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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Alright, guys: With two models left to go and virtually no time for painting over the next few days, things don't look too good for my Call of Chaos vow... I am not giving up the fight yet, however, so I spent yesterday evening frantically painting my Iskandar Khayon conversion. Here he is, still a little rough around the edges:








The blue is not quite as bright in real life as it seems. The colour is closer to what you see in the following picture, although the fuzzy lighting conditions make the model seem messier than it actually is:




Anyway, whatever happens, it's going to be a close call. Wish me luck! And, as always, let me know what you think! :)

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@ Auggs: Thanks a lot, buddy! Believe it or not, that comment of yours was what made me grit my teeth and push through, and I don't know how I managed it, but here I am with a finished Call of Chaos vow!


I basically put in every waking hour of leisure time I had yesterday and completed the last models for my vow -- and not too soon, either, because I won't have any time to paint before Saturday! By the same token, I can only offer you some pretty horrible pictures -- taken last night on the very top of my desk, just after I had finished the last model, as it were. Don't worry, though, there'll be better pictures this weekend!


But now, without further ado:


First up, another picture of my Daemon Prince:




Poor guy still needs a proper base, but I am calling him finished for now.


Then there's the completed Iskandar Khayon model:




And, finally, a Khornate Lord that was very kindly provided by BrotherJim earlier this year. Unfortunately, the fuzzy photo eats up all the variances in the red, but it'll have to suffice for now:




Those of you following my thread might notice that I've swapped in another head, feeling that the model ultimately works better with a bare head -- but I'll probably be going back and forth on that for a dozen time before finally settling on a solution. For now, though, this guy is finished as well!


And here's the entire happy family:




And that's another Call of Chaos done and dusted! Thanks again to Auggs for providing a much needed last-minute pep talk. And, like I said, you can expect better photos this weekend ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, mate! I really did need a kick in the arse, though: When I had two unpainted models this Monday, I was basically prepared to consider the vow a lost cause. But then I read your comment and realised that it would really suck to fail Call of Chaos after having suceeded with my ETL vow -- and how sweet it would be to finish both for a change ;)


Anyway, yeah, it was me who did the actual painting, but the motivational talk was still much appreciated! :)


As for the daemon-nunchucks -- fair enough. I don't really see them so much as nunchucks, but more as hook swords with an attached chain for strangling enemies or performing suitably dirty, gladiatorial tricks. And I do think the weapon really reads as pretty gladiatorial, if nothing else.

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Well, I'm happy to have given you a kick in the arse! Anytime, buddy! :D 

No need to defend the Daemon Prince's weapon, btw. It looks ridiculous-ly cool and suitably Khornate and Chaotic. I actually love that model. I just saw needed an excuse to post that bacon nunchuck GIF. you gave me an opportunity, and I took it!  ;)

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Thanks, guys! :smile.:


So I did promise you better pictures this weekend, and I intend to make good on that promise. So here we go:


My entire Call of Chaos vow for this year:




So let's look at all of the models again. First up, there was the giant flesh hound of Khorne (I still cannot stop to think of him as "Fido" in the back of my head, although "Keeper of the Osseous Gate" sounds far more appropriate):




Apothecary Phastos of the Iron Warriors was finished next (and also doubled as my contribution for the concurrent IW-centered event over at the chaos forum):




Then there's my gladiatorial Daemon Prince of Khorne:










I already have a pretty cool idea for his base worked out, and I am confident I'll be able to finish it during the Christmas holiday!


Then there's my version of Iskander Khayon, one of my favourite parts of my vow:








Now he's not quite as electric blue in real life, but that colour I used for his armour just has a way of catching the light :wink: In any case, he is noticeably lighter than the first Thousand Sons sorcerer I built and painted a couple of years ago:




As you can see, I used the same approach with the gnarled roots for both models's bases: I wanted something subtly twisted and creepy, and I think the roots fit the bill without looking over the top.


Oh, and since Iskandar is the protagonist of Aaron Dembski-Bowden's "The Talon of Horus", I thought it would be fun to take another picture of him next to his buddy (and eventual fellow Black Legionary and member of the Ezekarion) Lheorvine Ukris:




And finally, there's the lovely converted Khornate Lord BrotherJim sent me earlier this year:






It's a fantastic model, to be sure. But the fact that the massive backpack (a hallmark of BrotherJim's style) had been permanently attached to the model's back made the whole ensemble rather frustrating to paint :wink:




Speaking of the backpack, the Terminator facemask fused to it was painted in BL colours, as a little shout out to BrotherJim's own Black Legion army :wink:






So that's it for this year's Call of Chaos -- and for all the painting events on this board, for that matter: I joined three events this year and managed to complete my vow for each of them which does feel pretty good, admittedly :smile.:


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



Edited by KrautScientist
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Congratulations on completing those three events. That's no small feat, considering your standards. :wink:


It's funny how Jim's Lord sticks out a little bit, because of his unique conversion style, even though you painted him exactly like the rest of your marines. 

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Those look great! I have to admit, I'm not a fan of that awkward leg position of the giant flesh hound of Khorne, but seeing it painted, it doesn't bother me that much any more. The idea is great, the bitz - great, execution - great, but this one left front leg. It looks weird on the dragonogres, too.  I don't want to sound to negative, I still think he looks awesome after your paintjob.

