Kierdale Posted July 26, 2018 Share Posted July 26, 2018 Fantastic work! :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted July 26, 2018 Share Posted July 26, 2018 Ha ha, no i wasnt expecting a lot of battle damage, by weatheringbi include all of the envoroemtal texturing, so dirt, soot, oil, flaking paint, scratches. I can appreciate that youve gone for a cleaner aesthetic with these guys though and it looks great. When i aske people hough i get very general advice, sponging, powders and so on, but i still dont really know where to start. Like what kind of sponge or hhow exactly people apply the effects. One of my biggest issu s is my Admech colour scheme is quite dark so adding rust isnt very easy. If you have more Inq28 vehicles/mechanical things on the horizon though would be cool to find out exactly how you do those thing would be really cool. Have you done any tutorials before or just covered your builds? It will be really cool to see the knight and both armigers, together and fully painted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 27, 2018 Author Share Posted July 27, 2018 (edited) Cheers for the feedback, everyone! I really appreciate all the kind words! @ Mechanist: I keep planning to finally give a wet palette a try, as it's a tool several people have pointed out would be the next "logical step" for my painting process. So far it hasn't happened, though -- probably would have made my life MUCH easier during this heatwave, though... @ Auggs: To be perfectly honest, the colour is really just a part of the problem: Right now, I am holding off on making any substantial additions to my World Eaters because there are pretty big parts of the army that are really no longer up to my standards, conversion and painting-wise. At the same time, I am not really playing 40k at the moment -- and haven't been for a rather long time, to be honest. So I'd like to see where the army goes before making a choice of whether or not to commit to giving it a bigger update/overhaul. And it's not like I don't have enough on my plate as it is, right? @ Chaplain Matthias: Cheers, man! That is a wonderful compliment indeed! @ Stercus: Thanks, mate, but I actually still have some Blood Red reserves. As I've pointed out to Augustus above, the problem is really rather more multi-faceted. Even so, I really appreciate the offer! @ Pandoras Bitz Box: I don't really want to go into a comprehensive treatment of weathering right now, as the subject is just too vast. I will say these two things, though: One, sponge weathering is one of the easiest, yet also one of the most effective and rewarding techniques: You take a small piece of blister sponge (or dishwashing sponge, for that matter). You put a bit of the dirt colour you want on your palette and take it on the sponge. You press it against some paper to get rid of most of the paint. Then you carefully start sponging on the scratches on the area you want. When in doubt, use several passes. Slowly build up the right effect until you're happy. Two, the most important lesson is not to overdo it: On a regular, infantry-sized model, I'd go for one or two "special effects" at most: Combining rust, sponge weathering, patina and three other effects on one guy can really end up overwhelming the model. Sometimes, less is more! There are quite a few tutorials over on my blog, although they are often nestled into the regular posts -- they usually do carry the "tutorial" tag, though, so they shouldn't be that hard to find. @ Bjorn Firewalker, Graymane & Kierdale: Cheers, guys! So anyway, after another lenthy painting session, here's what I have: I think we can all agree that, from an ETL related perspective, the model already counts as finished, so the points are definitely safe That being said, there are still quite a few finishing touches I want to add over the weekend, plus there's also the base to take care of. But I have to be honest with you: I am really rather pleased with the model at the moment, and will happily put off any further painting until tomorrow -- I think I've earned a little rest Incidentally, there's one thing I would really like to hear your feedback on: My original plan was to add some marauder shields on top of the Armiger's pauldrons, for an even more baroque, chaotic look. Like so: But now I just cannot shake the feeling that the model actually works better without them -- what do you guys think? As always, let me know what you think! Edited July 28, 2018 by KrautScientist Hungry Nostraman Lizard, Surreal Cruelty, hushrong and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted July 27, 2018 Share Posted July 27, 2018 Now that is a proper Chaos Knight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted July 27, 2018 Share Posted July 27, 2018 Looks terrific, man! Maybe a little too clean for my taste, though :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted July 27, 2018 Share Posted July 27, 2018 Looks fantastic, bud! As for the shield is looks great with or without it. On one hand I love how it adds more chaos insignias to the armor and kind of bulks up the shoulder. Yet I also like seeing the clean lines of the original shoulder pad without extra clutter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted July 27, 2018 Share Posted July 27, 2018 I keep planning to finally give a wet palette a try, as it's a tool several people have pointed out would be the next "logical step" for my painting process. So far it hasn't happened, though -- probably would have made my life MUCH easier during this heatwave, though... 