Brother Aiwass Posted June 30, 2017 Share Posted June 30, 2017 Excellent test model. How in hell, if may I ask, this fellow berzerker ended being loved by Papa Nurgle? :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Feral Posted June 30, 2017 Share Posted June 30, 2017 Great stuff, its inspired me to kit bash a few reinforcements for the Dark Imperium Death Guard that are on their way to me! Only suggestion for any future Plague Marines is to make sure all the flesh blends in together - the toothy maw on the most recent one doesn't blend in well with the Blightking torso it has ben added to. The helmet though intrigues me - was it originally a MKII one or a MKIII converted to look like one? BubblesMcBub 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Aiwass Posted June 30, 2017 Share Posted June 30, 2017 I bet 8 flayed skins that's a mkII. Mister Feral 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted July 1, 2017 Share Posted July 1, 2017 -snip- @ Auggs: Oh, the mace was really quick work, actually: The entire model was undercoated with Mournfang Brown spray, then I stippled Ryza Rust on the areas I wanted to look like rusted metal. And then Boltgun Metal was sponged onto the same areas with a piece of foam. That way, there's enough silver to sell the metal look, but the rust is still at the heart of everything, which I think fits the Nurgle look rather well. Definitely have to try that recipe. Thanks for sharing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 1, 2017 Author Share Posted July 1, 2017 Cheers, guys! :) @ Biohazard: For the armour,I followed a painting recipe found in the most recent issue of WD, using Deathworld Forest and then Ogryn Camo for the armour plates. The flesh was painted in my tried and true recipe of Rakarth Flesh, followed by a wash of Ogryn Flesh, and then a mix of Druchii Violet and Carroburg Crimson was used to create bruising and distressed looking areas. @ Mister Feral & Brother Aiwass: The helmet is indeed an Mk. II piece: It's from one of the fallen Marines that came with Forgeworld's version of Angron, and it's - unfortunately enough - the sole Mk. II helmet I have ever owned ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 Kraut, New nurgle guy is looking ace. The flesh is particularly effective! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 (edited) @ Eldrick Shadowblade: Cheers, mate! I like to imagine that I've honed my recipe for distressed flesh into something fairly solid over the years So this week starts with two conversions that actually seem like reflections of one another in many ways -- some of this is probably due to them using similar base models, but some of it was also mostly unintentional. Anyway, what am I talking about? For one, when I recently visited Augustus, I told I wanted to build him yet another Imperial Fists Librarian for his growing collection of yellow-clad Psykers. But the conversion somehow didn't quite come together for a number of reasons, so I made him this guy instead: The Imperial Fists and their successor chapters deal rather heavily in Germanic archetypes, obviously: The Black Templars are basically the Teutonic Knights IN SPACE! And the Imperial Knights seem to take some cues from Prussia and Imperial Germany. Which is why I tried to feature some of those touches on the model. Hence the crusader look on the one hand and the one-sided blade on the other hand: I imagine that's what the 40k version of a cavalry sabre would look like. The model also features my first attempt at creating a greenstuff beard, natch! But don't worry, I haven't gone all goody two shoes on you guys: So for today's chaotic dish, I've been challenged by BubblesMcBub, whom I also met at Amsterdam, while visiting the GW store there, to build a mounted character in a mutual challenge for the August Arena 2017. And seeing how I am on a bit of a Nurgle trip at the moment, I thought it might be fun to build a Nurglite Chaos Lord on a bike. So here's a - very, very early - mockup of what I have in mind: As always, let me know what you think! Edited July 3, 2017 by KrautScientist TURBULENCE, Joe, Brother Chaplain Ryld and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 Well I already told you what I think of that fantastic Company Champion on bike, so lemme just sum up my feelings with an emoticon: That being said, the Nurgle Biker lord seems to be coming along fabulously. I see you made a his belly with some pure Milliput - good job with that stuff so far, although I'd suggest mixing it up with some GreenStuff to really be able to sculpt it. The bike looks rad especially with that engine (?) bit on the back. Can we get a side shot? :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 Hey buddy, like I said, so glad you like the Knight Captain ;) As for the biker Lord: No, that's not miliput, but yellow poster tac, used as a placeholder. The real GS belly is already drying as I write this, however, so I'll be able to post more pictures (and a sideview) soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 