KrautScientist Posted February 8, 2017 Author Share Posted February 8, 2017 Cheers, gents! :) @ Midnight Runner: I think you should go for it - small surprise there ;) But seriously: I will say that I've found heresy era World Eaters to be quite a lot of fun to paint: After spending ages hemming and hawing over my painting approach, in the end it turned out that a combination of white undercoat and a mix of black wash and Lahmian Medium will get you two thirds of the way ;) Plus the dirt and grime are fun to apply while also working really well for covering up messy painting ;) Midnightmare 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 That being said, I keep using the shackles that appear on multiple models from that same starter kit on my 30k World Eaters, because they create a nice duality: They can be interpreted as an early hint of the 4th assault company's later incarnation as a band of huntsmen. At the same time, however, shackles are also a symbol of Angron's (and many of the legion members') former lives as slaves -- and then there's another layer of meaning when it comes to the World Eaters unwittingly setting themselves up for eternal slavery to Khorne...maybe I am overthinking this I love this interpretation of the shackles iconography! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 Cheers, gents! :) @ Midnight Runner: I think you should go for it - small surprise there ;) But seriously: I will say that I've found heresy era World Eaters to be quite a lot of fun to paint: After spending ages hemming and hawing over my painting approach, in the end it turned out that a combination of white undercoat and a mix of black wash and Lahmian Medium will get you two thirds of the way ;) Plus the dirt and grime are fun to apply while also working really well for covering up messy painting ;) I think it's a mix of their Legion ethos, the white and blue with how it lends itself to weathering.....and Angron :D I have always liked the WE so dependent on what happens with 40k and the current rumours, I may well dabble in 30k as it is really taking off at my club with the advent of the plastic kits, so we shall see. The idea I have had is when (if!) the Angron Daemon Primarch comes out, but still painting the rank and file in original colours but positively hose them in the blood of the loyalist. In the meantime I will enjoy watching other people's awesome armies grow such as yours (and mentally steal ideas :P ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 Cheers, gents! @ Midnight Runner: I think you should go for it - small surprise there But seriously: I will say that I've found heresy era World Eaters to be quite a lot of fun to paint: After spending ages hemming and hawing over my painting approach, in the end it turned out that a combination of white undercoat and a mix of black wash and Lahmian Medium will get you two thirds of the way Plus the dirt and grime are fun to apply while also working really well for covering up messy painting I think it's a mix of their Legion ethos, the white and blue with how it lends itself to weathering.....and Angron I have always liked the WE so dependent on what happens with 40k and the current rumours, I may well dabble in 30k as it is really taking off at my club with the advent of the plastic kits, so we shall see. The idea I have had is when (if!) the Angron Daemon Primarch comes out, but still painting the rank and file in original colours but positively hose them in the blood of the loyalist. In the meantime I will enjoy watching other people's awesome armies grow such as yours (and mentally steal ideas ) I've always wanted to make a bunch of berzerkers painted in various renegade colours that just have never bothered to stop long enough to wash their enemies's (and friends's) blood from their armour. Seems like it could be fun. @Kraut: How long does it take you to paint the white on one of your world eaters? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Aiwass Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 Great contemptor, I love the use of the chains of the Bloodsecrator. Severed heads are always nice too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted February 8, 2017 Author Share Posted February 8, 2017 Thanks for the feedback, guys! :) @ Auggs: Cheers, mate! I may spend way too long thinking about stuff like that, but it's nice to see somebody appreciating the small touches! :) @ Midnight Runner: Mate, what can I say: I'd like to see you tackle the XII Legion. That is all ;) @ Teetengee: Believe it or not, the white is actually the least complicated part, as the base colour is simply created by using white spray undercoat (I take care not to lay it on too strong, so the white ends up kind of greyish, which is a good start). Then I give the white areas an edge drybrushing with white to create some definition. Then the entire white area is covered with a glaze made from Army Painter Dark Tone (or Nuln Oil) and a lot of Lahmian Medium. And after that, it's really just the sponge weathering, and