Biohazard Posted December 21, 2016 Share Posted December 21, 2016 Great few update. Would have commented sooner but work has been properly killing me lately. I must say I'm so glad you changed the head on Brotherjims Marine as I really disliked that bare head. The Classic Zerker head works great though! Really nice touch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted December 21, 2016 Share Posted December 21, 2016 Good choice, while I had no real problem with the other head this one is defenitely better, it quite compliments the aesthetic of the whole model. However I would consider turning it a bit to the plasma pistol side, so that he's actually looking to where he's shooting (he's not Khârn the Betrayer after all). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted December 21, 2016 Share Posted December 21, 2016 Good choice, while I had no real problem with the other head this one is defenitely better, it quite compliments the aesthetic of the whole model. However I would consider turning it a bit to the plasma pistol side, so that he's actually looking to where he's shooting (he's not Khârn the Betrayer after all). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted December 21, 2016 Share Posted December 21, 2016 You have to do at least one mode for each god now! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted December 22, 2016 Author Share Posted December 22, 2016 Thanks a lot for the feedback, guys! I am really happy to hear you like the helmet so much, as that was exactly the way I felt when I first put it on the model! For those who cannot place it, it's actually a head from the ancient mono-pose plastic Khorne Berzerkers that were released in the early-to-mid 90s, even before the multipart plastic kit everybody loves to hate these days ;) While the models haven't aged all that gracefully, that facemask is one of my favourite designs ever, and I would love for GW to go back to that design (or at least include a modernised version), should they ever update the plastic berzerkers. Biohazard was kind enough to send me some of those old berzerkers a couple of years ago, and now I've finally found the perfect model to use one of the heads on ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Commander Eidolon Posted December 23, 2016 Share Posted December 23, 2016 It's an epic blast from the past, great to see some new life injected into it! I was a bit Meh with the model before the head change, but now I love it!! Fenbain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted December 23, 2016 Share Posted December 23, 2016 Ahh wowzers Krautster! Very nice job on the Zerker champ! Thanks for taking the time to showcase him the photos look great. He was quite the investment by the time it was all said, and done I really didn't want to let him go :D but I'm happier now that I did seeing as you have done such a wonderful job of it. (Love the new/old helm btw) ahaha yes those backpacks are a terrible chore to paint. You could remove it with an appropriate lever if you really wanted to (sorry I should have mentioned that sooner) I always pin those joins so if you lever it from a subtle angle eventually the glue will crack and you can twist it off. You may have to clean the mess but the pin join is solid. Anyhoo I ramble. I'm really happy you preserved with the paint job as I think he looks slick, and it's nice to see one of my miniatures finished up by another hand. Fair warning - You'll really struggle with finding the right head, as the whole backpack icon arrangement interferes and overlaps with everything. That's where the trouble starts man! On a personal note the mini really is the pinnacle of that style of converting for me. The others were good and I will do many more, but that idea with the raised lighting claw (from the plastic commander kit,) the spread assault legs and the giant backpack just all came together so well and was my original idea. It makes no sense me keeping the miniature (I just pack them all away) so I'm really stoked he gets to have a second life with you. Also as repayment for all of your support and advice and for generally just being a really cool dude. Thanks man! Great job! It's horrible painting those monsters but he came up looking too notch. Just to throw a spanner in the works - I really love the new helm, I love the era it's from and the tradition it implies - however - I do think it interferes with his icon arrangement, and it's impossible to get him looking down the sights of his pistol. Perhaps if there was some way to still include the helm (like mounting it on the icon) or maybe he could hold it somehow? I'm kidding I'm kidding. Man I really like the BL terminator helm you painted for him- props for that! That's a nice touch and your attention to detail never wavers. Merry Christmas and keep it up! KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noctem Cultor Posted December 23, 2016 Share Posted December 23, 2016 Everytime I pop in to have a look I am never failed to be impressed. As always great work! -Noctem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted December 23, 2016 Author Share Posted December 23, 2016 (edited) Cheers, guys! @ BrotherJim: Thanks, mate! It goes without saying that I am really happy you like the painted model -- if anything, your approval was very much the thing to strive for in this instance, and I feared I might end up cutting corners when painting the model, due to the fact that I ended up having to do a late night painting session to make the deadline for the Call of Chaos event. But I am really happy with the model as it stands, even moreso now