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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Henricus Institoris: Dude, seriously, that's kind of a sensitive subject! How rude!


That being said, if the community were to step up in this case, and were to give me, say, a voucher for a GW store, that would be a nice distraction from my increasing baldness -- just sayin' ;)


@ Teetengee: Haha, yeah, and then you'd kill me and eat me -- I know you Americans ;)

Seriously, though: Don't underestimate the task of teaching the rules to me: Augustus tried to teach me how to use the freaking lock on the rental bike, and I almost drove him up the wall because I didn't get it ;)


@ Mechanist: Cheers, mate! If you say it's good enough, then it's good enough for me! :)


In other news, I know I probably sound like a broken record here *again*, but is there anything I can do you entice you people who keep leaving Likes here by the boatload to actually comment as well? Because that would be SWEET! :)

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With all the charity fundraising that goes on at the B&C it's beginning to make me wonder if we should start a collection to get the pair of you some wigs, or at the very least some Butcher's Nails for Kraut. :wink:

Baldness can be explained in two ways, both of which are true: 1: because of higher testosterone levels (making bald men more virile) and 2: because our brains are bigger (and thus we're smarter) there's less room for hair follicles. Either way, I'm proud to be bald, buddy! So keep your charity, or pump it in the B&C! 

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Baldness is the true nature of the universe, hair is fleeting.


Looks like you guys had a blast! And supreme miniatures as always, I love the updated bloodthirster. I must say that I was a bit skeptical at first but the end result is stunning. Good luck with keeping the paint from chipping though:)


Edit: crap, I'm in the wrong thread. I'll have to go post some comments on Kraut's minis in Augustus' thread

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@ Teetengee: Haha, yeah, and then you'd kill me and eat me -- I know you Americans :wink:

Seriously, though: Don't underestimate the task of teaching the rules to me: Augustus tried to teach me how to use the freaking lock on the rental bike, and I almost drove him up the wall because I didn't get it :wink:


I'd say that we won't eat you, but my playgroup consists of a nid player, a blood angels player, and myself (in addition to necrons, tau, and general imperium/ultras), so I guess threat of consumption is relatively high.


Though I am seriously willing to help out with rules sometime if you want, (though my 8th ed would have to actually show up sometime, grumble preorder grumble grumble).

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Cheers, guys! :)



With all the charity fundraising that goes on at the B&C it's beginning to make me wonder if we should start a collection to get the pair of you some wigs, or at the very least some Butcher's Nails for Kraut. :wink:

Baldness can be explained in two ways, both of which are true: 1: because of higher testosterone levels (making bald men more virile) and 2: because our brains are bigger (and thus we're smarter) there's less room for hair follicles.



Uhh, sure, let's go with that explanation! That actually makes it sound cool, right...? ;)


Edit: crap, I'm in the wrong thread. I'll have to go post some comments on Kraut's minis in Augustus' thread


Or, you know, you could comment on my models in my thread -- I know, I know: Mind blown, right? ;)


Anyway, here's a short update from the painting desk:






As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Augustus and Kraut, I have to say I've been sharing pics of your pose-off (can't call it a battle sadly) on social media, it absolutely looks like official GW publication material from the heady days of the Eye of Terror campaign or similar. I aspire to doing something like that with my own gaming group back in London.


I didn't realise you guys were near Amsterdam. Is the gaming scene good around there? I'm based in Brussels for the foreseeable future and have yet to find anyone interested in the grim darkness of the far future (or even the slightly less grim darkness of the slightly less far Heresy future).

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ElDuderino, on 29 Jun 2017 - 5:13 PM, said:

Edit: crap, I'm in the wrong thread. I'll have to go post some comments on Kraut's minis in Augustus' thread

Augustus and Kraut, I have to say I've been sharing pics of your pose-off (can't call it a battle sadly) on social media, it absolutely looks like official GW publication material from the heady days of the Eye of Terror campaign or similar. I aspire to doing something like that with my own gaming group back in London.


I didn't realise you guys were near Amsterdam. Is the gaming scene good around there? I'm based in Brussels for the foreseeable future and have yet to find anyone interested in the grim darkness of the far future (or even the slightly less grim darkness of the slightly less far Heresy future).

Well since apparently people are commenting on my models and asking me questions in this thread now (:blink.:), I guess here goes: yes, the gaming scene is pretty good here. We have a very active club that is open one day each weekend, with full tables and terrain, two GW stores, and plenty of people with tables at home (like me). You're both most welcome to visit my thread and leave comments and questions about my stuff there, and leave those for Kraut here. I realize we look alike, had a hobby get together, and share a love for Khorne, but we're no hive mind yet.... :tongue.::wink:

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Again, thanks a lot, guys! :smile.:


@ BubblesMcBub: Cheers, mate: That's what I hope, as the converted Plague Marines have been built with the "official" models very much in mind.


