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Bigger? You need a good camera (high megapixle) I use my mother's borrowed SLR but I mean most phones these days have more than enough. It's all about the resolution right? If you blow it up with that it will look pixilated. Buy high resolution mean you can crop if you want and still have a big detailed photo.


What's you're set up like Kraut, can we get a behind the scenes of your next shoot or will that destroy the magic?


Even with my phone I end up with pictures which are too big (in terms of file size) to upload, but still appear quite small on the screen. 

Maybe I should try my camera to see if I can reduce the resolution but still keep the size of the photo decent?


Unless I can just resize the picture without increasing filesize.


I realise I'm in danger of hijacking Kraut's amazing WIP thread here...


I realise I'm in danger of hijacking Kraut's amazing WIP thread here...


Huh, yeah, I had noticed, too o_O


Speaking of filesize, however, I always make the pictures smaller during post processing: 25x25 centimetres at 72dpi (equalling 709x709 pixels) usually does the trick for me, unless I want to show off something really big and detailed. At the same time, your raw photos should always be as big as possible! Already taking them at a low resolution is a recipe for disaster.

Edited by KrautScientist

So, while I am still very much in "crazy hobby butterfly mode", something has been taking shape on my desktop...






Still very early days, of course. Let me know what you think! :)

I'm not too sure at the moment, the hips and legs, which also look a little thin, seem pointed a bit far forwards. It's clearly early days yet, so I imagine this will swiftly become an excellent creation, worthy of the most fevered of Warpsmiths. I think Dragonlover's suggestions are good.

What are you planning on running him as? Daemon Prince? If so are you thinking wings? Or is he some sort of giant soulgrinder?


I think quad muscles would also look great (never skip leg day!) maybe with cables running through them, but visible still slightly? I’m very interested to see where this goes as you big guys are always all the awesome B)

.... Lieutenant Dan? You got new legs! :lol:

The new model looks interesting, unsure what it's supposed to be, but definitely interesting :lol:

Cheers for the feedback guys! Just to get one thing out of the way, though: It's supposed to be a cool conversion, period. I am not giving the slightest bit of thought to what it might be used as on the table (mostly because that's a notion that no longer concerns me all that much). That being said, I guess there are a couple of things: A Maulerfiend? A counts-as Armiger (it certainly has the size)?


As for the suggestion of muscles, I will try and tie the upper body and mechanical legs together, but don't expect a lot of detailed sculpting work. There will be some areas were flesh covers the metallic parts and/or where the metal shines through the flesh, but the legs will be mostly kept metallic, and the hip area will be covered in skulls, chains and other Khornate gubbinz. Speaking of which, the leg position is the only thing that's basically locked in at this point, because this setup was the only one that really worked for me (and made for a suitably stable stance).

I dont like the head even though it is the original daemon prince head. Not a criticism of the conversion, which is fantastic, more a criticism of the original sculpt. Have you any other heads lined up? Maybe even just replace the ear spikes things with some giant Caedere Remissum.

Cheers, guys! :)#


.... Lieutenant Dan? You got new legs! :laugh.:


Oh, I totally forgot: This line really managed to crack me up! :)


@ grailkeeper: I actually spent a rather long time thinking about grafting parts of a Bloodthirster face to the model's head or replacing it outright, but I have to admit I rather like the mangled Soulgrinder head: It hints at a somewhat mismatched union of daemon and machine, something that is evident in several design aspects of the model (and is arguably enforced by the new leg transplant). And I just like the design as is, so I think I'll keep it. Sorry! :(


Felt the need to actually get something painted, so I returned to a neglected earlier project. Here's a teaser:




Anyone remember where this comes from...? ;)

Oh hey, finally finishing Daemon Primarch Angron's display base after all this time? :tongue.:


Cheers, guys! :smile.:#

.... Lieutenant Dan? You got new legs! :laugh.:

Oh, I totally forgot: This line really managed to crack me up! :smile.:

You're welcome :laugh.: I'll be here all week ;)

Edited by Gederas

A new walker from KrautSientist!? Colour me intrigued!


It is very difficult to get something like a two legged pose out of those defiled parts, and you've certainly made it work, mate. Nicely done. I'm quite interested how you're going to do the pelvis section, which needs to be beefed up a bit - which sounds dirty but want meant as such. ;)


While we're on the subject of walkers; will we ever see your WE boxnaught?