that I've added the new head. I definitely get what you're saying about the helmet crest interfering with the icon, but in the end it came down to a decision between that interference or a less than optimal head. And since the model serves as such a wonderful missing link, as it were, between the Mark Gibbons artwork I posted and the beefy dudes with massive backpacks from the 3.5 Codex, I knew I needed the most iconic vintage head I could find. Plus it's rather nice how that skull at the centre of the icon can just be seen peeking out from in between those bunny ears -- take a closer look In other news, I posted a rather comprehensive recap of my hobby year over on the blog, and I thought you guys might appreciate seeing some of the photos I used to illustrate the post: So here's a look at my entire 2016 output, including the non-chaotic models: (the two biggest models I painted in 2016 are actually missing from the picture, but we'll be getting to them in a second) Anyway, as the picture shows, 2016 has very much been a chaos year for me -- and I actually blame this forum for that! If not for the very lively and constructive atmosphere as well as the excellent community events, I doubt I'd have painted as many models! So thanks for providing motivation and feedback, people! Here's the chaotic part of the above collection: And the Khornate models -- including the biggest completions of 2016: my Bloodthirster, Ghor'lash'Kharganath and my interpretation of Angron in his Daemon-Primarch form: It also occurs to me in hindsight that the bigger part of those models may or may not end up as a dedicated Chaos Daemons detachment -- just sayin'... By the same token, monstrous daemons make up a sizeable part of my 2016 output – but come, on: Given the current state of the world, can you blame me for feeling the subconscious need to keep painting red-skinned devils...? The full post can be found here on my blog, in case anyone's interested.As always, let me know what you think! Edited December 23, 2016 by KrautScientist ElDuderino, MikhalLeNoir, DarkVen and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted December 24, 2016 Share Posted December 24, 2016 After seeing the ancient new zerker head on Jim's Khornate fanatic, I thought to myself: how does that guy still have those? Fun fact: the original 10-man box is still my go-to repository for bits I need for current projects. I empty it and redistribute the bits among their respecitive bits cases when I'm done, and then slowly fill it again with bits for the appropriate projcet. I was going to ask how the hell you got them - but then I read that you got them from biohazard (HOW THE HELL DID he still have them?). Anyway, great to see all your 2016 output. I'm looking forward to reading your blog about it - and of course to your 2016 recap! Happy holidays, buddy :tu: thanks for another awesome inspiration-filled hobby year. Your blog remains top notch! KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted December 24, 2016 Share Posted December 24, 2016 Definitely gets the seal of approval from me. I love the old tarnished look to the metals you have done - and the zerker helm fits the bill perfectly. Sometimes you just have to make a compromise somewhere - so I'm glad I left the decision in your very capable hands. 2016 has been a big year for you! One things that stands out to me is the sheer variety of miniatures and colours you have going on! That speaks highly of your skill level that you don't just stick to one thing and are willing to challenge yourself and explore uncharted territory. Really all your tireless effort has payed off and the group shot really shows the depth of your skill. Looking forward to more matey KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted December 24, 2016 Share Posted December 24, 2016 Wow that's a lot of beautifully painted models! I really need to look at your INQ28 stuff in detail, cause there's a lot of cool models in the pictures you've posted. Looking forward to seeing what you bring in 2017. KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted December 31, 2016 Author Share Posted December 31, 2016 Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I really appreciate it! :) @ Vairocanum: Regarding INQ28, you might want to take a look at the blog, as all of my INQ28 models are featured there, and it's become quite a collection over the years -- still heaps of unpainted stuff, but I'll endeavour to do something about that in the new year, of course! In the meantime, a happy new year to every reader, commenter and lurker in this thread! Hope you'll all be having a grand party tonight to see that rotten 2016 off in style. I'll be seeing you all in the morning, next to the jar of mixed pickles ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted January 1, 2017 Share Posted January 1, 2017 Great work all, Kraut. So impressive all together, really shows the hobby heavyweight you are! Happy New Year, my Khorne smile his, er, angry smile on your work again throughout 2017 :D KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 3, 2017 Author Share Posted January 3, 2017 (edited) @ Midnight Runner: Thanks, mate! So, first of all, a very happy and successful new year to all of you! I have been colossally lazy over my whole Christmas holiday, and I'll be back at work later this week. My latest GW order is still in the post -- so to make a long story short, I don't have a whole lot of 2017 hobby goodness to share with you yet That being said, there is something from last year I want to show you, and while it doesn't have all that much to do with my World Eaters, I