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Your work to create a new Lorimar and the end result are both equally impressive. The lengths to which you've gone to make sure Lormiar v2 didn't end up an Abaddon model with a few Khorne bits tacked on are inspiring. :tu:

Thanks for the kind words, guys! I am kinda happy with both Lorimar 3.0 (4.0) and the Khargos-inspired model, so it makes me even happier to hear all of those kind words! :)


@ Sagentus: How do you mean about the shoulder pad, mate? That's not a mould I made, it's a stock shoulder pad from a Lord Zhufor model I bought a couple of years ago.



So I am finally making some small progress with my first ETL vow:




Still a ways to go. Yes, I know, it's just one freaking model. Don't judge me -- I have a good reason for not finishing him earlier. I'll share the accompanying story once I am out of the woods regarding the paintjob ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)

That looks really good. In an amusing reverse of Lorimar I had a "Hang on, did GW do a plastic Huron?" moment before I remembered the kitbash in particular- which is a good sign, IMO. No need to worry about who he's proxying! :biggrin.:

looks good as always Kraut! i really like the half bionic face he has 


the only thing i might say is when basing him try to have him leaning forward slightly, that way it'll look like he has more momentum in his charge 

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! :)


@ Krakendoomcool: Nah, no name yet, although I am considering the epithet "The Scorched" for him. If anyone has any cool ideas for a name, though, I'd be all too happy to hear them! :)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Cheers -- that Vallejo Magic Blue has yet to let me down... ;)


@ Isengrin: Teehee, I am so glad you've noticed: The red recipe is indeed quite a bit more involved than my previous approach, although I'd say it works pretty well for the more detailed new models.


@ hushrong: Cheers, mate!


So the model is finished, and so is my first vow for this year's ETL! Take a look:














And here's my entire vow: My counts-as Huron with his personal version of the Hamadrya:




Now that the models are finally finished and there's no more risk of jinxing the project, let me tell you a little story about why I almost didn't finish the model:


I took it along to a painting session at my friend Annie's house, and when I arrived there, I realised his backpack was missing. Now I was transporting my models in an open crate (which I admit may be a less than optimal approach), so I figured the backpack must have fallen to the bottom of that, or been left behind in my car trunk. But it wasn't: I searched everywhere at least for times, but no dice -- the backpack didn't turn up again. I also didn't find it at home. So there was just one last option that gave me a sinking feeling in my stomach: I must have lost it somewhere at the side of the road when I parked my car and carried my stuff to Annie's house, but since it was dark when we packed up for the night, there was no way to look right away, and she didn't find anything either when she looked the next day.


And that really killed all of my motivation when it came to working on the model: I realised I would have to rebuild a backpack, but I didn't have the exact same bitz, and even if I could come up with a replacement solution, it would always seem inferior to me than the original. Then, about a week later, I had half an hour of unexpected time, and I thought: Screw it, I am going to take one last look near where my car was parked that night. And just when I was about to abandon the stupid backpack for good, I saw something shiny near the curbstone -- and there was the backpack, slightly damaged and bent out of shape (I suspect a car might even have droven over it at some point), but still salvageable -- still, all's well that ends well, I suppose...


Uhh, I am rambling...


Anyway, that makes for three models painted in my tweaked recipe already, and they are starting to look pretty cool together, if I do say so myself:




And, of course, there 's the recent kitbash inspired by the Kargos Bloodspitter artwork, possibly one of the next models in line to be painted:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

Love the Not!Huron, the result looks good. What shall his name be if he's a member of the Eternal Hunt?


Also: If you didn't say a car ran over his backpack, I would never have known. It looks perfectly fine to me :lol:

That's a really cool mini, well done! I'd love to see you do more character proxies for the Eternal Hunt, your characters are some of my favourite models of yours and I've always found well executed proxies intriguing (Kierdale's "Destroyer Jive" totally-not-Typhus springs to mind).

Cheers for the kind words, everyone! The model was a slog to paint at times, and there was the whole business with the backpack, but when all is said and done, I am actually really happy with how "Not-Huron" has come out!


@ Gederas: The damage is there, if you know where to look (and if you compare the finished model to the unpainted pictures). But I'm just happy to have found the backpack again, so it's something I can definitely live with!


@ Bjorn Firewalker: Cheers! They are World Eaters, though ;)


@ AHorriblePerson: Hm, that's actually a very cool suggestion and definitely a strong contender! "Euron" may still be a bit too on-the-nose, though?! For now I am happy to hear more suggestions :)


@ Atia, Isengrin, Evil Eye & Sgt. Blank: Thanks a lot, people! :)



So I've only been kitbashing a bit, but I think I am slowly coming closer to figuring out which models I would like to finish next. Call this my short list for the next members of "The Hateful Eight" (or ten or sixteen or whatever...):




Now you've seen most of these before, for which I apologise. Also, half of them are repurposed older models, but I think they are still cool enough to warrant a modern paintjob:




Like I said, I've been making tweaks to them, exchanging a weapon here or adding some grenades and Khornate doodads there.


And these are the "new" guys, based heavily on the new CSM kits or simply newly built:




There's the model inspired by Mark Gibbons' artwork, of course, and the (already painted) test model from earlier this year.


Regarding the Havoc, I am currently experiment with different heads, and I think the new, smaller head makes him look a bit more balanced (and arguably even closer to the artwork that inspired the model):






There's also this gentleman, converted yesterday using an AoS starter box Blood Warrior and quite a few bitz. I always knew I wanted a World Eater with a clunky heresy-era helmet, and this is him:






As always, let me know what you think! :)

Maybe a name that is an anagram of huron


Nhoru, Urhno, Nuhor?


Churron the Bleak is anagram of Huron Blackheart and sounds a bit like Charon, who the ancient Greeks beleived ferried souls across the Styx to hades.

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