Mechanist Posted July 26, 2017 Share Posted July 26, 2017 Cheers, guys! It's good to hear some feedback again -- I just get ticked off at the whole "Likes over comments" trend every once in a blue moon, is all I can sympathise with that but I do kinda have to point out that you very, very rarely have a double post and taking the times of the last one your running from evening to lunch time without a reply. I don't want to be bitchy as you very much deserve the attention your collection deserves because it is brilliant and your new work is ace. But try to spare a though for those who can go 3, 4 or even more posts with but a single like and if they are lucky a comment but not always. There is so much amazing work shared here I try to focus my reply time (unless something particularly grabs my attention or I can really add to the conversation) on those with less responses. When you have such good work like Brettfp's Horrific abominations and the truly jaw dropping Dark Mechanicum by Crevette going with very few comments it just shows how tough it is to grab attention and keep people coming back and commenting. I am kept somewhat rushed by trying to read the latest posts on stuff I've replied to at some point and only occasionally add to that if things are a little slow but there is so much talent on here that we can't keep up with everything. Teetengee, Fenbain, brettfp and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuitaRasmus Posted July 26, 2017 Share Posted July 26, 2017 Cheers, guys! It's good to hear some feedback again -- I just get ticked off at the whole "Likes over comments" trend every once in a blue moon, is all I can sympathise with that but I do kinda have to point out that you very, very rarely have a double post and taking the times of the last one your running from evening to lunch time without a reply. I don't want to be bitchy as you very much deserve the attention your collection deserves because it is brilliant and your new work is ace. But try to spare a though for those who can go 3, 4 or even more posts with but a single like and if they are lucky a comment but not always. There is so much amazing work shared here I try to focus my reply time (unless something particularly grabs my attention or I can really add to the conversation) on those with less responses. When you have such good work like Brettfp's Horrific abominations and the truly jaw dropping Dark Mechanicum by Crevette going with very few comments it just shows how tough it is to grab attention and keep people coming back and commenting. I am kept somewhat rushed by trying to read the latest posts on stuff I've replied to at some point and only occasionally add to that if things are a little slow but there is so much talent on here that we can't keep up with everything. I see what you mean - I would still love if people would write "Great stuff" or "Awesome conversion" or something like that - doesn't have to be an essay - to me (being adult before the time of FB) a "like" is almost a nonresponse - it's kind of like nodding when you meet someone, instead of shaking their hands; it's there, but it doesn't really give you much. I don't know... Maybe I'm just too old. ;) KrautScientist and Eldrick Shadowblade 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted July 27, 2017 Share Posted July 27, 2017 I like the Champ's new face, I wish I had thought of that. I just hacked mine out and tried to put a new one in, now it looks off... great job as always and look forward to another update! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted July 27, 2017 Share Posted July 27, 2017 Kraut, love the press mold idea for the face.... hate the models original face... dont know why but it just looks stupid to me... at any rate... i feel you about the views and likes... i'll get 800 views on my thread and not a single comment... what ya gonna do?! anyrate... keep plugging away and i will keep responding! Blood for the blood god! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Feral Posted July 27, 2017 Share Posted July 27, 2017 I quite like the non-face the original has, but your push-mould is a good alternative for sure! I get what you mean about feeling bummed out by lack of solid feedback, which is why I don't really stick to posting my own hobby projects on forums. Too much effort (especially on mobile) to not receive any useful response! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonlover Posted July 27, 2017 Share Posted July 27, 2017 So are you gonna tie the fluff of these guys into the Eternal Hunt at all? On the comments thing: the way I see it, there is a spectrum of project logs. You've got ones like my old one, which is basically 'here, look what I painted' with slightly naff pics, no fluff and not many conversions and/or other cool stuff. At the other end there's you, GuitaRasmus and the like, which are basically the opposite. Nobody posted on mine because it was boring. I get the feeling people don't post on some of the other end of the scale plots because... well its all so damn good you just end up repeating yourself and/or essentially quoting someone and adding +1. And if I'm doing that, a like serves the same function. Dragonlover Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted July 27, 2017 Share Posted July 27, 2017 I see what you mean - I would still love if people would write "Great stuff" or "Awesome conversion" or something like that - doesn't have to be an essay - to me (being adult before the time of FB) a "like" is almost a nonresponse - it's kind of like nodding when you meet someone, instead of shaking their hands; it's there, but it doesn't really give you much. I don't know... Maybe I'm just too old. For me a like is a great way to acknowledge a reply (usually the OP's response to a comment) to say you've seen it but have nothing to add right now, just like a nod in a group conversation. I also find that to many "this is great", "Amazing work" or similar nice things but without much to respond to can fill up the pages and dilute the OPs posts so getting a like for me is a great way to do that without the clutter, though obviously you don't get the bump up the list from a like. (also posting even small posts from a phone is annoying to do when I have limited time to do it) Anyway to