4, 2017 Author Share Posted July 4, 2017 (edited) So here's a more detailed update on the WIP biker Lord: I greenstuffed in a hideous, fat belly in order to blend the lower and upper parts of the body together -- and, of course, to make the model look suitably Nurglte. I also added some rolls of fat around the neck and below the helmet. And the Chosen axe was changed to a Plague Sword. The basic assembly is now finished. Take a look: Like I already said on the August Arena event thread, one element of the model I am really rather happy with is the array of tanks and pipes on the bike, with tubes going into the bike and the Lord: I love the idea that a) he probably isn't even able to get off that bike anymore and there's some vial fluid in that tank that gets pumped into both the bike and the rider, effectively turning them into one creepy organism and sustaining the Lord: I am also really happy to finally have found a use for that super-creepy Blightking head: So with the basic assembly taken care of, that leaves a lot of detailing to be done both on the bike and the rider. I'll be getting around to that later today, hopefully. On a related note, as I've already pointed out above, it's almost creepy how much this model mirrors the Knight Captain I built for Augustus -- especially since this was mostly coincidental... As always, let me know what you think! Edited July 4, 2017 by KrautScientist Kierdale, BadgersinHills, Brother Chaplain Ryld and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BadgersinHills Posted July 4, 2017 Share Posted July 4, 2017 Very nice models! The tubes running into the Chaos lord are a neat touch and add a nice story to the visual narrative of the guy, and he looks a real mean piece of work. Great job on him. I like the IF biker captain too, though he seems to me more of a Black Templar than an Imperial fist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted July 4, 2017 Share Posted July 4, 2017 Nurgle guy is looking pretty good, although the hand bit doesn't seem to match the angle of the sword.However, I think the solution, rather than adjusting the angle, which looks pretty good, might be to adjust the fingers on that hand. It seems plasuible the lord might of longer insectile fingers holding on to the weapon, and then you could adjust the finger lengths to matcvh up to the angle (and seeming loose grip) the sword is being held at. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TURBULENCE Posted July 4, 2017 Share Posted July 4, 2017 Just wonderful. I also quite like how the bikes are mirrored good and evil by accident. If I ever do a biker lord consider your use of the blightking shield stolen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 4, 2017 Author Share Posted July 4, 2017 Thanks a lot, guys! :) @ Ashenwyte: True enough, but then the Heresy-era Imperial Fists and Black Templars happen to share such a wealth of visual elements nowadays that I felt it would be alright to err a bit on the Templar side of things -- and there's still enough Imperial Fist about him if you know where to look. In any case, it'll be fun to see how Augustus tackles the paintjob! @ Teetengee: That entire sword hand is actually a stock bit, mate, and I do think GW's sculptors did a pretty good job with the angle, to be honest -- maybe it's just a problem with the photos? I am really not seeing it, but then I have the model in front of me, so yeah... @ TURBULENCE: Cheers, man! Remember, your possessed conversions were what started all of this! ;) So, during a very constructive hobby session with my good friend Annie earlier tonight, I was able to basically put the finishing touches on the Biker Lord, now codenamed the "Blightrider" (hur hur). Here's what he looked like when we decided to call it a day: I am actually having a blast with this guy, especially with the detailing that occured tonight. This meant lots of detail work on the bike (both to create rust holes and to add some Nurglite touches) and some additional sculpting on the driver, filling gaps and adding two fleshy cables running around his torso. So here's a closer look from the sides: I actually love the way his fat belly is wedged behind the bike's fuel tank/midsection: Now I realised early on that having to paint this guy as one solid piece would be a nightmare, so I used a trick that already served me so well on one of my Angron conversions and put a piece of tinfoil between the upper and lower body before I started sculpting. Which has resulted in both parts fitting together perfectly, while also remaining separate, so I can take him apart as needed for painting: This also allows a better look at the bike itself, pipes and tubes in the back included: As always, let me know what you think! :) Vairocanum, BubblesMcBub, TURBULENCE and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BubblesMcBub Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 Awesome details on the bike really well done can't wait to see some paint on him! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 Fantastic looking Blightrider! I think knicking the bike a few more times with a hobby knife could look good, cause Nurgle might not have the bike as well maintained. Definitely looking forward to seeing him painted up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rednekkboss Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 A couple days in to the challenge and Krautscientist has a guy on a bike, not too far from painting. On my challenge, I'm still doing sketches and trying to think of what a chaos marine would look like being propelled skywards by flatulence. Excellent work as always, Mein Herr. That barrel/tank on the back of the bike. Is that an orky bit? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 Might just be the angle of the pictures then. It still looks off to me from some angles though, could you get a picture directly from the front of the model, rather than front and above, if possible? (only if you are interested in appeasing my interest, of course, as I really want to get a better look at the fingers) Perhaps a photo from under the torso bit might work too?Don't get distracted on my account, but if you get the chance I would love to see the additional angles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 Biker lord looks great so far but seams to be missing his twin bolters which is a fairly Iconic part of a space marine bike. Was this intentional or just how the bits came together? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 5, 2017 Author Share Posted July 5, 2017 Cheers, guys! :) @ BubblesMcBub: Thanks, mate! Neither can I, to be honest ;) @ Vairocanum: This might be difficult to make out in the pictures, but I've cut into the edges of the various armour plates so often that virtually not a single straight line remains on the model, so I think the bike should probably look rotten and uneven enough when painted ;) @ rednekkboss: Haha, cheers, man! I have to say though that the model was probably inspired by some of your Nurglite characters and your devil may care attitude when converting followers of the Grandfather ;) @ Teetengee: Certainly, mate: Here are the required angles: Hope this helps! :) @ Mechanist: Indeed, the bolters are missing, because they simply won't fit on there unless I cut the shield to shape, which I am reluctant to do. I also think it would be kind of cool to have a weapon resembling the "garden syringe" look of the new plastic Blightdrone, but I am not exactly sure how to create a weapon in that style. If I can still figure it out, that's great, however, I am not too bothered about simply leaving the weapons off, to be honest. Anyway, here are some additional pictures: The first picture makes it easier to see the greenstuffed pipes and tubes (darker than the belly): The second picture shows how I have tweaked the bike's exhausts: I am also making good progress painting my second converted Plague Marine -- with a slightly tweaked green this time around, because the first test model turned out a tad too "forest green" for my taste, on account of my using the wrong shade on the armour: He is only really missing his backpack and some finishing touches at this point: As always, let me know what you think! :) Brother Chaplain Ryld, TURBULENCE, Teetengee and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grailkeeper Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 Looks good. I bought the warhammer total war game in the recent steam sale. Did you know one of the first Khornate upgrades for beastmen is called "Eternal Hunt"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BubblesMcBub Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 (edited) That 2nd plague marine is really nice, i like this tweaked green way more!As for the feedback for the nurglingsomebody sugested (sorry i forgot your name repllying to thinks on mobile is a bit of a hassle) the backpack with the nurgling on it is just one pice so just using that nurgling would be easy.EDIT: it was Trokair who sugested the nurgling just not in this post but in the August arena one my bad Edited July 5, 2017 by BubblesMcBub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 Fair enough. I can't think of a way of doing it right now beyond cutting up a blight drone but I'll let you know if I think of something. The new green looks much better I think so nice on on that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kordhal Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 That nurgle biker lord is looking ace! But I seriously love the new plague marine, he is looking suitably menacing now he has some paint on him, and the mask head is a particularly impressive conversion. Keep up the ace work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nemac Vradon Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 They are looking awesome dude. I love the biker lord, the tank on they back is a very nice touch. Nemac Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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