Gederas Posted September 11, 2020 Share Posted September 11, 2020 (edited) So, I LOVE the re-imagined Bardolf. You should do this to the other older models of yours. Like Charun (i think that's how his name was spelt? Your Jump Pack Lord) re-imagined with Haarkon as a basis. My only critique is this:His pose and the positions of his hands/weapons don't work. It's especially evident in the side-by-side comparison you posted that it just doesn't look as good: Imo, the way he's striding forward the original position of the right hand, with weapon in front of his body, would look better. Either that, or both his weapons lowered and at his sides (kind of like the OG Bardolf). As it is right now, his posing looks awkward, like he's not sure what to do with his axes. Edited September 11, 2020 by Gederas Brother Chaplain Ryld 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yosef Hausakluif Posted September 11, 2020 Share Posted September 11, 2020 Or, rotate his right gauntlet and axe outwards; and it’d be an even closer homage to your earlier version of him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted September 12, 2020 Share Posted September 12, 2020 Loving the Mallex conversion! Such a great base model but with lots to improve on. I like the choice of head (I know it was based on an old model) - that head gets a lot of hate on the internet but nothing quite says Berzerker as much as that. It’s a classic! Good choice in axes and I like the position you have them in, really adds to his weight of stalking forward :tu: The icon bearer looks great btw, his pose is spot on and he has the air of menace of a ‘looking for next victim’ stance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 12, 2020 Author Share Posted September 12, 2020 (edited) Thanks for the feedback, everyone! @ BadgersinHills: Hah, so great somebody actually mentioned the 30k version! See if you can spot the model further down! @ Sagentus & Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks a lot! @ Gederas: Funny you should mention Charund and a possible Haarkon conversion -- I got Haakon as a birthday gift last year and haven't touched the model yet, because I really do want to build an updated version of Charun with the model. It'll have to wait until I have painted a few more footsloggers, though. As for Bardolf's pose, the problem is that you can only do so much with Obsidius's arms: I cannot rotate the hands or forearms any further, both because it would "break" the model's anatomy (if you take a closer look at the arms and the elbow armour, that severly limits how much I can tweak the pose). And you get even less leeway than usual, due to all of those tubes and cables sculpted onto the limbs. That being said, I don't think the pose is all that bad, to be honest -- in a perfect world, I'd be able to rotate his right wrist clockwise a bit more - as Yosef suggested - but as it stands, I think I can live with it. @ Midnightmare: Thanks a lot! Using that head was a no-brainer because that's just Bardolf's face to me -- but even beyond that, it's also a shout out to the classic Khorne berzerker kit that was really the start of this very army. I also really don't get all the hate for this head: I will admit that the fangs are a bit of an acquired taste, but I'd argue that it's still one of the best bare CSM heads, mostly due to how ancient it looks with its grizzled features and the gruesome looking plugs and implants. So here's an update: I have re-sculpted the fur and tweaked the left shoulder pad. Take a look: The shoulder pad may not look like much right now, but I hope I'll be able to paint it as a pretty convincing World Eaters legion badge. There are still some smaller things I would like to tweak -- the weird, lumpen right shoulder pad, among them, but I think I am really getting somewhere with the conversion! And, as has been pointed out by BadgersinHills above, I did actually build a 30k version of Bardolf a while ago -- although I have yet to paint it. Here's a comparison picture with all three models: While the 30k version has a slightly closer resemblance to the first 40k version, I think they still all read like the same guy: The new conversion makes him look like this ancient monster, swollen with the powers of chaos over ten millennia -- at least that's what it looks like to me. Anyway, let me know what you think! Edited September 12, 2020 by KrautScientist Kaiju Soze, The Yak, Givemead and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted September 12, 2020 Share Posted September 12, 2020 @ Gederas: Funny you should mention Charund and a possible Haarkon conversion -- I got Haakon as a birthday gift last year and haven't touched the model yet, because I really do want to build an updated version of Charun with the model. It'll have to wait until I have painted a few more footsloggers, though. As for Bardolf's pose, the problem is that you can only do so much with Obsidius's arms: I cannot rotate the hands or forearms any further, both because it would "break" the model's anatomy (if you take a closer look at the arms and the elbow armour, that severly limits how much I can