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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Man, between this and Bio's conversion, I pity whoever has to sculpt the official one. Such a fantastic conversion and base as well.



I'm in agreement. Between you and Bio, the person who has the make the official one has a LOT to live up to :lol:

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Yep, I can’t really add anything more than absolute praise - your Angron is amazing, the base is amazing, the whole mini-scene is (guess what?) amazing. Bravo mate, massive kudos :tu: :tu: :tu:


Your blood splatter is very realistic. I don’t mean the hues, as obviously that is, but the whole shape, texture the and pattern of the spray. Very visceral - Khorne would be most pleased :devil:

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Again, cheers, guys! :)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Haha, thanks! I'll be getting to that daemon! I promise!


@ Midnight Runner: Thanks! I like to work almost like a reverse-Bloodspatter analyst, trying to come up with a little story about what happened there, then working from there when adding the blood effect. I find it helps the plausibility of it all and makes sure the end result doesn't just end up looking juvenile -- that's just my two cents, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just joined the bolter and chainsword to say how great your conversion thread is! I really like your Angron conversion- he's amazing!

I'm planning on starting my own thread on here quite soon, I've always wanted to run a blog but that seems really complicated, and this site looks to be just what I need. 

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Thanks a lot, Mr. House! That is very kind of you to say! Once your thread is up and running, please feel free to post a link over here, so I can check it out! :)



Sorry everyone, I've been away for a bit, as I have been occupied elsewhere, on the other side of the hobby, so to speak. For today, however, I just have to share something with you: It's only February, but one of my favourite 2019 hobby moments has already happened:


Just the other day, I returned home to find a suspicious package from the Netherlands waiting for me. It was from my buddy Augustus b’Raass, who had vaguely mentioned planning to send over what he dubbed a “care-package”, so that had to be it — “Cool, a bitz drop!”, I thought. Those are always a nice surprise!

But then I was instantly blown away when I opened the package and out came an entire squad of expertly converted, beautifully painted World Eaters Khorne Berzerkers:




Now these used to belong to Augustus’ World Eaters army, a brilliant collection of models that I was lucky to see from up close during my visit to Amsterdam in 2017:




In fact, they were the first proof of concept squad of World Eaters he built when starting his Khornate army. Going back through his posts from that time over at The Bolter & Chainsword made me realise that I posted lots of feedback and advice on this very squad — and loved every second of it. And now they were standing on the tabletop before me — NUTS!


I didn’t find an invoice either, so I guess Augustus really wants me to just have these — what an incredible gift! And almost in time for this blog’s seventh birthday, no less! Come to think of it, it’s actually not the first time for stunning World Eaters models to arrive just in time for Eternal Hunt’s anniversary…

Fortunately enough, most of the models had survived their voyage unscathed: I had to re-attach some lost heads and backpacks, but most of the models didn’t look any worse for wear.


Unfortunately, one of the guys had lost his two-handed chainsword…






I guess it must have been confiscated at the border ;)

As a true follower of Khorne, however, I always have a well stocked collection of vicious, spiky weapons, so the damage was easily repaired:






So this now leaves me with a wonderful squad of berzerkers,...




Or rather, even more, if you want to be exact about it: At ten models, with two icons and two suitable berzerker champions, there are two squads of five berzerkers to be had here:






So what can I say? I was blown away by this turn of events, and I am just really, really grateful! The mere act of checking out and (re)discovering all the little tweaks and conversions of the models made for an enjoyable afternoon. Those guys will be getting a place of honour in my collection and, should it ever come to it, the 4th assault company’s battle line! Augustus, buddy, thank you so much! :)



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I love this project!

I've been following Kraut's blog for years. I always admire the bravery to merge bits (that seem completely different at first glance) to really harmonious models.

I've already copied a lot here and I'm sure I'll steal the Heldrake as well.

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I've missed so much. Not enough words to say how amazing that Angron is. The blood effects are brilliant and the spatter looks great. I really like the Soulgrinder conversion too, It's something I've always wanted to try but didn't know where to start - Now I can watch you convert one and follow along :D.


Always amazing stuff in this log, Great job KS.



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Yeah... so I'm very glad you got my package, but feel so stupid. You've probably been wondering why, because there wasn't a note inside explaining stuff. What happened is, I hand-wrote a letter to you to include in the package, packaged the items, went to the post office, sent the package, went home - and found the letter on my table. D'OH! I decided that I wante things to be a surprise and warning you beforehand would be kind of a spoiler in that regard, so I saved the letter for when you'd inevitably post about the package, and publish the letter here :D :



So there!


Incidentally, the one guy with the missing sword blade is the blade I used to make First Claw's Xarl's blade with. I really forgot about that and didn't notice the missing blade when I was packaging them, so I'm happy you fixed him!

Glad you like them so much!! :)

See you in the summer, bud!

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Auggs.... Over here in the United States we call that little brain fart of yours "Grade A DERP". Good job man, just good job :lol:


But, glad to hear the Khornate Kare Package arrived safely. Is it funny I didn't even need to read the text to realize it was from Auggs? I immediately recognized the models as being his ones he did :lol:

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Thanks a lot for the kind words, everyone! :smile.:


I am still pretty much blown away by Augustus' generosity, to be honest -- and I will of course endeavour to make that dread one of my very next 40k projects! One thing I will not do, however, is repaint that berzerker squad. Not because I'm lazy, mind you (and I am lazy), but because having them in my collection as a monument to Augustus's converting and painting just seems like the far cooler prospect.


I haven't been up to much on the 40k front, unfortunately, but I have been on fire working on another project that unfortunately lies beyond the scope of this forum. I'll just leave a small teaser image here in spoiler tags, in case anyone's interested:




More information can be found here.


Also, my blog, Eternal Hunt, just turned seven yesterday. YAY! :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist
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First of all mate, happy birthday to the blog - it is an absolute inspiration to many!


Secondly, Heroquest!! Man, that is what got me into the hobby! I used to love that game and used to play all the time with my bro. I am not so lucky with my original Barbarian, his head found a place on a Blood Angel Standard Bearer conversion in the mid-nineties :D


Great work on them, brilliant to see such nostalgic models with top, top paint jobs :tu:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love those old miniatures.


Fun fact: the Chaos Warrior was part of a high school joke I and my best mate made. We were both very good at chemistry, and mostly got A's for chemistry experiment reports. One day we decided to gift our chemistry teacher the most basic component in any chemistry experiment, a 'Water Monster' ('Monster' being the Dutch word for Sample - so we gave him a water sample) - the painted chaos warrior in a glass of water. He kinda didn't get it so the joke was lost - but three years later at our high school graduation, he opened his briefcase and showed us that he had kept that miniature in there all that time! About 15 years later, I was hired by the education association our high school had come to be a part of, and I met him again. And he still carried the miniature! Fun times!

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