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Cheers for the feedback, guys! Regarding the head, I did want him to look as though in some kind of religious rapture, hence the position of the head. There's also the fact that the chaos warrior head I used comes with a "pre-attached" gorget that would be quite a bit of hassle to get rid of, and since I really like the way it looks, the head might just stay that way. That being said, maybe I'll try turning it towards the book a bit more and see how it looks.

Well now that you mentioned the gorget - I do think his head is ever so slightly toohigh for his shoulders.... Just try a different head with different angles, Krauty - you never know if it looks better or not. There's nothing to lose (except potential views/comments) - and you can always put back that head (but dremel out some room in his neck to make the Chaos Warrior head with the gorget fit his anatomy!) 


Just try a different head with different angles, Krauty - you never know if it looks better or not. There's nothing to lose (except potential views/comments) (...)



Yeah, well, the main thing to lose would be any kind of similarity to the character's 40k incarnation ;) I really think that having the same facial features on both models goes a ways towards selling them as the same character, so a complete change of head is out of the question.


I did experiment with the head a bit more, though. One problem I encountered was that if I turned the head too far towards the book, the entire model ended up looking weird, striding into one direction and looking elsewhere, so that was a tough balance to get right. I also shaved down the neck portion a bit, which makes the head sit ever so slightly lower now -- maybe. Personally, I don't see much of a difference. He is looking ever so slightly more towards the book now, like he's just taken a look at the liturgy contained within and is now addressing the heavens for his worship of the ruinous powers.







I kind of like him as is! Great to see you taint the über goody two shoes that’s is Cassius :D (I love the Chaos version too)


Also, big props for photographing that old Termie! I still have mine (somewhere). Ah, the memories B)

Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ DuskRaider: I actually think Cassius may be the perfect base model for a Word Bearers conversion: He already has the preacher look, for obvious reasons, and his pose and armour are original enough to really sell the model as a character. Oh, and it's also really easy to transform him with just a couple of bitz. Fun fact: My own conversion of the model was inspired by seeing him turned into a kick-ass Word Bearers Diabolist here in the forum :wink:


@ grailkeeper: Hm, I actually think I am fairly with the height of the book right now: I like how he seems to be right at the moment where he has stopped preaching directly from the book and has now been gripped in some kind of religious fervour. Cheers for the suggestion, though! :wink:


@ Midnight Runner: Haha, yeah: Getting that ancient Terminator as a bonus was such a cool surprise! I think he even made an appearance in the 2nd edition rulebook's colour section? Ah, the times I spent poring over those pages :wink: Most models from that time have slightly dodgy proportions, at least by today's standards. Apart from that, the ancient models tend to be either completely terrible or remarkably awesome (Jes Goodwin's first cult legion models are a fantastic example of the latter), and this guy really surprised me with the amount of detail present in the sculpt!

Edited by KrautScientist

Going through bits also does sound like fun. Like treasure hunting but without risking life and limb.


Word Bearers look boss! Is that emblem they share from the bits lot or something you made? It looks really familiar from some other minis I’ve seen. Fantasy warriors with one guy looking very similar to a Malal follower.

Cheers, guys! :)


@ hushrong: That emblem is actually a shield emblem from the - really old - first plastic WFB Night Goblins. I still had quite a few of those, so I thought they would make a cool symbol for the "Chapter of the Piercing Gaze" for...fairly obvious reasons. They would work well as a stylised eye of Horus as well, though.

If you could skulpt an eye on the raised knee it might also tie the model back a little to his 40k self as well as with "the piercing gaze"

Edited by grailkeeper

Cheers, guys! :)


@ grailkeeper: Hmm, that's an interesting idea there, mate! I'll keep that in mind! :)


Sorry for the lack of updates, everyone: I am currently on fire, painting a long-neglected Ordo Hereticus retinue for INQ28:




I am actually considering posting some of my INQ28 work over here as well, seeing how this forum is still such a lively place, whereas some of my other online haunts slowly seem to be dying off due to so many people heading for - supposedly - greener pastures (instagram and Facebook).

Cheers, guys! :)


@ Nemac Vradon: I love the fact that someone spotted the Redeemer reference! The character was indeed one of the main inspirations for my Redemtpionist.


@ Bubbles: Indeed he does ;) More pictures will be revealed soon-ish -- either in a separate thread or on my blog.


@ hushrong: That's actually Inquisitor Arslan's Interrogator, the Lady Chastity. But I am seeing her as a former Sister of Battle, so yeah...


Until I open my - tentative - INQ28 thread, allow me to show you yet another update. Currently happily chipping away on that old metal missionary:


Finally tackled his backpack as well -- with all the carefully stowed gear, it's a little work of art in and of itself, although painting it took a bit of time:


Just missing some finishing touches, and then he's ready to finally join Inquisitor Arslan's retinue for good. Speaking of which, another day, another family picture:


In other news, my blog - Eternal Hunt - recently turned six, and it has become customary for me to post my own old models from my first years in the hobby on blog birthdays -- only I've basically shown all of them at this point. So I thought I'd try something a bit different - but still retro - for this year, and have begun to paint this guy Drone21c sent me a couple of years ago, in preparation of my birthday post:



Of course the model's dodgy as heck by modern standards, but trying to get the Oldhammer look just right has been a lot of fun so far ;)

As always, let me know what you think! :)

If you make an upcoming inq28 tread it will be a perfect place to show some wip pics of the inquisitor you are building for me :P
anyway that old model is cool just a very funny weird pose haha

Cheers, guys! :smile.:


If you make an upcoming inq28 tread it will be a perfect place to show some wip pics of the inquisitor you are building for me :tongue.:


Oh, definitely! I fully intend to put some of this current INQ28 craze of mine to good use on your Inquisitor! In fact, you can expect a message on that soon! :smile.:


So here's the finished retro Guardsman, in celebration of my blog's sixth birthday - and as a shout out to Drone21c, who originally sent me the model -



Trooper Gibbson Rikkert of the 5th Arcadian Rifles










I actually worked from some actual vintage reference material to get the look just right:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist

Thanks a lot, guys! :)


I actually went back and forth a couple of time on which colour to use for the base rim -- green seems so tacky by modern standards. In the end, though, it was really the only option to get the true retro feeling ;)


On a mostly unrelated note, If you'll excuse a bit of cross-promotion, a dedicated thread for my INQ28 models can now be found here.

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