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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Thanks for the comments, guys! :)


@ Rastamarine: While I will always end up returning to Khorne and the World Eaters at some point, don't hold your breath: The Nurgle train has no brakes right now, plus I don't really see myself building any new 40k World Eaters before we all know the new rules -- and the potential new kits to accompany them.


@ Nemac Vradon: Yes I have, and it really didn't work ;) So I chose an angle that would show off the exposed cabling on one side of the helmet and would also support the overall sickly and deformed look: The guy now looks like he's dragging his left leg ;)


@ GuitaRasmus: Steal away! :)


@ Auggs: Oh, the backpack is just a placeholder (because it's the model's stock backpack). It'll be saved for a champion or a lord, of course, and I'll need to come up with a replacement backpack for this guy.

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Haha, that's awesome! And then GuitaRasmus beat us both to the punch :wink:


In your face, blood-god-worshipper! :biggrin.:



Whoa, whoa! Instead of wasting time trash-talking over here, you should rather build some legs for that Daemon Prince of yours: A Daemon Prince without a lower body -- it's disgraceful is what it is... ;)

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Haha, that's awesome! And then GuitaRasmus beat us both to the punch :wink:


In your face, blood-god-worshipper! :biggrin.:



Whoa, whoa! Instead of wasting time trash-talking over here, you should rather build some legs for that Daemon Prince of yours: A Daemon Prince without a lower body -- it's disgraceful is what it is... :wink:



Where we are going, we don't need legs to walk... 


(Lots of props if you can tell what movie I paraphrased there - hint: it's the closest thing you'll get to have the warp depicted in a film) 

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Haha, that's awesome! And then GuitaRasmus beat us both to the punch :wink:


In your face, blood-god-worshipper! :biggrin.:



Whoa, whoa! Instead of wasting time trash-talking over here, you should rather build some legs for that Daemon Prince of yours: A Daemon Prince without a lower body -- it's disgraceful is what it is... :wink:



Where we are going, we don't need legs to walk... 


(Lots of props if you can tell what movie I paraphrased there - hint: it's the closest thing you'll get to have the warp depicted in a film) 



Dude, EASY: Event Horizon, innit? ;)

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Haha, that's awesome! And then GuitaRasmus beat us both to the punch ;)



In your face, blood-god-worshipper! :D


Whoa, whoa! Instead of wasting time trash-talking over here, you should rather build some legs for that Daemon Prince of yours: A Daemon Prince without a lower body -- it's disgraceful is what it is... ;)


Where we are going, we don't need legs to walk... 


(Lots of props if you can tell what movie I paraphrased there - hint: it's the closest thing you'll get to have the warp depicted in a film)


Dude, EASY: Event Horizon, innit? ;)

Ding ding ding - mad props sent. :)

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@ GuitaRasmus: Mad props received :wink:


@ grailkeeper: Cheers, man! That is high praise indeed! It sucks that Greyall hasn't updated in ages, though :sad.:



So, only a rather tiny update for today, as there have been some work related-commitments for much of the week so far, but I keep chipping away at those Nurgle models :wink:


First up, the next Plague Marine in line:






I wasn't really feeling the wood-elven looking headcrest, so I carefully shaved it off and spliced in something a little more classically Nurglite :wink:


Speaking of which, I also replaced the forehead horn on my Blightbringer-based Plague Champion. It's a very small change, admittedly, but I still think it works a bit better:






I have also been working on the next Poxwalkers:




You already know the guy on the left. The middle one is actually perfect, in my opinion, and a rather lovely model! The guy on the right received a tweaked weapon, an idea I lifted wholesale from the Mystarikum, as I simply love the "Realms of Chaos"-style look created by the different blade, and I just happened to have a similar Empire flamberge knocking about.


On a related note, I recently received a nice little bitz drop courtesy of fellow hobbyist Aasfresser:




Among the bitz are some early 90s plastic berzerkers (say what you will about them, as far as monpopose models from the early 90s go, I think they're pretty great!) and a plastic CSM from around the same time -- I've never even owned one of the latter before, and while the model hasn't aged all that gracefully, I do think those were pretty much ahead for the curve for their time, especially when compared to the pretty atrocious 2nd edition plastic Space Marines.


There are also all kinds of chaotic bitz and bobs and, as I discovered to my delight, a creepy embryonic rat from a Skaven kit -- I'll make sure to put the latter one to good use on my INQ28 AdMech retinue :wink:


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Nice little changes on the Plague Marines. Subtle, but definitely looks better.


Those Berserkers really are great minis! Fond memories of them from my youth (though I remember not being too happy with them carving up my guardsmen). Designwise some of the old monopose stuff really seems so much better compared to some of the over the top mega dynamic poses, like the Harlequins, GW tends to sometimes do nowadays. It will be nice to see what you can achieve with them as a base!

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