I can add as much or as little of that as I want. Counting only the white areas, I think I spend around 30 minutes on them on a standard Marine. The involved part is to decide which parts of the model to undercoat using white (the main body) and which to leave separate and undercoat in different colours (the head, backpack and shoulder guards). @ Maximvs: Cheers! :) So here's one last update before the model is finished. First up, the Contemptor, now with added weathering on the reactor area and the blue parts of the chassis: Another change you might notice is the inclusion of a big "IV" decal on the model's chest plate: Now the original plan was to have one of the red XII decals from the World Eaters decal sheet there, but that didn't work out at all, as the red decal didn't really read against the brass background. So I decided on a white numeral that stands for the Contemptor's affiliation with the 4th assault company -- I suppose there are enough XII decals scattered across the model to make it obvious which legion this guy belongs to ;) Now if the Contemptor seems to be missing his base, that's because I spent the small slots of hobby time available to me yesterday and today finishing the general construction of the base... ...and painting it right away: Now all that's left is to decide whether (and where) to add spots of blood to the Contemptor -- as always, I don't want to go overboard with this particular effect, so if you have any suggestions for areas where blood should be present, I'd love to hear them. In any case, I think you can expect the finished model tomorrow. Until then, please let me know what you think! :) Biohazard, Kizzdougs, Midnightmare and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 Lovely contemptor. The white VI is a particularly good choice, as it breaks up the large monotonous brass area perfectly - and unifies it with the white of the armour. :tu: Areas of bloodshed: claws (obviously), some splatter from there to his left chest and left leg. Perhaps he kneed someone to a pulp with his right knee, and I can also imagine him just spraying his assault cannon at point blank range when charging an infantry line, so that might be an optional area too. That's five places, seems like enough. Area's I wouldn't put blood: anywhere on the back of the miniature, the face, and the shoulders. I'm going to steal that greenstuffed corpse blue stuff mold idea. :p KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted February 8, 2017 Author Share Posted February 8, 2017 Cheers, buddy! That fallen Marine is the little part that goes underneath plastic Ahriman's foot. It's arguably the best little Astartes casualty bit so far, and super versatile, which is why I made some copies ;) It's also really easy to press mold. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 Wow, that is quite a base right there* *another idea stolen ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 He's looking great, the IV icon is fine overall, even though a little disconcerting. Also the base is awesome, the legionary from Ahriman's base is a great bit to copy, I have a couple of them myself; but what I wanted to ask is, from where is that craked stone floor, it looks pretty neat! At last I would put blood on his claw, splattered through his chest and maybe his foot, as if he had just stomped that marine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Aiwass Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 Have you a thing with dead ultras? Because I have :lol: For the blood spots, I'd go with the fist (mid bloodying here, representing the crushing blow) and chest (light, careful placed drops here, to show the splattering of the blow). And maybe some on the foots, but very few. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted February 9, 2017 Author Share Posted February 9, 2017 Cheers for the suggestions, guys! I have added the blood now, thanks to your input. There'll be pictures of the finished model tomorrow, once I have the proper lighting conditions to take some new pictures. Regarding the choice of a XIII legion casualty: I don't hate the Ultramarines, but my 30k World Eaters are based on the legion circa during the Shadow Crusade (so from Isstvan to Nuceria) with a possible focus on Armatura and Nuceria. And the XIII Legion were the World Eaters main opponent during that campaign. Plus there's an excellent showdown between Guilliman and Angron at Nuceria that shows how they are basically polar opposites in many ways, so it seems like a nice fit. Oh, and those broken stone slabs are from one of the 40k basing sets released last year (the set for big models, as it happens). The sets suffer a lot from very soft detailing, as you may be aware, so I brushed on some Liquid GS for some additional texture -- something our Auggs suggested to me when I worked on the base for my Daemon-Angron conversion. Anyway, look forward to the final chapter in the history of this particular project! ;) Brother Aiwass and Augustus b'Raass 