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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Cheers, guys! :)


For now, there really aren't any plans for the old berzerkers: It's just nice to have them, for now, and I am sure I'll come up with something at some point, but please don't hold your collective breath, alright? ;)


That being said, I couldn't get another part of the bitz drop out of my head, namely that embryonic Skaven bit, so here's a little something I mocked up yesterdday, using the new grimdark test tube from the 40k objectives kit (a word of warning, by the way: The kit has lots of great stuff in it, but my version suffers from the exact same clunky cast and soft detailing that already plagued some of the basing kits). Anyway, here we go:










Now the model's nowhere near done, and it also won't become a part of my 40k chaos armies (it'll most likely end up with my AdMech warband for INQ28), but I still wanted to show you the early mockup.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Love the conversion, reminds me of the ad mech art when they encounter the primative tau. They have a weird collection tank with them. There was also someone long ago who made a similar conversion using FW parts.


Once I saw that tank kit I knew I had to do it for my explorator force, just not sure what it could count as lol


Looking forward to seeing it painted!

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Thanks a lot, guys! :smile.:


I'm in a bit of a motivational slump at the moment, trying to summon the motivation to get some Death Guard models painted -- especially my second tester Plague Marine, and then the biker lord for the August Arena event. Don't fret, though: There's still time, and I fully intend to complete the lord in time for the deadline.


For now, I'll just keep working on that strange Brainiac dumpling creature, if it's all the same to you -- at least for a bit.


Now to give credit where credit is due, this conversion was actually informed by Aasfresser telling me about some of his plans for those embryonic rats, and I realised it resonated with a couple of ideas I've had for ages, and then I just *had* to get that specimen tank from the objectives kit and, yeah, you know the rest... :wink:


Anyway, I've tidied up the connection between the tank and undercarriage a bit, so it looks slightly less improvised now (and also makes for a better, straighter foundation for the tank):




Now the back of the tank is fully detailed as well, with a pretty cool array of cogitator banks, so I thought it would be cool to have some kind of Magos or tech thrall on there, monitoring the vital signs, collecting the readings and stuff like that. The model is just a really early mockup (and one I am not particularly happy with yet), but I am still throwing around ideas at this point, so your feedback would be much appreciated:




I have also given some additional care to the embryonic creature inside the tank, adding more cabling and some injectors to make the little guy look even more disturbing:




And here's a closer look without the "glass":






I think the finished model should make a pretty fitting addition to the small AdMech freakshow I already have:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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awesome idea!
I do think you inprove it in a few ways:

  • making the thrall a part of the whole machine or having him sit there instead of standing
  • give the machine a better engine or idk how to say this but make it look more like 1 big machine instead of a tank ontop of a kinda small machine to move it
  • you could maybe fill the tank with some greenish clear liquid (or put a green glaze on the inside of the clear plastic)

keep up the good work hope you find the motivation to work on the nurgle biker soon!

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :) Now my original plan was to have the operator as an actual, separate individual, but Bubbles' and Aasfresser's comments made me reconsider, and there's actually nothing more AdMech than having a hardwired servitor on there for just that one purpose, is there? ;)


Anyway, here's what I have:








And here's the servitor without the tank obscuring the view ;)






Now the servitor itself looks pretty faceless, but that's arguably the point of such a creature, right? All in all, I think the model is really starting to come together -- and the cradle for the servitor also goes some way towards making the whole ensemble look more believable as an actual AdMech machine.


And while I was happily cutting my way through those Kataphron Destroyer bitz, I ended up making my first Primaris-related experiment as well. This guy here:








Another idea I've had for quite a while now, although the Primaris Marines have made it far easier to realise! This guy will end up as an INQ28 character -- either an iron Hands Astartes or a Tech-Marine for my DIY chapter, the Golden Legion. There'll be a weapon switch, too -- that boltgun is just a tad too massive. But I've tacked on the stock right arm for now, if only to get a sense of the proportions.


Anyway, as always, let me know what you think! :)

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That fetus tank has to be amongst the grimdarkest things you've produced, really cool. And the somewhat cute operator is perfect too!


The primaris conversion is inspired, and i agree about the boltgun, i vastly prefer the stubby godwin pattern bolter of yore. It's very wierd to see that new blue plastic though:biggrin.:

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Another idea I've had for quite a while now, although the Primaris Marines have made it far easier to realise! This guy will end up as an INQ28 character -- either an iron Hands Astartes or a Tech-Marine for my DIY chapter, the Golden Legion. There'll be a weapon switch, too -- that boltgun is just a tad too massive. But I've tacked on the stock right arm for now, if only to get a sense of the proportions.


Anyway, as always, let me know what you think! :)

Now THAT is inspired - really good idea and excellent execution. :)

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Thanks, guys! :)


@ BubblesMcBub: Hm, regarding the weapon, I have now added the reposed arm from the Deathwatch:Overkill Iron Hands marine (the backpack and head also came from him), and I kinda like it that way. It's not a phobos pattern, however, but a combi-weapon -- expect some updated pictures tomorrow.


As for the left arm, it's actually one of the bionic arms from the Kataphron Destroyers, with the (pretty big) claw replaced with a Forgemaster hand holding an axe.

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ TURBULENCE: Aw, gee, that is so nice of you to say! :)


@ Kierdale: Yes, I wasn't really in love with the idea before, but it does work rather well like that, doesn't it?


@ grailkeeper: Hmm, I could still use that hooded Skitarii head on him as well -- maybe I should try it again to see whether it works better?



In other news, here are the promised photos of the Tech-Marine/Iron Hand with his new right arm:








Funnnily enough, the new gun isn't really that much shorter, but it still looks quite a bit more balanced, wouldn't you agree? I think it has something to do with the front of the weapon having a stockier build and looking less "elongated", for lack of a better word. Plus the cabling also adds a bit of extra visual "counterweight", as it were.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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The Brain thing in a tank is looking grim in the best of ways, the servitor ads a lot and it could almost be a Magos in there maybe even the warband leader as a grizzled ancient magos that's little more than a shrivelled husk with a brain in his containment vessel.


The Tech marine is looking great and a smart use of bits as always. 

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First the Primaris Tech: he looks fantastic! Swaping the bolter was a great idea. The Kataphron bits go really well with the Primaris easy to build kit. I'm trying to convert one of those myself right now, although into a tzeentchian Black Legion Champion.


Second: The servitor. I like the new head, he hood gave him to much bulk on the upper part. And what really bothers me is the Skaven cloack-thingie around his shoulders. It looks of right now. If you want to keep it, you should add more cables and tubes, something with more mass to the lower body.  If you would add the hooded head this topheaviness would only be stronger. In general its a nice piece to add, but it's obviously a piece of cloth that strangely defies gravity on the edges.

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