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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :)


@ SanguiniusReborn: Yeah, while the legion as a whole remains unaligned to any particular chaos power, I like the idea of some champions or unit worshipping a particular aspect of chaos more openly -- like Kroeger in the Iron Warriors novels by Graham McNeill.


I appreciate how you noticed the "retro" gun barrels, although I have to admit that, while the choice of parts was deliberate, I only really replaced them in the first place because I had ruined the original barrels while drilling them ;) That being said, they do improve the silhouette of the weapon, don't they?


@ Commissar Molotov: Cheers, mate! This should have been an update for you, seeing how true scale Deathwatch Marines are so very much your forte! :) I totally want to include a Castigator as well, now if only I had one o' them shoulder pads... *wink* *wink* *nudge" ;)


@ Auggs, Aasfresser & Bubbles: Cheers, guys! About the ammo feed, though: I really didn't intend it to be "flowing" in any way, to be honest: My rationale was that the bullets are being drawn into the weapon as part of the reloading process, and due to the inherent rigidity of the ammo feed (those are some pretty big bullets, after all), the feed doesn't just hang straight down. That being said, Bubbles, if you don't like it, it'll have to be addressed, of course, seeing how this guy will eventually go to your collection.


@ Bob Hunk, Sagentus, Vairocanum & Pearson73: Cheers, gents! :)

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I found something on ebay, and thought I'd share it with all the Khorne/World Eater specialists on B&C.

http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/EqUAAOSwrhNZzpUl/s-l1600.jpghttp://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/53EAAOSw3TNZzpUt/s-l1600.jpgReally old Helbrute/Khorne Bloodslaughterer. Never seen it before, might give ya'll some ideas for future conversions.

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  • 2 months later...

*blows dust off this thread*


Phew, it's been quite a while since I last posted here, hasn't it? Did you guys miss me. Sure doesn't seem that way... ;)


Anyway, I apologise for the protracted absence. Real life has been pretty hectic - and occasionally unpleasant - lately, so when I finally had time yesterday to sit down and have some mindless conversion and kitbashing fun again, that did feel good indeed! Plus I managed to actually get something done again, which was even better. Nothing super-spectacular, mind you, just some odds and ends I want to share with you (and at least one pleasant surprise, where a conversion came together after ages). So let's take a look:


I started by mainly focusing on making small tweaks I had wanted to complete for ages. Take my Argel Tal conversion, for instance:






I finally got around to splicing a new hilt onto a GK sword and mock up the way it will be added to Argel Tal's backpack. This is such a small thing, really, but it nicely rounds out the model, if you ask me, and adds to the Templar Knight look that seems rather fitting for the character. Plus both versions of Argel Tal now feature the Guardian Spear as well as Aquillon's sword, which I think is a nice bit of visual consistency:




I think I should make these two models a priority project for 2018 ;)


And while we are on the subject of 30k characters, I messed around with my World Eaters Cataphractii a bit more: I recently picked up the wonderful new Necromunda boxed set -- and the first thing I did with the new models was to use bitz from the sprues on some of my older World Eaters. Something has to be wrong with me...




The flamer guy now uses a Goliath rebreather head, which I think works like a charm (in fact, those Goliath heads are pretty much ideal for World Eaters -- especially the one literally chomping at the bit!), and the sergeant now features a Goliath armour plate as a super-ornate belt buckle.


And then there was a project that just happened to come together after refusing to do so for ages: Remember Maxime Pastourel's excellent Lord of Contagion model from the Dark Imperium boxed set? I truly love that model! I treated myself to two of those, via bitz swap: One to leave completely unaltered, the other one I wanted to convert. My initial idea was that making the model into a representation of Typhus would be a nifty idea.


But then the massive Death Guard release dropped and gave us not only a new model for Typhus, but two different sets of DG terminators -- which pretty much seemed to defeat the exercise of converting the Lord of Contagion. Moreover, the conversion just didn't come together, with the model seemingly fighting me every step of the day. So back into the box it went.


But I came across those bitz yesterday evening, and gave it another go. And I think I may finally be on to something. Take a look:






Now this guy still needs a bit of work: The upper left leg is just a piece of sprue right now, connecting the lower leg and the torso, so there'll be some GS sculpting going on there. I'll also have to do some cleanup where I shaved off some of the more ostentatious spikes and horns. But by and large, I am pretty happy with the model so far.