tweak the pose). And you get even less leeway than usual, due to all of those tubes and cables sculpted onto the limbs. That being said, I don't think the pose is all that bad, to be honest -- in a perfect world, I'd be able to rotate his right wrist clockwise a bit more - as Yosef suggested - but as it stands, I think I can live with it. You don't have spare arms? :P And okay, I suppose that makes sense. (impatiently awaiting Charun 2.0 though, that model is going to look awesome I can already imagine it) KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 12, 2020 Author Share Posted September 12, 2020 You don't have spare arms? Oh, I do. But I did want to keep Obsidius's original arms (due to the added detail and bulk). Plus, when you're building World Eaters, your supply of straight arms tends to run out really quickly -- take it from me ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BadgersinHills Posted September 12, 2020 Share Posted September 12, 2020 (edited) Looking good. I like the Legion sign. 40K Bardolf looks like he could have jumped out from art in the rulebook. Your 30k version is a really cool model, the use for the Calth chaplain legs was really nice and inspired me to do something with the Chaplain's bits. Looking forward to seeing Bardolf progress! Edited September 12, 2020 by BadgersinHills Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Umbra Posted September 14, 2020 Share Posted September 14, 2020 Ooooh! Thank you for the mention, Kraut! Regarding your conversion, you sure are on the right path with it! Mr. Mallex is a b*tch to defile with all those cables and wacky details on the shoulderpads. BUT, he's made of plastic, which eases conversions a lot. In my conversion I had to remove the fur and claw altogether (wich also implied rebuilding the traps and back of the neck armor using a spare piece from the old kit...), because in my mind it just does not work for NL. However, it just looks great for WE! It's interesting that we chose exactly the same chest plate - I sadly screwed it up badly with the top trim and had to convert it further. As it stands now, your Lord reminds me of the original stages of my own, which makes me feel a bit nostalgic.Anyway, let's go back to your mini.The pauldron is looking quite promising already! Good call on the WE symbol: I am sure it will look effing amazing once you're done with it. I must say I am not fond of that head (never have, not even when it was released so many years ago), but I understand why you chose it. The effect is great when you put all three versions together. Regarding the pose, I think it works, tbh. I would not meddle much more with it. Trust me, that's the road to damnation (I am waiting for my Milliput order to arrive and tackle a bigass conversion for the right arm, which I am already regretting ^^). I also like that you added that chain loincloth. Looks quite cool, tbh.As for this sentence: While the 30k version has a slightly closer resemblance to the first 40k version, I think they still all read like the same guy: That's thanks to the head you chose, indeed . Me being me, what I would do to increase the resemblance between the 30k version and the new one is adding the same chestplate power cables as in your previous versions. I have done a similar conversion for one of my Chosen. What I would do is:- Shave the vertical trims on each side of the skull in the middle and, probably, I would also have to shave the lower trim (thank me later for having less trim to paint ). - With an exacto knife, lots of care and precision, remove the power cables from a spare chestplate from the original kit, starting from the sides to the center of the chestplate. This step is not devoid of difficulty. Alternatively, just cut away the whole piece apart and then just cut the center exhaust away. You will need to flatten the whole thing afterwards, but it can be done with an exacto knife and/or a piece of sandpaper (and lots of patience). Alternatively, you can just GS the whole thing or just attach some spare random cables (maybe the ones you shaved from the original mini). Anyway, awesome job! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 14, 2020 Author Share Posted September 14, 2020 Thanks a lot, guys! :) @ BadgersInHills: Cheers! @ Master Umbra: Thanks for the detailed comment -- I have to admit I am not as patient as you when it comes to cutting plastic parts into tiny little pieces, though ;) I'll probably keep the breastplate the way it is, if mostly because I really like the design and think it's a great fit for a World Eater -- with the spikes around the collar looking like teeth. I am also not that bothered by the fact that the new model resembles the 30k version less than the original 40k version -- after all, the 30k model was originally built with the old model in mind. But if you put it next to the modernised version, I'd say they still read as possibly the same guy, only with ten millennia of murder and bloodshed between them ;) Anyway, I think I am fast approaching the point where my new Bardolf conversion should be finished: As you can see, I have added a pistol holster as a