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@ Auggie: Huh, I didn't realise you could be so petty, mate :wink:


Seriously, though: I actually did think about the problem with the shield, even though the main reason for including it was to break up the monotonous colour of the cape, plus I wanted an excuse for painting a shield with Iron Warriors hazard stripes on it.


But anyway, my take is that the shield can either maglock to the back of the clawed gauntlet when Sturm needs to go medieval on an enemy :wink: I also have this idea of him discarding his busted claw-gauntlet with a hydraulic hiss and taking the shield from his back in a "You really asked for it!" way :wink:


As for AgnostosTheos' version of Khoron: He built three models for me, all in all, including a younger version of Lorimar. The plan was that I would build 40k versions for some of his Heresy characters in exchange, but he unfortunately ended up selling his World Eaters before it ever came to that.

Edited by KrautScientist

That's a very inspiring deal you had. Pity it fell through, though. 

I'm begrudgingly accepting you explanation. It's a lot more convoluted than my explanation of your gripe, though. :wink: Petty is my middle name :tongue.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

That's a very inspiring deal you had. Pity it fell through, though.


I'm begrudgingly accepting you explanation. It's a lot more convoluted than my explanation of your gripe, though. :wink: Petty is my middle name :tongue.:

Don't make me get the hose on you two...sheesh...:tongue.:


Well I for one, think that the Warsmith shield is as prevalent as Leman Russ having one...I mean, it's there, it has no value other than looking nice, but with the Warsmith it has a place, like he's meant to have it...and hey, you never know, but it could be used as the bitch-slap 5000...for when your enemy needs to hear the *whatang* of pain. ;)

Khoron looks really good, have you considered having him standing on some corpse like his dreadnought counterpart? Always enjoy seeing the 30k versions of your characters.

Or for irony's sake, have him standing atop a wrecked Dreadnought, preferably one that resembles his 40k version. ;)

Khorons off to a great start buddy.I do like the whole before and after you have going on with your characters. A few guys at my club are at me to start a heresy force as well but we shall see. Only tiny suggestion Id have for this guy is to lower his a head little more into the torso as he looks a little long necked at the moment. I'm guessing though that he's just tacked together at the moment, so that point will be probably rendered moot when it comes to final assembly.

New Khoron is looking good, but I would add about a 3mm spacer to the lower torso so his overall proportions are more correct. Currently he's (purely IMHO, obviously) falling a little too much into the 'I have no waist' syndrome induced by GW's take on 'heroic' scale.

Looking forward to you going full-bore 30k if you do, the tasters so far have been glorious!


Khoron looks suitably 'vereran-y' with the armour choice and I have always had a soft spot for that evil, sneering head.


EDIT - it would appear my phone predicts Khoron as Khorne, alas his destiny was pre-ordained :D

Edited by Midnight Runner

Cheers, guys! :smile.:


Biohazard is right, though: Khoron has merely been tacked together so far (at least for the most part), so you can expect some tweaking on him. I also want to give him a bit more gear and a backup CC weapon, among other things.


In the meantime, let me share a little sneak peek with you: I felt the need to build something yesterday, and I still had that free Slaughterpriest from WD knocking about, so this happened:







Still a very early WIP, though.


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist

With the screaming-rage look and the wing on the back of the axe....are you building Nassir Amit?


Granted, he's a Blood Angel, but he's pretty darn close to being an Eater of Worlds....

Custom Khârn?? to match his "father" Angron.


Wielding Gorechild after Angron leaves it on the battlefield at Nuceria 


Either that or the Triarii captain who leaves the flag-ship open to assault and s to fight something like 24 opponent in the pits... Was a good audio book, remember it getting me through a torrid 72 hours in China.

Edited by dantay_xv

Wether it's Khârn or Angron it's awesome, I'm actually using those legs on my version of Angron as you suggested a while back. The Sept WD certainly helped me out there. :tu:


Look forward to more

That looks pretty sweet. Though I will say, the open hand combined with the pose makes him look a bit like he's singing a sonnet of love death to his sweetheart next victim.

It's a great model though isn't it? I've converted mine into a Slaaneshi Chaos Lord, which basically consisted of leaving off the tabard, switching out the head, replacing the hackblade with a Raptor Lightning Claw and adding a few other miscellaneous CSM bitz (notably a shoulder pad, a Possessed backpack and a shoulder-mounted bolt pistol). I hope they do more free models in future.

Cheers, guys! :)


Those of you who suspected it's going to be another Angron are quite right -- whatever obsession with the Lord of the XII legion fellow hobbyist Reg is suffering from, I seem to have been infected with it as well ;)


Anyway, I am going for a model inspired by this piece of artwork from the late, great Wayne England:




This also explains the reason for the left arm's pose: Eventually, the model will be holding a lump of nondescript viscera ;)


Oh, and the wing on the axe is an element that appears in several classic sketches of Angron, among them what's possibly the earliest picture of Angron, courtesy of John Blanche:




Plus my Daemon-Primarch version of Angron has that part as well, so it should become a nice visual shout out ;)

That's a very inspired and well-posed conversion off the free Slaughterpriest there, my friend. Well done, as usual. I do feel there's something funny about his left arm. Is it a bit too long? I'm not sure. Also you might want to consider a pistol to 40k him further. But he's clearly very awesome already.


And good on you for digging out that old Blanche concept art of Angron. I feel there's a lot of Blanche-bashing on the board these days and, in my opinion, this particular illustration shows how much of 40k we owe him. 

  • 2 weeks later...

@ Brother Kortmer: Cheers, mate! Any and all Blanche-bashing is utterly pointless, seeing how much of 40k's overall look and feel we owe to the man. That being said, I will admit it took me a couple of years to appreciate his work the way I do today, because his style tends to be more painterly and loose when compared with the illustrations we usually see in GW books. But seeing the somewhat generic style of many of GW's modern illustration, it feels to me like we desperately need more Blanche, and certainly not less ;)


Anyway, time for a small update:


I was in Hamburg for a conference last week, and made some time while I was there to check out the local GW store (some impressions can be found here on my blog).


And what can I say, this kinda happened:




So there goes my next hobby year, I suppose...


For now, however, there has only been some preliminary messing around with the new bitz: I've built my first Mk. III World Eater as a heavy weapons specialist:






He's still looking very plain at this point, but at least I have already done something with his weapon, in order to make it look suitably brutal ;)


I've also given Chaplain Krieger a leg-swap:






I already liked the previous setup well enough, but I do think the more heavily armoured legs give him even more of a grim presence.




And finally, there's this guy:




By and large, I think GW's designers have done a fairly good job of modernising the sculpt, so I didn't really want to make any major changes (there's also the fact that I made my own custom true scale Khârn last year, so I was happy enough to basically stick with the stock assembly here). I did want to get rid of those horribly clunky chains on his arm, however, as they are the only part of the model I truly dislike. I am much happier with the tweaked version:




Oh, and Ive also undercoated my third Call of Chaos model, the Daemon-Prince of Khorne, so don't worry: Still in the race ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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