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I LOVE that World Eater! I've always wanted to try Bertrayer's recipe for them, at the very least for Kill Team. How do they stack up to the new Death Guard and Thousand Sons height-wise? I'm not sure if you have either, but if so I'd love to see a scale shot. Great work as always, Kraut.

Cheers, guys! :)


@ Gederas: Yes, like I said, it's probably ideal for 40k World Eaters, but can be a bit of a problem for 30k models where there's less of a scale creep and uniformity is still kind of a thing ;)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: If you look closely, you'll see that there's already a skull on a spike, and I think I'll leave it at that, because it's still a 30k World Eater, after all.


@ DuskRaider: They should end up being around the same height, really, but of course the Mk. III legs are still the same proportions as before (i.e. slightly thinner than the Plague Marine legs). I might be able to take a comparison picture for you later.


@ The emperor is scottish: Exactly. I'm not trying to be snarky here, but I actually tried to explain it with words in this post ;)

@ hushrong: Cheers, mate! :smile.:


@ the emperor is scottish: Oh yeah, the tutorial picture is for my Khârn. The guy with the jump pack, however, was made by grafting the lower legs of a plastic Mk. III Marine to the upper legs of a Blood Warrior -- there, I hope that clears it up! :smile.:


In fact, here are the promised scale comparisons that should make it even clearer:


Fig. 1: A standard "old timey" Marine with my Khârn conversion (Blood Warrior torso, Mk. III legs) and the new jump pack guy (Blood Warrior torso, legs spliced together):




Fig. 2: The same two World Eaters with a Primaris Marine:




Fig. 3: And, finally, with one of the Plague Marines (from the Dark Imperium box):




When looking at the pictures, keep in mind that Khârn and the Primaris Marine are completely based, which makes them look slightly taller than they actually are, whereas the jump pack World Eater has a slightly crouched pose.


Anyway, hope this helps! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist

I love how your Khârn is STILL almost as tall as the Primaris :lol:


Those two methods work so well for making World Eaters look intimidating. Though with the knee-down replacement, I feel that I'm going to end up using pins to strengthen the join.

Ah! I think the black washed it out. I didn't even notice it till you pointed it out. I really enjoy the hybrid berserkers. Hope they release a new kit soon. I think i was in undergrad the last time they released some beserkers

Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ the emperor is scottish: Cheers, mate -- I think you mean Skane, though, not Esca ;)


So, I've just returned from a hobby session over at my friend Annie's house, and I do think I've managed to conclude the construction phase on my duel diorama. Have a sneak peek:






As always, let me know what you think! :)

Love the dynamism of the posing.


When I first saw the Ultramarine on the base, I was like "wait, where's the World Eater?" Then I scrolled down to the second picture and was like "ooooh" :lol:


I hope that's going to be pinned, 'cause that looks like a lot of weight on a small area.

Actually, looking at this new World Eater and your 30k Khârn, I need to ask:


Kraut, have you checked to see what helmets fit in the Blood Warriors' torsos? Because I noticed you've used the FW World Eaters upgrade helmets with these, and they seem to fit quite well? Do any other helmets fit decently in the Blood Warriors?


I ask, because I have 20 of the multipart ones and was wondering if I'd be able to use regular Chaos Marine/Berzerker helmets with the torsos.

Cheers, guys! Glad you like the mockup so far! I am actually rather excited by how it's coming along, if I do say so myself :wink:


@ Gederas: Oh yeah, there are pins present in several places: One will anchor the Ultramarine to the base, while another one runs through the Ultramarine's entire torso, and through a good part of the World Eater's leg -- let's hope it'll be enough! :wink:


As for your question regarding the helmets, my gut reaction is that it might work, but it might also be a bit of a tight fit. I can try it out later, though, and post an update accordingly.


For now, I've just undercoated the whole base, which should make it a bit easier to make sense of the whole ensemble:




And since I am not sure whether that came across in the earlier pictures, the base is actually one of those "Horus Heresy Character Series"-style modular affairs:




The idea behind this was that the smaller base would probably make it easier to actually use the World Eater in a game (as a praetor or something similar).


As for the Ultramarine, I was a bit worried initially that he might end up looking a bit too vanilla, but I do think he works rather well as a character in his own right:






If you look closely, you can actually spot the piece of wire emerging from his chest :wink:


And just because I can, here's another look at his opponent :wink:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
I love how they're coming along :tu:


@ Gederas: Oh yeah, there are pins present in several places: One will anchor the Ultramarine to the base, while another one runs through the Ultramarine's entire torso, and through a good part of the World Eater's leg -- let's hope it'll be enough! :wink:As for your question regarding the helmets, my gut reaction is that it might work, but it might also be a bit of a tight fit. I can try it out later, though, and post an update accordingly.
I'd actually say put two pins anchoring the Ultramarine to the base, one in each leg.My only other comment with the models is this: So, you've got the pins. But that base will be extremely unbalanced due to the World Eater being so high off of it. Washers (or coins) will be your friend for keeping that base firmly on the table :lol:As to the helmets, please do? I haven't yet built the 20 Blood Warriors and want to make sure I can have them all with buckets, or if I'll have to do some extra work getting them to fit in the gorgets of the armour :lol:

You just made me order 30 sets of MkIII legs to convert my Blood Warrior Khorne Berzerkers. [sarcasm] THANKS [/sarcasm]


The diorama looks fantastic so far - I'm anxious to see them face off in your next WiP pic!

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