Mechanist Posted June 14, 2017 Share Posted June 14, 2017 It's not that long since I read betrayer and I'm sure there is a bit where he throws the sword. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 14, 2017 Author Share Posted June 14, 2017 Thanks again, guys! :) @ Teetengee & Auggs: Regarding the sword, there are two reasons, really: One is the obvious, behind-the-scenes one: The Guardian Spear is the iconic weapon that instantly tells you that we are dealing with Argel Tal here, so it was instrumental to have that weapon on the actual model. Thw sword was later added to the base - as I explained rather exhaustingly back then - as a bit of an added bonus. But even in-universe, the Guardian Spear isn't really a spear so much as a halberd, plus it does double-duty as a gun, so throwing it seems even more ridiculous than throwing a sword, wouldn't you agree? ;) As for the Plague Marine colour scheme, nothing's wrong with it per se -- I actually really like the way the models turned out. It's just not the ideal DG colour scheme I had in mind. So I think I'll be going with something closer to GW's "official" paint scheme that was used for the Dark Millennium Plague Marines. Speaking of Plague Marines, by the way, I built another Nurgle guy today: Once again, his leg armour needs a bit more work to make it look as distressed as the one on his buddy here: As always, let me know what you think! :) DeadFingers, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Marqol and 14 others 17 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted June 14, 2017 Share Posted June 14, 2017 Duuuude! Fricking awesome! He's ten times better than the previous one, and I really like the previous one. That weird claw thingy from the FW-WB kit is a perfect use, and I am thoroughly impressed with the way you integrated the lower and upper parts of his body frame. The jaws-as-bunny ears is also a cool detail, which I think would work both as a Nurgle detail as it would on a Khornate helmet.Sweet! Also, I gotcha on the sword. :tu: KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Major_Gilbear Posted June 14, 2017 Share Posted June 14, 2017 Been a while since I last looked in this thread, but it nonetheless continues to amaze me with the breadth and depth of imaginative conversions. Well done! :D The jaws-as-bunny ears is also a cool detail, which I think would work both as a Nurgle detail as it would on a Khornate helmet. heh, it was actually a Khorne helmet to begin with! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted June 14, 2017 Share Posted June 14, 2017 (edited) The nurgle is amazing!How did you go about making the lower torso?Also, I don't need much convincing on the sword, I just thought it was a bit weird. Edited June 14, 2017 by Teetengee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted June 14, 2017 Share Posted June 14, 2017 Wow that new nurgle guy looks phenomenal! Love his helmet in particular, and the mutated arm looks great. Definitely looking forward to seeing more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted June 15, 2017 Share Posted June 15, 2017 Those converted Death Guard are to die for! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 15, 2017 Author Share Posted June 15, 2017 (edited) Thanks a lot, guys! It's good to hear that the new guy goes over so well with you! @ Auggs: Cheers, mate -- that's high praise, indeed! And to think it all happened because you didn't want to split a Dark Imperium box with me, eh? As Major_Gilbear has cunningly pointed out, that helmet did indeed start off as a Khornate helmet, but the jaw-motif seemed equally Nurglite to me -- plus it actually does get repeated on that Gal Vorbak claw I used. Even more importantly, however, was the fact that the helmet did recall a design from one of the classic Dave Andrews metal Plague Marines, once I had replaced the lower part with a rebreather from the Skitarii. @ Teetengee: To be perfectly honest, that torso is actually one messy and loose conversion, if ever there was one: I actually carefully shaved down the upper part of a Dark Vengeance Chosen torso to make room for the belly, then carefully shaved down the torso front from a Putrid Blightking to create said belly, then mashed it all together with a huge blob of GS and attached it to a set of plastic Mk. III legs. Then a modeling tool was used to loosely define rolls of fat and flabby flesh. In the end, it's really a happy accident that the model itself calls for the kind of gooey mutations that the GS seemed to provide automatically. @ Major_Gilbear, Vairocanum & hushrong: Cheers, guys! Edited June 15, 2017 by KrautScientist Augustus b'Raass and Teetengee 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted June 15, 2017 Share Posted June 15, 2017 I have to agree with Auggs it's the stronger conversion of the two and the greenstuff has come out a treat. The thing with the first one (and the additional effort on the second shows it up more) is that the transition between ribcage and belly looks unfinished, there are some cutting edges just the next to the tip of the tongue coming from the head (the model's right on the front) and again above his left hips which is why I originally suggested the addition of asymmetrical fatty fleshy stuff around his left side. Now that the new model has the asymmetrical fat rolls and the claw it's not such a great option to repeat, however on the