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted February 9, 2017 Author Share Posted February 9, 2017 Ancient Vaako the Immortal, the Cerberite, honoured veteran of the XII Legion Astartes In his dreams, he is still at Cerberus Station, its steel corridors and rock catacombs bathed in amber warning lights, the ropes of blood and viscera on every surface like the studies of a mad artist. The renegades have taken a terrible toll in blood, and he can see the corpses of station personnel, fallen inmates and the remains of servitors, strewn like ragdolls across the floors and makeshift barricades. And between them, in far smaller numbers, yet still shockingly common, the bodies of his brothers, the grey blue ceramite shards of their armour like cracked eggshells. All is quiet, strangely enough, yet the air is heavy with the scent of bad deaths.When he rounds the next corner, he finds himself face to face with one of the monsters, squatting atop a pile of broken bodies. It is dying from a thousand cuts already, but just too stubborn to realise it yet. Its armour is cracked and scarred, but he still recognises it as an earlier, cruder version of his own warplate. Even then, he senses in his bones that their kinship goes farther still.Up close, its animal stink and the sharp tang of its chemical secretions are almost overwhelming: the cancerous odour of a biological experiment slowly breaking down into its composite parts.They quietly observe each other for a moment then, and in its rheumy eyes, he sees the ending of an age -- but there is more there: infinite sadness. A sense of betrayal. The broken spirit of a once proud warrior, now merely a tool discarded by its own creator. +++ He awakens underwater, his lungs filled with icy liquid. As usual, it takes a moment for him to remember where he is. And what he has become. While jagged Nagrakali runes dance before his eyes, his gaze turns downward to the men a merciless conqueror king has crudely reshaped into his brothers. He wonders why they have come. Why they will not let him sleep and dream of betrayal the colour of blood and amber light. And then they begin to speak, and speak for a long time, and while their words weave a tapestry depicting a world gone mad, he remembers the spiteful, sad gaze of a discarded, broken toy and realises, with grim certainty, that it is all happening again. A Terran veteran from the days when the XII legion was still named the War Hounds, Brahim Vaako is one of the oldest members of the 4th assault company. His status as a honoured ancient of the company made his support crucial when Captain Lorimar succeeded the company’s former commander, Lord Valna, whom he had slain in the fighting pits. Unlike many Terran-born veterans of the World Eaters, he has never felt any resentment towards the Primarch Angron and the changes the latter had wrought upon the legion: During the quelling of the Cerberus Insurrection, the campaign in which Vaako would first distinguish himself, he saw the last Thunder Warriors die, and their fate and the World Eaters‘ role in their demise planted the seed for a growing disillusionment with the Emperor and the Imperial Truth in him, long before the Horus Heresy ever broke out. So here's the finished Contemptor, and let's not mince words: I am incredibly happy with how the model has come out! So let's take a closer look at him: While adding the blood, I drew on the suggestions provided by you guys, yet tried to keep it fairly low-key: The fist was a no-brainer, of course. Regarding the legs, my rationale was that any fallen enemy at the Contemptor's feet could only ever hope to reach as high as the Dread's shins -- and would likely make a terrible mess down there while expiring ;) Also, there may or may not be suggestions of bloody handprints in that bloody mess ;) At the same time, the effect also provided me with a good way to add some detail to those barren inner sides of the legs. One thing I really spent a lot of time on was the use of matching decals to create both a feeling of belonging to the XII legion and a kind of personal heraldry for the character: The numeral "IV" stenciled onto his chest plate proudly proclaims his allegiance to the 4th assault company: Meanwhile, the row of three hound heads appearing on his torso is a reminder of his participation in the quelling of the Cerberus Insurrection, a campaign that also earned him the epithet "Cerberite": Speaking of personal heraldry, the one thing that fell by the wayside during the painting stage, surprisingly enough, was the heraldic shield on Vaako's left shoulder: I originally really liked the idea of having it there as a way of showing personal heraldry, but when I tacked it own, it turned out the shield really upset the model's colour balance -- so it had to go. The base came together in a pretty experimental way -- which makes me all the happier that it looks pretty much like I imagined it ;) On a related note, let me just say once again that that fallen Marine from Ahriman's base is just a lovely little bit! And here's