not derail the WIP thread Kraut you deserve the great level of attention because you've inspired so many with your work and comments across the board, keep it up and try not to worry to much. I'm looking forward to seeing you get some painting on these guys and the fluff you'll come up with. Teetengee, Augustus b'Raass and dogfender 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted July 27, 2017 Share Posted July 27, 2017 I like the face, though I will have to wait till you paint it to see if it is worthwhile to attempt a similar procedure on my own, as I too am concerned about detail loss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 28, 2017 Author Share Posted July 28, 2017 Cheers, guys! :) Regarding my outcry over the lack of responses, don't worry. That was just kind of a frustration spike. I really see a bit of an underlying issue, however, and I think it ultimately comes down to how you interpret Likes, among other things. I personally think GuitaRasmus hit the nail on the head: I would still love if people would write "Great stuff" or "Awesome conversion" or something like that - doesn't have to be an essay - to me (being adult before the time of FB) a "like" is almost a nonresponse - it's kind of like nodding when you meet someone, instead of shaking their hands; it's there, but it doesn't really give you much. I don't know... Maybe I'm just too old. I am feeling the exact same way, and it's not something I can shake off easily, it seems. Anyway, enough about that. :) --- @ Dragonlover: Hmm, I think I'll eventually try to aim at some kind of fluff connection, but for now I am painfully aware that this Death Guard project is very much models first, fluff second. This also touches upon a deeper issue where I find it pretty hard to actually get a true "feel" for followers of Nurgle in the background: Their particular combination of sinister and jolly can be hard to get right, and their incredible phyiscal afflictions put them even further away from "standard" humans, making them slightly hard to relate to. That being said, I do remember one particularly excellent short story by Anthony Reynolds where the Death Guard characters are fascinating because they seem to have ulterior motives that almost seem to place them as larger scale villains (spreading diseases and pieces their master's Garden being their one mission in life, even at the cost of hurting their chaotic allies). Their constant jolliness, therefore, almost seems like a result of being in on a larger joke, as it were. When I get around to putting together a background for these guy's that'll be the kind of feeling to try and capture. @ Teetengee: Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence ;) But I see where you're coming from: To be perfectly honest, I'm still not sure whether the additional work was worth it -- I am at least cautiously optimistic ;) So yesterday I received my box of "easy to build" Plague Marines and had to start working on a second Blight Launcher Plague Marine. Let me tell you though, these should also carry a "hard to convert" label, at least if you are trying to do something a bit more involved: I felt acutely reminded of the rigid monopose Plague Marines of the early 90s ;) Anyway, here's my attempt at building a second Blightlauncher Marine: I knew from the start that I wanted to use the Plague champion as a base model for this, but boy did the model fight me every step of the way: The original pose is just weird, and I ended up carefully sawing off the entire upper body in order to tweak it a bit. I also slightly revamped my Blight Launcher, in order to bring it even further in line with the "official" design: I also started on the second Blight Launcher Marine, although he has mostly just been tacked together for now. The one change I made was to his faceplate, as I didn't really like the way the tube directly fed into his helmet, so I spliced in a rebreather: So here are the two tweaked Plague Marines: And while I was already at it, I gave my converted Plague Champion a slightly more Nurgly power fist: As always, let me know what you think! :) Marius Perdo, Lord Commander Eidolon, Brother Chaplain Ryld and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aasfresser Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 The Iron Warrior helmet is a great idea, it fits pretty well. Only thing its missing is a bit nurglish degradation, but paint will bring that effect. The blightlauncher arm could need some chainmail, like the other one, otherwise, I think, like the helmet, the paintjob will bring it together very well. The rebreather is an ingenious idea! That guy looks so much better now. Only a bit of GS to connect the rebreather with the tube and you're golden. That new powerfist fits so much better than the last one. All in all very nice poopy marines! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicMan Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 Like. Augustus b'Raass, ElDuderino and KrautScientist 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeadFingers Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 The rebreather does wonders for that guy's head, I may have to "borrow" that idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Feral Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 (edited) The tinkering with the Blight Launcher was worth the additional effort I think. Whilst the original two-handed stance would of sufficed, the weapon benefits from visually matching the established "official version". Death Guard are stalwart enough to heft around heavy assault weapons one-handed anyway (providing the appropriate amount of wrist bracing). Do I also spot an Iron Warriors helmet? The asymmetric horn is a neat addition. I can relate to finding the Easy to Build plastics difficult to convert, although at least some of the parts are conveniently separated. Mind you, they weren't designed to be chopped up! *edit* Looking at the Power Fist, the three-finger design really is similar to the classic plastic one circa 2nd edition. Edited July 28, 2017 by Mister Feral Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 Really like these latest conversions Kraut! ... Same as everyone else the rebreather massively improves the head on that model. Personally i prefer your own