100% would make it easier, I'm using one with just the paper Mum and Dad had around the place as I left my proper parchment paper in the UK. The Paper they have is "Profissimo Backpapier-Zuschnite" "Beidseitig silikonbeschichtet" Put 4 layers of kitchen paper in a tub, then add enough water to just alow you to have watter running from one side to the other as you tip it. Then tap the baking paper on top and use that as your pallet. Works fine for me and when I pop the lid back on the paint is still wet the next evening. The Knight is looking ace, I'm not sure if it's better with the shields or without. They sit a little proud especially with the blue tac. Maybe try cutting a shield in half and get it to sit flusher to the rim? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted July 27, 2018 Share Posted July 27, 2018 I love it with the shields on top - for some reason they make it more one of the now famous 'KrautScientist Kitbashes'. I can very much recommend using a Wet Palette. It's easy and cheap, and adds a ton to your painting. If you don't use it yet, try adding a dab of Vallejo Flow Improver to your paints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Golf33 Posted July 28, 2018 Share Posted July 28, 2018 The shields look great. I think they break up the lines of the model nicely, the Knights often look more Warmachine than 40k to me and the shields go a long way to restoring a gothic vibe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 28, 2018 Author Share Posted July 28, 2018 (edited) Thanks a lot, guys! @ DuskRaider: Yes, well, we can't all got for the ultra-rusty and grimy look now, can we? @ Mechanist: Haha, cheers, that's very helpful! I will surely be giving a wet pallette a try in the near future! @ Auggs: I'm already using Flow Improver, at least, and have been for a while -- due to your recommendation, as it happens! @ Quixus, hushrong: Cheers, guys! So I've ticked off every item on my ToDo-List for the Armiger, which means that the model itself is now finished: The main thing that was still left to do was to deal with the detailing of the cockpit and reactor section, and I am pretty happy with how that area came out. Take a look: For the cockpit displays, I chose an approach I had seen earlier on a Knight by fellow hobbyist Noigrim -- I really liked the idea of approaching enemies being visible as red dots on the radar And here's a closer look at the reactor section: This is how the whole assembly looks when seen from the side, by the way: And another look at the complete cockpit from the front: From a conversion perspective, this is probably the most involved customisation on the entire model, but I do think it has been worth it. Oh, and I also wanted to give you a closer look at the banner between the Armiger's legs: Seeing how Armigers could possibly serve their masters for centuries in the Great Eye, I thought it was only appropriate to include a banner showing the pilot's battle honours -- at the same time, I also wanted to make it more rugged than the banner on the bigger Knight, so I painted it as some kind of roughly tanned hide. I am pretty happy with the finished effect. As for those shields on the shoulders, I think I will be leaving them off for now -- something about them just doesn't quite click with me, now that everything has been painted. So the last thing left to do now is to base this bad boy. Here's the completed build for the base: And here's how the Armiger will be placed on top of it: I am just waiting for everything to dry before I can finally undercoat and paint the base. Until then, feel free to let me know what you think! Edited July 28, 2018 by KrautScientist Atia, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Bjorn Firewalker and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted July 28, 2018 Share Posted July 28, 2018 Loving the Armiger. And the base looks awesome :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted July 28, 2018 Share Posted July 28, 2018 It looks lovely, Kraut. I'd leave the shields off of the pauldrons, however. They just look tacked on instead of a part of the model. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 28, 2018 Author Share Posted July 28, 2018 Cheers, guys! :) @ DuskRaider: Yeah, I think those shields will stay off for good -- I just prefer the way it looks without them. In other news, here's the finished base for the Armiger. And here we are: My finished Renegade Armiger, based and ready to fight the servants of the False Emperor: So that's my ETL contribution done and dusted for this year. It isn't a particularly big vow from a points perspective, but I did give it my all to make sure my contribution was as cool as it could possibly be ;) I am pretty sure there's going to be a ton of additional pictures as soon as the weather lets up a bit (finally, some much needed rain -- but it doesn't exactly lend itself to taking pictures outside), but for now, let me know what you think! :) Midnightmare, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Forward Assist and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted July 28, 2018 Share Posted July 28, 2018 A fearsome visage right there! Brilliant work as ever Kraut, great attention to detail - I love the pilot and his cockpit :tu: :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted July 28, 2018 Share Posted July 28, 2018 (edited) Savage Armiger, dude Edited July 28, 2018 by bluntblade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted July 28, 2018 Share Posted July 28, 2018 We finally got the rain today too, after about a month of sun. Really great. Love the radar display and the banner. The shields made it fit in with your other models, so I kinda liked that. Really dig the paw print design, go space wolves (don't correct me). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gang Zu Posted July 29, 2018 Share Posted July 29, 2018 Like how the mini-knight turned out and I can totally feel your base design with all them Ultras lying around ^^ Have the same theme for my World Eaters bases Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted July 29, 2018 Share Posted July 29, 2018 The armiger has finished up really nicely and look the part perfectly. Can't wait to see him alongside his master and the two should make a striking pair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted July 29, 2018 Share Posted July 29, 2018 The armiger has finished up really nicely and look the part perfectly. Can't wait to see him alongside his master and the two should make a striking pair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 29, 2018 Author Share Posted July 29, 2018 (edited) Thanks a lot, guys! Well, I threatened you with more pictures, so here they are: The Hound Enkidu Lance attached to the XII Legion's 4th assault company And a couple of detail shots. First up, the Armiger with its carapce removed and a closer look at the pilot: In fact, the entire model retains a certain amount of modularity: Here's a side view that gives you a better idea of the detail work on the undercarriage: A detail impression of the Hound's battle honours: I have also finally managed to take a picture of the face that shows of the glowing eye: Oh, and here's a picture of "Father and Son", so to speak: In fact, I discovered that my older Wargrinder conversion could actually work as an Armiger fairly well, at least from a scale perspective: The picture also gives you an idea of the difference between my old (World Eaters) red recipe and the tone of red used on the Knight and Armiger. So yeah, that's about it. Hope you're not bored to tears with this guy yet! As always, let me know what you think! Edited July 29, 2018 by KrautScientist spraehbuer, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Atia and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted July 29, 2018 Share Posted July 29, 2018 The reds all look good and very similar. In this picture at least I prefer the tone on the big Knight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted July 29, 2018 Share Posted July 29, 2018 Armiger looks great alongside his big brother. I don’t remember Gilgamesh having that massive banner on top though? Is that a recent addition or have I just missed it before? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 29, 2018 Author Share Posted July 29, 2018 Thanks a lot, guys! :) @ Biohazard: Well spotted, buddy: That banner wasn't a part of the original model, but I converted it later, when I realised I had that massive Bloodsecrator banner left, and it only really fit on a Knight-sized model ;) It's an optional part, however, and can be taken off. It does match the smaller icons on the Armiger's carapace-mounted weapons, though ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted July 29, 2018 Share Posted July 29, 2018 To be honest I can't really tell the reds apart, they all look great however. This new admirer might be one of my favourites if your miniatures, it's very well put together. All parts mix really well and the head is a perfect fit. Sinister. Great work as usual! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted July 30, 2018 Share Posted July 30, 2018 (edited) To be honest I can't really tell the reds apart, they all look great however. This new admirer might be one of my favourites if your miniatures, it's very well put together. All parts mix really well and the head is a perfect fit. Sinister. Great work as usual! I'm with ElDuderino. They all look good, though I can tell a slight change in tone with the reds. The Wargrinder is slightly more orangey than Gilgamesh and the Armiger (the areas in bright light especially make it obvious), but in a normal gaming setting, the difference in tone is slight enough that you'd have to get all up in the model's grill to even notice :lol: Edited July 30, 2018 by Gederas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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