Augustus b'Raass Posted July 30, 2018 Share Posted July 30, 2018 They loko fantastic of course.4 I see now what the difference is: The Wargrinder's Blood Red has a more orangy hue, while the Knights' Mephiston Red has warmer, more pinkish tones. I suggest ordering a bottle of FW Word Bearer's Red and see how that works for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rednekkboss Posted July 30, 2018 Share Posted July 30, 2018 Great looking Armiger! Looking forward to getting a couple soon myself. And Bravo to the Mechanist for the Redneck Wet Pallete, almost exactly what I use. You can do a piece of wet kitchen sponge. I got a propper wet pallete for christmas a couple years ago and my wife still gripes when she sees me using the home made one. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted July 30, 2018 Author Share Posted July 30, 2018 Thanks a lot, guys! :) Annoyingly enough, the red doesn't look all that different in the picture, when the difference is much more pronounced in real life: The (old) red recipe used on the Wargrinder is indeed quite a bit more orange. The big Knight uses the same basic red as the Armiger (Mephiston Red), but has way less higlighting -- all in all, the Armiger has a much more sophisticated paintjob, if I do say so myself ;) @ ElDuderino: Cheers! I am crazy happy with the model, to be honest ;) @ Auggs: As I pointed out in my previous, longer reply to you, the colour recipe is only a part of the problem. I am actually wary of committing to FW's paints, having seen recently how callous they are about just discontinuing stuff from one day to the next... @ Gederas & rednekkboss: Cheers, guys! :) Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted July 30, 2018 Share Posted July 30, 2018 If it's just one specific color, why not buy a pot and then stack up on it if you like it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted July 31, 2018 Share Posted July 31, 2018 @ Auggs: As I pointed out in my previous, longer reply to you, the colour recipe is only a part of the problem. I am actually wary of committing to FW's paints, having seen recently how callous they are about just discontinuing stuff from one day to the next... Yeah I read that, but it didn't mention your stance on FW's colours - which I can get behind. Just trying to help you with the red problem, though... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandoras Bitz Box Posted August 1, 2018 Share Posted August 1, 2018 Oh brilliant, thanks for the heads up Kraut. I'll head over and search Eternal hunt to see what tutorials I can find over there. The models are looking fantastic (I love the little radar screen, even if no one will see it!), it will be very cool to see the Trio together. Well done on completing your ETL. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted August 1, 2018 Author Share Posted August 1, 2018 Cheers, guys! :) Phew, this has certainly been the most complex model I've done so far this year -- I will be honest with you, I thought he'd attract a few more reactions... o_O Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cryptix Posted August 1, 2018 Share Posted August 1, 2018 I hope you're happy, because that image with the knight, the armiger, and the castellan inspired me to make a series of dioramas that will take 2 armigers, 3 knights, and a heavily converted dominus. KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted August 2, 2018 Share Posted August 2, 2018 Together they look really good and it's cool the big bot fits in nicely.The question is I guess that given you carried out more stages of highlights and pushed your painting does the servant now over shadow the master? It's hard to tell the real depth of clout in a photo but is there any plans to give the big man a touch up or is the extra work on the Armiger subtle enough not to be an issue? And Bravo to the Mechanist for the Redneck Wet Pallete, almost exactly what I use. You can do a piece of wet kitchen sponge. I got a propper wet pallete for christmas a couple years ago and my wife still gripes when she sees me using the home made one. Thanks it's a great and cheap way to test it out and worked so well I haven't really bothered to consider changing. The kitchen towel I find give scope to vary the depth you want to get it just right and is disposable so no need to clean out manky sponges.I did it to see how it would affect the paints and if I needed to change how I paint but really it's not given me any problems at all and has just ment I have barely any waste and means I'm better at watering down. I do find that going back to paints after the lid has been on over night can make them a little runny but I tend to just dicant a little more from the pot next to the original and then use dabs of the original to help water down the new. The original will then thicken up a bit with use and you preserve about 90% of it.The biggest advantage is being able to switch much better between colours so you can tidy up as you paint without needed to decant more of a colour you used an hour ago onto the pallet. This is the paper I use at home without the silicon and it is better at keeping paint moister while you work but once the lid was on overnight the other stuff I was using at mum and dads allowed me to use paint I'd put on the pallet 3 days before even in the Gemran heat. Getting the water depth is more important I feel than the exact paper. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gang Zu Posted August 2, 2018 Share Posted August 2, 2018 Wow, the mini Knight looks really nice, especially with all the interieur painted up all nice! Also the base seems to turn it to life more. Good one Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted August 2, 2018 Author Share Posted August 2, 2018 Thanks a lot, guys! :) @ Cryptix: Haha, that is lovely praise indeed -- so I guess the answer would be: Yeah, I am pretty happy, actually! ;) @ Gang Zu: Thanks a lot, mate! :) @ Mechanist: You are quite right regarding the paintjob on the Armiger: It's actually a fair bit more sophisticated than the paintjob on the bigger Knight, although the effect is subtle enough not to be too distracting. I did channel some of the techniques used on the bigger model to make sure they fit together -- even so, the red areas on the Armiger are objectively better and tidier, from a technical standpoint. I doubt I'll be going over the bigger Knight again, though -- thanks to the undercoating mishap, painting him was quite a chore at times, and I would rather use the energy I have on the second Armiger at some point. Speaking of which... The heat is back in force at the moment, and I am also still feeling a bit drained from the last paintjob, so I merely did some light kitbashing today: I tried to come up with a suitably original, and slightly sinister, head for the second Armiger: I also tried a version with an added daemonic jaw... Although I think this might be a bridge too far... Oh, and I have also started converting the pilot. Here's a very early WIP of "The Huntress": Unfortunately, this model can only really take shape once I've managed to get my hands on another set of Bloodthirster vambraces - or, failing that, vambraces from Skarbrand, plus maybe another Sentinel pilot body. If anyone has those bitz and would be willing to trade, please let me know! :) In any case, let me know what you think! :) Kizzdougs, Augustus b'Raass, DuskRaider and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted August 2, 2018 Share Posted August 2, 2018 I like the tusked head with the lower jaw! Any interested in adding some sharpened teeth to the facemask? It looks cool as is but a full maw would looks suitably sinister. The huntress looks awesome so far! I may have a sentinel pilot body somewhere... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Achinadav Posted August 2, 2018 Share Posted August 2, 2018 I, too, like the jaw. I think it adds an extra level of barbarity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted August 2, 2018 Share Posted August 2, 2018 (edited) Nice one. The pilot is looking like a good start and will be interesting to see it progress hope you get the parts. The head looks great, I would say that the top part and horns work really well, I quite like without the jaw as is but the Jaw would work a lot better without the tec bits between the helmet and the jaw I think. Certainly the horizontal cylinder clashes with the jaw and a change there would work much better either and upper jaw or something a bit less bulky. Edit: maybe take out the central grill bit. Edited August 2, 2018 by Mechanist Augustus b'Raass and bluntblade 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted August 2, 2018 Share Posted August 2, 2018 I like it with the apparatus and jaw, I think the biggest problem is the "face" is too flat. I think it needs some sort of snout. How you do that with the existing plate, I don't know. Or perhaps at least add "nostril" holes. Alternately, you could lose the lower jaw and extend the bottom of the faceplate into long, sharp fangs that extend past the apparatus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted August 2, 2018 Share Posted August 2, 2018 Hm. I like the idea but i agree with DuskRaider, it looks a bit flat. Maybe try adding "prongs" like on the mask worn by Maximus in Gladiator? I also prefer no jaw as it looks a bit out of place with the smooth mechanical look of the rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hungry Nostraman Lizard Posted August 3, 2018 Share Posted August 3, 2018 No idea how I haven't noticed your stuff before, mate. That's a lovely armiger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted August 3, 2018 Author Share Posted August 3, 2018 Cheers for the feedback, guys! Maybe I should outline for a moment what kind of look I was - and wasn't - going for with the head for the second Armiger, because that might