blight launcher model. It doesnt look as static as the gw one Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 A bumper update and all looking good. The Blight launchers work really well together especially with the launchers in opposite hands. One small suggestion is that the barrel on the stock weapon looks shorter and dumpier than your one and I wounder if cutting yours down to the wider bit would work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 Rebreather conversion is great, such a simple thing but changes the whole look of the guy. Your custom blight grenade launcher thingy looks cool as well, more natural pose than the standard guy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 I love 'm both, and am still in awe of the blight launcher idea. So cool! I'm also curious what part/bit that rebreather is (from)? I had the idea to tweak your blight launcher idea even further and just use plastic tubing, and with a cigerette lighter heat up the end, to make it a bit mushroom like. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 28, 2017 Author Share Posted July 28, 2017 Cheers, guys! Glad to hear you like them! Regarding the Blight Launcher, you raise some valid points regarding the length and shape of the barrel, although I think I'll be keeping it like this: It resembles the "official" bit rather closely, and I already came within an inch of ruining the weapon while grafting on the new grip yesterday -- any more tweaking would be pushing my luck, I believe The added chainmail suggested by Aasfresser, though? That I can do: The Iron Warrior helmet is a great idea, it fits pretty well. Only thing its missing is a bit nurglish degradation, but paint will bring that effect. Good point! The IW helmet came as an eleventh hour addition when none of my Nurgite helmets would quite work -- it fits rather nicely, though, given that it's basically Mk. III and has that extra tubing on its right side. Even so, I wanted to sleep on it before making any more changes to it. But since I still like it, I added a bit of damage to it, carefully creating some dents here and there with my knife. The rebreather is an ingenious idea! That guy looks so much better now. Only a bit of GS to connect the rebreather with the tube and you're golden. Cheers! There won't be any more GS, however, as the "nose" formed by the rebreather is going remain like that: It's not perfectly clear from the pictures, but the tube now feeds into the rebreather from below, and I looks reasonably plausible from up close. I can relate to finding the Easy to Build plastics difficult to convert, although at least some of the parts are conveniently separated. Mind you, they weren't designed to be chopped up!*edit* Looking at the Power Fist, the three-finger design really is similar to the classic plastic one circa 2nd edition. Fair enough! There must be something wrong with me, actually doing most of the conversion work on models that weren't really designed as conversion fodder -- must be the same reason why I enjoy converting that plastic Contemptor so much ;) Oh, and you are so totally right about the fist! That old plastic fist was awesome! I really regret only ever being able to get my hands on one of those! I love 'm both, and am still in awe of the blight launcher idea. So cool! I'm also curious what part/bit that rebreather is (from)? Cheers, buddy! It's the rebreather that's dangling from one of the Poxwalkers' belts -- although there's a virtually identical bit in the Cadian Command Squad kit. Mister Feral, Nemac Vradon and Vairocanum 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaxom Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 I love how the gas mask tubing just goes straight to the armpit. I imagine he doesn't use deodorant. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nysse Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 That rebreather is quite a nice subtle touch. Shows that a little can go a long way. I wasn't a big fan of the easy assemble Plague Marines as the poses are a bit static without conversions and the Blight launcher guys helmet just looked weird. But darn does the rebreather makes him look so much better. Great idea :) Might have to try imitate that if I ever get around to buying that set. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Feral Posted July 28, 2017 Share Posted July 28, 2017 I will ask about a couple of the parts in your Blight Launcher; the big forearm brace and the squared bit in front of the hand? Looks like the hand has been cut and pushed forward as well, didn't notice that at first glance. Yes, I may be wishing to "adapt" the idea....yes......"adapt"..... :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 28, 2017 Author Share Posted July 28, 2017 Cheers, guys! :) @ jaxom: Huh, yeah. And his right arm isn't really an arm, but more like a tentacle-claw hybrid too, which probably doesn't help the whole armpit situation one bit ;) @ Nysse: I will say that the one thing I really love about the "easy to build" models' static nature is that they so closely resemble the 2nd edition plastic Plague Marines that way: The guy with the Blight Launcher really is the spitting image of that ancient design in so many ways. @ Mister Feral: Fell free to adapt away! :) The entire upper section, including the arm, came from a Sternguard heavy flamer. I just tried to make a straight cut and grafted it to the Blight Launcher conversion I already had, then added a Nurgly detail or two. But the basic setup remains unchanged from the source bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rastamarine Posted July 29, 2017 Share Posted July 29, 2017 These Death guard are amazing but something inside me calls for........ Blood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hathis Posted July 29, 2017 Share Posted July 29, 2017 Damn your Deathguards looks really nice, or in better words so disgusting it makes the wallpaper crumble. Really like that blight launcher. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted July 29, 2017 Share Posted July 29, 2017 Excellent conversion work so far, brother. I think that chainmail definitely adds something to the model - it works well. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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