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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


So here's another small update for you: I am certainly not walking back my plans regarding my 30k World Eaters, but there was a model that has sat undercoated but unloved on my painting desk since before Christmas, so it got bumped up to the front of the queue:




It's the third kitbashed Plague Marine I built back before I had access to the actual new DG models, so this guy really deserves to be finished. Still lots of work to do, though, as this is the stage right after washes, without any highlights or cleanup work in place.


As for the World Eaters, here's a little something I don't believe I've mentioned before: After being reasonably successful with that freehand lettering on my new Contemptor, I just had to return to his brother and give him a similar treatment:




It's a little harder to make out, but this time around, the scrollwork says "Adhuc Vivit" -- "Still alive". Seems suitably concise for a World Eater, and also rather fitting for a warrior whose name is "Vaako the Immortal", right?


Oh, and I also took another picture of the whole small collection, in better lighting, because I felt like it:




Sorry for the repetition! As always, let me know what you think! :)

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The plague marine is disgusting! Is that the guy you brought with you to Amsterdam, this summer? If it is, I'm glad you've finished him finally! (and if it isn't, go do that guy (or have I missed it?)

Adhuc Vivit is a cool name, although it also sounds a bit like a sweetened children's yoghurt to my Dutch ears. :biggrin.:


Edit: Also, congrats on passing 4k comments! This thread is slowly turning into a veritable behemoth!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Funny how thing can jump the que. I keep looking at the three basecoated Primaris as I sort paints for the Lord of Change and pondering doing them next.

The plauge marine has turned out ace and I'm intrigued to see how your old ones match up with what you do when it comes to painting the new kits.

Having flicked back for a reminder you've got a fair bit of death guard built now. how many nurgle marine's do you have in total?


Edits -fixing fat baboon finger errors as posting on my phone.

Edited by Mechanist
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Cheers, guys! :)


@ DuskRaider: Thanks, man! That is high praise, indeed! :)


@ Auggs: Well spotted, buddy: It is one of the guys I brought when I visited you. One of three DG test models that have now been finished -- except for the basing.


Oh, and one small clarification: "Adhuc Vivit" is not a name, it's rather a motto. The Contemptor's actual name is "Vaako the Immortal" -- I wonder what that may sound like in that gooey language of yours ;)


@ Mechanist: Haha, yeah. The poor guy deserved it, though: He had just been converted when I went to visit Augustus, and that was more than half a year ago, so yeah... And you are definitely right: I've actually assembled a small DG army with about 20 Plague Marines (most of them the "new" models from Dark Imperium), a couple of characters and a Dreadnought. This should become one of the next 40k projects I focus on.


Let's not forget the 30k World Eaters, though, as I have just finished building a test model for an eventual jump pack assault squad:







Thanks to a bitz swap with Isengrim, I was able to get my hands on some of those old Raptor jump packs, and I think they're just perfect for a little death from the sky ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ Quixus: Like I said, those came from a bitz swap with Isengrim. He got some - equally OOP - metal chaos hounds out of the deal, so I hope we're both happy :wink:


@ Hydra Dominatus & jaxom: Thanks, guys! Don't worry, more Plague Marines will be on the way -- eventually... :wink:


@ Mechanist: I'll happily admit that this may not be my most spectacular conversion, but it was a test piece to see how well those Mk. III parts could be made into an assault Marine, to figure out what would and wouldn't work with the backpack and stuff like that. Plus I am actively forcing myself to keep the 30k World Eaters slightly more restrained vs. their 40k counterparts: These are models that will come to life through their paintjob (as has been the case with the Contemptors as well). This also means that I didn't want to go completely over the top with the first rank and file guy, so yeah :wink:


@ hushrong: No problem, here you go:




And here's another view from the side that also happens to show the leg assembly a bit better:




I wanted the Marine to look as though he were just touching down after a jump.


