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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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/sprays coffee 


Dark Eldar ?!


My, my, you certainly were lost back then. :ohmy.: (And no, I didn't have Smurfs as IG allies during RT, no, no, no :blush.:) Making me miss my 'Stealer Cult that became my first true army at the beginning of 2nd. As for the teaser, surely a Knight, as I don't see a flyer on the cards.


Just remember, Khaine and Khorne. Only one of these is the true Blood god. No relapses please.

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@ OSS: Aw, man, don't go trampling all over my childhood -- those were good times ;) In all fairness, though, raising a CSM army back then on a teenage allowance wasn't really a possibility -- unless you wanted to keep using the same, mono pose plastic model over and over again. The Dark Eldar were great fun to work with, plus a serious amount of their kits was available in plastic.


Sooo, regarding that teaser:



an Imperial commuter?



Now that made me laught ;)


Dragonkin Arenis is right, though: I should have known you guys were smart enough to figure it out quickly ;)

So yeah, I have finally begun working on my own Chaos Knight. I realise that I am rather late to this particular party, especially since I purchased the kit back when it was released, but that gave me the opportunity to collect lots and lots of inspiration for building my own chaos knight -- I'll highlight some of the most important sources of inspiration in a more detailed post on the matter at some point. The most important influences were definitely Jeff Tibbet's amazingly detailed thread, skrundle's mutated Daemon Knight and InsanePsychopath's Chaos Knight.

So yeah, that sour looking guy is indeed the pilot for my chaos knight, Knight Captain Harrowthorne, to be exact. In fact, you'd be amazed by how detailed his backstory is -- it was what made me purchase this kit in the first place, to be honest, and after seeing so many hobbyists building pilots for their knights, I knew there was not easy way out of this for me ;)

Now the obvious thing to do would have been to build a completely mutated pilot fused to its machine, right? But in keeping with the rest of my CSM force, I decided that Baron Harrowthorne would remain surprisingly untainted in body (if not in spirit). He joined the XIIth legion during the days of the Heresy, as a way of repaying a debt of honour -- a choice transforming him into a traitor and forever dishonouring his family once the Heresy broke out (being damned by your own sense of honour is a bit of a running theme for my World Eaters, in case you hadn't noticed) ;)

Anyway, here's a closer look at the Baron:





I wanted to achieve the look of a career soldier, complete with an immaculate uniform. The scion shoulder pads add a bit of a baroque/medieval vibe, though.

And here's a - very early - mockup of how the Baron will be positioned inside the cockpit:



Regarding the rest of the Knight, there's really not that much to see at the moment, although I can assure you I have most of this planned out:


So yeah, I guess you can expect to see more of this model pretty soon -- although I have to give you a fair warning in advance: I'll only ever realistically build one of these, so I will surely take my sweet time with this ;)

As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Oh now that does look good! I just used that torso on a wounded Knight Pilot objective WIP myself. The Scion shoulders suit well (and has me kicking myself not using them myself for my Knight pilots, i thought of it but decided on a lighter armour look, ah well). What did you use for the legs though? Are they from the Taurox?

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Thanks for the positive feedback, guys! This model is really a step apart from what I've been doing so far, so I do hope it turns out well...


@ skrundle: Aw, mate, I never would have tried the thing with the shoulder pads if it hadn't been for your amazing conversion, so don't sell yourself short here!


@ Battybattybats: Actually I love your pilot and think he's great the way he is! The leg on my model are not from GW, btw: I used the kneeling legs from these guys, which made it really easy to achieve a believable sitting position.

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Thanks for the positive feedback, guys! This model is really a step apart from what I've been doing so far, so I do hope it turns out well...


@ skrundle: Aw, mate, I never would have tried the thing with the shoulder pads if it hadn't been for your amazing conversion, so don't sell yourself short here!


@ Battybattybats: Actually I love your pilot and think he's great the way he is! The leg on my model are not from GW, btw: I used the kneeling legs from these guys, which made it really easy to achieve a believable sitting position.

Thanks, and admittedly if i hadn't gone with Cadian arms on the first pilot then the wounded one would have been a lot of extra work :)

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Thanks, guys! :smile.:


@ JeffTibbets: Yes well, it's all your fault really, you know :wink: That Imperial Knight thread of yours has surely raised the bar by several notches :smile.:


It's a vicious cycle of inspiration, my friend. 



Haha, that it is. Your recent post about this project actually leading to much higher costs than the already sizeable price of the Knight kit really resonated with me, btw -- and I am not nearly as perfectionistic about this project as you are, mind you ;)


So, another look at the current state of affairs. After spending quite a bit of time with the Imperial Knight kit, here are my two most important observations:


1. The kit itself is extremely well planned and explained, making it go together remarkably easily, especially for such a monster of a model


2. However, due to both the various modifications I am planning and the planned way of painting this thing, working on the model is getting more and more frustrating, because I just cannot glue the bigger sub-assemblies together just yet, and a model of this size is nearly impossible to temporarily tack together with modeling putty. I will prevail, though ;)


Here's a look at my latest additions to the kit (please ignore the unfinished and unarmoured legs):




As you can see, the top of the carapace will likely see several trophy racks, which makes for a silhouette that is instantly recognisable as chaotic. At the same time, going for several smaller trophy poles like this seems more practical than adding that enormous chaos icon from the warshrine, as several people have done.


