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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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It's one of the best based I have seen on an Iron Warrior, looks really well and suits them down too a tee B) looks great but doesn't distract from the model


I do see what you mean with the eye though dude :tu:

Took me a moment to analyse the base to understand what you meant, but now I see what you mean. I don't see how there is some loss of detail, but I suppose thats down to perception. The bright blue is a big contrast from the iron and dirty yellows, although I can't help thinking that maybe a darker blue line wash may help just take the edge off the blue, but keep the center of the eye bright.


Or am I clutching at straws?

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First time poster but this armies incredible and has really motivated me to get working on some of my own character conversions. With Angron and some of your Daemon Engines being obvious highlights I also love how big and bulky you make your Terminator Armour equipped characters look. Sterling work sir!



Might I ask where Lorimar's sword is from? I've been looking for giant swords myself to equip one of my characters with and that Lorimar one looks perfect.

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Andvarr A: Hmm, seeing how you only see the eye of the Imperial Fist if you happen to be looking at the model from above, I think I can get away with the brightness ;)


@ Brit_Legionaire: Thanks, man! The sword I used on my Lorimar conversion came from the WFB/AoS Chaos Lord on Manticore, a kit that is full of incredible chaotic conversion bitz. Hope this helps!

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@ Biohazard: Cheers, buddy! You do have sharp eyes indeed, as that fallen IF was indeed my very first attempt at making a GS mould. I certainly don't want to go crazy about copying huge amounts of stuff, but I thought it might be an interesting tool to make certain effects easier to achieve, and having a "standard" fallen Astartes template would have been pretty useful, plus I wanted the profile of the fallen Marine to be pretty flat without having to shave down 5mm of plastic. Unfortunately, the result ended up slightly warped and with softer details than I would have liked, but I thought it was still good enough for a base -- I had to pull off all kinds of tricks, however, to suggest depth where none existed (see my comments about the eye lens above):



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The base looks great Kraut as does the Iron Warrior standing on it :smile.:. With regards to the press molding, I have done a lot of this with the loin cloths on my Word Bearers and Night Lords and have found that if you make a mix of roughly 3/1 blue to yellow the mold will pick up much more detail. The darker colour when mixed is much firmer and therefore easier to push into the details on the mold and retain them. That being said, it really does look great and I may have to pinch that idea :thumbsup:




Edit: my poor spelling...

Edited by Nemac Vradon
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Great work there Kraut the base is excellent and finishes off Apothecary Phastos perfectly and the stealing the geanseed is a brilliant touch. 
This video on youtube has some great tip for base dressing templates with instant mould and how to get the stuff into the detail.

One day I;m going to have to dig out the white dwarf article with press moulding and other useful greenstuff techniques.

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Thanks a lot, guys! And cheers for the advice on making molds (moulds? Wichever's the correct spelling, btw? It's driving me up the wall). Like I said, this was my very first attempt, and it certainly suffers from my chronic impatience :wink:


I made some time yesterday and rebased the other Iron Warriors I have on 32mm. It's not something I would even consider for my entire World Eaters army, but for a Killteam with only a handful of models, it really makes sense and gives the bulky models a bit more room to breathe, if you ask me:




I briefly considered leaving the guy on the left on his original base, seeing how he was just an early tester and will never be anything more, but in the end, it was only one more base, and I did go through the trouble of touching up the hazard stripes and decals on him when I painted the first "new" Iron Warriors last year, so I would have felt kinda wishy washy to stop there :wink:


The champ really profits from the added breathing space, though:










While I was at it, I also snapped some new pictures of Warsmith Greimolt Sturm:








So yeah, that's the whole (albeit small) IV Legion collection I own so far :wink:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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And cheers for the advice on making molds (moulds? Wichever's the correct spelling, btw? It's driving me up the wall).

"Mold or mould is a kind of fungus." (Mold is US, mould is all other English-speaking countries.)


"Mold, a vessel that is filled with liquid or pliable material in the molding process in manufacturing."



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Yup in english it's moulds same as fungus. Didn't know about US english dropping the u. While we in the UK do mock the US for not being able to spell some times , I believe it was a deliberate attempt to clean up the language and by and large does make more sense. 

Great looking team and the new bases really do work well. 
If you ever did want 32mm World eaters I would definitely go the adapter ring route it's so quick and easy. "Tale of Painters" reviewed a good looking set recently. 


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Yup in english it's moulds same as fungus. Didn't know about US english dropping the u. While we in the UK do mock the US for not being able to spell some times , I believe it was a deliberate attempt to clean up the language and by and large does make more sense. 


Great looking team and the new bases really do work well. 

If you ever did want 32mm World eaters I would definitely go the adapter ring route it's so quick and easy. "Tale of Painters" reviewed a good looking set recently. 



I just bought some of these off eBay and I agree, they work very well. I actually backed them on Kickstarter ages ago but they didn't get fully funded. They're great for adding the height as well as the width. 

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


While I can see why those 32mm adapters would be interesting for those who want to increase the base size with the actual game in mind without having to redo the bases all over, rules concerns aren't really all that important to me, so I am happy enough to just leave the bases as they are for now. And instead of spending money on those adapters, I'd rather buy more plastic crack ;)


So a small update today, mostly because the recent announcement of the Burning of Prospero nicely matches the following model.


As you might have noticed, I really enjoy building 30k versions of my 40k World Eaters characters. Now back when it didn't look like I would ever create any 30k models of my own, fellow German hobbyist AgnostosTheos created a 30k (pre-interment) version of one of my characters, Khoron the Undying:




In the 41st millennium, Khoron has been a Dreadnought for several millennia, yet he has been an invaluable adviser to Lord Captain Lorimar since before the Heresy, as he was already a veteran of the 4th company even before Lorimar became the company's captain.


There's a lot I still love about AgnostosTheos' version (especially the lined face he chose, making Khoron look like a grizzled veteran), but it's obvious the model doesn't fit my World Eaters colour scheme, so instead of painting over AT's paintjob, I thought this would be a good occasion to build an updated 30k version of Khoron. Now I see him as a hard-as-nails veteran of the legion, so I chose an archaic suit of armour for him -- plus I had already heard rumours of the new boxed set at that time, so it seemed like a cool idea to give Mk. III a try:






So here's Khoron next to the previous version of the character:




And here he is next to Chaplain Krieger, the previous character I built for my 30k World Eaters:




Given the quality of the new boxed set, maybe 2017 will be the year of 30k for me...? Speaking of which, I have collected my thoughts on the new models here, in case anyone's interested.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Ooooh Khoron is looking good in MkIII. I love that a fellow hobbyist has sent you a converted and painted model of your dread. Now that's inspired and inspiring!


The rebasing was a good move. The DV chosen need 32mmm to breath. :tu:


I only have one tiny, childishly vindicitve, smartass gripe about Warsmith Greimolt Sturm, btw. How is he going to hold his shield with that giant claw of his? And if the shield is meant for his other arm, what is he going to do with his hammer in-battle, seeing as he only has one hand with which to hang it up anywhere? Huh? How? :p ;)

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