think some of you might still be interested in this. So here goes: Some of you might remember that, back when I built and painted my Renegade Knight, Gilgamesh, I also included a roughly Epic 40k-scaled version of the same warmachine in the project as an added bit of fun. I dubbed it the “Chibi-Knight” back then: Now cobbling together a – pretty faithful – smaller version of the Knight was a very entertaining, if fairly involved, endeavour. But I didn’t really consider doing it again. Enter fellow German hobbyist Helega, who helped me out with several really spectacular bitz drops this year. For instance, he provided the chain cape I used to replace the missing cape on my Forgeworld Angron. Anyway, Helega asked me whether I could build another Chibi-Knight for him, and while I knew this would mean some fiddly work, there was really no way I could turn down the request. So I tried to reverse-engineer my original kitbashing process and make another copy. As an added twist, Helega wanted his Knight to be the loyalist version, so I had to account for that during the building process. There was also no way I would be able to cover up dodgy areas with spikes and baroque decorations this time around I started by putting together the same basic assembly I had used last time: CSM Raptor legs (chosen due to the separate feet, and because the lightning bolt decoration works both for chaos and for Great Crusade era Imperial machines, a Space Marine Terminator torso and a Dreadnought shin guard: Instead of last time’s Raptor pauldrons, I ended up using some Chaos Marauder shoulder guards, and they arguably worked even better, making the torso look really familiar to that of GW’s stock Imperial Knight. I also found out that one of the ancient plastic chaos warriors’ helmets looks almost exactly like one of the face masks that come with the Knight kit. So I knew I was on the right track, but this is where the fiddly work began: I painstakingly spliced together the Chibi-Knight’s feet using the hook bit from the CSMvehicle accessory sprue, and I once again tried to create weapon arms that were as close as possible to those of the 28mm version. Helega told me he wanted the Knight to be armed with a gatling cannon and power fist, so I took a long hard look at the Imperial Knight Warden and worked from there: And after a lot of messing around with various bitz, this is what I came up with: Here’s a side by side comparison showing the weapon arms of the big version and my “chibi-versions” of the same weapons: Power Fist: Gatling Cannon: Not a 100% perfect match, maybe, but certainly reasonable enough, given the difference in scale! So here’s what I packed up and sent to Helega: As you can see, I have left the part in several sub-assemblies. This should make for easier painting, plus it’ll also allow Helega to tweak the pose according to his wishes. I have also included an alternate head and a bit that could serve as the carapace-mounted missile launcher. So yeah, another Chibi-Knight finished! Here he is, next to Chibi-Gilgamesh: The new version is arguably even slightly more elegant a conversion than my first attempt in several respects Anyway, I am really happy with the finished conversion, if I do say so myself, and I hope Helega will be happy as well! As far as I know, the Knight will be painted in either Death Guard or Dusk Raiders colours, and I am really looking forward to seeing the finished model! As always, let me know what you think! Edited January 3, 2017 by KrautScientist DarkVen, Daemon2027, Brother Aiwass and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted January 3, 2017 Share Posted January 3, 2017 That knight is freaking EPIC in more than just scale ;) Seriously brilliant conversion work as always. I really love stopping by this thread I always seem too leave inspired in some way or another. In this particular instance I think you just gave me brilliant inexpensive way to build a couple knight households. Now to figure out how to scale down movement and weapon range and I see miniature knight and titan battles in the near future. Well played sir well played indeed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 3, 2017 Share Posted January 3, 2017 First off, happy new year. Second, you're crazy. I the absolutely fabulous way all hobbyists are. That second chibi is so cute and great conversion indeed, buddy! I do think his pauldrons could have been even bigger (terminator pauldrons?), while the assault cannon bit is slightly too big for the scale, though. Perhaps if you removed one of the discs behind the barrels and the support strut below the barrels, that´d worked out even better - but regardless of those nitpicks, I must say that this chibi is looking super cute. Helega will be pleased! The plastic chaos marauder head coupled with the pose and the excellent combo of the shield and the terminator body make this another piece of art that is a Classic Krauty! ;) :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted January 3, 2017 Share Posted January 3, 2017 Aww, another chibi knight. Is he going to be loyalist? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 4, 2017 Author Share Posted January 4, 2017 (edited) Thanks a lot, guys! @ Pyroclast91: To be perfectly honest, the first Chibi-Knight was - at least partially - built on the off-chance that GW might revisit Epic 40k or Adeptus Titanicus at some point. Now in the meantime, we have learnt that Adeptus Titanicus actually will be revisited courtesy of FW's Specialist Games division -- but then I am pretty sure that my interpretation is not going to match the proper scale for that game, so yeah... @ Augs: Cheers, buddy! I have to respectfully disagree about the scale issues, though: Yes, the pauldrons could have been bigger, but in the end the Chaos Marauder shoulder pads I used almost perfectly match the design of the actual Knight pauldrons (whereas the CSM pads I used on Chibi-Gilgamesh where more of an approximation, really). Regarding the scale of the weapons, the classic Epic models used to go down the same route, making features like weapons and heads slightly bigger instead of properly scaling down every part of the model -- and my chibi-versions of the Knights were built as a homage to those old models. @ Quixus: Yeah, definitely a loyalist -- as was outlined in the post So anyway, I finally recieved my order from GW this morning: I had originally attempted to get my hands on a copy of Index Chaotica Apocrypha as well, but thanks to the Canoness model selling out mere minutes after being restocked for, like, five times in a row, when the model was finally back in stock, the book was sold out for good -- bugger. But I really, really wanted that canoness model, seeing how the Blanche illustration that inspired it is basically my favourite piece of 40k artwork of all time, so it couldn't be helped. I did pick up Codex Khorne Daemonkin though, while I was at it. Oh, and I would be remiss not to mention two instances of generosity from fellow hobbyists: Before Christmas, I received some pewter goodness courtesy of Pyroclast91 and Brother Kortmer: Pyroclast91 very generously sent me a vintage 90s berzerker champ (shown on the right), while Brother Kortmer graciously swapped a mostly complete Games Day Archaon on foot and an Aly Morrison WE champ for a couple of vintage bolter arms -- thanks a lot, you two! Oh, and also allow me to share this fantastic White Scars Apothecary, inspired by my own Apothecary Dumah and masterfully converted by One-eye: Check out One-eye's original post on the matter - along with the rest of his excellent work - here. As always, let me know what you think! Edited January 4, 2017 by KrautScientist Pyroclast91, Augustus b'Raass and DarkVen 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkVen Posted January 4, 2017 Share Posted January 4, 2017 Nice to see some good things just keep rolling. What are your plans on these gifts and on the canoness model? Conversion galore? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 4, 2017 Author Share Posted January 4, 2017 Cheers, mate! I could never convert that canoness model, to be honest: Of course the obvious approach would be to change the angle of the right leg, making the pose look slightly less uncomfortable, but then that leg is such an integral part of the artwork that I couldn't possibly change that element. And I also tried to get my hands on the model so many times over the holiday that I think I'll be doing a very straightforward version with a wholly unconverted model -- maybe a mini-diorama to make it resemble the artwork even more, though? We will see. As for the other models: I am slowly amassing a pile of vintage metal berzerkers, and it'll be fun to see all of them painted one day -- whenever that may be ;) And as for Archaon, Wade Pryce's Chaos Lord, Lord Lucid Furien Kain, is probably my favourite World Eaters conversion of all time: This guy has been a massive inspiration for more than one of my own Chaos Lords, Lorimar included, and as you can see, he uses those legs from the footslogging Archaon model. So whether or not I am ever going to copy Wade's approach, it sure feels good to have the resources for it at my disposal now ;) Brother Chaplain Ryld 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted January 4, 2017 Share Posted January 4, 2017 Speaking of Wade, you don't happen to know where to find pictures of his army? His website has been down forever, as has the features on him on GW's site Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 4, 2017 Share Posted January 4, 2017 That´s a great bits drop and an even better Apothecary, buddy! I´d love to see your take on a White Scars model! Regarding the Chibi / I did not know you were going for Epic scale + an ode to those old '90s models. If that is the case, than I totally concede and tell you that you've hit the mark even better than I already found you did. :D :tu: About Codex Apocrypha: I'll be going to my local store. If they have it, I'll buy it for you and send it to you (your cost though, I'm not that generous), cool? :tu: KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 4, 2017 Author Share Posted January 4, 2017 Cheers, guys! :) @ ElDuderino: I definitely feel your pain re: photos of Wade's army, because his original website is dead, as is the army feature on the GW site. That being said, you'll find an ancient - yet still functional - Blogspot site here and a Photobucket gallery here. I'm not sure whether or not those have all the stuff, but a fair amount of his models can be found there. Now go "right click & save" the feth out of that gallery ;) @ Auggs: Aw, that would be super nice of you, buddy! I'd really appreciate it, even if you'll end up billing me for it ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBA Posted January 4, 2017 Share Posted January 4, 2017 Imitation is the greatest form of flattery! Really must be a cool feeling having a member, esteemed legend one-eye no-less, pay homage to your work. Also, that mini loyalist knight is crazy. Looking at all the little touches here and there -- he might be small, but he was obviously no small task ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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