How do you mean, though? Do you have the Plague Marines left?


@ Brother-Captain-Arkhan: Thanks a lot! As I've said before, I am such a fan of the gravitas and depth of your Black 100, so that comment really means a lot! As for the gaming scene in Amsterdam, while I am by no means an authority, the crowd at the store certainly seemed vibrant and friendly enough!


@ Auggs: Hey buddy, no fair: There I was finally getting some comments, even if it was at the cost of stealing them from you. Couldn't you just spare a few? :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist
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That's a real nasty bugger right there.... I love it! My only problem is honestly I feel like his torso's a bit too... bloated's not quite the word but I think crowded fits quite nicely.. There's just a lot going on and it kinda detracts from the rest of the form. 

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@ Noctus Cornix: Oh, I definitely see where you're coming from regarding the somewhat busy chest and torso: It pretty much betrays the rather, shall we say, "incremental" way the model was built (by tweaking and re-tweaking until it was basically done). And this guy is still the weakest one of the bunch, make no mistake -- which is why he had to go first as as test model :wink:


@ Auggs: Oh, the mace was really quick work, actually: The entire model was undercoated with Mournfang Brown spray, then I stippled Ryza Rust on the areas I wanted to look like rusted metal. And then Boltgun Metal was sponged onto the same areas with a piece of foam. That way, there's enough silver to sell the metal look, but the rust is still at the heart of everything, which I think fits the Nurgle look rather well.

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Edit: crap, I'm in the wrong thread. I'll have to go post some comments on Kraut's minis in Augustus' thread


Or, you know, you could comment on my models in my thread -- I know, I know: Mind blown, right? :wink:



Never took you for a traditionalist:happy.:


Anyways, it's great seeing such diversity in your work lately. Don't get me wrong, I love your WEs of course but it's really cool to see you working on some other projects too. You've never been much for mutations and demons before, with the Eternal Hunt being relatively clean and martial in a sense, and now you've made one of the best demon Angron models out there as well as the best Argel Tal model. And probably added some new modeling skills along the way.


As for your recent Death Guard models, I honestly mistook them for the new official plastics, even though i own the DV models they're based on. That's how good they are.


Edit: some spelling and making sure i'm in the correct thread

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ BubblesMcBub: Will do, mate! It goes without saying that I am super interested. Are you sure you want to trade that stuff away, though, what with them being all shiny and new like that? ;)


@ Ashenwyte: Yeah, like I said: I mostly agree with you guys. There's really not much to be done about the belly at this point, though, is there? ;)


@ ElDuderino: Thanks, man! That is high praise indeed! I'd like to point out that I have always been a big hobby butterfly, though, with additional projects like my INQ28 warbands, kitbashed Custodes or Ork Blood Bowl team. It's just that I have mainly focused my activities on this forum on my World Eaters and Traitor Guard.


@ Midnight Runner: Don't worry, I should be getting back to Argel Tal before long! :)



In the meantime, here's the finished Plague Marine test model -- sorry, the lighting conditions weren't ideal:












Like the conversion itself, the paintjob is maybe a bit more improvised than I would have liked, but oh well: That's what test models are for, right? ;) By and large I am actually pretty happy with the way the colours come together. My original plan included adding some pretty heavy verdigris, but I do think that introducing yet another strong colour into the mix would maybe be a bridge too far -- I just love reduced colour schemes.


Here are two more pictures showing the colours a bit better. The actual truth is somewhere in between, I suppose ;)






As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Great model as always and it almost looks like his belly has a face on it!

Also yeah totally i bought the starter set on impulse onlu to realise a day afther getting it i dont even own normal marines (but i found a use for the primaris marines) and in regards to the death guard i only have khorne and tzeench things in my army and i sont intent on changing that any time soon so yeah i would be more then happy to send them your way!

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Well since apparently people are commenting on my models and asking me questions in this thread now (:blink.:), I guess here goes: yes, the gaming scene is pretty good here. We have a very active club that is open one day each weekend, with full tables and terrain, two GW stores, and plenty of people with tables at home (like me). You're both most welcome to visit my thread and leave comments and questions about my stuff there, and leave those for Kraut here. I realize we look alike, had a hobby get together, and share a love for Khorne, but we're no hive mind yet.... :tongue.::wink:



@ Brother-Captain-Arkhan: Thanks a lot! As I've said before, I am such a fan of the gravitas and depth of your Black 100, so that comment really means a lot! As for the gaming scene in Amsterdam, while I am by no means an authority, the crowd at the store certainly seemed vibrant and friendly enough!



Well, it seemed fair to comment on the thread which had photos of both of your minis side by side. If it makes you feel better I can go to your thread and say nice things about Kraut there too ;) As stated, big fan of both your work. I might have to check out Amsterdam again then, I'm sorely in need of some games. Consider me very inspired by the photos!

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