latest comparison I noticed the belly tongue and I recon a thin roll of greenstuff used to create a top lip for the belly mouth plus a touch of blending round that hip will finish him up a treat. Having just gazed at him in the above picture I reckon I know exactly what I would do with greenstuff to achieve this if you're interested I can crop up your pics with a few line drawn on and give a guide, assuming thats not to forward of me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joe Posted June 15, 2017 Share Posted June 15, 2017 Christ on a bike, I wish I could convert half as well as you do. It'd probably help if I had a half-decent workspace. >_> Still want to see some Noise Marines, mind you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 15, 2017 Author Share Posted June 15, 2017 @ Mechanist: Well, I'd really be interested in your mockup, so shoot! Just for clarification, though: That "cutting edge" you speak of is actually where the breastplate ends and the fleshy belly begins: The ribcage is not actually the Marine's real ribcage (or at least that's how I interpret things), but some kind of ornament. Underneath the ribs, the armour is broken, and the flabby flesh underneath forms some kind of gut wound/mouthlike orifice, if that makes any sense. I suspect things might be easier to make sense of once the model has been painted, though. Or rather, the paintjob will provide a perfect chance for adding more definition to certain areas. @ Isinfier: Cheers, man! That is very nice of you to say! If it's any consolation, though, my own workspace is a messy hellhole of a desktop, with little rhyme or reason to anything, really. I am just a messy person like that Oh, and here's the new guy again, now with suitably distressed looking leg armour: One thing I'll still need to do is to paint some Liquid GS over the GS areas and those areas where both materials meet, in order to blend it all together. So here are the two Plague Marines once again: As always, let me know what you think! Brother Chaplain Ryld, TURBULENCE, Biohazard and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted June 15, 2017 Share Posted June 15, 2017 I was just going to address the lack of rust holes in his legs - but you fixed it right up. :)Pro sculpting tip: if you add a little bit of Milliput with your GReenstuff, you can blend it even better - especially if you have some rubber clay shapers. :tu:! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBA Posted June 16, 2017 Share Posted June 16, 2017 What you are able to achieve with the plastic ranges amazes me. These new DG are rock-solid works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted June 16, 2017 Share Posted June 16, 2017 New plague marine definitely works a bit better than the first one, I had actually tried that head sans the jaws on my typhus build but wasn't keen. I may try something similar to this as the rebreather fits there perfectly. Awesome work bud. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted June 16, 2017 Share Posted June 16, 2017 What is your technique for distressing the armor? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted June 16, 2017 Share Posted June 16, 2017 If you don't get paint on him before monday I'll get something up and worked out.I also get that the ribcage is his corrupted armour but I think the transition isn't well enough defined. Don't get me wrong it'll likely be barely noticeable if it wasn't for just how zoomed in photos are and after paint but I feel it could be better and for a small amount of work would be worth it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joe Posted June 16, 2017 Share Posted June 16, 2017 Out of curiosity, what are you using for your distressing? As far as the workspace issue goes, I have all of about, a foot by two foot to work with. ;_; I need to reorganise my room massively this summer. It's a bugger that I can't get rid of the dressing table. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TURBULENCE Posted June 17, 2017 Share Posted June 17, 2017 (edited) Wonderful work. I was saving that same head for something nurgle and I think you've sold me on what to do. As was said before that rebreather fits perect. You've given me some great ideas for tomorrow Edited June 17, 2017 by TURBULENCE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 21, 2017 Author Share Posted June 21, 2017 Thanks again for the enthusiastic feedback, everyone! These guys are really quite a bit of fun to improvise, and it's great to hear such positive reactions to them! :) @ Teetengee @ Henricus Institoris: The approach for making the armour is really easy: I carefully cut in some wedge shaped holes and scratches with a hobby knife here and there, in order to make some of the armour plates look slightly dented and uneven. And I use the bog standard GW hand drill (the one I usually use for drilling out bolter barrels) to create small clusters of holes on the armour plates. If I want the holes to look more different from one another, this can be achieved by putting the drill itself or the tip of a modeling tool into the hole and wiggling it around a little. @ Mechanist: Feel free to make a mockup, buddy -- it's once again far too hot for painting, so these guys really aren't going anywhere for the foreseeable future ;) Meanwhile, I had just enough battered DV Chosen and Blightking parts left to make one last model. This time, I