The Demonmprince looks ace, I like the brutish head so much more than everything the plastic kit has to offer. Theer's only one think that's missing: your hallmark turquoise details. Nearly every other miniature of yours has it somewhere. Maybe the eyes, like you've done it with the dog? Or the round grill thingie on his chest? It's not a must, but it would be awesome.

My favorite is the Iron Warrior apothecaruis. I love that dude! The head it perfect, the pose, too. Really well done!

It sure must have been a feat to paint that backpak on Jims champion :D I love those things, but it would drive me crazy to paint one of them. He looks good in red, but I hope you might paint him in BL colors as a Hound of Abaddon. I was so curious how your black recipe would look (mine is basically very very dark sea green/inkubi darknes with some blue and black washes).

And Khayon. As I mentioned in my thread, I once tried to write a comment on him. But oh, gravity is a harsh mistress :mellow.:

He reminded me instantly of one of my own converted sorcerer, it was even the very first elaborate conversion I tried! That DV Librarian was a perfect basis for that. I bought the TS trophy from the fincast Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf as the second part of that conversion. 

I think its a little missed opportunity that you didn't fix the helmet on the right lower corner. But that's the only gripe I have with your approach. The fact that you used the trophy helmet from the TWC box gives a different angle to the head and the direction Khayon is looking. I like the focused feel of the mini. Using the head and a new upper body was a great idea to give the whole pose some more "degrees of freedom". The axe is a nice pick, but I don't understand why his left hand is brown. Is it just a glove? looks like a normals CSM underarm with hand cut off and marauder hand attached, Would look better in blue, I think. I really like how your conversion is looking more fixed on an enemy or something in front of him, while mine looks more concentrated on a spell while walking towards something.

Here's the Sorcerer conversion I did 3 years ago:

Finished DV sorcerer conversion


All in all a job well done! 

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Mate, that is one hell of a comment and definitely a worthy replacement for the comment you lost to gravity ;)

Some excellent points -- let me address them one by one:


  • I will admit that the front legs on the hound are slightly dodgy, which is very much a problem of the stock dragon ogre kit. I did think about fixing this, but given my GS skills, it would probably have looked worse afterwards, so yeah ;)
  • regarding the turquoise on the Daemon Prince, the obvious place for that would have been the swords, and I went back and forth over whether or not to paint them that way. In the end, I felt that dark, scratched metal made for a much more gladiatorial look, and having those massive swords in turquoise could have made the DP look as though he were fighting with a pair of massive ice pops... His single eye is actually bright blue, however -- it's just very difficult to make out in the pictures because it's so tiny (and so far recessed into the head).
  • I am really fond of the IW Apothecary myself, and painting him was a lot of fun indeed!
  • Sorry about not painting BrotherJim's champ in BL colours, but it was never really an option in the first place -- I am not really that terribly interested in the Black Legion, to be honest -- I'll reserve judgement until I've read more of ADB's Talon of Horus series, however...
  • As for Khayon, once again, I did think about replacing that missing chunk of his helmet crest, but I ultimately thought that it could work together with the scratches on his helmet as damage incurred while fighting the wolves (possibly Saern's original owner ;) ). Since I had already replaced the entire lower right side of the helmet, I was maybe being lazy ;) Oh, and that brown hand is a glove: The arm was spliced together from a CSM arm, a chaos warrior hand (and weapon grip) and a Space Wolves axe blade. Painting the glove blue would have seemed odd to me, but you are correct: The difference in colour between both hands provides a bit of visual inconsistency.

Regarding Khayon's pose, my most important pose was to give him focus and agency: Maybe my one  - very small - gripe about your model is that the composition could be a bit tighter. At first, I wanted to keep the original Librarian's torso piece, but Khayon looked like he didn't know if he was coming or going, so I decided on a more thorough torso ransplant in the end ;)


Anyway, thanks for the well-considered comment! It's always fun when people actually take the time to discuss an update and provide feedback instead of just hitting the Like button and being done with it...

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Really very good to see you continuing to make progress ever onward. Your models are looking great and I am pleased you're still getting mileage out of the Dark Vengeance bits I gave you a while ago! I still need to post you one of the 3D printed Castigator pads. Send me an email with your address!


Really enjoying the Iron Warrior Apothecary. A very cool and characterful model.

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ dogfender: Haha, I can say that it's only by rigidly adhering to the schedules provided by this forum's painting events that I am able to ever finish anything, so you might want to give that approach a try! :wink:


@ Eldrick Shadwoblade: Huh, if I can actually make someone restart their Khornate army, that would be the biggest possible compliment, I suppose :wink: Regarding painting reds, I can only recommend you check out Duncan Rhodes' two-part series about painting the plastic Bloodthirster: The recipe he uses for the creature's skin has changed my hobby life :wink:


In the meantime, I've mad a tweak to one of the models from my Call of Chaos vow -- and no, I am not talking about the Daemon Prince's base :wink:


I realised that the new head on the model I received from BrotherJim still didn't quite click with me, so I had another dig through the bitzbox. No the thing is that BrotherJim's model has a very iconic, archetypal quality -- like it's just one step away from this guy here:




And so I realised that a head from the same vintage era was probably the way to go.


So here's what I came up with:










And I have to say that I am much happier with the model now: It's as inconically XII legion now as it should be -- plus it also looks cool from nearly every angle ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)



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