Speaking of the warshrine, many people have used it to great effect on their chaos knight conversions, although I've only ever seen the huge, stylised daemon face used either on top of the upper carapace or, in one notable instance, as a decoration for the knight's shoulder pad. I knew from the start that I wanted to use it as a breastplate, and today I realised that, if I combine it with the lower half of a standard from the Ogre Kingdom's Ironbreakers, both bits seem to be forming a complete daemon face, if seen from the right angle:




I am seriously happy with that incidental idea at the moment ;)


Oh, and one more thing: I know that the skull face plate seems like a bit of a no brainer for a Khornate Knight, but the longer I think about it, the more it feels like the slightly more sinister of the two knightly faceplates might actually be a better choice for a disillusioned fallen hero of the Imperium like Baron Harrowthorne... On a mostly related note, I have this really strong picture in the back of my head of Harrowthorne laying waste to an entire Imperial army, and then the last thing his opponents see is a transmission of his gaunt, utterly emotionless face when he tells them, in a deadly calm voice: "Pray to your false Emperor. Perhaps he may yet save you." before cutting contact and obliterating them.




Anyway, let me know what you think! :)

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You don't really do magnets, huh? I can put my knight together with magnets pretty well but you're right. The kit requires a lot of patience and discipline to do right.


That chest piece and the lower jaw make for an inspired and characterful conversion. Brilliant. And you're right about the trophy racks imitating familiar silhouettes. I'm excited to see what else you come up with.

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Man, that looks great already!


Love the big daemon face. Are you considering to soften the "teeth" on the lower jaw to look less like stones and more like the fangs from the daemon part?



Where is the pilot head from?

Edited by poom
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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ poom: I'll take another look at the teeth in the lower jaw, but if it seems like the danger of ruining them versus making them look more like the other set is too big, I'll probably chicken out and just let the paint do the work ;) We'll see...


The head is one of the FW Legion Praetor heads -- I would have expected a Horus Heresy prodigy such as you to recognise it ;)

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Alright, I took my chances and took another couple of pictures that should give you a better idea of what the Knight's main body will look like all armoured up. Lots of details are still missing, of course, and I also had to work really fast because, once tacked together, the model stays that way for about 30 seconds before starting to tear itself apart under the combined influence of gravity and the hateful, spiteful machine ghost that doubtlessly already sleeps withing the god machine ;)




Anyway, let me know what you think! :)

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Not bad at all, except those thigh plates. I don't like the way they fit right now. They just look like they're shaped to fit something else (which of course they were). I dig everything else, including the tusks. They work well with the helmet. Do they look goofy turned upside down? It might look cool to echo the sweep of the demon-face tusks below with helmet tusks above. At any rate, they mirror it now which is almost as good. :D 

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The beast is coming along amazingly mate, really loving the face on the guts, really cool how the two tie together, with a bit of paint it'll seem it's meant to be like that, making me want to redo mine or make another haha

Also the risk do look sweet, I agree with Jeff I'd be curious to see them turned up though

Edited by Skrundle87
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Again, thanks for the positive feedback, everyone! That surely motivates me to keep my focus on this rather huge project ;)

@ JeffTibbetts:Those fiend armour plates are slightly frustrating because they perfectly fit the legs just up until the point where I had to attach the legs to the pelvis area and add the leg pistons. They now sit at a rather awkward angle, unless I cut out a significant amount of plastic -- and I'm not quite sure I'm up to it yet ;)


@ skrundle: Cheers, mate! Your opinion was especially important to me because your own Knight has been such a wonderful source of inspiration! Glad you like my version so far! :)

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Again, thanks for the positive feedback, everyone! That surely motivates me to keep my focus on this rather huge project :wink:


@ JeffTibbetts:Those fiend armour plates are slightly frustrating because they perfectly fit the legs just up until the point where I had to attach the legs to the pelvis area and add the leg pistons. They now sit at a rather awkward angle, unless I cut out a significant amount of plastic -- and I'm not quite sure I'm up to it yet :wink:


@ skrundle: Cheers, mate! Your opinion was especially important to me because your own Knight has been such a wonderful source of inspiration! Glad you like my version so far! :smile.:


You can do it! Start cutting. I believe in you. :D 

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Loving the daemon face on the torso mate. I'd maybe look at cutting the top eye away as well to make it look more like a fitted armour plate. As for the leg plates I have to agree with Jeff that they need a little work. Instead of cutting is there no way you can maybe bend them more to shape? Borrow your partners hairdryer and have a go. It may just help a little.


I should add I have yet to see one of these kits in the flesh so have no idea of the layout at the top vs the fiend plates. Just throwing some ideas your way.

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