decided to go for a very classic 2nd edition inspired look: The model is arguably slightly more awkward than its predecessors, but then you should have seen the shape some of those leftover parts were in -- the torso seemed just about useless, so I am pretty happy I managed to make a model out of it all in the end. So here are my three "Morbäck-pattern" Plague Marines: As always, let me know what you think! :) Pearson73, Teetengee, DuskRaider and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TURBULENCE Posted June 21, 2017 Share Posted June 21, 2017 Very classic looking death guard you've put together here. Loving it. Though I like it, the fact that the last one is 'salvage' kinda shows a bit too much. Though it is death gyard so I suppose he could be literally stiched back together for his personal fluff. Regardless, you remain inspirational for all things chaos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joe Posted June 21, 2017 Share Posted June 21, 2017 God damn, gorgeous. <3 I'll have to give that hobby drill advice a try; I've got one at the moment that I tend to use for drilling out for pinning and assembly, but I've never thought to use it to mimic battle damage before. Noise Marines when? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted June 21, 2017 Share Posted June 21, 2017 Definitely an awkward pose, but you pulled it off. Your Mörback patter plague marines look the part, for sure! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kordhal Posted June 21, 2017 Share Posted June 21, 2017 Man those Plague Marines absolutely ooze character (no pun intended) . I hope you get your hands on some of the ones from the Dark Imperium box, as I would be super excited to see what you come up with! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted June 21, 2017 Share Posted June 21, 2017 Not sure whether it's a different screen and light conditions but the 1st one isnlt bothering me as much as it did. However I've done the mock up as suggested and I think the ideas could still look a bit better. So I would start with a thin roll of greenstuff and run it between the points marked 1 and 2. make it thinner at the ends for easier blending with the existing folds and then blend/smooth in the outside edge. Notice I've come down under to point of the breastplate sternum to help enhance the distinction between the two regions. Once that sets You can go back in with a layer about half a mm thick if not thinner and lightly coat the mouth all the way round, blend it in outside the mouth and then use it to add textures and indents, you've said before about confidence with green stuff and with Angron and this you've come a long way from just a bit of filling so if you're confident (and with the results from these 3 already no reason you shouldn't be) you could just texture the first layer, I'd personally still do it in two. as for the x and circled bit I would during the other stages just enhance the line between the ribs and flesh to give a more solid definition to the Warped Armour ribs being separate from the fleshy bits. simply blend into the ribs and gently encourage a slightly harsher line along the bottom of that section. As for the circled bit it might just benefit from a bit of rounding off, but like I said before it could just be that the contrast is a touch higher on my work monitor making these sections seem brighter and more like cut marks than they actually are. Other options could include adding teeth to the mouth if you wanted and I (not being that great a sculptor and more just taking advantage of technique) would use tiny roles of green stuff rolled to a point on both sides and allowed to cure, then Cut the tips off both ends to size for the teeth and dry fit/glue in place before adding the roll for the lip. The new guy considering the parts is looking great so far but I have a touch of advice there too. The ringed edge in the main picture definitely seems to have harsh cutting lines on this guy especially the bit I've double ringed. For the main front I would use the line marked in 2 as my primary transition point and just grab a file to smooth downwards working with the ridges of the detail to smoothen it off a bit. then I would remove the pipe like bit near the top and grab your tentacle/pipe maker/combs and replace with something going under his armpit. One of the things I've worked on with my Knight has been solid transitions largely thanks to my dislike of the old chaos marines whose trim vanishes around parts of their ankles etc. however having another layer crossing these boundaries adds a lit of depth and interest.For the pipe I would allow it to cure and the glue it in place before blending the ends in or even cover a fair bit of it and leave holes for the ribbed sections like the details originally on the hellbrute but now fairly standard across the range. lastly the 2 crosses near the pipe I would simply try to remove the sharpness of the edge with a file as again it looks like a cutting point to me. Augustus b'Raass, KrautScientist and Khornestar 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted June 22, 2017 Share Posted June 22, 2017 The third DG looks awesome! I love how cohesive they look together while still retaining their own special uniqueness. Looking forward to seeing these painted up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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