Graymane Posted June 11, 2019 Share Posted June 11, 2019 Both superb as usual. Particularly like the warpsmith. An excellent choice of parts and well constructed too. Well done, Sir. Well done indeed. :) Cheers, GM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeaceCraft Posted June 12, 2019 Share Posted June 12, 2019 love the khorne demon marker!aw man, the khorne firesupport is looking good! reminds me i need to get some work done on my own havocs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted June 17, 2019 Share Posted June 17, 2019 Ugh, love that Teeth of Khorne guy. The aspiring champion/warpsmith looks awesome too. The bits on this kit are incredible. I wish I had the time to make a new force, because this stuff is inspiring! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted June 17, 2019 Share Posted June 17, 2019 Great work as usual. I like the custom servo arms look way more useful than the comically large arm sported on some of the official models (as well as cranes with robot claws:D). I really want yo finish my own tech marine now, thanks for the inspiration:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 20, 2019 Author Share Posted June 20, 2019 (edited) Thanks for the kind words, everyone! Strangely enough, it has taken me quite some time to fall into some kind of easy flow when converting the new CSM plastics, and I am not yet up to my usual ease with cutting them up, so that Warpsmith, in particular, took a longer time than usual, gestating in my mind before I finally started the conversion. Which makes me all the happier to hear that you all seem to like him so much! Just for clarification, though: That servo-arm isn't even a conversion, but rather the reloader arm from the rocket launcher backpack -- I just thought it made for the perfect, slightly less OTT servo-arm, is all Something of an interlude for today, since I got the unplanned opportunity yesterday to get some hands-on experience with the new contrast paints at the local Warhammer store (now again crewed by a very decent store manager, I must add). Anyway, all the Space Marines were already taken, so I ended up with a female Stormcast Sequitor (one of my favourite easy to build models, though, so all was well) and a Poxwalker. Here's what I came up with during my time in the store: The Sequitor took me about 45 - 60 minutes of fairly neat painting (and of getting to grips with the new paints in the first place). Quite a bit of the time was also spent trying to wedge my brush into all the nooks and crannies behind the shield, as the model had already been glued together and undercoated beforehand. The Poxwalker, by contrast, was a crazy and fun 15 minutes of just letting rip with some of the pinks, purples and yellows. While I might still collect my more detailed thoughts for a future blog posts, let me just say that the freeflow, (water-)painterly way of painting these was quite a wonderful change of pace! While I don't think I'll be abandoning "classic" paints (or dark undercoats, for that matter), the contrast paints are a ton of fun to play around with, and certainly a very promising new tool for painters. There are also armies that I think will be a blast to paint with these (I am looking at you, Tyranids, Eldar and Poxwalker hordes). Sticking to not using metal paints on the models was a very weird feeling, and I felt the need to break out the silver and gold on the Sequitor, in particular. The Black Templar Black (for the armour) and Flesh Tearer Red (for the cloth) were definitely the standout paints here! Everything was applied in a single coat, although I should have more of the red for an even more prominent shading effect (as with the black). Regarding the Poxwalker, like I said, the painting process was just a wild 15 minute ride. The "Darkoath skin" skin tone basically did about 70% of the work, and afterwards it was mainly a matter of painting on some pinks and purples while the skin tone was still wet: The Poxwalker was undercoated with "Wraithbone", the warmer of the two new undercoats, and it makes for a wonderfully vibrant overall look on the finished model. But wait, I didn't stop there, but rather took the models along to my painting session with my good friend Annie. I wanted to try and combine the base work done with the contrast paints with some of my usual techniques. So here are the models, once again, when I packed them up at the Warhammer store: And here's how they look now: For the Sequitor, I resisted to urge to break out the metal paints, after all, and decided to keep her entirely "NMM", for lack of a better word. I merely added some highlights here and there, especially where the red hadn't "auto-shaded" quite as much as I had hoped: Just to illustrate how easy it is to cover lots of ground with the new paints, however: The act of adding some highlights and finishing the paintjob took just as long, if not longer, than the entire stage of painting her with Contrast Paints (and getting her basically game-ready) beforehand! One thing I only got to experiment with a bit was to use various browns and greens for a more natural, mossy look for the base. I only really tried a bit of it, but I think the use of Contrast Paints for painting really interesting looking bases definitely warrants some further experimentation! The finished base was given a light drybrush of Screaming Skull and (of course) a tidied up black base rim As for the Poxwalker, I ended up being a bit more adventurous, in an attempt to bring him closer to the rest of my collection. So I added just a dash of metallic paint, some thinned-down Blood for the Blood God, and repainted some small areas where the Contrast Paints looked a bit too water-colour-y to me, such as the boils, the loincloth etc.: This guy could actually join the rest of my Nurglite models without a hitch -- if anything, he only looks a bit more vibrant and infectious than