The jump pack worked really well: Lot's of space for shoulder pads, and it even perfectly slotted into that small nub on the back of the torso, even though the old Raptor backpacks certainly weren't designed with the current plastic models in mind :wink:


@ Guiltysparc: Thanks a lot, man! I am really happy with the conversion myself, and I am happy to have finally found a good use for that arm! :wink:



Oh, and a small question to those of you who are more knowledgeable about HH rules: What would be a sensible and/or fluffy way to arm a squad of World Eaters assault Marines? I'll ultimately be going with what looks cool and feels right for me, but getting a gaming related perspective can't hurt either ;)

Edited by KrautScientist
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@ Mechanist: I'll happily admit that this may not be my most spectacular conversion, but it was a test piece to see how well those Mk. III parts could be made into an assault Marine, to figure out what would and wouldn't work with the backpack and stuff like that. Plus I am actively forcing myself to keep the 30k World Eaters slightly more restrained vs. their 40k counterparts: These are models that will come to life through their paintjob (as has been the case with the Contemptors as well). This also means that I didn't want to go completely over the top with the first rank and file guy, so yeah :wink:

Perfectly valid reason, there needs to be a baseline so that the really awesome can have something to stand out against. 

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@ Quixus: Like I said, those came from a bitz swap with Isengrim. He got some - equally OOP - metal chaos hounds out of the deal, so I hope we're both happy :wink:

Oh, absolutely. Parting with actual OOP metal dogs for a few recasts was a very kind deed. Considering that it took me like three months to haul my ass to the post office, I also have to commend Kraut's patience :tongue.:. Which reminds me, I have to get those two chaos hounds painted.


Your first assault marine looks sweet, and now I really wanna see what you do with the rest of them. 

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Cheers, guys! :)


My relationship with those old Raptor jump packs is actually a bit strange: I wasn't a huge fan of the models when they first came out, mostly because I didn't quite "get" the whole bird of prey angle for the Raptor archetype. What really sold me on the whole idea was ADB's description of Lucoryphus and crew in the Night Lords trilogy, but by the time I read those books, the old models were already OOP (or only available in Finecast, which is just as bad for a model this precariously balanced ;) ). And even then, I only really discovered how much I liked the jump packs when seeing some kick ass conversions - Isengrim's and DarkVen's among them - here in the forum. So when I had the chance to get my hands on some of those old jump packs, I thought they'd give me a sweet excuse to build an assault squad for my 30k World Eaters.


Speaking of which, can anyone answer my question from before (*ahem*):


Oh, and a small question to those of you who are more knowledgeable about HH rules: What would be a sensible and/or fluffy way to arm a squad of World Eaters assault Marines? I'll ultimately be going with what looks cool and feels right for me, but getting a gaming related perspective can't hurt either ;)




On a mostly unrelated note, I realise that I am in full hobby butterfly mode here, but when I saw the beautiful new Custodes models in the latest issue of WD and also discovered some really sweet ideas over on Eberious' thread, I felt the urgent need to build some Custodians -- fortunately enough, this was an easy plan to indulge, as I still had the mostly untouched Custodes sprues from The Burning of Prospero at hand. So I made these two guys:




The guy with the standard is basically my way of copying a very similar conversion from Eberious' thread. The other guy is a small conversion I have wanted to do for quite a while, with a shield captain holding his helmet in his left hand. I also spliced GK swords onto both models, both because I hate those bulky Custodian swords (even though they are an excellent match for the old artwork -- they just make the models look even bulkier, in my opinion), and because I felt the standard bearer needed some kind of proper weapon in his off hand.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Oh, and a small question to those of you who are more knowledgeable about HH rules: What would be a sensible and/or fluffy way to arm a squad of World Eaters assault Marines? I'll ultimately be going with what looks cool and feels right for me, but getting a gaming related perspective can't hurt either :wink:

I ignored that question because I thought you (as one of the most prolific online World Eaters hobbyists) were joking! Because the answer to that question is so incredibly obvious: with CHAIN AXES of course!!!

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@ Auggs: Oh, yeah, there'll be chainswords and chainaxes galore, don't you worry about that. I was rather thinking about stuff like: Are there any special weapons? Which loadouts are available and/or work best for the squadleader? Stuff like that. I don't own the 30k rules, and purchasing all those bricks is not currently a priority. But knowing which loadaouts would make sense can't hurt, and maybe there'll be at least some overlap between what I think looks cool and what would work on the table.

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