further shout out to the previous versions. The righ shoulder pad is definitely the weakest part of the Obsidius Mallex model, if you ask me: It has to be assembled from two parts, so the design on it is weird and lumpy, with soft detailing. I solved the problem by adding a vicious blade/spike that, while another departure from the previous versions of the character, seems like a pretty good fit for a World Eaters officer. As always, let me know what you think! :) Urauloth, Master Umbra, Givemead and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Umbra Posted September 14, 2020 Share Posted September 14, 2020 Fair enough, good sir! Damn, that holster is an awesome idea! Because that area is so empty it feels kind of weird, also due to that tiny pouch almost hidden by the cape. And totally agree with your comment on the right pauldron... . Thank Khorne is plastic. Your solution is definitely an improvement. KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 14, 2020 Author Share Posted September 14, 2020 Cheers! Yeah, the are underneath the holster should basically curve away to form the model's back, but probably due to the limits of model production, it's this angular, strangely robotic area. Adding a gun holster on top of that had the added advantage of covering up that weird looking area -- and it also adds a shout out to the previous version of the model, so it basically kills two birds with one chainaxe ;) Master Umbra 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted September 14, 2020 Share Posted September 14, 2020 (edited) Well well. I look at this thread for months on end and no progress, but when I go away on holiday for two-and-a-half weeks, I find three pages full of awesomeness. That's how you roll, nowadays, eh? Truth be told, I read AD-B's The Talon of Horus while away in France, and now that I actually know who Khayon and Lheorvine 'don't call me' Firefist are, I have a whole new and very much deepened appreciation for your iterations of those historically significant characters. I liked the converted miniatures you made just because of how they looked before. Yet now, I adore them for who they represent. In fact, when I read their names among the Dramatis Personae at the start of the book, I first looked up you iterations, and only then read the novel. So while reading the absolutely fantastic story, I envisioned them as how you modelled them in my mind's eye. So a massive thank you, Kraut, for colouring in those brilliant details. <3The new berzerkers looks brilliant as well. I cannot tell you how excited I am to finally start a similar force of World Eaters (which might be my final 40k army - as my hobby time has been so drastically limited with having a baby boy and a promotion at work) and your work will be instrumental for finding inspiration. Thank you!Reimagined Bardolf looks excellent, btw. A proper upgrade for that wonky (but stuill very cool and very characterful - especially after reading about its role in your development as a converter) conversion. I love that you're progressing into sculpting fur now too. So... all in all. You have been an inspiration to me for years now - at least seven if not more - and you continue to fill that role! Thanks, friend (which I am proud to call you for over three now). Please, please carry on being awesome. Edited September 14, 2020 by Augustus b'Raass Master Umbra and KrautScientist 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BadgersinHills Posted September 14, 2020 Share Posted September 14, 2020 Great stuff! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 17, 2020 Author Share Posted September 17, 2020 Cheers for the comments! :) @ Auggs: Aw, buddy, that is so nice of you to say! Don't forget, however, that you definitely had a hand in my return to building and painting World Eaters -- both the Forgeworld Dreadnough and the outstanding squad of berzerkers you sent me really helped tip the scale ;) So here are the results of my attempt to increase the chainsaw ratio a bit: You already know this first model, as I've shared it before. I have merely added some gear to his belt: And there's this gentleman: I actually spent most of an evening tweaking him: As always, let me know what you think! :) Augustus b'Raass, Master Umbra, Givemead and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Givemead Posted September 17, 2020 Share Posted September 17, 2020 I really love all your conversions, the recent Hateful Eight are great (if somewhat numerically challenged!). These latest 2 are some of the best yet. Major credit for the time you take to fine tune your conversions. Also the great use of bits, particularly from the veteran berzerker kit are really nice to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Umbra Posted September 18, 2020 Share Posted September 18, 2020 (edited) As always, each update you post is a huge inspiration. Those two guys look quite awesome. I already commented on the guy from the left, but now I cannot help but think that those Mark III legs make him look a tiny bit short? On the other hand, they also make him look sturdy as heck, so I would keep them. Specially