my other models. Here's a comparison picture with my "classic" Poxwalker scheme: So yeah, this was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed the freeform, exploratory spirit of the whole session! As always, let me know what you think! Edited June 22, 2019 by KrautScientist Brother Chaplain Ryld, Shovellovin, Augustus b'Raass and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 20, 2019 Share Posted June 20, 2019 You're a skilled painter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Eye Posted June 20, 2019 Share Posted June 20, 2019 Welp, as if I didn't already need those Contrast paints I definitely do now! The Poxwalker is especially nice but that Stormcast is nothing to sniff at either. My biggest regret is that I didn't have these paints when I was painting my Blanchitsu styled Changeling as it would have been much easier to paint and would possibly have looked better too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 21, 2019 Author Share Posted June 21, 2019 Cheers for the feedback, people! :) @ Bjorn Firewalker: Haha, thanks for the kind words! The great thing with these paints, however, was that they basically automatically end up looking cool if only you colour inside the lines ;) @ Evil Eye: Ouch, I see why the paints would have been convenient for that project, especially seeing how JB himself just shared some of his Contrast Paint attempts over at the Warhammer Community! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted June 22, 2019 Share Posted June 22, 2019 So that hammer head is just black templar (I guess) over a primer? It looks absolutely amazing, I wonder if it would look out of place on a model painted using more traditional methods... especially along normal metal brass for instance. I'm tempted to try it for the black parts, weapons etc, since I find those hard to paint. Have you tried the red on power armor yet?;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 22, 2019 Author Share Posted June 22, 2019 Cheers, mate! The hammer head and armour were done in different colours, though: The armour is Black Templar Black and the hammer was painted in Basilicanum Grey. On the finished model, the hammer head was also given a quick drybrush with Dawnstone, mind you. I didn't get to test the paints on any power amoured models, as all of those had already been taken by other customers. From the models I saw in the store (and from what I have read here in the forum), however, there seems to be a certain danger of blotchiness on big, plain surfaces. I think this could probably be prevented by moving the paint around on the model before setting it down to dry, though, at least to some extent. In other news, there's also this: ShotgunFacelift, Sagentus, ChazSexington and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kor Dalron Posted June 22, 2019 Share Posted June 22, 2019 (edited) Oh boy here he goes again another Lorimar It´s the fourth version of him right? My guess would be that he´s a version from the latest stages of the heresy or maybe an update to the 40k version? Edited June 22, 2019 by Kor Dalron Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted June 22, 2019 Share Posted June 22, 2019 It was only a matter of time I guess:) Love the start, the bloodletter kneepads look great on the larger model. I think the shoulder pads might need to be bigger though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadass Posted June 22, 2019 Share Posted June 22, 2019 That one's gonna be very, very interesting to see getting completed I'm with ElDuderino though - he needs a larger pair of pauldrons. Perhaps you could customise Abaddon's shoulder pads, or get a hold of an old obliterator? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 23, 2019 Author Share Posted June 23, 2019 Cheers for the feedback, guys! I love the fact that you guys actually recognised who this is supposed to be! :) @ Kor Dalron: Haha, fourth version sounds about right -- although I have to point out that I've only built two of them, so this will be more like version three. Or maybe it should even be version five, seeing how I originally represented Lorimar by using a stock metal CSM Lord? Anyway, regarding the time line, this is very much an upgraded 40k version! @ ElDuderino & AHorrriblePerson: Regarding his shoulder pads, I am pretty much stuck with his "official" shoulder pad on his left side, seeing how I want to assemble him with the glorious cape, and it's sculpted to perfectly conform to the shape of the pauldron underneath. As for the other side, I still haven't given up on the WE shoulder pad, mostly because I would love for him to have a scupted legion symbol on his shoulder. Anyway, here's a more recent WIP impression. Quite a bit further along now... And here's a comparison shot showing off the new version next to the "original" Lorimar conversion and the (still unpainted) version of him during the Horus Heresy, circa Battle of Armatura: As always, let me know what you think! :) Brother Chaplain Ryld, Augustus b'Raass, Dosjetka and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Eye Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 Looking nice! The kneepads and tabard are particularly clever, and I have to admit I didn't recognize that it was based on Abaddon until I looked closer at the base. I also like how he's got the same weapons as his previous self, nice bit of model continuity there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 The "skull-tits" look ridiculous, better orient them like you did on the other versions. Are the skulls bigger than his head? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 23, 2019 Author Share Posted June 23, 2019 @ Evil Eye: If that's truly the case, then that is basically the biggest possible compliment right there! Because with models as iconic as Abaddon, the obvious pitfall is for the conversion to end up reading as "Sure, that's Abaddon with a slightly different head". My approach was therefore to "turn him around", change a few things about his silhouette and get rid of as many characteristic Abaddon elements as possible, while keeping as much of the fantastic stock model as I could. Glad it seems to have worked ;) @ Quixus: Yeah, those skulls were obviously just tacked in place in that photo, in order to get a feeling for their position, spacing etc. In fact, I ended up splicing together an entirely original breastplate using both the skulls and some of that fantastic cabling from Abaddon's stock breastplate: So here's the model, with most of the "heavy lifting" already done and dusted: I'd say there's one more round of detailing to go before I can call this conversion finished. This was much quicker work than expected. As always, let me know what you think! :) robofish7591, Gederas, Augustus b'Raass and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadass Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 The model is really coming together, but I still think that you should look at a different pauldron for Lorimar's right side. Perhaps there are some 3D-printed legion symbols on Shapeways that could work out. Another thing I noticed is that the tabard is dangling into the opposite direction of the cape and other loose details on his armor, like the charms on the top of his cowl. It kinda looks off to me, perhaps you could try to heat up the plastic in hot water and try to bend it, or have another look around your bits box. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 Beautiful! The new skulls and cabling was the icing in the cake. About the tabard, I had the same reaction as AHorriblePerson at first. But the tabbard is bound to be quite heavy and not something that dangles in the wind, like a cape would. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 (edited) Love the new Lorimar. Hate that you got around to doing that conversion before I did Mainly because I had the EXACT SAME idea for using Abaddon for my World Eaters' Big Boss Chaos Lord. But, seeing yours just makes it easier for me to visualize a way to do mine without worrying of wrecking a 60 dollar model. So... Thanks for that Though, of course my issue is I don't know what weapons to give him, or if I should just go full hog and not care and go Rule of Cool. Regarding the shoulder pads: Honestly, having built and painted an Abaddon for a friend, the World Eater shoulder you have is actually the same size as the one Abaddon has (or only slightly smaller). So it shouldn't matter once it's all painted up. Edited June 23, 2019 by Gederas KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted June 23, 2019 Author Share Posted June 23, 2019 Cheers for the feedback, guys! :) @ AHorriblePerson @ ElDuderino: Regarding the pauldron, I am pretty sure I'll be sticking with the one I have now: It's really close to the "official" one from a size perspective. Slightly smaller, sure, but the added skulls and chains go some ways towards bulking it out. And it has exactly the same curvature as the one on the left, which should make it work pretty well when painted. As for the tabard, I thought of it as being made from some kind of metal, and those Khorne symbols are obviously heavier than mere fabric, as pointed out by ElDuderino. That being said, I may still end up swapping in a different bit. I just didn't want to use the stock tabard, so as not to make the model look too much like stock Abaddon. @ Gederas: Haha, sorry, mate! I was kinda suprised, however, by the fact that so few people have yet attempted to convert Abaddon -- I thought the forum would be full of conversions by now. I was also pretty nervous about cutting up the model, but it turned out to be rather wonderful to convert. Oh, and I hesitated to attempt this conversion because I suspected that Abaddon was slightly out of scale with most regular Chaos (Space Marine) models, but when I saw him firsthand at the local Warhammer store, I was delighted to discover that he would be perfect for what I had in mind. Anyway, here's a final set of pictures for this weekend: Lorimar with the cape already tacked on: As always, let me know what you think! :) Brother Chaplain Ryld, Atia, Gederas and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 @ Gederas: Haha, sorry, mate! I was kinda suprised, however, by the fact that so few people have yet attempted to convert Abaddon -- I thought the forum would be full of conversions by now. I was also pretty nervous about cutting up the model, but it turned out to be rather wonderful to convert. Oh, and I hesitated to attempt this conversion because I suspected that Abaddon was slightly out of scale with most regular Chaos (Space Marine) models, but when I saw him firsthand at the local Warhammer store, I was delighted to discover that he would be perfect for what I had in mind. It's fine, just some slight good-natured salt on my part because I wanted to do a World Eater kitbash before you did one better than my attempt :lol: And I think it's mostly because most people probably are intimidated by cutting up Abaddon's model due to his price compared to other models that are perfect kitbash bases. I'll probably start mine in a few months (maybe for Call of Chaos?) ;) And yeah, Abaddon's perfectly scaled for Chaos Marines, he's just huge like his lore states. KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crimsonhand Posted June 23, 2019 Share Posted June 23, 2019 HE'S BACK! Love it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Rohr Posted June 24, 2019 Share Posted June 24, 2019 The updated version on Abaddons body is a work of beauty. Really, really elegant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted June 24, 2019 Share Posted June 24, 2019 Looks better already Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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