make it easier to see why I chose this approach: I don't want the head to look like a daemon face or another "classic" skull face, because that approach has already been sufficiently explored with the skull-like face on the first Armiger. This time around, I wanted to experiment with something that looks like a more robotic, mask like design that has had some elements grafted on to look intimidating and sinister, When building the mockup for the facemask, my inspirations were Biohazard's recent try to channel Darth Nihilus' facemask on his own Armigers, a couple of the creepier bug creatures I've encountered during my recent playthrough of Hollow Knight -- oh, and if there was one direct visual influence, it's Volund, a creepy automaton from ADB's and David Sondered's very cool webcomic series "The Road to Jove": - artwork by David Sondered - That being said, I have taken some of your feedback onboard and added two additional teeth to the upper part of the mask, both to tie the different parts of the face together a bit better, and to have a symbol that interacts with the lower jaw: I also think the apparatus between the teeth is a rather important part of the whole look, by the way, because it underlines the impression that there's still an actually functioning robotic head underneath all the decoration ;) That being said, I am still not quite sure whether I like it better with or without the lower jaw: I think it looks really cool in the above picture, but there's also something very sinister (almost insectile) about the setup without a lower jaw: Maybe it's a decision I have to make once the head has been painted... Here's a - very early - mockup of the second Armiger: Plus I have been working on the cockpit and pilot, trying to at least get all the elements that need to be present in there -- still early days, although I think I've come up with a pretty solid build that even works without having another sentinel pilot: As always, let me know what you think! :) Hungry Nostraman Lizard, Quixus, Kizzdougs and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanist Posted August 3, 2018 Share Posted August 3, 2018 Much better with the new teeth and I kinda like both. I think without the jaw is very cool but some more small teeth along the bottom would just finish the look off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted August 3, 2018 Share Posted August 3, 2018 Nice addition to the head piece! It also reminds me of the supped up dark elf from the 2nd Thor movie. From what I can remember he was wearing armor and a helmet and melded with it when he became a Kursed (broke some kind of rock an super saiyaned). His face plate was smooth then he had horns on the back of his head and tusks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oldschoolsavant Posted August 3, 2018 Share Posted August 3, 2018 If I'm being honest: looks like an elephant sans trunk. Could add radar dishes either side for ears, and a Maulerfiend lash for the trunk. So tusky, it'd be Nelly the Armiger. If I'm being constructive: No other horns/tusks ? Based on the artwork I'd be looking for a Vehicle Upgrade Frame - and use the horns from the Chaos head. I too saw El Dude's Maximus/Gladiator idea as soon as I saw the helmet, but funnily enough, it doesn't have prongs on the front after googling it. Weird how the brain works, but a few small spikes (Jugger collar for example) could add some texture to the blank forehead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted August 3, 2018 Share Posted August 3, 2018 Another Armiger? Colour me intrigued and interested. The idea fr the huntress is very impressive - I like that she's female, and the vamiric head and neophyte wardrobe make her look sufficiently creepy. Re: the head, I like it without the lower jaw - as it brings out the robot but also signifies the corruption of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted August 3, 2018 Share Posted August 3, 2018 I still think no lower jaw is the way to go, i think it looks more distinct than another daemon head. More clean and sinister than evil and angry (which, i admit, is kinda suiting for Khorne...) that artwork is superb btw, I defenitely thought it was an IW terminator however:D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NOOBIENOOBLET Posted August 4, 2018 Share Posted August 4, 2018 I agree with the majority, the lower jaw definitely adds something to the faceplate and also helps to tie it to the demon on the torso of Gilgamesh. And idea for the pilot is that you change the hand and sculpt a lever or joystick in. This is yours so do what you please Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted August 4, 2018 Share Posted August 4, 2018 After seeing it all together, I'd say no lower jaw. It just looks out of place as the only organic part with all of the robotic parts around it. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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