because it is almost unnoticeable (or maybe it's just me!). Regarding the newcomer, I am loving it, specially what you did to his chetplate! The aesthetic value you achieve with each guy is astounding. World Eaters (hell, Chaos in general) are great conversion-wise, because they allow you to turn away from the pre-established look as much as you like. These guys look completely gladiatorial to me. Speaking of which! Have you considered making a guy armed with a net? Edited September 18, 2020 by Master Umbra Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 20, 2020 Author Share Posted September 20, 2020 (edited) Cheers for the comments, guys! @ Well, they are bloodthirsty berzerkers, not maths teachers Cheers for the kind words, though -- including some parts from the vintage berzerker kit was, of course, a bit of a no-brainer, and some of those bitz still work really well when chosen carefully. @ Master Umbra: Yeah, those Mk. III legs are just a tiny fraction too small and slender: They still work, but in an ideal world they'd just be a bit bigger. In this particular case, however, the model seems so small because the new guy is such a hulking monster: I used some actual new CSM greaves for him, and they do add quite a bit of height to an already rather massive model. I really love the brutish, overgrown look he has -- it's also why I gave him that almost neanderthalian bare head from the Blood Warriors kit Regarding the gladiatorial look, that's very much a conscious choice, of course, and a way to hint at the legion's gladiatorial traditions. As for your question, I actually built an entire squad with gladiator weapons a couple of years ago: They'd probably look a little dated next to the new models, but building them was good fun. The guy on the left actually has a net You can find these earlier in this thread, in case you are interested. In other news, the weirdest thing happened this week: I actually spent most of my hobby time working on a freaking RHINO! In my defense, it was all a reaction to seeing Apologist's incredible Blood Angels Rhino that actually almost works as a character in its own right. And seeing that brilliantly realised model made me think of something I had wanted to try for quite a while, so I took one of the Rhinos I own (I put it together without much flair years ago, mainly because Rhinos were something you needed for a World Eaters army, but not something I was all that interested in) and started to build a fully realised driver's compartment for it. Take a look: The driver actually uses a torso from the new CSM kit as well as a head from the Havoc kit -- the latter seems like a brilliant fit for a Rhino driver, what with all the cabling and bionic eye. There's also a lot of emergency gear stashed in the driver's compartment -- such as some extra CC weapons (in case the driver gets to join the action), some extra promethium and some spare pieces of tank track to allow for field repairs: Even so, there's still quite a bit of room over there, so if anyone has a smart idea about what to put there, I would love to hear it! I considered adding a ladder or something similar leading up to the turret above the compartment, but I fear there's not quite enough room for something that involved. But anyway, I would really appreciate some ideas from all you treadheads out there As always, let me know what you think! Edited September 20, 2020 by KrautScientist Raztalin, Valkia the Bloody, Augustus b'Raass and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BadgersinHills Posted September 20, 2020 Share Posted September 20, 2020 Wonderful idea! :) How about some bones or desecrated war gear on the floor? Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 How about some bones or desecrated war gear on the floor? You have good imagination. Another possibility is a dismembered captive who doubles as emergency rations (Khorne Berserkers may commit cannibalism during their frenzies) and a ready sacrifice in case the crew and passengers need the Blood God's blessings. BadgersinHills 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Umbra Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 Cheers for the comments, guys! @ Master Umbra: Yeah, those Mk. III legs are just a tiny fraction too small and slender: They still work, but in an ideal world they'd just be a bit bigger. In this particular case, however, the model seems so small because the new guy is such a hulking monster: I used some actual new CSM greaves for him, and they do add quite a bit of height to an already rather massive model. I really love the brutish, overgrown look he has -- it's also why I gave him that almost neanderthalian bare head from the Blood Warriors kit Regarding the gladiatorial look, that's very much a conscious choice, of course, and a way to hint at the legion's gladiatorial traditions. As for your question, I actually built an entire squad with gladiator weapons a couple of years ago: They'd probably look a little dated next to the new models, but building them was good fun. The guy on the left actually has a net You can find these earlier in this thread, in case you