Vaako together with his smaller brothers again: I think this little group serves as a pretty neat proof of concept of what I want my 30k World Eaters to look like! As always, let me know what you think! :) Soric, Kizzdougs, Brother Aiwass and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Aiwass Posted February 9, 2017 Share Posted February 9, 2017 Superb! As always Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted February 9, 2017 Share Posted February 9, 2017 Well done on using that boring plastic BaC contemptor and making him into something that oozes character! You´re getting pretty darn good at weathering, buddy! Two small nitpicks, though± I think you´ve been a bit messy with agrax earthshade around the ropes on his heraldic shield on his right shoulder., creating a splotchy effect. Perhaps you can fix that with a bit of stippling with that beautiful blue you use (what is that colour, btw). Also, that scroll on his chest is screaming for some text! Fine work as always. Bryan Blaire 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted February 9, 2017 Share Posted February 9, 2017 He looks VERY cool, but I must agree with Augustus in that he needs some text on the scroll. Everything else is awesome though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted February 10, 2017 Author Share Posted February 10, 2017 Thanks a lot, guys! :) @ Auggs: Aw, man, you are totally right about that shield on the shoulder pad! The stupid thing is that I actually knew that and thought I had already cleaned it up. Oh well, should be easy enough to fix. By the way, that blue is just Vallejo's Magic Blue with a tiny drop of black mixed in. And a thin coat of sepia wash on top, in order to make it just a tiny bit less vibrant. As for the idea of adding script to the scrollwork: I think I'll be picking up a super thin micropen at some point in the near future, and then I may revisit this model and add some words to the scrolls. Definitely not a job for brushwork, though -- at least not for my clunky freehanding ;) Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thousand Eyes Posted February 13, 2017 Share Posted February 13, 2017 Wow that poor Ultramarine really did get stomped into the ground there. The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Eye Posted February 13, 2017 Share Posted February 13, 2017 Wow. Vaako looks absolutely BRUTAL. Everything about him is just perfect- the chestplate, the decals, the bloodstains, the skulls...he looks like he'd be just as at home in the 41st millennium as the 31st. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkVen Posted February 13, 2017 Share Posted February 13, 2017 (edited) I love it. It purely displays a seasoned veteran, right in the midst of a battle perhaps? Love the small touches like weathering and blood - not too distinctive or excesive, but enough to give some interesting details to the paintjob. One possible thing though, just my humble opinion - maybe add a small stains with seraphim sepia or reikland flesh down his legs? Just to add a bit more "worn-out" feel to the paintjob. Otherwise than that, this beast looks great! Edited February 13, 2017 by DarkVen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted February 13, 2017 Share Posted February 13, 2017 Fantastic work Kraut, I love your white and blue, they work really well with the bronze. Great weathering. Let's not forget, awesome, awesome conversion :tu: :tu: :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRIBUN Posted February 13, 2017 Share Posted February 13, 2017 Brutal, but beautiful. Loving it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted February 13, 2017 Author Share Posted February 13, 2017 Again, thanks a lot, guys! I really appreciate the kind words! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted February 22, 2017 Author Share Posted February 22, 2017 Okay, everyone: After a short break, it's time for a new update. Here's a sneak peek at my mostly finished 30k World Eaters Tech-Marine, the second of two models I have vowed for the Loyalty and Treachery event: I hope I'll be able to put the finishing touched on him later this week! In other news, and if you'll allow me a moment of personal pride, my blog - "Eternal Hunt" - is five years old as of this week. To celebrate the occasion, I am currently taking a look at some of the fantastic models given to me by fellow hobbyists since the start of my blogging career: Check out the relevant post here, in case you're interested. As always, let me know what you think! :) Brother Chaplain Ryld, Biohazard, Augustus b'Raass and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted February 22, 2017 Share Posted February 22, 2017 Deracin (I'm hoping I've remembered his name correctly) is looking great so far. And congrats on hitting the 5 year mark with the Eternal Hunt. * puts on nostalgia cap* I remember your first faltering steps onto these boards ;) KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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