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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Really cool looking Kraut. The axe and the "come at me bro" positioning of the free hand is really great. I'm not bothered by the chainmail, i mean these guys used to keep chains on thier gauntlets from the ADB fiction I read, right? Plus chainmail is cool. I just resurected my khorne warband from 3rd edition... ive finally given in to the urge : )

also congrats on 5 years. You've inspired many to get back into it.

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


It goes without saying that the Khornate icon will be replaced as soon as possible -- in fact, I am currently working on a solution for that.


I have to say I am not too bothered about the chainmail, though, both because replacing it would be more trouble than it's worth, and because it nicely underlines his barbarian warlord look, if you ask me.



I think the chainmail is fine, as you say he is a savage warlord. I imagine some of his armour is from his early days and has been modified with better tech.


Looking at the first pictures I just wished he wasn't screaming at the sky, but then you fixed that in the second anyway. Good thinking.

Could I suggest a closed fist on the free hand though? To me Angorn, especially in that pose, wouldn't tensed and ready to hurt something. The open hand, to my mind, doesn't work for that.

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Wow, I think this version of your Angron collection is my favourite one yet. The way the original legs transition into his new torso is expertly done, buddy. Great work. 


That wing on his axe remains a brilliant use of bits, there. My only concern with it would be that he´s holding his axe either too low, or in a too narrow angle with the ground - it would require immense effort to hold that piece (I'm not saying Angron isn't strong enough to hold it like that, but why would he?). So I'll say either move the axehead down (remove the plastic handle part above his hand) or angle the axe upwards, by narrowing the angle of his right elbow. :tu:

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Thanks a lot for the kind words, everyone! I am really happy about the positive feedback! :)


Regarding your various observations and suggestions:


@ ranman8: The shoulder pads were originally as high as they are in the artwork, and then I made a conscious effort to put them a bit lower. The reason for this is that the configuration shown in the art works great for a particular look, but the same look really doesn't translate well to a 3d model, making the entire shoulder section look like one massive block, with very little dynamism and a somewhat awkward clunkiness. Hence the difference between the model and the illustration.


@ kizzdougs: Wait, an EC player telling me a wing ornament is too big? Nuts! ;)

Seriously, though: The wing is one of those classic touches you see often in old Wayne England pieces -- an unexpected visual flourish, if you will. And while the version I built may be a bit on the large side, the DA wing I used was the best possible bit for recreating that look, if you ask me, so I'll have to live with the size.


@ Thousand Eyes: You would be 100% correct about the hand if it were to stay empty -- but I want him to hold that knot of viscera he has in the artwork, and I think it should work a bit better with a more open hand, as that'll give me more options to work with.


@ Auggs: Mate, I see your point. But putting that axe arm together and attaching it at an angle that works reasonably well was such a massive undertaking that I am not touching that part again -- sorry! You can call me lazy, though ;)


@ Teetengee: I'll admit that the belly plate is a bit of a compromise and can be an acquired taste, but I think I can make it work with the right paintjob -- we'll see...



Anyway, I haven't got much to show you, except for a couple of less fuzzy pictures. I've taken the liberty of changing them to grayscale, so the GS parts should look somewhat less conspicuous. Anyway, here goes:










Still a couple of tweaks left to do, though -- for instance, he might need something to bulk out his waist just a bit.


Here's a shot from above, showing you how the cabling of his implants actually feeds back into the armour's cowling, much like it does in the artwork:




That being said, his collar is not quite as high as in the artwork -- I realised that it was a bit of a challenge to fit the head and the nails into that space and have it look natural enough, so the effect may be somewhat more subtle than I had originally planned.