Oh, and I would also like to make some time for painting over the holidays. Next up on the painting desk is this guy:






Still really happy with the conversion, and once I have actually managed to work up the motivation to start, I am pretty sure painting him will be a blast!


So yeah, as always, let me know what you think! :)

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Great work kraut! We have missed you. Everytime i google a conversion one of yours come up as an example ;-)


Both Argel Tal models tie in amazingly. Great idea with using the same sword and spear. Just need something to holster the sword onto the backpack now.


The 2 cataphracti termies look good. Really like the use of the necro heads, certainly tie in well with WE


Top job on the lord of contagion, he looks epic so far! Look forward to seeing him finished.


Look forward to seeing how the contemptor is painted too!

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I was dreading what the lack of updates meant. Happy to see you back, defiantly missed your work. World eater work is amazing as usual.


... But that lord of contagion, wow!


Also thought you might be interested to know, after death guard I may be building up a few a world eaters myself

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I missed you, buddy! I too recently came back from being lost in life for a couple months. 


Great to see some new work here. I love how you've gone with the Goliaths bits - I had a similar idea but held off in favour of investing in Death Guard. In any case, I think that contemptor is your best dreadnought conversion yet!!!!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Welcome back! Great conversions, as always. I like the use of the rebreather heads. Not a huge fan of the DG scythe - the blade just doesn’t really work for me, but that’s a personal opinion, not a commentary on what looks like a pretty good kitbash! Looking forward to seeing where you go with it.
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That friggin' Lord of Contagion, man. Lovely. Truly, putridly lovely.


Also really dig the way you've used Goliath bits on your Terminators. Been pondering getting a box for the arms and legs to use on a weird conversion idea that's burrowed its way into my brain, but didn't know what to do with the leftovers. Now, tho...

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Hey everyone, first of all: A happy new year to all of you! And thanks a lot for the many comments after my last update! I really appreciate it! :smile.:


@ Charlo, Commissar K., TURBULENCE, sparrow2zz, Brit_Legionaire, hushrong, sockwithaticket & Vairocanum: Cheers, gents! :smile.:


@ BubblesMcBub: Funny thing, mate: I actually think those Goliaths would be pretty cool as Khornate cultists, especially when kitbashed with some Bloodreavers. Or one could even use the Goliath models/rules for a Khornate cult in the underhive? Lots of ideas there... :wink:


@ Sagentus: I see where you're coming from with the suggestion of having some kind of scabbard on Argel Tal's sword, although I am fairly sure that it's mentioned in Betrayer how the weapons are actually mag-locked to his backpack or something?! Anyway, mag-locking weapons is very much an actual thing in the background, so I believe I want to keep the sword like that, less I mess it all up with an ugly scabbard or something needlessly clunky.


@ Lexington: Tell me about it! It's all I can do not to use all of those Goliath bitz for Khornate/World Eaters conversions and just nick a bit here and there :wink:


@ BrotherJim: Good to hear from you, mate! And I am totally with you re: those Goliaths: They would make for excellent World Eaters that are out of their armour -- at least the upper bodies :wink:


@ Auggs: Aw, same here, mate! Good to be back, and good to see you back as well! The board simply wasn't the same!


FYI, the first part of my 2017 recap is already up over on my blog! In fact, in case anyone's interested, the post can be found here.


In that post, I take a detailed look back at my hobby year and at all the models I managed to paint in 2017. A whopping twelve models...not exactly an army, eh? :wink:




That being said, I am still pretty happy with my output, especially since I still really like each of those models, so it's been quality over quantity last year, eh? At least, that's what I keep telling myself... :wink:


So what else is new? I actually had high hopes for hobby related activities over the holiday, but in the end, I ended up sleeping, eating and obsessively hunting robot dinosaurs, to the exclusion of virtually anything else. I did however, finally, manage to pull of a massive painting session earlier today, courtesy of my friend Annie who invited me over. So I actually have something new to show you from earlier today/yesterday: My PIP Contemptor:


So here's what he looked like after a while:






And this is the model shortly before I packed up for the night:












There's still quite a bit of detail work left to be done, but as you can see, the Contemptor is definitely getting there!


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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