking that they would do well as pre Heresy/Crusade buddies or adversaries on Nuceria  alongside (as you've just finished him) the plastic Angron gladiator, so no need for Khornate.

Then you can have forgeworld's heresy Angron with your 30k stuff.

Then big red with your 40k stuff for the Armies on parade suggested by the GW store manager. A snapshot of three points in his timeline.


The early version now painted has come out brilliant, though I do notice he's not on the ETL vow, so be careful not to get drawn too far from your targets by shiny things as Tzeentch will sure try to distract you from completing Khorne's servants and the glory that would grant you.

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@ Mechanist: Cheers, mate! There's absolutely nothing Khornate about those pit slave gladiators, though: They were built for INQ28 (or, possibly, Necromunda), but as an entirely non-chaotic faction.

I was thinking that they would do well as pre Heresy/Crusade buddies or adversaries on Nuceria  alongside (as you've just finished him) the plastic Angron gladiator, so no need for Khornate.

Then you can have forgeworld's heresy Angron with your 30k stuff.

Then big red with your 40k stuff for the Armies on parade suggested by the GW store manager. A snapshot of three points in his timeline.


The early version now painted has come out brilliant, though I do notice he's not on the ETL vow, so be careful not to get drawn too far from your targets by shiny things as Tzeentch will sure try to distract you from completing Khorne's servants and the glory that would grant you.



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Thanks for the feedback, everyone! :smile.:


Sweet! I might suggest softening the focus just a tiny touch to help it blend in with the rest of the image. It's tough with the lighting being different though. The background has much more diffuse lighting. Look at the angle of the sun on those rays. Way off to the left. Anyway, it's still way cool looking. I'm just a nitpicky guy.

When I worked at a movie theatre (for 13 years!) I would go crazy over the terrible photoshopping on movie posters. And those were highly trained professionals!


While you are definitely right about the shortcomings of the montage, it's merely something that I quickly threw together as a proof of concept, so instead of tweaking it, it's far more likely that I'll create a totally new composite (working from a completely new photo of the model to boot). Well spotted, though! :wink:


I wonder who could come close to Angron in the arena. They'd have to send armies at him.


Well, according to the lore, that's basically what they did :wink:


Looking the goods mate!


Cheers,mate! :smile.:





@ Mechanist: Cheers, mate! There's absolutely nothing Khornate about those pit slave gladiators, though: They were built for INQ28 (or, possibly, Necromunda), but as an entirely non-chaotic faction.

I was thinking that they would do well as pre Heresy/Crusade buddies or adversaries on Nuceria  alongside (as you've just finished him) the plastic Angron gladiator, so no need for Khornate.

Then you can have forgeworld's heresy Angron with your 30k stuff.

Then big red with your 40k stuff for the Armies on parade suggested by the GW store manager. A snapshot of three points in his timeline.


The early version now painted has come out brilliant, though I do notice he's not on the ETL vow, so be careful not to get drawn too far from your targets by shiny things as Tzeentch will sure try to distract you from completing Khorne's servants and the glory that would grant you.



Yes, three "snapshots" from different times in Angron's life was very much the underlying idea here! Now since I've already been accused twice of getting sidetracked, away from my Call of Chaos vow, I decided to get started on my first model for the event, the huge flesh hound. So here's what I have so far:








Still missing quite a bit of detail work, of course, but on the other hand, a big part of the model, the skin in particular, has already been finished. Here's a picture with one of the Bloodletters I painted recently, to serve as a size and colour comparison:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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YAY! We're finally back in business! :)


@ Andvarr A: You'd be surprised, mate: I am actually not really all that fond of painting red in the first place -- no kidding! But this daemon recipe I have worked out is really fun to paint and makes for rather quick results as well, so what's not to love? ;)


@ Auggs: I actually bought those Dragon Ogres because I thought they might make for cool Daemon Princes, but they are a bit too small for that. So using at least one of them for a Flesh Hound conversion like this was really a way to make something worthwile out of the kit, after all ;)


Speaking of which, I've made good use of the downtime and finished the first model for my Call of Chaos vow:


Here's the finished base (with a dead smurf, as per Auggie's suggestion):




And here's Fido:
















And here's another scale comparison picture:




So that's one down, four to go! As always, let me know what you think! :)



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"Fido? Fido!? Where....put that down...what have I told you about biting smurfs?! You'll catch something! Honestly..."


The bottom camera shot makes him look like he's running to catch up to whoever called his name.


Still think you should have one called keymaster, and the other gatekeeper....


For a red recipient that has become fun to paint over the cargo not more red" it's pretty sharp. Top shot that man

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Andvarr A: Don't worry mate, the dog's real name isn't Fido -- he'll be called something dark and suitably overly-dramatic! And I am very much in love with the Ghostbusters reference, so yeah, I'll tweak it a bit to make it less recognisable, but "Keeper of the Osseous Gate" or something like that should work rather beautifully as a byname ;)

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Andvarr A: Don't worry mate, the dog's real name isn't Fido -- he'll be called something dark and suitably overly-dramatic! And I am very much in love with the Ghostbusters reference, so yeah, I'll tweak it a bit to make it less recognisable, but "Keeper of the Osseous Gate" or something like that should work rather beautifully as a byname ;)

With the other one being "guardian of the key of khranak"...or something...


Damn bnc being down has made me right fluff for my project, and have ideas...full steam ahead!! (Ahem :p)

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This is a thread I always check on, but don't comment on enough!



Just wanted to take the time to say all your Angrons are fantastic, a really great imagining of his different stages of life. I think the Pre-Imperial Gladiator is probably my favourite. 

The giant Corn-dog is awesome, too.

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@ Andvarr A: Don't worry mate, the dog's real name isn't Fido -- he'll be called something dark and suitably overly-dramatic! And I am very much in love with the Ghostbusters reference

To quote Nostalgia Critic:



Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ fire golem: It's never too late for a little flattery ;) Next time, feel free to drop me a comment over at the blog as well, though, because I seem to be getting fewer and fewer reactions over there, which can potentially wreak havoc upon my fickle motivation ;)


So I won't be able to do any painting until next weekend, which is why I at least wanted to start painting my second Call of Chaos model, the Iron Warriors Apothecary. The guy still needs some more attention, but here's what he looks like right now:








As always, let me know what you think! :)

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