Anyway, keep those comments coming! :)



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@ Auggs: Mate, I see your point. But putting that axe arm together and attaching it at an angle that works reasonably well was such a massive undertaking that I am not touching that part again -- sorry! You can call me lazy, though :wink:

You keeping up taunting me with your words, but I won't fall for it again! ;) 


On a serious note - seeing him at different angles lessens the physics issue for me - he's coming along very nicely indeed! One of my favourite things, weirdly, is the by now ancient Khorne Berzerker sword on his back. :tu:

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Yeah, the use of that old 'zerker sword really scratches two different itches for me, to be honest: One, it's a shout out to an ancient (by this point) but classic Khornate kit. But it also happens to resemble the backup sword Forgeworld's version of Angron has rather closely, so there's that too ;)

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Yeah, the use of that old 'zerker sword really scratches two different itches for me, to be honest: One, it's a shout out to an ancient (by this point) but classic Khornate kit. But it also happens to resemble the backup sword Forgeworld's version of Angron has rather closely, so there's that too :wink:


I did wonder if that is why the FW version had it in the first place.


Glad you are putting something in the open hand, although a knot of viscera sounds grim.

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@ Thousand Eyes: The history of that sword is really rather fascinating: Yes, there is a resemblance between the one on the berzerker sprue and the one FW Angron has. But at the same time, a curved sword like that did appear in John Blanche's early Angron sketch:




Speaking of which, I have yet another update regarding the latest plastic version of everybody's favourite angry Primarch: I always knew that he'd be getting some kind of cape, so I fooled around with a couple of different options yesterday. And the solution arrived from the unlikeliest of places, i.e. the cape that comes with the Chaos Terminator Lord kit. With a bit of cutting and fitting, I think I have already made it look pretty good, plus the cape also gave me the chance of incorporating those three spikes that are another staple of Angron in the classic artwork (compare the piece above!):










The cape also adds the right sense of bulk for a Primarch: I already liked the model well enough before, but it now has the massive, overmuscled look that sells it as a Primarch, if you ask me. Granted, some fine tuning may yet be in order, but I think I'm on the right track!


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Thousand Eyes: Funny thing is, he's probably the shortest of the three models ;) But he does really look like Angron, so I can think we can let it slide. Will provide a comparison picture ASAP.


@ lionofjudah: Yeah, I am almost stupidly happy with the cape -- somehow it feels like the thing that actually makes him look bulky enough to be a Primarch -- is that weird?!

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Stunning. I'm in love with everything except the shoulder pads. Their height and the way they flare up right next to his head looks really unbalanced and comical to me, almost like he's shrugging.


Something closer to Cataphractii shoulder pads would work better imo, and would match the artwork more closely.

I hadn't noticed that before, but now that drakzilla mentioned it, I agree. I think it´s because the pteruges of those shoulder pads (didn´t I sent you those a long time ago?) are fixed in place, and don;t agree with the arm pose of the new Angron. Wouldn't those shoulder pads work better with the rest of the model if you remove the pteruges, Kraut? :thumbsup:

Also, it's fricking amazing to see these three arranged together, and almost beyond belief how well the slaughter priest and its even more convoluted conversion match the scale and proportions of the original Angron!




Edit: wait, on the shoulder those leather strips are called epaulettes, not pteruges, right? :)

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


Regarding the size of the model, it must be noted that FW's Angron is still quite a bit taller -- he only doesn't look like it because he's posed at a very low crouch. But even so, I think the three of them look fairly good together.



@ Auggs & drakzilla: Now regarding those shoulder pads: Even before I started the conversion, I knew the shoulder pads could become a problem, because both the pauldrons appearing in the classic artwork as well as the "official" pauldrons FW's version of Angron has are basically impossible to kitbash. So those were used as a stopgap solution more than anything else -- and it turned out I really liked the result: The have a certain gladiatorial flair, plus the pteryges on the sides basically perfectly match the ones in the Wayne England illustration, so there's no way I am cutting those off. In fact, when the time came to glue the arms to the body, I even tweaked their position to suit this particular set of shoulder pads.


That being said, I did try to mockup several other versions, but none of them ended up quite clicking for me: standard Cataphractii pads or Mk. III power armour pads just end up looking way too clean and boring, and even the Cataphractii pauldrons with official WE iconography didn't quite cut it. So I guess the pads are here to stay.


Oh, and Augustus: You are right, those are some of the pads you sent me! Which means that all three versions of Angron I have converted (the gladiatorial one, this new guy and Daemon-Primarch Angron) all happen to use shoulder pads provided by you -- that in itself would be enough reason to stick with these ;)

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