Cool, instantly reminds me of Doom:) And it is great to see more big techno daemons from you, I remember your army being light on daemons amd such back in the day. Very excited to see more, seeing how cool your anton turned out for example.

Thanks for the feedback, guys! :)


@ Auggs: Yeah, getting those legs to fit the body in a mostly natural looking way took a bit of doing, because the stock parts really don't have a pelvis section -- I also ended up having to shorten the legs a bit, after going through the pain of keeping the ball sockets for the legs in place and working -- argh! I agree that it'll be all about beefing up and detailing the hip section on this model, although I am pretty sure it'll work out, now that the basic structure is there.


As for the boxnaught, I haven't forgotten about him mate (unless, say, a certain person seems to have forgotten about a certain Imperial Fist commander on bike ;) ), but I'll need to source some proper arms for him: A shooty loadout just doesn't seem right, but I don't have any CC Dreadnought arms at the moment -- make no mistake, though. he's definitely happening. Maybe even in 2019 ;)


@ ElDuderino: Yeah, the Doom parallel is rather obvious, isn't it? I would love to explore Khornate daemons a bit more, albeit not in the kinda boring way where they all look the same, but rather with interesting conversions resembling some of the things you could glimpse in the background of some of the old Realm-of-Chaos era artwork. This latest conversion is very much a part of that.


Is... is that from Angry Ron??!


Haha, indeed it is! Well spotted! I really should have listened to Augustus back when I finished Angron: He told me to do the rest of the base right away, or I would just end up putting it off indefinitely. Well, it has only been two years, but I knew I had to finish this darn piece before GW release their "official" version of Angron at some point. ;)


Anyway, I just started working on it rather spontaneously yesterday, and I have made good progress on the display base:






Painting the stalwart Ultramarine was quite a bit of fun. He still needs a bit of cleanup here and there, but I rather like his grim last stand:








Of course there's still the base's final occupant left to finish, another fallen Ultramarine, draped across the centre of the shattered aquila:




Maybe I'll be able to get some paint on him later this week...

The last-stand Ultramarine looks superb - great pose and battered-looking paint job.


I could look at your version of Angron all day, it's just a brilliant conversion and I honestly can't imagine how the official model, when it's released, will be different or better!

It's already been two years???? Gods, I'm old that this seemed like this summer.


In any case, it's funny you mentioned the biker - as I typed that this morning some critter in the back of my mind was screaming: you are one to talk!! So you're right. In fact, I looked at the box this afternoon! I should go ahead and do something about it. And don't worry about the arms, ok? :thumbsup:


Edit: spelling

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Wow Like Augustus already Said it doesnt seem like that old of a project.

Definiatly looks astounding how its turning out now, eventhough I think there should be at least a hole Squad of Ultramarines facing Angrons assault and be still :cussing their pants.

Also I think you have quite some time left until GW releases their own Angron Mini, and when they do they could probarbly Take some advice from yours!

Every time I see that Angron - wow. The Ultra is looking great mate, ripe for murdering!! I like the battered up look, and it’s a nice blue would be a shame for him to get it covered in red.....:D

Cheers for the feedback, guys! And yeah, that Angron model actually happened two years ago -- it certainly doesn't feel like it. Although I will say it's still a model I am very proud of! All the more reason to finally get his base finished, eh?


Speaking of which, I had a pretty productive evening yesterday, so I have something finished to share with you all!




"And they shall know fear..."


I painted the last missing Ultramarine for the base, and created a suitable bloodstain before gluing him down:




So without further ado, here's the finished piece:








And here's a view from the unlucky survivor's perspective...




I really feel I am giving the Ultramarines a fair shake here, though: That last guy looks dead set not to abandon his position and to fight to his last, which seems very much in character for the legion. I thinks that prevents the dead smurfs from just feeling like gratuitous splatter effects.




And here's a couple of additional detail shots:












And of course this post also provides me with the perfect excuse to include another look at Angron himself:




As always, let me know what you think! :)



Man, between this and Bio's conversion, I pity whoever has to sculpt the official one. Such a fantastic conversion and base as well.



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