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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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'Folically challeneged' is fricking hilarious!


Kraut, I found a nit to pick: that parchment bit on his right shin. With the pins in it, it looks like it kinda floats in the air, as those pins aren't really stuck into anything. Do you catch my drift?


That cape though... it fits Tal very well. I love that the Oaths of Moment on his pauldrons blow the same way as it.

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ Soric: Hmm, I will admit that the chest piece would probably work pretty well for an Erebus conversion... Tell you what, it's definitely not a priority right now, but I'll be saving it up for such a conversion. Cheers for the idea! :smile.:


@ Lord Commander Eidolon: Thanks, mate! :smile.:


@ Auggs: Hm, yes, I definitely see your point regarding the parchment -- my plan was to try and bend it around the shin a bit more once the glue had set, so I'll definitely be trying that to make sure it conforms to the underlying shape.



In the meantime, however, here are some kitbashes I have created over the long weekend:


First up are some models for my Traitor Guard:




Now the guy in the middle isn't a kitbash - yet, but rather Forgworld's Traitor Guard commander. I really like the model (except maybe for the mutated sword arm), so I snatched him up when a chance came up recently. The guy on the right isn't 100% finished yet, but he's getting there. The guy on the left is a gunner I have been wanting to build for my Traitor Tempestus Scions squad for a while now:








In other news - and in spite of my misgivings about the whole Primaris lore debacle - I am pretty much in love with Maxime Pastourel's Death Guard models from the new 40k starter box. However, with the bigger parts of two boxed sets (Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero) still languishing unpainted in my cupboard of shame, I really cannot justify getting yet another boxed set right now -- but inspired by Maxime's excellent Plague Marines (and TURBULENCE's really excellent kitbashes matching their look), I tried to create a conversion resembling the new models while only using leftover bits and pieces. Take a look:








I even spliced in an original 2nd edition plastic Plague Marine arm :wink:


Here's the new guy next to a Nurglite sorcerer I built a fairly long while ago -- maybe it's time to take another look at those guys...?




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Personally I have no problem with the Primaris Lore and quite like that they've given us some nice true scale without making everyone's current armies redundant, along with an opportunity for an interesting dynamic in the fluff between the Older Space marines and these new boys. Add in the ability for Marines to undergo the process all i'd realy ask for is the fluff to recognise that girls can go through the Primus process but by the time the surgery and accelerated growth is completed you can't really tell the difference.

As for your new models they look great, again wondering where the heads are from for the traitor guard and it's nice to see some more. The Plague marine looks ace though I would be really tempted to do some more bulking out on the model's left chest and shoulder with fleshy bits breaking out from the armour and Pauldron to emphasize the asymmetric nature of the model.

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Wow what an awesome update! The traitor guard look fantastic, especially the heavy bolter guy! Seeing you convert nurgle models is so great, love the new guy he looks very cohesive despite all the various bits! Two things I think you could try adding are to damage the legs up a bit more and doing a little bit of GS work on his head making it look like the horn has bursted out of his head. I don't think I've seen that nurgle sorcerer before, he looks brilliant! 

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Yeah I agree. I love these guys so much, I'll leave an extra comment. That comment in particular is so chock full of character! The heads are Maxmini chaos guard heads, right?

ANd the nurgle plague marines also deserve some extra comments - I have been wondering when you'll do some new ones from the day I saw your earlier Death Guard dudes, and ow that you're finally doing it, I get all giddy. I'm glad that the cool half of Dark Imperium inspired you so much. :tu:

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Cheers for the comments, guys! :)


Auggs is perfectly right about the traitor guard heads, by the way: They are Fallen Legionnaire heads from MaxMini, basically the best instant Blood Pact helmets I have seen so far ;)


@ TURBULENCE: No, thank you, mate: After seeing your excellent Chosen conversions, I knew I had to give it a go myself ;)


@ Mechanist: I don't want to derail the thread too much, but let me just repeat what I said to Augustus in a PM earlier: The Primaris models are, for the most part, really sweet, and I have not doubt that GW is really giving a lot of people what they have dreamed of with these -- however, with their incredibly hamfisted way of wedging those guys into the existing background, I feel they may have mortally wounded the lore they have been building up for several decades, plus I fear they just don't have the kind of writing talent in the studio right now to pull it off in a delicate enough fashion. I can be a contrary bastard, so let me just say that I actually think they shouldn't have come up with a fluff excuse for the models: Simply telling the customers: "These are the new Marines. They are bigger. Deal with it (or don't)" would have been almost preferrable to me: That way, the fluff would have remained intact, and let's face it: Is anyone really going to mix both sizes of Marines in the same army in the long run?


@ Vairocanum: Oh yes, I definitely agree that there needs to be some more damage to the legs: I just wanted the general structure of the model to be nice and stable before tackling that particular area ;)


@ Auggs: Cheers, mate! I can say that creating a morbäck-esque Plague Marine from leftover stuff was really enjoyable, mostly because it felt like the best kind of upcycling ;)

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Those first traitor guards looks great and those heads ... love them


But ..?! From where came that violence ?!! Those plague marines are amazing and the sorcerer ..:wub: 

Kraut on the path of decay.. that sound as it look, horribly beautiful. 

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Cheers, malcharion! I really appreciate it! :)


So with the recent feedback in mind, I went back to my Plague Marine kitbash. Here he is, now with freshly distressed leg armour:








Now this guy is basically ready for painting at this point -- and he should provide the perfect opportunity to work out a slightly tweaked new colour recipe, inspired by a mix of the 'Eavy Metal paintjobs for the new Plague Marines and Maxime Pastourel's own, delicious paintjob for one of his models.


And I don't know if I have ever posted these over here, but back when the Putrid Blightkings were released, I built an entire squad of true scaled Plague Marines based on them, and the models should be a lovely core for a Death Guard killteam:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


Traitor guard and Nurgle? You've changed man, you've changed :tongue.:


Nah, I really haven't: Khorne and the World Eaters are still my one true love, at least where chaos is concerned, and there's nothing sparking my imagination quite like them. That being said, doing something different is nice every once in a while, if only because it provides the opportunity to experiment with a different (if tangentially related) visual vernacular, which is great! And my Traitor Guard have been a rather long-running project at this point, with the squad of Traitor Tempestus Scions the chaps posted above are intended for actually being one of my favourite completions from the (fairly) recent past:




And I've also occasionally dabbled in creating followers of Nurgle, with this squad of Plague Marines, for instance:




Pleased as I still am with those guys, however, they didn't end up in quite the paint scheme I had in mind, so I am actually almost happy to have left the Blight King-based Plague Marines unpainted for all this time, as I'll now be getting another chance (and an added incentive) to complete them as a Killteam! :)

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It's been a while, but all this new stuff is gorgeous. I am particularly partial to your more heavily mutated tal and plague marines.

I do have one quibble about tal (thankfully, fixing it requires no modelling work, if you agree it is a problem). Why would a person armed with both a sword and a spear, throw the sword?

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Teetengee's question has been burning on my mind too, but I stayed quiet because I thought there's this event in the HH novels fluff where Argel Tal throws his (rust?) sword, right, Kraut?

What do you think is wrong with the paint scheme of the Plague Marines, I wonder? I like it just fine!

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