are interested. Good to know how you fixed the Mk. III legs! Thanks! Again, they look quite badass. Regarding that squad, they look great! The net guy is quite dynamic, and the one in the middle just looks like the über top dog. I maybe missed them during my hobby hiatus, but even then, for years I have been looking at your progress with quite a lot of interest . And now that I am back into the hobby, collecting Astartes for the very first time, I am delighted by the fact that we share some feedback with each other. As for the Rhino, it's already looking quite awesome! Specially due to how functional it looks. It makes so much sense for them to have that weapon rack! The Havoc head also works quite well, smart choice. If you finally go for some body parts / food rations / sacrifice on the floor, you might want to see how Obsidius' floor skull looks: it's small, so it would not get in the way of the exit, and it is already quite organic-looking (there is a small metallic arm, IIRC, but that could be turned easily into a bone with a file and a bit of GS). On top of that, you can paint a bloody Khorne rune right under it. Keep it up! KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wulfric_1066 Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 Even so, there's still quite a bit of room over there, so if anyone has a smart idea about what to put there, I would love to hear it! I considered adding a ladder or something similar leading up to the turret above the compartment, but I fear there's not quite enough room for something that involved. But anyway, I would really appreciate some ideas from all you treadheads out there The space is directly below the hatch, so maybe, rather than building something into the driver's compartment, you need a basket hanging down from the hull roof below the hatch. It would give the crew a step to stand on when shooting, space to store 'stuff', etc. KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 Fantastic work. I love Wulfric's idea of the basket below the hatch. A little shrine or icon to Khorne would be fun, too – perhaps hanging below said basket? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yosef Hausakluif Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 I’d say given Khorne and the WE’s predilections; trophies, lots of helms and Xenos skulls. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted September 22, 2020 Share Posted September 22, 2020 A Rhino?????In this thread?? Yay!As you know, Rhino's are amongst my favourite GW kits, and as you are amongst my favourite kitbashers and conversionists, I am thrilled to see where this goes. I love the interior you made for him - and just think that the floor could use a bit more detail. Either with filth, gore, and bones; or perhaps some kind of formed plasticard detailing? Whatever you do, there needs to be at least a couple of skulls in the corners on the floor. :tu: KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 25, 2020 Author Share Posted September 25, 2020 (edited) Cheers for the feedback and suggestions, everyone! Figuring out what to add to the empty side of the driver compartment gave me quite a headache, but I think I might have come up with a good compromise, which I'll be sharing with you all in a minute. Just a few general thoughts, before we get to that, though: dismembered corpses didn't really seem like an option to me, as they wouldn't really gel with the fluff of my World Eaters of vicious-but-still-at-least-somewhat-functional. It would also have looked weird next to that relatively clean cockpit setup, I'd say. trophies and a little shrine are definitely a cool idea, although I think I'll save those for the rear compartment of the Rhino (that is still completely pristine right now and could use a bit of personality) One thing I have been thinking about is a little ammo crate filled with skulls -- maybe that's where the squad keeps its trophies from the current battle? ;) the bare floor is a bit of a problem, as noted by Auggs -- I am thinking about ordering some diamond-patterned plasticard from Greenstuffworld to address that problem. As for the actual tweaks I've made to the model recently: First up, some more cleanup on the driver and his seat: There's now an actual steering column, for one: And here's what the ensemble looks like with the front armour plate in place -- getting all of this to be a smooth fit was really more complicated than I would have expected Now as for the other side, Wulfric's suggestion was definitely very helpful, and while I didn't manage to throw together an entire basket, I think this might be a pretty good compromise: As you can see, there's now a little metal platform directly underneath the top hatch. It hasn't been glued to the Rhino's roof yet, though, and on second thought, might work even better if turned around by 90 degrees: So, what do you think? And which version works better? As always, I would love to hear your feedback! Edited September 25, 2020 by KrautScientist Majkhel, Trokair, Vairocanum and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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