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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Thanks for the pics K-Sci. That shows me very well what I was missing. There is a protrusion down from the armor in between the thumb and the first finger that I thought was the tip of the first finger, which was throwing my whole conception of the angles off.

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I remember. And I'm doing my best not to let it inflate my ego. But seeing your work makes me want to rip apart my possessed and start over again. Not because I don't like them, but because you've inspired me to do better than what I've already created. But first I'm gonna take that inspiration out on my contemptor.


Loving the biker more and more every time I see it. And while not a fan of the classic death guard green, it just looks right on those plague marines.

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ grailkeeper: Hah I didn't know that! It's certainly a coincidence, but an awesome coincidence nonetheless -- thanks for bringing it to my attention, mate! :)


@ BubblesMcBub: Yeah, I think it should work just fine -- carefully cutting it off so the backpack still works with the original model will be the fun part ;)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Huh, better make it your next TWO years' hobby goal: I've been using that stuff for years now, and I am still not entirely comfortable with it...


@ Teetengee: Oh, right. Glad that's been cleared up!


@ TURBULENCE: Nooo! Don't tear those Possessed apart again -- they are sweet! Love the Contemptor as well!



So here's the next Plaguemarine, backpack and all:










And even though the green is slightly different between this guy and my first test model, I think they still work well enough together:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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He looks disgusting mate :wink:


I can see you have used parts from the Dark Vengeance Chosen and the Putrid Blight Kings but struggling to place the backpack. They are fantastic conversions and I would kill to find out how you did that rust on the second marines plague knife.



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Thanks, mate! :)


The backpack was spliced together from a tank from one of those plastic Ork flamer guys and parts from two different (Chaos) Space Marine backpacks: one old 2nd edition chaos backpack and one of the brand new plastic Mk. III backpacks.


As for the rust, no need to kill anybody: The model itself was undercoated with brown spraypaint, and all the (silver) metallic areas were then sponged with Ryza Rust and Boltgun Metal for a splotchy, rusty look. More Ryza Rust was then added on top as needed.

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The loyalist biker beard is SUBLIME.



Cheers, mate! Although...





So I've taken yet another picture of my latest Plague Marine, since I think it comes closer to actually showing off the colours:






In fact, out of the four different colour schemes I have tried for Nurglite models so far...




this one finally feels like what I wanted from the start, so I'll be sticking to it for the coming models. I hope I'll be able to paint the third converted Plague Marine over the next couple of days, then finally move on to the Biker Lord for the August Arena event!


While the Nurgle train (or should that be "strain"?!) is still going strong, I am also a huge hobby butterfly, as you all know. So this kinda happened as well:








I was able to get a pretty good deal on the plastic Contemptor body, and I just love cutting up that terrible, clunky monopose kit -- I'm just weird like that. I also wanted to find out whether the head from the OOP Forgeworld World Eaters Dread Augustus gave me would work on a Contemptor. So I made another 30k Contemptor for my World Eaters. There will be more detailing, of course, but I am actually pretty happy with the general setup.


The left arm is a smaller version of the Ursus Claw harpoons the World Eaters use on their void ships and the Titans of the Legio Audax:




The arm was originally built as an additional CC option for my 40k Dreadnoughts/Helbrutes, but it arguably works even better on the taller Contemptor, so yeah.


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Cool pose, and the helm looks perfect. The harpoon thingy is sweet as well, I love the drum for the chains, implied functionality is always nice. A bit of realism never hurts when dealing with genemodified supersoldiers kept alive by a giant robot hehe.


It's a damn shame that he went with that passive pose on the model though, they could've given us articulated knees at least. I guess they don't want to drop FW sales.

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ ElDuderino: Dude, you don't want to know how much time I spent trying to cobble that harpoon together in a way that was at least semi-believable. It's still not perfect, mind you (the barrel for the chain should probably sit towards the back of the arm, and above the harpoon), but it's plausible enough to allow for some suspension of disbelief, I'd say.


As for the pose, yeah, it's a compromise, given the very rigid nature of the stock model. But I do think I've managed to create a fairly believable "lumbering forwards" pose, if nothing else.


@ Kizzdougs: Cheers, mate!


@ Henricus Institoris: You don't want to get impaled on that spike, if you catch my drift...


...sorry, I'm awful ;)


Anyway, not sure yet whether the ogre belly plate is there to stay. Still throwing around a couple of options at this point.


@ Ashenwyte: An excellent point! I'll be taking care of that right away!

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the Nurgle Marine looks great painted up,  I would have enjoyed seeing a jolly belly mouth if you had added the upper lip but painted it's not needed as a more sensible icky Nurgle style.


The contemptor really suits that harpoon so an excellent choice there. 

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Thanks, guys! :)


@ Mechanist: Fair enough! Although it seemed to me that the *actual* new Death Guard models from GW ultimately featured enough belly mouths, so I was content to keep things slightly more ambiguous on this model -- well, that and I am a lazy bastard, of course, so yeah... ;)


@ Olis: You mean on the Plague Marine, right? The knife - and, in fact, the entire forearm - are a bit from the WFB/AoS Putrid Blightkings.

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@ Olis: You mean on the Plague Marine, right? The knife - and, in fact, the entire forearm - are a bit from the WFB/AoS Putrid Blightkings.


Cheers, brother. I should've guessed it was an AoS part. ^_^

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Thanks again, guys! :)


@ Teetengee: Hmm, let's see:




  • the basic arm is the CC arm from the Blood Angels Librarian Dreadnought, I mostly merely replaced the actual weapon
  • Now the harpoon itself was made from an old axle bit from an ancient model truck kit -- although it would be really easy to find a suitable replacement for that bit
  • the spike is an element that appears on many of GW's terrain kits and was cut off from a small wall section
  • the light grey part right underneath the tip was a piece of a Chaos vehicle bulldozer bit shaved down to make a connection bit between the tip and the haft of the weapon
  • the barrel for the chain consists of two Chaos Marauder Horsemen shields, a roll of chain from an Ogre Kingdoms kit and a piece of chain, once again from an Ogre Kingdoms kit, I believe -- sorry for not being more precise, but I got those bitz from an Ogre Kingdoms joblot I bought via ebay.

And that's just about it, IIRC.


In the meantime, I've followed Ashenwyte's suggestion of tweaking the angle of the head, and it really makes a world of difference. Take a look:






As always, let me know what you think! :)

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